- Zodiac - [Inactive]

IAmEnzo updated - Zodiac - with a new update entry:

- Zodiac - Update v1.5

Roleplay update here. Apparently I forgot to add a (sort of) important part of the school signup form, which is the current date at which the form was completed. This was supposed to sort out which characters were transfer students and which characters enrolled into the school before the beginning of the roleplay.
And since I'm applying this now, I'll list the starting date in the roleplay as well as link you to the example form which has the date entry at the bottom.

Starting RP date:...
Read the rest of this update entry...
IAmEnzo updated - Zodiac - with a new update entry:

Starting soon!

Just letting you all know now that I've begin to work on the opening post of Zodiac and it'll be open to all in about 45 minutes!
Read the rest of this update entry... 

| Z O D I AC |

| Arc 1 |

Episode 1 |

"A new challenge!"

| Morning |

Date: September 13, 2014

Dawn struck early over American soil that morning, forcing the daily doers of the land to perform their morning rituals and head out into the world with their renewed energy. Today was a special day to some, yet a terrible joke for others. The beginning of school.

A letter of acceptance was sent out to various transfer students, stating that they would need to bring their luggage as well as their smarts. Armstrong High was spacious enough to hold at least a few dozen additional students in the dorms, everything was set up for their arrival. Today, however, was merely dedicated to a tour of the school grounds, where transfer students as well as local students would learn of the area they would frequent for months upon months.


As stated in the letter, the tour would begin with the students meeting their tour guide outside of the dorm building, after they had finished setting down their belongings. The dormitory itself was one building split into two; one side for the boys, the other for the girls. No one gender could sneak into the other without grave consequences. It had been an hour since the new arrivals had been shown their appointed dorm, now all that was left was meeting with the tour guide himself.

Upon seeing the tour guide, he appeared as a student, though older than the rest and without the standard black and white school uniform on. The dark jacket slung over his shoulder and an attentive stare at the group of students that began to form in front of him, the tour guide dipped his head in greetings.
"Good morning, greenies." A sly hint of humor in his tone. "I'm Phillips, and I'll be showing you around the school today. I take it everyone's set their belongings in their appropriate dorm rooms?"

A few heads bobbed to his question, though some of the students within the mist looked rather nervous about it. With a raised brow, Phillip could feel the radiated nervousness better than he could spot it from within the group.
"Don't worry, if you've recently moved to Brookfield or have been living here, a dorm room isn't required. It's purely for students who have come from out of town." The tour guide gave the group a reassuring grin followed by a brief wink to the females, which was received with a few crimson faces. "We'll wait here for five minutes longer before I begin. Wouldn't want to leave anyone behind, would we?"

Somewhere within the Brookfield suburbs...

Step one, analyze the enemy's weakness...

"Come on, Ferrari! Quit showing off!" shouted Dominic's teammate. If someone was keeping time, they would have known that Dominic had been dribbling the ball for nearly 15 seconds in one spot. His defender was already visually annoyed by his cockiness, and was just about ready to forcibly steal the ball from him, foul or not.

Step two, exploit the enemy's weakness...

Just as Dominic's defender shot a hand towards the ball, he slipped past his guard and toward the basket. With his defender dumbstruck, the second defender peeled away from Dominic's teammate to block the incoming showoff.

Step three, strike the opponent where it hurts.

After about the second step, Dominic sprung into the air like a rocket and slammed the ball down into the basket, not even acknowledging the new defender. Eyes wide, Dominic's sudden act of badassery caught the attention of bystanders, as well as some hate from his fellow players.

"That was good, right?" He asked, feeling a rush of energy from having his plan pulled off to success. "You could have done with more passing, but whatever." His teammate flopped down onto a nearby bench, clearly upset. The game was officially done and their opponents refused to utter a word in their direction.

