Zero Tolerance (Sign Up!)


Dragon Knight
Zero Tolerance (Sign Up!) {NEW PEOPLE ALWAYS WELCOME!}

RolePlay Thread


It is the year 3025, the human race's technology became so advanced they began incorporating it into themselves. They started altering their insides and outsides to make them stronger, faster, smarter. They gained armours, weapons, special abilities. They could even communicate via built in comms systems with each other and connect directly with machines and networks. Humans became living fighting machines, each different and amazingly powerful. Every single human on the planet now had a CyberSuit, machinery was installed as soon as a person was born. However as with power, war erupted. People began to become infected with a virus, no not a flu virus. A computer virus that affected their their mechanical workings and minds. It turned them crazy and made them attack things mindlessly. It became a war as people tried to fight these "Trojans" as they were called. This was not like the wars of old with simple guns and tanks, no only did this new war the Cyber Wars have more advanced versions of these weapons but even the soldiers were amazingly destructive.

The Cyber Wars began to ravage the world, burning the forests, emptying the oceans, destroying the tallest buildings. The world became a barren and empty wasteland. The Cyber Wars showed no signs of stopping until an amazing powerful warrior known as Xi appeared. He led new a fight to end the wars with an amazing sense of justice. He fought hard and long, facing insurmountable odds and uncountable armies. His power was amazing, and he succeeded in defeating the threat of the Trojans. Ending the Cyber Wars and bringing peace.

However the world was scarred and could barely hold life, so Xi created a new city. The ultimate utopia known as Utonia. A place where people could live peacefully. He even built an entire army of completely mechanical soldiers, the first and only of their kind known as Blades to protect his people. These androids protected the city and brought peace. However things soon started to change.

120 years later Lord Xi and the city of Utonia have begun to change, it is no longer the ultimate Utopia. Lord Xi has became dark, paranoid and a tyrant. Believing innocent people are becoming infected and are Trojans. He begins imprisoning and executing hundreds. Anyone showing even the slightest odd behaviour is labelled as a Trojan and sent away. People are afraid of the Blades that once protected them, now could be their executioners. A rebellion has begun forming....


  • Usual RP rules, no GMing, PPing, bunnying etc.
  • CyberSuits: Everyone has a CyberSuit, even rebels. As soon as you are born you get machines install in you. Armour now replaces clothes, except people can still wear some clothes over their armour if they still wish. Even Rebels have CyberSuits because they once belonged to Utonia.
  • Abilities: CyberSuits grant amazing abilities. Most people have comms systems to talking with people like built in cellphones and can connect with machines, but different people also have different CyberSuits with different abilities such as super speed, enhanced strength, stealth camoflauge, firing out bullets from their fingers, flight with jetpacks, flamethrowers for hands, freezing technology, mega wire weapons that can electrocute, etc. (Anything scientifically possible, so no magical stuff. Must be scientifically plausible!)
  • Weapons: You may also have weapons from guns, staffs, wire whips, rocket launchers, shields and blades. However please no energy swords like light sabers. Vibro Swords are allowed, Vibro Swords are swords who blade vibrate at an amazing speed so they can cut through normal metals. They are like swords except better. Also any blade can be a Vibro Blade like spears, axes, etc.

  • Life Spans: CyberSuits enhanced life spans, people now live to an average of 120. By 70 you start getting grey hairs and wrinkly, by 100 you are old like a grandpa. Xi despite his age still looks young, he is an anomaly and no one knows how he does it, he is a one of a kind. If you are over 70, that is like being over 40.
  • Technology: This is the future and amazing technology is possible, like holograms, monorails that go everywhere and hover bikes for travel.

  • Alliances: Because at first the main focus will be the Rebels. You must have a Rebel character as your primary character. You may have a Utonian that switches to the Rebel side or you can create s econdary Utonian characters that for now will be mostly in the sidelines or one that will be a quick enemy that dies or be saved for later when they play a bigger role. You can be a:
  • Rebel Warrior (Fight to free Utonia from Xi's tyranny)

  • Rebel Scientist (Helps the Rebels by inventing machines, be a medic for healing wounds and fixing CyberSuits, mechanic for helping to fix Hover Bikes.)

