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Realistic or Modern Zombie Apocalypse! (Always accepting!)

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"If you want go ahead." She puts her pistol away and grabs a make shift bomb of hers. She lights doesnt bother to light the fuse and throws it as far as she can. The fire sets it off and a bang could be heard. The explosion wasnt that bigh though it did kill any killers near it.

(Kk xD )

She took out her guns and started shooting, none of them missing her target. She smirked. "The names Rea by the way."
Rea could tell Shayla was bored. Heck, even she was too. She growled as the number of zombies appearing in front of her doesnt stop. As of now, there were piles of dead bodies surrounding them.

"Oh dear lord, how many more are there?!"

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"Their kill themselves!" She shouts and grabs three more makeshift bombs, "id step back if I was you. These are packed to the brim with everything explosive. Since the noise will just attract more I'll do this." Shayla opens the makeshift bombs and quickly pours the content along the fire. Within seconds the flames grow twice as bit. She runs back considering something will probably blow up. She was right; a few popping noises could be heard as the flames grow even bigger.
Rea did what she was told. She didnt want to have a burnt face while living the rest of her life looking like a zombie. She saw something explode and that made her smile. She was always fascinated by explosions, and with that mixed with her love for killing zombies, well, you got a high Rea on the loose.

"Shall we leave em? I think that they'll be burned to ashes before they even reach us."
A small smirk grazes her lips, "we shall. I gotta grab some stuff." She runs into her house and grabs her backpack. She walks into the kitchen and grabs some random canned items and the remaining instant coffee she had. She grabs the bottles of water she had left and places them into her backpack. She realizes that the other guy was still inside and she sighs a bit, he's hopeless.. But everyone deserves to live.. She then walks out, "you coming or am I leaving you here?" She says to him then turns to look at Rea. "Where you wanna head to? Hm?"

@JPTheWarrior @RealityEntity
She pondered her choices for a bit and decided to go to her home, since she needed to pick up some stuff.

" I got a base just at the entrance of this forest. Wanna head there?"
"Sure why not." Shayla found it slightly relieving to have meet another female. She hadnt seen another for about three and half months. It was just nice.

Shayla clips her ak-47 to her belt and pushes the hair from her face.
Another adventure. Im cool with that. In a weird way she found this whole experience to be a huge adventure. Why think of it as the end if the world when you get to meet new people and experience some pretty weird things?

(Lol i woke up early to do hw but finished so i still got an hour to sleep. Be back in a little less than an hour xD )
She smirked at the girl and walked ahead. "Follow me." She said as she began to walk. After 20 minutes of endless walking, she stopped at the edge of the forest and went left. She stopped at a small clearing and began to kick away some of the leave that have fallen on to the floor. As she cleared the leaves with her foot, it hit spmething hard. Something metal. She smirked as she pulled the metal upwards. She looked down revealing a staircase as she opened the door for Shayla.

"After you, milady."
(Lol im baaaccckk!)

Shayla raises an eyebrow, "Clever, very clever." Shayla still wasnt sure if she could trust this girl but hey its not like she cant handle herself. She walks down the staircase, causiously but casual enough that it wouldnt be noticed.

She followed behind her, careful in closing the door as gently as possible. As they reached the bottom she pulled a lever and the lights flickered.

It revealed 2 cars, a Humvee and a Ferrari. On the far corner of the room were 2 long tables, spread out were ammunition and some of the most deadliest guns there is.

"Found this base 6 months ago, with the 2 cars. There was a zombie, but I took care of it. He seemed like the owner of this safe house. After those 6 months, I raided every gun shop and weapon shop there is in this city." Rea smirked, reminiscing all the blood, sweat and tears she put on to fill this place up to the brim. Next to the ammunition was a shelf filled with canned goods.

"Soo watcha think?"
Angela shuts the trunk of one of the cars with anger.

"K@rwa" She cursed in her home language

"I shouldn't have come to here" The girl mumbled, looking at her trusty butterfly knife. She slowly starts to walk forwards, having her Colt ready in case anything attacks her.
Hartley made his way through the woods, stepping over twigs and leaves at a fairly brisk pace due to the commotion he had heard earlier. Gunfire, smoke in the sky, he didn't quite care to find out what was going on, especially not while it was still happening. He kept his rifle held firmly in front of him, bayonet unfolded.

"What the hell?" he thought to himself.

He wasn't completely sure what he had just heard, although it sounded like something slamming shut: a car door, it must have been that. Hartley slowed his pace, gazing over to where the sound came from and creeping towards it. He held his breath, being careful to try not to make too much noise as he got closer and slowly peered out from the end of the treeline. Another person?

Angela keeps slowly walking, looking around with fright in her eyes, as she stuffs the pistol into her pocket, not noticing anyone. She keeps her knife in her hand, however

Hartley simply observed for a moment, mulling things over. Were they armed? He saw them put something away, but couldn't tell from where he was at. If he could just get a bit closer-

He slipped. At the end of the treeline was a small slope, and the heel of his boot dug into it, no doubt causing some noise and kicking up some dust. He planted his other foot firmly down to keep himself from causing any more racket, although he wasn't sure it would do him any good as he had lost the cover of the trees. His eyes locked on the person and the grip on his rifle tightened slightly, waiting for their move. It wouldn't be a gunshot, he hoped.

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Angela stops,as she looks around, regretting her decision to put her pistol in her pocket. She notices the dust in the distance, as she widens her eyes, slowly backing away. She didn't notice the man that was staring at her through the rifle scope.

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Hartley looked at the girl, taking notice that she had looked over towards the dust. He furrowed his brows, slowly moving his head upwards away from the sights of the rifle. It wasn't the kind of person he expected to see, that's for sure; if anyone was with her, he would be in trouble, but it had been a long time since he had last seen anyone else-anyone normal. Hartley slowly stepped forward away from the trees, the dark colors of his clothing that blended in against the forest no longer giving him the cover. He took a deep breath against the inside of his mask and called out, his voice slightly muffled.

"I ain't lookin' to fight."

He could make a break for the treeline again if he needed to, but Hartley decided this may be better. Not knowing anyone could be bad, and having people think they're being stalked through the woods would be even worse if he ran into them again.

Angela slowly peers over at the guy, as she stops backing away, staring at him, still frightened

"H-How c-can i know t-t-that?!" She asked, her hand holding her butterfly knife shaking.
Hartley lowered his rifle a bit more, although not completely.

"Well, I would have already done something if I was looking to."

Maybe his choice of words weren't the best, but having the perfect wording wasn't his top priority at the moment.

"You-are you out here alone?" He took a quick glance around before resting his gaze back on the frightened figure.
"Y-Yes..." Angela said, looking at Hartley, slowly lowering her knife, taking few steps forward, slowly calming down.

"U-Uhm... My name is An-Angela..." She introduced herself.
Hartley gave a slight nod as he stepped forward, lowering his rifle.

"Hartley." He reached up to his jaw and started to unfasten one side of his mask. "I'm glad you didn't decide to shoot me." He finished loosening the mask, moving it to the side of his hat and out of the way.

"And you said you're not with a group?" Hartley rubbed his chin through his glove. "I figured most people would have already holed up with other people they know, wouldn't take too kindly to strangers." He gave a curious glance to Angela's knife, although didn't seem to pay too much attention to it before looking back up at her.
"Uhm... n-no... i actually woke up a few hours ago... and... found this in my house" Angela said, pulling out her Colt 1911 and her butterfly knife.

"And yeah... glad you didn't shoot me with that... thing" She pointed at the rifle
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