Suddenly a string of guilt sparked through Dominic, and he joined his teammate on the bench. "I was just in the moment, Ben. You know I zone everything out when that happens." "The traits of a gifted athletic student." Ben sighed, picking and rubbing off the glasses he set aside before trying out the silly sport. "I, on the other hand, am not born for stuff like that. My head is always in a book, not in a bucket of steroid needles." Before Dominic could open his mouth, Ben brought up a mind-numbing thought. "-Speaking of which, doesn't school start today?"


Reese walked slowly down the sidewalk, seeing the school building in the near distance. Looking down at his watch, he took into account the time, realizing he most probably should have arrived already. As he walked up he saw the guy standing before the students, winking at the females, who were swooned by such an action. Reese mentally scoffed at the display, and stood to the side of the group, one ear-bud in and one out, so he could listen to the conversations around him. As he did so, he picked up some good information... Like how this girl Stacey wanted to go out with a guy named Martin, but Marin wasn't smart enough to attend the school. Yeah. Great stuff...

He sighed, noticing how normal some of these students actually were.

I can only hope that not everyone here is going to be an idiot...

He thought, as he closed his eyes and let his mind wander through the sound of the music. Reese was obviously tired of the same old story; wake up. School. Go home. Eat. Sleep... Even his life, of all things, felt trivial and nearly insignificant to him. Surely he was put on this earth for some kind of purpose, other than to just waste away in a boring shell of a human. As he thought through things about his life, he didn't really bother to listen in on the conversation around him anymore. He stood towards the back of the group, towards the middle of the sidewalk, with just his ear-bud in and his hands in his pockets. He breathed in the smooth air and opened his eyes.

I'm bored.
Silently yawning within the mass of students, Damian slouched. His uniform shirt was two buttons loose and his hoodie thrown over his shoulder. As he surveyed how large the crowd was, he could already feel the tension of being the transfer student. It almost felt like being fresh meat to a pack of feral beasts, exaggeration necessary. It was hard to give off a welcoming or demeanor with his social ineptitude. As his eyes shifted he clenched his hoodie tighter as he could feel himself unnerve. How nervous he was looking, one could assume he was about to have a panic attack, or just take an abrupt absence from the tour altogether. Unfortunately Damian was almost at that point. Leaving the tour, of course. It would've been absurd for him to crack under pressure on the first day; nothing has even happened yet.

"We'll wait here for five minutes longer before we begin."

Phillips' warning snapped Damian out of his stress induced stupor and brought him back to Earth. He took a deep breath, and exhaled with a long, quiet sigh.
"Mom said at least get through today... And I can at least make it through the rest of the week. If I can do that, the month, then the whole School year... I hope she's right." He thought, while finally giving Phillips his undivided attention.

| Morning |

Date: September 13, 2014

Again Phillip's eyes scanned over the body of students, expecting to see a late arrival or two, but alas, that wasn't the case. His expression lightened with a smile towards those who wondered what the deal was with how intense his stare was. It was like he was prepping to glare into the soul of the unfortunate that arrived late.

"Hmm~, is that all? I was expecting more of you, but this will do." His honest thoughts projected into words, he beckoned the group to follow behind him as he marched the posse toward the school. "This is - as you've probably guessed - the school grounds. All the guidelines set are in affect as long as both feet remain here. Anything outside of that is your own business and can't be helped by the school."

He was convincing in his tone, one that wasn't harsh, but wasn't light either. He spoke as if he lived by those words for years, and he probably has with his general demeanor. As the touring group neared the main building, it would be apparent that there were no other students around, save for those had been moving back and fourth between the dormitory and beyond the school gate.

Phillips entered through the school's double doors, holding it open for all of the following bodies to pass through. The interior was clean and cool compared to the humid outdoors. On the walls were bulletins new and old, though one with a sharp eye could tell even from a distance that some papers advertised club openings.

The tour guide bobbed his head to the left, where a corridor ran on the rim of the school all the way down to it's corner.
"Over there are classrooms one through five. They usually consist of mathematics, art, and uhh-.." Phillips found himself lost in that thought, even visually so when he scratched his head with confusion. "T-things like that, I can't - for the life of me - remember. Moving on."