  • Utonian Civillian (A normal member of society who wants to stay out of this war and live a happy life, but may not have a choice...)

  • Utonian Scientist (Helps build more technologies for Lord Xi and the city, helps make new Blades and manage city.)

  • Utonian Lieutenant (Higher up warrior in Lord Xi's army. They are not allowed to see him, and only get sent on missions with the Blades Xi or a General gives them.)

  • Utonian General (Can speak with Xi personally, fiercely LOYAL to him. Can command Lieutenants and Scientists. Decide how much Blades to send out or take with them on a mission)

  • Trojan (Someone infected by the virus that drives people to insane murderous monsters. Beware you are hunted and hated by all and very very very rare now a days. Many believe they no longer exist, they may be right...)

  • Utonian's live in Utonia the huge utopian city surrounded by barren wastelands. Rebels live in the Rebel Base, a tiny underground base just outside the outskirts of Utonia. Trojans live in the wastelands, hunted and hated.
  • You can have multiple characters and your characters can switch alliances. You may start a civillian and decide to join the Rebels. Be a Utonian Scientist/Lieutenant/General who decides to betray Xi and join the Rebels. A Rebel who is sick and tired of his hell life in the tiny base and wants to make a deal. A Rebel/Utonian who goes made and becomes a Trojan.
  • Just remember for now Rebels need to outnumber the Utonians, so you must have a Rebel primary character and only then can you make a secondary Utonian character. The focus of the RP for now will be on the Rebels.
  • Only special people may be Generals. I'll only let you become a Utonian General if you have an amazing character profile I like you and you are active. Otherwise be a Lieutenant, prove your worth and activeness and I may promote you. Or be another character show your worth and activeness and you will be allowed to make a second character as a Utonian General. So be warned, if you directly apply to be a General and I deny, too bad. Be a Lieutenant or make a new character.
  • If you play a Utonian Lieutenant/General you may control Blades, I'll decide if they are specialized or not, otherwise they the normal variety. You can decide how they react, what they do, order them around and when they are destroyed.
  • As Rebels you can destroy Blades like cannon fodder, just don't destroy them all in one move. I or a Utonian decide when they ALL gone. All please don't destroy the specialized one's so easily, especially if there is only one!
  • I will play Lord Xi, the head Rebel Scientist(makeshift leader for now) and usually the Blades and some NPCs.
  • You may play more than one character, but I highly recommend starting with one. That later on if you impress me your second can be a Utonian General. However I will let you decide if you think you are capable.
  • If you play a Utonian, you may not just find the Rebels secret HQ. It's a well kept secret and for now their only defense against Utonia.
  • Just a suggestion/warning. The main focus of this RP is the Rebels, they will get the most time, action and activeness. Utonian's less and Trojans, least. So my suggestion is to have a main rebel character and introduce secondary Utonian/Trojan characters later either permanently or to get killed off. Unless you don't want much action. Alternatively if you plan for Utonian to switch sides to Rebels that is good as well to keep you have action. This is just a suggestion/warning!
  • I will always be looking for new members to join the battle and keep it interesting!

Character Sheets


[b]Name: [/b](Simple, don't need a surname and can be futuristic)

[b]Age: [/b](Keep enhanced life span in mind)

[b]Gender: [/b](Obvious)

[b]Alliance: [/b](Rebel Scientist/Rebel Fighter/Utonian Scientist/Utonian Lieutenant/Utonian General/Trojan)

[b]Personality: [/b](Describe yourself and your history)

[b]Enhancements: [/b](What can ya do thanks to your machines, your abilities)[b]

Weapons: [/b](Only if you have any or use any)[b]

Looks: [/b](Describe your looks and your CyberSuit! Pictures are acceptable.)



