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[MENTION=2671]AncientPredator[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2945]DannyTrollhammer[/MENTION] could you guys please post in the RP? Iz needing the teamwork here.
Yes, please help a lady out, otherwise Tylar you may have to manage alone. However I may bring an NPC to at least help you out if necessary.
[MENTION=2671]AncientPredator[/MENTION] [MENTION=2945]DannyTrollhammer[/MENTION] [MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION]

Y U all no post?
Well, there was a group at the time. [MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION] maybe you could give something for the generals and Utonian characters to do please? I'm kinda losing interest with it just being you and me at the moment... <.<
Name: Noremac

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Alliance: Utonian Lieutenant.

Personality: Cunning and very calculative Noremac's usefulness lies not in pure fighting skill but in tactics and trickery. He Is always calm and relaxed in battle, trying to find a way to out smart the enemy. He is incredibly loyal to Utonia. He agrees completely with the annihilation of any entity that may endanger the city. In Noremac's eyes all decisions made by Xi or the generals will result in the eventual betterment of society. Noremac is not a fair fighter and will use any means necessary to succede in the name of Utonia. Noremac is the perfect model of a utopian citizen.


Nano technology: Noremac's cyber suit is covered by a thicker layer of Nano bots. They can bind tightly together to form strong armor but decrease speed. They can concentrate in one area to increase defense on specific spots of the suit. They can also more loosely rearrange to provide more speed but less defense.

By rearranging the nano bots, Noremac can change his outer appearance to virtually anything mechanical (only appearance changes, nothing functional as far as blades and guns can be created). Noremac mainly uses this function to blend in with Blades. The Nano bots can detach from the suit and form a shell of himself, or any other suit for that matter. This shell is fully mobile but very weak. A maximum of 5 shell can be created using all the bots.

Camouflage: Turns opaque. When in motion a shimmer can be seen if you are looking for it. Nano bots retain this ability.

Weapons: Dual vibro swords. One is 4' long and the other is 3'. Nano bots can replicate the swords appearances but they cannot cut.

Looks: Noremac's favorite suit is ivory white with purple embellishments, but it can change due to the nano bots. Noremac is 6' 1", has short black hair, and an athletic build.
OK, seems fine although all the nano powers seem a bit much. He really doesn't need to control Blades as being Utonian lieutenant he is given command of them anyway and any higher up commands should always take presidence. So if you skip that one power, then the rest is OK.
I edited my character. I took away the last enhancement but put more emphasis on the nano bots. What do you think?
That is fine, also it will be noted that the more shells you have going around, the weaker you are due to lack of nanobots. Otherwise, accepted. Feel free to give the Rebels trouble! Just don't find our base, that not allowed... yet...
Two things I worry about with this character. Mostly I don't understand the idea of a Vibrating Bo-staff. It would be impossible to hold on to, and even if you did the vibrations would lend any distructive quality. The reason people imagine vibro-blades work more effectively than analogue blades (which in itself isn't true) is because they have a cutting edge "to focus the energy into a single point. A staff, I imagine, wouldn't work at all like that. You ever try to hit something REALLY solid with a baseball bat, only to have the vibrations run up your arms and make your entire upper body go numb? That's what I imagine a vibro-staff would function like.

Second, I already called the mad Utonian Scientist role.
Firstly there are many mad scientists in Utonia, I think you have to have insanity in your CV to create weapons for a dictator.

Secondly just as the theoretical Vibro's Blade handle would not virbrate, but only the blade I'm sure the staff would have handle points for grips that do not vibrate and as said Cameron imagines it use rather for concussive force. Unfortunately since this is an RP and not all of us are physicists I think some not entirely possible or plausible ideas are allowed as long as they are within reason. So it's ok for at least RPing with, actually building one I wouldn't recommend tho :)
Okay. For the record though, a Vibro-staff is the funninest thing I've ever heard of and would never in a million years work. xD
After some thought I am not to psyched about using a giant vibrator as a weapon >.> I think I'll edit my post and change it to a sword or something else.

I was basing my idea on a blackjack. My vibro staff is a bit different though. What I was thinking is that you strike with the staff. The hit lands. Then the staff oscillates at a high speed and hits multiple times. Also if you think about the vibrations of a base ball bat, the wielder is the one receiving the vibrations. The point of a vibrating staff is to channel those vibrations into the object you are striking.

Here is a link to the blackjack if you are interested.

Noremac's weapon was changed.

Here is my rebel character:

Name: Adam

Age: 67

Gender: Male

Alliance: Rebel Fighter.

Personality: Angry. Adam holds much hatred for the Utonians. He is reckless and bad at following orders when it comes to battle. Towards his comrades he is generally kind but can be cynical.


Very fast. His entire suit is covered by blades and spikes

Weapons: 10' barbed wire strand. He stores 10 of them in his suit and can fire them out of is hands. There is a spike at the end so they can embed in objects

Looks: Like this but with just 2 arms.