Again, with physical movement, he directed the group's attention to the right corridor.
"Those are classrooms five to ten. I'm pretty sure they'll let you know what classes are assigned to what classrooms. God hoping." The heat flare from the embarrassment nearly caused sweat to drop from his skin, but over all he kept his cool.

"Up ahead are the staircases. Under normal circumstances you won't be going to the second floor, unless you've signed up for a special class or you're a second year. For the basics, all first years have their business here, on the first floor."
As Reese looked over to the group, he noticed they were all moving into the building. Of course, rationally, he followed behind them; never managing to be further than 4 paces behind. Reese didn't like subjecting himself towards crowds and or groups... However, he obviously would like to have friends, though it's not likely he'd even admit it to himself.

As they walked, Reese listened carefully to the locations of the classrooms. He didn't want to be lost on his first day. Although Reese did find it strange when the guide didn't "remember" What classes were down the very first corridor. You would naturally assume that he, as the tour guide, would know such things.

Well... Whatever...

Reese also wondered why the Phillip guy was getting so flustered about directing them towards the classes. Perhaps he is shy? Maybe he doesn't want to be here? Reese tried rationalizing, overanalyzing the situation most likely. But, then why did he wink at those girls... Definitely not shy... Reese then decided to just not pay too much mind, after all, what concern of it was his?
Adonna's eyes flew wide open. "Crap!" she breathed, checking her phone. Yeah, she was late. She hadn't even realized that she'd dozed off. Jumping up off the bed, she splashed her face with water and hurriedly dried it off before bolting out of the dorm room, her door slamming shut behind her.

Great, shit, goddamnit, she cursed inwardly as she ran to the spot where the tour group was supposed to meet. Empty. Of course. Alright, fine, that's cool, I just have to find them, she assured herself as she looked about. Then, choosing a direction, she ran.

Bursting in through the double doors, she stopped and listened, hoping to hear something that sounded tour-group-ish...

"...siness here, on the first floor."

Adonna ran towards what she was sure now was the tour group.
It better be, she inwardly stated, right before noticing the group of uniformed bodies.

BAM! She slammed into the wall to avoid bowling into them. "Is this the..." she gasped, hands on her hips, bent over, "Are you the..." she attempted to say between heavy breaths. The must have been, why else would there be a gathering of wide-eyed, nervous-looking, uniformed... uniform... Oh shit... Adonna was in her white tanktop and black jeans. She'd had the thought to change after settling into her dorm, but she must have dozed off before implementing the thought.
Izaya had managed to keep to himself so far, and blend into the cracks between large groups of people. He was apparently supposed to be on a tour of the school, but he hadn't been paying much attention. The only thing he cared about was the large, blue, 3DS XL system in his hand... which somehow nobody had seemed to notice.

But of course, all good things must come to an end. He bumped into a larger student when he wandered away from the group, and he realized his cover was blown.

"Watch where yer goin' ya god damn fool." said the large ape, apparently known as 'Beef'... or at least, that's what Izaya would like to call him.

"...sorry?" Izaya said, trying to go back to his game.

Beef snatched Izaya's prized 3DS from his hands, and turned it around as if he was about to throw it..but then stopped, and looked rather puzzled.

"Yer last name is Tai-dayna?" asked Beef.

"No.. it's pronounced Tai-dah-na, now give me back my system.."

"Ha, like hell yer gonna get this back you damn foreign bastard."

Beef took off.

Never having seen someone of such ignorance, Izaya had to rethink his life for a moment.

Afterwards he had to get his system back.

He noticed some interesting looking people among the rest of the student body.. maybe they would be willing to help him.

Too bad he was too shy to speak up..