Name: Lord Xi

Age: Over 200 years old

Gender: Male

Alliance: Utonian Ruler

Personality: Lord Xi was once a great hero saved the world from the deadly Cyber Wars, almost single handedly defeating thousands of Trojans. He became known as the greatest hero ever known for his kindness and passifist nature, doing only what he had to, to save the world. He soon built Utonia to help rebuild the world so survivors could live in peace from the battle scarred world. He had the Blades built as a personal army to protect the world. However he has recently become paranoid and thinking even the slightest misbehaviour are signs of someone becoming a Trojan despite very few recent sightings and belief Trojans no longer exist. He is extremely tough and said to be amazingly powerful, only a select few get to see him in person. He mostly acts through his Generals.

Enhancements: Unknown, but said to be legendary!


No one is really sure anymore...



Name: Circuit

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Alliance: Rebel Head Scientist

Personality: Circuit is an extremely kind and loyal individual. He prefers peace to violence and only wants the best for everyone. He was one of the first people to rebel against Lord Xi and built the Rebel Base to give refugees a place to live and hide from the Blades. He hates fighting and is not a warrior, but helps design weapons, vechiles and repairs the Rebel Warriors knowing they need to what they must. He will never fight himself and always want to save everyone, even Utonians. Even though he denies, most at the Rebel Base consider him as a sort of leader even though he would never assume that position.

Enhancements: Aside from being a tech genius, he has special visors which he keeps over his forehead in use which scan anything telling you vital statistics, levels of health, hidden passageways or details information about everything. He has a built in library in his head and is always hand with a tool.

Not unless you count his trusty wrench, but that is only for fixing and buildings things, never for harming!


View attachment 5730



Name: Wolf

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Alliance: Rebel Fighter

Personality: Secretive and sometimes sympathetic but it is an oddity. Despises all who work for Lord Xi and and Lord Xi himself. Only places his trust in a few people now. Normally asks questions before going guns a blazing. Prefers sticking to the shadows to take out his targets rather than a frontal assault. You won't catch him smiling very often either. Humorous at times even though he prefers to keep a serious approach on most things.

Enhancements: The sound of his foot steps are muffled by 65%. He has a knife switch in his wrist where he can press a button and a knife sticks out (A bit like assassins creed) and a visor which allows him to see through must types of walls.

Weapons: His built in knife, vibro sword on his back, silenced SMG and a pistol.

Dark black hair goes down just above his brown eyes. Muscular body but is quite thin. His CyberSuit is a slick almost transparent black and fits on him perfectly. On his right hand at the wrist it goes down a bit more so the built in knife has somewhere to pop out of. His visor is also tinted black. This makes him almost invisible in the shadows



Name: James Drake

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Alliance: Utonian Lieutenant

Personality: James Drake (often called just 'Drake') is strangely kind. Despite his cold-blooded looks, he prefers non-lethal methods to going in, and killing everyone in sight. Of course, those methods are not always possible. He is very efficient at sticking to the shadows and is trained in several hand combat methods. He is often very open, even to people who he has only recently met. This can be his downfall, as he often reveals information that should be kept secret.

Enhancements: Camoflague (i.e. Blending in to the background, not quite invisibility) and an electric pulse capable of knocking someone out for a while.

Weapons: A compact assault rifle, small vibro dagger.

He has a dark blue cybersuit that covers his entire lower body and his lower face. His hair dark brown hair is cut short. His cybersuit will move to cover his face when camoflague is active.


***Tylar Annell***

Name: Zink

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Alliance: Rebel Fighter

Personality: Zink used to be engaged to a man named John, but he was killed by Xi's troops for being a suspected Trojan. It was because of this that Zink joined the rebels. After John's death, Zink became a bit harsher towards people but not so much because of bitterness as it is avoiding being hurt again. Being at war with Xi's forces, Zink knows that casualties are inevitable and tries not to let herself become attached or overly fond of people. However, she does have a soft spot for people who have been displaced by Xi's troops, especially children because John and she wanted to have a family.