View attachment 6484

He is not very huggable :(
http://animehistory.files.wordpress....0709205247.jpg (Mask) (Cybersuit) (Appearance) (Scythe)


Name: Alyssa Scream (Sonic)

Age: 57

Alliance: Rebels

Personality: Alyssa is a generous girl, willing to do anything to help save Utonia and her fans. In battle, she's a bloodlust girl with a killing spirit. (Obviously not going to kill all the time.)

History (idea by PyroWarriorZ)

Alyssa used to be a famous singer in Utonia, and lived the high life. She had fame, fortune, and fans. However, during one of her concerts she saw a fan of hers get taken away, for being thought a Trojan. She later found out he was executed and that was when she realized something was not right. What she had realized was just how many people were disappearing day by day, while she was living in luxary there was a whole group who libed forsaken as Rebels trying to fight.

The more she realized this the more she realized how selfish she had been and decided to abandon her career and help. She still lives in Utonia, but helps the Rebels as a fighter in disguise so that she can remain in Utonia and keep an eye on things. Later on, her code name began Sonic.

Enhancements+Weapon: Alyssa has an enhancement that allows her to trasmit her voice to speakers in her suit to release a sonic scream. A scythe with the blade on one end, and a microphone on the other end for a decoration.

Other: She wears a white mask to hide her identity when with the rebels, and secretly she likes to feel like a superhero.
Both accepted and I did like your baton idea Cameron, it was different. Please feel free to jump in and help Zink, I know she needs it.
Name: Jack Lumen (Stealth)

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Alliance: Rebel Fighter/Reconnaissance

Personality: Quiet, stealthy, always aware of his surroundings. He trusts nobody, and follows orders. He doesn't talk, since he usually relies on silence to get things done. Ironically, his favorite music is dubstep.

Enhancements: He can turn invisible to radar, and every spectrum of light. His armor provides little to no protections from weapons, grants him enhanced speed, and allows him to scale sheer surfaces, and remain in place for an indefinite amount of time. He can also turn objects the size of small SUV's invisible, but it requires all of his focus. he can conceal his katana without even thinking of it.

Weapons: A vibro-katana. Like a normal vibro blade, it can cut through a lot of metals. It's a katana, one of the sharpest swords known to man, so it can cut through even stronger metals, and even tank armor.

View attachment 6675

Looks: View attachment 6674
PyroWarriorZ said:
Tylar Annell[/url][/u][/b][/i]: Also accepted and two are allowed but I recommend starting with one (the rebel) and bringing in the second later, that way the later on if you prove yourself the second can be a General. But your choice if you believe you can handle it.
Did you want me/think I have proved myself enough to make my Xenon character a general? If not, is it alright if I start playing her now as a lieutenant?
I was thinking of bringing her in as a general during this invasion mission to Hades actually, but I will keep you informed on that, but that has been what I was considering.
I hope this isnt too late!

Name: Sylver

: Nearly 19

Gender: female

Alliance: Rebel warrior

Personality: Sylver is relatively kind, but she is very shy, and also lazy, she can also be a bit controlling and hot-headed when she wants to be. When she's not sleeping, or asking somebody to get something for her, she's usually training, eating, or using a charger, she uses a charger because when she was younger she found a panel with a few buttons,she left it open to show off to her friends, then she spilt juice in it and it shorted out her energy enhancers. Sylver is one of the youngest rebels, yet one of the most skilled and accurate members when it comes to sniping. Sylver is a bit of a pyro.

Enhancements: She has several flame ducts on the tips of her fingers, making them perfect for sniping with fire, she has a retina magnifier and targeter that makes her a perfect sniping. Her hair is fireproof and she can light it consciously from more flame ducts in her scalp, her eyes cast a purplish glow in the dark, aiding her and fellow rebels to navigate in the dark.

Weapons: She has her fire fingers, and her favorite kilaj, which she named Golden Mist, that she can ignite. (A kilaj is a sword Vlad the Impaler used)

Looks: Sylver has long, silver hair that goes around mid-thigh, she is very tall and pale, and the most colorful thing about her is her violet eyes that cast off a glow, she is around 6'3" and has a square scar on her arm were her ruined energy enhancers are, her feet are constructed for speed, so she wears has to wear special shoes for her modified feet.
[MENTION=2986]WantYourSoul[/MENTION] Never too late and at first I thought you made too young by mistake, but I see that was intended. So looks age she looks no older than 10-12 BTW. She can join by having snuck in the meeting and decided to stow away with the group to get into Hades as Circuit would never let a little kid join such a dangerous mission.

[MENTION=1750]The Magic Hobo[/MENTION], you still with us? You still joining in, you can sent as reinforcements to help the group break into Hades by Circuit.
Nope, sorry the only ones like that are the Blades. He can be very mechanical as in most of human limbs were removed either by choice or due to his body surviving a large accident. However sentient think for themselves androids don't exist yet. Only the Blades that are simply programmed.

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