Maybe I'll just buy a new one.. that one had a crack anyways.
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Rosemarie McKinley was lost. She set out from her crowded apartment a little late... all because her younger brother was making a big fuss over his favorite stuffed bear. In the move, it had somehow ended up in the box that held her scant collection of clothes... of course, that was her fault. Tugging at the collar, Roe sighed. Where the hell was this school. She didn't want to make a bad impression on her first day. It shouldn't be that hard to find, she had even asked a few early birds for direction. Unfortunately, they seemed grouchy and vaguely gestured in different directions.

After an hour of walking around in circles, Roe caught site of a glorious sign. Armstrong High was just ahead, so Roe took a second to fix her tie. She hoped she wouldn't get in trouble for wearing the boys uniform, but she just didn't feel comfortable wearing skirts anymore. Taking a deep breath, Roe hunched her shoulders. At home if her mom saw any of her 7 kids slouching, there would be hell to pay. But here, in a new school, she would like to be a little less noticeable... something standing at her full 6'2" wouldn't help with.

Roe entered the gates and looked hesitantly around... nope. Her eyes weren't deceiving her... there was no one there. Tugging nervously at the blue ends of her hair, Roe took a moment to assess her situation. Go to the office? No idea where it is. Go to class? No idea where they are... Wandering around aimlessly? Sure, I can do that. Once again, Roe sighed... but the sound of slamming doors woke her out of her melancholy. It's as good a direction as any, she thought, and made her way to the tour group and a girl who seemed to be catching her breath. Relieved that she wasn't the only one late, Roe slipped in. Her eyes were downcast, and she hoped no one noticed her entry. Roe stood off to the side of the group and tried her best to look inconspicuous...

Glancing at the out of breath girl, Roe was surprised to see how tall she was. Roe was used to towering over most guys, so seeing another girl her own height was almost startling.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

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Reese was starting on a new thought process as a girl came barreling into the corridor, she ran so fast that she slammed into a wall... Reese just merely blinked and let out a breath of air.


He looked the girl over as she caught her breath, trying to stammer out words as realization crossed her face. She was wearing a white tanktop and black jeans, this obviously not being the school uniform... Reese sighed and then turned his IPod's volume up a notch, letting the music swirl around into his left ear. Reese didn't understand how some people could be so airheaded at times. How could someone be late to an event when they knew the time prior to attending.

Not only had that just occurred, but as he glanced to his left he saw some tall guy steal a 3DS from a shorter kid. Reese could never fathom the existence of such a person who could be that tall... Ten again, that was basically every other guy, and even some girls, besides himself. Being short was definitely... Fun? No... He would have sympathized with the short kid, who was still taller than himself, if it weren't for another newcomer taking his attention.

This person was definitely taller than he was. In comparison they were a tower... However, Reese couldn't actually tell if this person was a boy or girl... Yes, yes, the almighty intelligent Reese, couldn't figure out someone's gender identity. This naturally bothered him... But this person was tall and with a more 'boyish' figure... Then again, the eyes were soft... Eh, oh well... Supposing he would figure it out later, he simply went back to listening to his music, though to a normal onlooker it would appear as if he was doing just that, the whole time. He did wear the same tired and bored expression as when he walked in.

(Your posts all came at great times, I could continue off smoothly xD )
Annabelle couldn't believe it! She was such a ditz! It was the day of the tour for her new school and she was late for it! She ran as fast as she could to the school. She walked through the gates and noticed that none of the groups were there, "Shit, shit shit... shit shit SHIT!" Annabelle's voice got louder as she swore, feeling hatred towards herself for being so unconcious of the time.

She walked into the school, hopefully she'd find someone that could help her. She walked to one of the hallways with what she assumed were classrooms. She opened a door, "Hello?" she called. Nothing.