Enhancements: Robotic left eye allows her to scan areas and buildings and put together a rough map of the layout. On her left hand is a gauntlet with claw-like probes that allow her to connect with computers and hack them, the time it takes varies on the level of security in place on the computer. She also posseses jets both on her back and on the back of her calves.

Weapons: Zink's primary weapon is a Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle. Zink uses her robotic left eye to aim, so there is no need for a scope. Instead, the rifle is fitted with a vibro-blade that runs along the top, for fighting in close quarters. On the side of the weapon is inscribed the name "Johnny". As well as being able to hack into computers, her left hand can also send out an eletric blast that momentarily stuns a person/disables a lower level Blade, however it uses a lot of energy and it would take 30 minutes until she would be able to do it again. If she gets close enough to a low level Blade to stab it with her 'Claws', and if she's quick enough, she can implement a temporary command of her own that will last a few seconds.




***Tylar Annell***

Name: Xenon

Age: 52

Gender: Female

Alliance: Utonian Lieutenant

Personality: Loyal and determined, but sometimes vicious in her methods. She has an "ends justify the means" attitude. Xenon's father served as a General for Lord Xi until he contracted the Trojan virus and had to be exterminated. Xenon was not angered by the actions taken against her father though, raised on stories of the Trojan wars, she understood the the need to erradicate the dangerous virus and followed in her father's footsteps as one of Lord Xi's lieutenants.

Enhancements: Hoverpack - like a jet pack, but quieter. She has a special force shield that causes the light that passes through it to be refracted, making her appear to be closer or in a different area than she really is.

Weapons: A double vibro-bladed staff that is also capable of delivering an electric pulse on physical contact from either end. A custom automatic handgun called a Staple: takes 6 bullet magazines, however it has 6 separate chambers and can alternate between firing 1 at a time, or all 6.



(Like this, but older and not quite as skinny)



Name: Gust


Gender: Male

Rebel Fighter

Free-spirited and stubborn. Liberty is the most important virtue to him. He enjoys drinking and joking around but he's not always so jolly. To gust, the human population is comprised of three groups: best friends, people who need their asses kicked and people who need to be killed. He has a tendency to get into fights over seemingly small things, though he can force himself to behave when teamwork is needed. Gust takes combat very seriously and fights with honor and integrity.

Enhancements: Can suck in the air around him through vents on his cyber suit, pressurize it and then channel it to exit points in order to hover, boost his running speed, leap long distances and push enemies away.

Weapons: Vibro-Spear with a fairly long blade that can slice as well as stab



You get the idea. His armor's mostly green. He has some mean reddish dreads and a cap to hide the fact that he's starting to bald. and a sort of leg cape/ flowy kilt thingy coming off his belt. He also likes to put on warpaint for battle.



Name: The Drifter


Gender: Female


She is a purveyer of justice in the beliefs that order must be maintained. She is strict towards those who violate the peace and prosperity of the land. These people need to be eliminated, and she does all in her power to destroy them, regardless of pleas, regardless of temptation.

She does show mercy at times, although not from sad sob stories told from mouths but from the stories that are etched in every persons face, their body, their experiences.

She frequently hides her emotions behind a poker face, although she is not immune to humor and disgust. She is human terms...a girl. When her poker face breaks from some stimulus, all hell breaks loose and she cannot hide anything for a good while until she regains her composure. It is this break she fears, it makes her vulnerable to the chaos. Only with a "calm" portrayed by both body and face can one hope to withstand the tides of despair and destruction.

In short: She's a poser!

Enhancements: Her twin tails can decrease the air density and gravity protruding 5 meters in a radius around her. This allows her to enter a space similar to a sky tunnel. It is not true flight as it takes years of training to be able to manipulate the sky tunnel with ease, but with an infinite space to travel in, it becomes formidable indeed.A second function is that each of the twin tails can send out a magnetic beam in a straight line and will pull the user to whatever is attracted, unless the object being attracted is heavier then the user. Quite handy in a world made of metals both natural and synthetic.

