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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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(-Sits on void chair- What do you do here, watch movies, play games, eat...what? How long have you been here for :/ )

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((We've gone to a better place where we judge every single post they make with a smile as we think of the many ways our characters would've done it better.))=-=-
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Miya thinks for a second and nods. "I know a place." She says with a smile, quickly standing up. "It's nice, got a large field let's go there!" She says grabbing some short, shorts. She throws them on and opens the door for him.

I run out the door and follow Miya , I mark all the hardware stores on a map in my pocket "so do you think we will be attacked by Jasons group"
Miya shakes her head at AJ as they run to the field. "No way, he wouldn't dare! After all, we have insanity on our side." She says with a giggle.

[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Jason: I have killed 2 demolishers and have fought off the horde, beat that. While you need help trying to figure out how to use a bowl)

-=-=((Amber: "Yet you were limping all around the place after one of the demolisher attacks and felt like you weren't a good leader. (I also did all of that only with a week of practicing with the scythe.) -points at CellistCat606- she told me all of this."))=-=-

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((Amber: "Yet you were limping all around the place after one of the demolisher attacks and felt like you weren't a good leader. (I also did all of that only with a week of practicing with the scythe.) -points at CellistCat606- she told me all of this."))=-=-
(Jason: *laugh* 2 days of using grenades and learning there weaknesses.)
[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
(-Sits on void chair- What do you do here, watch movies, play games, eat...what? How long have you been here for :/ )

-=-=((CellistCat606: -Claps her hands and thoasands of millions of notes appear on tables.- "We have a lot more fun than that, we get to... WRITE FANFICS, SHIPS. AND COME UP WITH AMAZING ROLEPLAY IDEAS!" -CellistCat606 jumps onto a table and begins to act like Tarzan.-))=-=-

Mira's eyes shoot open, but instantly close when she feels dirt fall in them. SCE trys to scream but quickly realized she couldn't. She frantically digs, trying to get out of the hold she was put in. Pushing her way up she catches her breath. Her clothes were dirty and ripped apart. "Im alive.." She says happily pinching herself. She screams with victory. Then runs into the town, completely defenseless.
(*Writes Jason's Name on insane papers* Jason: What are you doing....what are the papers. *Shoves Papers into slot* Nothing just enjoy your time >:3)
[QUOTE="White Shamrock](Jason: *laugh* 2 days of using grenades and learning there weaknesses.)

-=-=((Amber: -Hits Jason in the back of the head causing him to get knocked out.- "You never learn do you? Whenever you get logical and I can't come up with a good comeback I knock you out to prove I'm better."))=-=-

CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((CellistCat606: -Claps her hands and thoasands of millions of notes appear on tables.- "We have a lot more fun than that, we get to... WRITE FANFICS, SHIPS. AND COME UP WITH AMAZING ROLEPLAY IDEAS!" -CellistCat606 jumps onto a table and begins to act like Tarzan.-))=-=-
(You have been here a long time haven't you. Fanfiction and ships really those are ju-SCREW IT which you got :3 -Slams on table-)
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CellistCat606 said:
-=-=((Amber: -Hits Jason in the back of the head causing him to get knocked out.- "You never learn do you? Whenever you get logical and I can't come up with a good comeback I knock you out to prove I'm better."))=-=-

(Keon: Slams a metal bat into amber head knocking her out "ok enough with that" slams metal bat into Aidan head knocking him out as well "actually this is kind of fun"
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She stops at a large grassy field. She smiles and points to it. "Here we are!" She says happily turning to face him. "Yeh, I will get Keon to join us." She says with a large smile. "Well force him anyway!"

Jason sighed before getting up "SCREW IT, I AM GOING OUT," he said grabbing some stuff from his case and walking towards the city, he sighed "That place has become a ghost house, it is becoming so dull there, what should I do." He said before playing with his machete and keeping his gun near his side.
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Slasher999999999 said:
(Keon: Slams a metal bat into amber head knocking her out "ok enough with that" slams metal bat into Aidan head knocking him out as well "actually this is kind of fun"
-=-=((Jaqluin: -Injects Keon with her syringe causing him to go unconscious- "Isn't it?!"))=-=-

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