Annabelle walked to another door, opening it and leaning in, "Hello?" nothing. It became a bit of a cycle, "Hello?" nothing, "Hello?" nothing, "Hello?" nothing. It was upon sheer luck that she found the group she was supposed to be apart of somewhere else in the school. By then she was nearly in tears. She walked to the front, apologizing to the person leading everyone, "I'msorryIjustdidn'trealizeitwastimeforthetourandIwasreallyimmersedinthisgame,and-and- Bweaaaahhh!" Annabelle had tears gushing out of her eyes like a waterfall, "pl-please forgive me, sir..."

| Morning |

Date: September 13, 2014

The next moment was like a surge of adrenaline and a blur at the same time. From the loud thud of face-on-wall action, to the slamming of doors and the tearing of an apologetic door. Phillips was overwhelmed to say the least. "I-.. uhm.." Chuckles began sounding out from his lips to suppress the nervous feeling to no avail, unfortunately.

"It seems like we do have a few late arrivals." He stated obvious. "It's fine, we all make mistakes, that's why we're here to learn, right?" Despite his troubled aura, Phillip gave off a warming grin to that of Annabelle, before bobbing his head to signal her to join up with the group. "Oh, and please don't refer to me as 'sir'. I'm merely a fourth year."

Phillips did however, make a mental note to look out for the more unfortunate of the group, like the girl who had tried to kiss the wall in front of the group
and show up in the completely wrong attire as well. "As for you, I suggest you fall in line too. I'm no teacher, so it's not like I can scold you. N-not that I would, mind you.." Some groups of students felt rather impatient as whispers began to exchange between one another, the topic unknown. "Anyway, let's continue on with the tour, shall we?"

Having pretty much discarded all that occurred in his mind thus far, the fourth-year took the group down one of the two corridors, which hooked around the beef of the school and ended at the rear. There, a closed cafeteria stood with glass windows, making it easy to see the empty tables and dark, slightly eerie background behind the main counter and registers. McDonald's logo as well as Starbucks were placed up on the inside, yet it refrained from being lit, due to the cafe being closed in the first place.

"I'm sure you know what this place is, no need to dive into great detail about where you eat between classes." Heading toward the back door, Phillips led the group into what looked like a gymnasium. Basketball court, bleachers, and racks full of equipment lay hanged to the sides of the room. Here, Phillip's voice echoed out throughout the entire room, giving off the feel of a spacious, high-octane environment if the slightly slippery floors didn't do it enough.

"This is where the Basketball club comes for practice and games. If you're wondering, our team name are the Ghouls. Don't ask why." Outside of the large windows, a football field could be seen outside, next to a soccer field. "We have various sports clubs, so try not to rush when picking one in the future."
Roe did her best to look nonchalant as she looked around more. A young man was looking almost longingly at the tour group... was he another late-comer? That's a relief. She'd rather be one of many than the only one to be late. Relaxing a little, she glanced around a little more boldly at the scene playing out before her. Another girl had come in late, apologizing to the boy Rue assumed was the guide. It made her glad she managed to sneak in. Everyone's focus was on the two girls, and as the guide settled the situation, the group moved on.

Hearing the faint sound of music, Roe hoped she didn't make a fool out of herself as she searched her schoolbag, hoping it wasn't her own mp3 player that was the culprit. As always, she found it at the bottom of the abyss that was her bag... but it was off. Looking around again, Roe's eyes settled on a rather short boy, with his headphones pretty clearly in. No trying to hide them... in fact, he had a look about him that said he didn't care if anyone saw. Smiling slightly, she internally gave a nod of approval. Ah youth... to be so bold again. As she walked with the group, she glanced back at the young man who had been looking at the tour.

He didn't seem to follow, so she wasn't sure if he was part of the group at all anymore... Glancing curiously again at the boy with the headphones, she tried to place the song... it was too faint to hear a clear melody. The tour was moving pretty quickly though, and since she was naturally bad at directions, Roe took out a small note-pad and began taking notes. She just hoped she didn't trip or run into anyone.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

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After standing around for awhile in shock from the incident with Beef, Izaya tries to track down where he's supposed to be.

That idiot ran towards that door over there by those bushes.. maybe he knows where he's going.

He walks towards the doors.. but they're locked. Beef must have locked me out.. he thinks He can see other students coming towards the doors.. finally..he can get back to the tour group.