Weapons: Her gloves, although it's apart of the body suit, it's used as her primary weapon. What it can do is give the user an immovable grip. Immoveable in human terms, not machinery terms. The gloves are tuned to the users movements and nerve impulses, thus it will not move in any way that the user does not so desire. Her gloves are great for gouging, ripping, crushing, and implementing the torture called the "Jaw Breaker"




***Gordon Freeman***

Name: Gordon Freeman


Gender: Male

Rebel Scientist

He's a rather cold person, mostly focused on his work, and harming anyone who disturbs it. Due to an accident involving chemicals and a cheese sandwich, he is mute. In other words, he's not much of a talker.

Enhancements: His suit is impervious to radiation, chemicals, and intense temperature. It can absorb a lot of shock, i.e. bullet impacts.

Weapons: Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator - This device replaces his right arm, and allows him to manipulate the invisible zero point energy field around all inanimate objects. It can lift, and move any object within reason. When it releases the items, it overcharges the zero point energy field around the object, allowing it to become free. If the field is overcharged enough, it can punt objects at incredible speeds, and cause massive amounts of damage. For the most part, Gordon uses it to move and handle hazardous materials.


(Imagine the gun as part of his right arm)




Name: Crimson


Gender: Female

Rebel Scientist

Forceful, but not in an entirely unpleasant way, non-discriminatory is about the best way to describe the attitude she takes with those around her. Though a genius in her own rights, Crimson's interpersonal skills are severely underdeveloped, compounded with her inflated ego makes her disrespectful at the best of times, a terror at the worst.

Enhancements: Though she herself denies it, rumors circulate that her incredible mental faculties are due to mental enhancements Crimson created herself. It is a fact however that much of her natural body has been completely replaced with cybernetic parts she herself built. These enhancements are in the main used for the creation and development of her inventions, the majority of which serve military use. These enhancements include a left eye that is able to see beyond the relatively limited spectrum natural eyes can pick up, greatly enhanced network capacity, and extensive interface options for dealing with a wide verity of computers and machines.

Weapons: Depends on how creative she's been lately.


Seen here working on a powered assault mech. She stands 5'7" with an athletic build, big blue eyes and long white hair.

Age: 52


Alliance: Rebel Fighter

Personality: Secretive and sometimes sympathetic but it is an oddity. Despises all who work for Lord Xi and and Lord Xi himself. Only places his trust in a few people now. Normally asks questions before going guns a blazing. Prefers sticking to the shadows to take out his Targets rather than a frontal assault. You wont catch him smiling very often either. Humorous at times even though he prefers to keep a serious approach on most things.

Sound of his foot steps are muffled by 65%. He has a knife switch in his wrist where he can press a button and a knife sticks out (A bit like assassins creed) and a visor which allows him to see through must types of walls.Weapons: His built in knife, Vibro sword on his back and Silenced smg and pistol

Looks: Dark black hair goes down just above his brown eyes. Muscular body but is quite thin. His Cyber suit is a slick almost transparent black and firs on him perfectly. On his right hand at the wrist it goes down a bit more so the built in knife has somewhere to pop out of. His visor is also black and the tint black also. This makes him almost invisible in the shadows
Name: James Drake

Age: 43

Gender: Male

Alliance: Utonian Lieutenant

Personality: James Drake (often called just 'Drake') is strangely kind. Despite his cold-blooded looks, he prefers non-lethal methods to going in, and killing everyone in sight. Of course, those methods are not always possible. He is very efficient at sticking to the shadows and is trained in several hand combat methods. He is often very open, even to people who he has only recently met. This can be his downfall, as he often reveals information that should be kept secret.

Enhancements: Camoflague (i.e. Blending in to the background, not quite invisibility) and an Electric pulse capable of knocking someone out for a while.

