Zero Tolerance (Sign Up!)

Name: Beat Rizumu



Rebel Fighter

Personality: Beat loves music. He listens to music most of the time to motivate him. He is laid back and carefree most of the time and likes doing things with style. Naturally he didn't like the idea of being ruled by a tyrant, so he joined the Rebels.

Enhancements: his mechanics allow him to use sound as a weapon by using sonic waves and blasts. He also has sonic cannons on his feet, allowing him to fly Iron-Man style.On his left hand he has a device that sends out sound waves that counteracts other sound waves, causing it to act as a mute buttonthat affects 5 feet around him.

Sonic cannons and mute button.

Beat has orange hair and green eyes. He wears black pants, yellow sneakers, a red hoodie, and headphones which can act as a communication device. The lower half of his arms and legs are replaced by mechanical arms and legs, each with a sonic cannon on it. (His shoes are altered to allow him to use a sonic cannon on it.)
Before I accept I should warn you Sonic the character made by Forks use pretty much the exact same type of enhancements, sound to fight using sonic waves.
But does Sonic have headphones, sonic cannons on feet, and a mute button? (also, from what I've read, Sonic has a sonic scream. Beat has sonic cannons.)
No, she does use her voice and speakers. As said it was just to let you know in case you were unaware. If you are happy with it, it's fine I thought you might like to change to concussion cannons to creak earthquakes and concussive punches or maybe something else.

But if you are happy with your character, accepted.
Yes, you are accepted. Sorry I thought that was clear, even suggested a way you can join into the current group sneaking into Hades.
PyroWarriorZ said:
I was thinking of bringing her in as a general during this invasion mission to Hades actually, but I will keep you informed on that, but that has been what I was considering.
Ok, cool. Just send me a pm if/when you want her to come in.

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