But then he'd be singled out.. every one would notice him if he knocked on the door and wanted in.

I'll just hide in the bushes.. and find another way in.

Before he could carry out his mission, he caught a glance of Beef with the group that was approaching. This was his chance. He could call out Beef in front of everyone and retrieve his prized possession. No doubt someone there would help him get his 3DS back.

Izaya sighed, and timidly knocked on the door...

And then waited.

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Annabelle sighed with relief, glad that she wasn't being scolded for being so late, "Th-Thank you so much, si-- I mean, uh, whatever your name is..." Annabelle rubbed the back of her hair. She wondered how he knew so much if he was a fourth year. She was a fourth year! But she had just moved here due to family problems. She looked around at everyone, she felt her cheeks going red. She hoped that nobody was going to judge her. That embarrassed her so much when people just stated at her, since it was always hard for Annabelle to read people's expressions.

For the rest of the tour she kept quiet, and stood at the back of the group. They traveled to the gym and the guide, who Annabelle learned was named Phillip, told about the sports and stuff. Annabelle was never into sports, she was always so clumsy and slow. She would drop the ball or hit someone with it if she managed to kick or throw it. Maybe this year was the year that she would be a sports star... She'd have to ask about the sports to know for sure if she could do sports, "Uh, what are the sports is school offers?" Annabelle asked.

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Reese sighed before taking his IPod out of his pocket and unlocking the screen. He browsed through his large abundance of music and settled upon listening to a Japanese song, Goya no Machiawase, by Hello Sleepwalkers... All the while, while listening to it, he was still in tune with what was going on around him. Although his eyes read nothing, he was taking everything into memory... He looked over at the person he couldn't identify, and noticed that they were having to take notes... It would appear that not everyone is good at remembering things like this. Then, a thought struck his mind;

To figure out the gender, I'll simply watch which dorm that they go into!

Reese felt like a genius after coming up with a solution. Still however, not showing anything on his face. He looked over at the girl who was asking about the sports and then wondered why anyone would care about such a thing. Besides, she obviously didn't look like the sporty type. She was probably swooned by the tour guide like those other girls. How silly. But just by looking at Reese, you could tell he wasn't a sports fan either... He wasn't exactly... Shaped out to be a star athlete.

Then he heard a knock and looked over to where the sound was happening, wondering if anyone was going to open the door or not. If nobody would, e would probably take the liberty to do so, and act out a kind deed. Being a good Samaritan at school is always nice... Tch.

| Morning |

Date: September 13, 2014

The sounds of shoes pounding against steps sounded all throughout the now clear school grounds as Dominic came bolting towards the front of the school. His eyes shifted to the left - nobody standing in front of the dormitory building. Had he really missed the first day of school?

"Sl-.Slow down.. Dom!" heaved Ben, who just had issues keeping his glasses firm on his nose, the sweat clearly visible from trying to keep up with Dominic. "No time! I can't miss this tour! I won't allow it!" The dark haired boy reached the front doors, tugging early at the handle as if it would burst open and solve all of his problems.


"Ah, seriously?!" Dominic yelped, peeking into the door's window to see not a single soul at the front of the school. Ben had caught up soon after, and was apparently the only one to acknowledge the lone student who looked just as lost as Dom did. "Jesus-.. Can you slow down a bit? I'm not cut out for running." Ben gave Izaya a tired nod and a smile for a greeting. "Are you locked out too? Did you see the tour group come in here yet?"


Phillips glanced around the gym room, easily being able to picture the amount of good times everyone would have here like they did last year. A good year of sports means a good year of academics, or at least that's what a blog on the internet said. It was only when a soft voice called out with a question that he looked over his shoulder in the direction of which the voice came. "Oh, what kind of sports? Well-.." He turned his body to face the group with a selfish smile, like a friend asking you about your favorite TV show. "Basketball, obivously. Football, Soccer, gymnastics, if you can count that as a sport and not an art." Again his words were followed by a laugh. It was almost as if laughing was his safety net for saying stupid shit.