Weapons: A compact assault rifle, small vibro dagger.

Looks: He has a dark blue cybersuit that covers his entire lower body and his lower face. His hair dark brown hair is cut short. His cybersuit will move to cover his face when camoflague is active.
I made two, hope that's allowed.

Name: Zink

Age: 45

Gender: Female

Alliance: Rebel Fighter

Personality: Zink used to be engaged to a man named John, but he was killed by Xi's troops for being a suspected Trojan. It was because of this that Zink joined the rebels. After John's death, Zink became a bit harsher towards people but not so much because of bitterness as it is avoiding being hurt again. Being at war with Xi's forces, Zink knows that casualties are inevitable and tries not to let herself become attached or overly fond of people. However, she does have a soft spot for people who have been displaced by Xi's troops, especially children because John and she wanted to have a family.

Enhancements: Robotic left eye allows her to scan areas and buildings and put together a rough map of the layout. On her left hand is a gauntlet with claw-like probes that allow her to connect with computers and hack them, the time it takes varies on the level of security in place on the computer. She also posseses jets both on her back and on the back of her calves.

Weapons: As well as being able to hack into computers, her left hand can also send out an eletric blast that momentarily stuns a person/disables a lower level Blade, however it uses a lot of energy and it would take 30 minutes until she would be able to do it again. If she gets close enough to a low level Blade to stab it with her 'Claws', and if she's quick enough, she can implement a temporary command of her own that will last a few seconds.



Name: Xenon

Age: 52

Gender: Female

Alliance: Utonian Lieutenant

Personality: Loyal and determined, but sometimes vicious in her methods. She has an "ends justify the means" attitude. Xenon's father served as a General for Lord Xi until he contracted the Trojan virus and had to be exterminated. Xenon was not angered by the actions taken against her father though, raised on stories of the Trojan wars, she understood the the need to erradicate the dangerous virus and followed in her father's footsteps as one of Lord Xi's lieutenants.

Enhancements: Hoverpack - like a jet pack, but quieter. She has a special force shield that causes the light that passes through it to be refracted, making her appear to be closer or in a different area than she really is.

A double vibro-bladed staff that is also capable of delivering an electric pulse on physical contact from either end. A custom automatic handgun called a Staple: takes 6 bullet magazines, however it has 6 separate chambers and can alternate between firing 1 at a time, or all 6.

(Like this, but older and not quite as skinny)

[MENTION=2890]DerpDaHerp[/MENTION]: Accepted!

[MENTION=1514]Tylar Annell[/MENTION]: Also accepted and two are allowed but I recommend starting with one (the rebel) and bringing in the second later, that way the later on if you prove yourself the second can be a General. But your choice if you believe you can handle it.

Also Utonian's. Please don't just find the Rebel Base. It's a well kept secret and the only safety the rebels have.
Well if it's not too late...



Gender: Male

Rebel Fighter

Free-spirited and stubborn. Liberty is the most important virtue to him. He enjoys drinking and joking around but he's not always so jolly. To gust, the human population is comprised of three groups: best friends, people who need their asses kicked and people who need to be killed. He has a tendency to get into fights over seemingly small things, though he can force himself to behave when teamwork is needed. Gust takes combat very seriously and fights with honor and integrity.

Enhancements: Can suck in the air around him through vents on his cyber suit, pressurize it and then channel it to exit points in order to hover, boost his running speed, leap long distances and push enemies away.

Weapons: Vibro-spear with a fairly long blade that can slice as well as stab

Appearance: Here's a crappy little thing I whipped up in draw and a picture of the guy I'm sort of basing his appearance off of (the lead singer of Eluveitie.)

View attachment 5817View attachment 5822

You get the idea. His armor's mostly green. He has some mean reddish dreads and a cap to hide the fact that he's starting to bald. and a sort of leg cape/ flowy kilt thingy coming off his belt. He also likes to put on warpaint for battle.
Is it to late to join this?

O_3 Kinda wanted to make a trojan, but i didn't know if i was allowed to...

But whatever. If my cs' isn't good enough, tell me how i can fix it and if i am allowed to keep my trojan <3

Name: Albel K. Fiore

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Alliance: Trojan

Personality: His mind has begun to slowly rot away, as he is showing the first symptoms of becoming a trojan. He is becoming easily irritated and is paranoid about if he is just overreacting or if is actually one of them. And so, not only is he becoming a trojan. He is also starting to show signs of becoming a megalomaniac, and is suffering from delusions as well. For his history, not much. His life until the symptoms came up was relatively normal as well. He was never that much of a sore thumb in any way. And so, as i said before, his life started making a rather 'horrible' change in direction once he started thinking he was becoming a trojan. And currently, he is still living like he was, trying to be inconspicuous. But he is planning on moving soon, where will he move to? He doesn't know, unless he can find some sorta 'Trojan Mental Hospital', he will probably roam until someone kills him.

Enhancements: Basic Physical Enhancements; Is really fast, strong, flexible, and has great reflexes and can see far and hear well. Although one thing that sticks out, is what he would like to call the 'Class Switch', which he named after the basic class system in mmorpgs. He is able to enhance one 'class' of his body and make it much, much stronger then it previously was. For example, he could take the 'Fist' class, and he would gain tremendous strength. Or he could pick the 'Leg' class, and would increase his movement speed tremendously. However, this doesn't affect his reaction speed/reflexes. Unless he chooses to affect that category instead of his movement speed in general.

Weapons: N/A

Looks:View attachment 5820

And A crappy looking picture of his suit.

Anyhow, i'm actually going on a trip soon and i dunno if i will be able to active. But i still want to try =/ Sorry if it doesn't end up workin out.

Also, tell me if i gave him too much stuff _-_
Name: The Drifter

Age: 29


Alliance: I choose my own path

Personality: (Read only the Outer Layer unless you want a brain fart)

(Her Inner Mind)
There are many words that can be used to describe me, but what it all results in is nothing more then normalcy.

To merely be normal is the bane which is denied by every person who has not given up on life and dwells on the prospects of being more then what they were born into.

However this was not the cast for her. She was never apart of the innocuous masses whose innocence died each and everyday

when they finally realized they were not special...

But even normalcy has varying degrees to it. She has qwirks and problems and minor differences from everybody else,

yet this is to be expected since everybody is one and the same. What sets the difference between herself and the rest of

the diseased bicuspids is found in the tiny entrenchments found in the confines of her brain.

Whereas other people carry on with their lives, she is of the select few who thinks...thinking?!?! how in the world does that

make her any different. Surely there were great thinkers since historic times who could without a doubt surpass her in any fields

of academics or knowledge. Surely there were plenty of people in the present day who could.

But then again...she was not special. She is normal. and that is the thing to remember. When she thinks, she thinks not of her

own gain, her own ambition, not even her well being. She thinks about the world. She is one of the few who pauses in the river of life

; taking but a moment to look and see the desolation happening upon the people. She thinks about Justice and Glory, Vengeance and Mercy.

She thinks of God and Corporate Greedy, and countless other things that have no doubtedly been contemplated before.

So whats the point...

In the world there's many geniuses, many samaritans, many who are both superior and more knowledgeable, yet she accepts that as well.

What remains different is that she holds no grudge, any pressure from influences like the above mentioned might as well be nonexistant.

That does not mean that she is cold and heartless, on the contrary she is bashful, arrogant and acts without thinking on a frequent basis.

She is a thinker, but that does not mean she is exempt from the regular pleasures of life. It is the immaterial that ceases to affect

her. It is her understanding of the world which makes her both unappealing and unsociable to the modern world. Not because she is, but

because she refuses to donn the restraints created by social conventions. When any human being, any organism communicates with her in any way

, their voice is without a doubt saturated with bias.