"We also have tennis now and then. Really, Armstrong High holds many different kinds of clubs."

Dominic's Inventory:

Pack of 5Gum (x4)

Old Cellphone (x1)

$3 dollars.
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Izaya had just been approached by someone who was about to share the same fate as him.

No longer would he be pointed out for being the only one that was locked out.. maybe he could sneak to the back while this one got scolded.

But he also noticed that there was someone along with him.. maybe if he asked the right way, they could help him get his stuff back from Beef.

"Uhh, yeah. I knocked on the door, and there's just some short guy standing there glancing at me like he's about to let me in.. but I think he's waiting for someone else to do it."

How can I ask someone I just met to help me with Beef?.. he thought to himself

Izaya was discouraged.. he was afraid that he would make a bad first impression with yet another person.
Reese sighed and then realized that he should be the one to open the door rather than nobody open it at all... He took out his headphone and then stuffed it into his pocket, where the other one was stashed away with his IPod. He then edged away from the group, not being entirely noticed by anyone, and walked over to the door where the knocking sounded. He took the handle in his hand and thought for a moment, thinking that it might be a mistake to even open it... Oh well though, he had turned the handle and opened the door already, a gust of air swooping in as he did so.

He saw the three standing at the door and then he leaned on the doorframe.

"More late comers?" He asked as he referred to the guys. Though he noticed the guy from before who's DS got taken. Thinking a moment, he then realized something.

"You, your from earlier." He said pointing at Izaya.

"You are a new student who just got here late." He said pointing to Dominic.

"And you, four eyes... You don't go to this school, you followed the late guy... Otherwise you wouldn't be out of breath." He said, still with a straight and expressionless look. On the inside though, he was congratulating himself on actually doing something for the goodwill of others, as well as his amazing deductions. He was kind of slouched over in the doorway as he leaned, making him look even shorter...
"Ohhh, I see! Well, looks like I'll never be a sports superstar now..." Annabelle said a bit sadly, sounding like someone who was just told that they only had two days left to live.

Since sports didn't seem like it'd work for Annabelle, she was hoping that she could find some extracurricular activity to do. It seems like she had tried everything at her last school. Theater? Stage fright. Art Club? She sucked at art. Prayer Club? She wasn't religious. There was no real clique she really fit into. She didn't know what this school was like or how its social ladder worked, but she knew that your friends would be at least somewhat influenced by your classes. When she had to fill out her electives she just picked the basic ones: Gym and Spanish.

She had zoned out thinking about the clubs and sports before realizing she was in a school getting a tour, "Uh, sorry! We need to keep the tour, guys!" Anabelle said, becoming a bit more aware or her surroundings.

-Compact mirror (x1)

-Cell phone (x1)

-Rainbow Band-Aid (x6)

(if you've ever seen Azumanga Daioh, I feel like Annabelle is a mix of Tomo and Osaka with a little bit of Yukari in there.)

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Roe looked up from her notes as headphones guy walked quietly away. Really... she should ask the kid his name when he returned... or maybe she would overhear it somehow. Was he playing hookie so soon? Roe forgot about the group and watched as he opened the door. There were 3 other kids there! Roe was so engrossed in making sure she didn't get lost, she didn't even hear them make noise! At the doorway stood the young man who who was looking at the group from afar, and two new guys. She was too far away to hear anything, but it looked like there were more newcomers to the tour. Openly smiling now, Roe came to the conclusion that this was going to be an interesting senior year.

She was curious about sports too... but had missed most of Phillips answers. Ah well, it's not like she had the time to play sports anyway... or the energy. Roe wasn't very competitive, and had gotten into a little bit of trouble at her last school for rooting for the opposing team. The closest thing she came to playing a sport was color guard... something no uncoordinated person such as herself should attempt.

No, Roe was more suited to people watching and studying. Yawning, Roe tried her best to pay attention to both the door and the tour.

Notepad filled with various jumbled directions to and from places

Mp3player and headphones

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"F-..four eyes?!" Ben echoed, taking obvious offense to Reese's general behavior. "And what are you, the cool kid? Besides, I do go to school here, and Dominic here isn't a new student." The sudden flareup of emotions coming from Ben caught Dominic's attention. "Hey Ben, chill out. There's no need to go that far." Attention redirected towards Reese. "We're running a little late, yeah. Would love to talk more, but we're out of time. See you!" Without a second doubt, Dominic grabbed Ben's hand and bolted past the boy. It was good that they left, too. For a nerd in glasses, Ben had a temper when it came to being treated as one.

The only thing Phillips could do as far as a reaction was nod to the girl's words. He didn't understand them in the slightest - he wasn't that good with women - but he wasn't one act emotionless towards someone's plight. "Yeah, about the tour." The guide inhaled for the words to come. "This about wraps it up, as we're almost in the afternoon. I was told classes don't begin today, so you're free to return to your dorms, homes, whatever floats your boat. Remember, the school itself is off limits when there's no class. After class it's acceptable, though. Now scoot, I can't let anyone linger around in here without the teachers present."

By now, Dominic and Ben had just entered the gym arrived at the back of the crowd. Dom's pace slowed to a halt once he had realized students began to turn around head back outside through the front door. "Damn it.." Dominic's shoulder's slumped. "Third time in a row I've missed the tour." Now they were on their back through the corridor that led to the front doors. "Who needs tours when you're a returning student? It's not like they completely deconstructed the buildings and rebuilt them. You still know where everything is." "Yeah, I know that, but-.. Sometimes I'd rather actually be here on time? It's a mental thing; if you're on time the first time, you'll be fine the rest of the school year. It's like a good sign." "Just don't stay up playing video games all night." "You're one to talk."

Dominic's Inventory:

Pack of 5Gum (x4)

Old Cellphone (x1)

$3 dollars.

| Afternoon |

The students are now returning to their dorms/homes to their regular activities

After having made a mental or physical map of the important bits of the school, each and every transfer student who held a dorm would have received a letter from their personal mail, which was located just outside of their own dorm room. Once opened, it read:

"Dear _______,

Welcome to Armstrong High, we hope you've settled in well after your travels, and have found your new residence to your liking. While you were away or arriving, we took the time to equip you with a personal laptop and wifi, which you can use to your own will. Our only policy is; You break it, you buy it.

Aside from that, there will be another letter coming tomorrow that you will have to fill out. The letter will state the different clubs we have available, and ask which of them you would prefer to take. (Note that you may only have up to two clubs at a time!)

If you have any complaints, please take them to the dorm lobby clerk, or include it in the next piece of mail that comes your way. Good luck, and we hope you stick with us for the school year!

~ The headmaster."
Izaya was now in his assigned dorm.. With all of the chaos that happened after he was let in, he never got to ask any names, or ask anyone to help him track down and destroy get his 3DS from Beef..

Those two people who were with him.. they were in a hurry.

I guess some people just enjoy school.. he thought, as he was reading his letter.
Annabelle was in her dorm room. Even though her home was close enough, she insisted that her mother let her experience dorm life, since Annabelle was typically a social person and would need to know what dorms were like before college. Annabelle nearly walked into her room before realizing she had a note in her personal mailbox. She fished it out and walked back into her room, nearly forgetting to close the door.

She opened it and read it. Apparently she would have to pick out clubs. Oh dear. She felt like she was punched in the stomach. She felt like this had been sent so she would have a lot of stress thinking about it. She knew this wasn't true, but she felt it was. The letter also mentioned a laptop with wifi. She found the wifi on a desk and picked it up, placing it on her lap. She opened it and stared at it, not knowing what to do with it. Pretty soon, she felt herself getting sucked into the Internet, visiting her usual sites and chatting with people on a forum. She wondered if anyone at this school was on the forum and if she would make any friends because Oit.

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