Her refusal to acknowledge this bias is what makes her different whilst being normal. She is of a new breed.

There is only one term which sums up what she is... A PUNK PHILOSOPHER (If you understand the reference then you are awesome)

Now being merely a punk philosopher leaves alot of gaps in what she truly is. You would think that she would be unrestrained by modern day

conventions like laws and Justice, and would thus end up a common thief. She cares nothing for others opinions thus entering the realm of

of the underworld would not be unexpected.

In the world there is an order, many individuals have already seen it, many acknowledge it, many try to oppose it. Yet this set hierarchy

protects and maintains the peace, where would otherwise be destruction and chaos. Unlike human conventions, this order is very much real

, She may not serve any man, but she is willing to bend towards the will of the forces which span galaxies.

This is her conviction, the guiding force which paves the way in her journey. This is her life.

(The Outer Layer...toned down)

Ok so what does the inner mind signify? Nothing really. Aside from her subconscious, most people would be more concerned with her more extroverted personality. She is a purveyer of justice in the beliefs that order must be maintained. She is strict towards those who violate the peace and prosperity of the land. These people need to be eliminated, and she does all in her power to destroy them, regardless of pleas, regardless of temptation.

She does show mercy at times, although not from sad sob stories told from mouths but from the stories that are etched in every persons face, their body, their experiences.

She frequently hides her emotions behind a poker face, although she is not immune to humor and disgust. She is human terms...a girl. When her poker face breaks from some stimulus, all hell breaks loose and she cannot hide anything for a good while until she regains her composure. It is this break she fears, it makes her vulnerable to the chaos. Only with a "calm" portrayed by both body and face can one hope to withstand the tides of despair and destruction.

In short: She's a poser!

History(Really Toned Down):

She's here to kick ass while being nonchalant about it.

(I'll provide a proper version later or if the boss doesn't mind it being 1 line long)

Enhancements(Toned Down): (What can ya do thanks to your machines, your abilities)

(Tails) -Not a True Weapon for it decreases the air density and gravity protruding 5 meters in a radius around her. This allows her to enter a space similar to a sky tunnel. It is not true flight as it takes years of training to be able to manipulate the sky tunnel with ease, but with an infinite space to travel in, it becomes formidable indeed.

A Sky tunnel. (It is fun, but crazy hard to do)

View attachment 5870

A second function is that each of the twin tails can send out a magnetic beam in a straight line and will pull the user to whatever is attracted, unless the object being attracted is heavier then the user. Quite handy in a world made of metals both natural and synthetic.


Her gloves- Oh does it have the ability to shoot energy waves, to command the elements, to melt anything with a touch?


Although it's apart of the body suit, it's used as her primary weapon What it can do is give the user an immovable grip. Immoveable in human terms, not machinery terms. The gloves are tuned to the users movements

and nerve impulses, thus it will not move in any way that the user does not so desire.

Her gloves are great for gouging, ripping, crushing, and implementing the torture called the "Jaw breaker"

The Jaw Breaker is where the user sticks two fingers from each hand into her victims mouth and slowly pulls it apart. The victim feels their jaw widen beyond human limits and panic. They cannot bite down since the jaw muscles are weak. As they panic they cannot think properly most of the time. And the positioning makes it hard to remove. And normally with the gloves, the torture easily leads to death as the entire skull is snapped apart.

(The gloves extend to her entire upper body as well)


-Does not describe as requested-

View attachment 5819

Toned Down =/
Ok just a quick note to everyone who isn't a rebel. The main focus of this RP is the rebels, so they will get the most action. So for those who want a lot of action and activeness I suggest a main rebel character and secondary torjan/utonian characters for later to keep permanently or get killed. Unless you plan on changing sides eventually, which is fine. That works good as well, just suggestions.

@DannyTrollhammer It's good, but I'm not sure about the nanomachines controlling air, could you rather just make it small built in fans and vents rather. Nanos who can control air can make you too powerful if used wrong.

@Will O' The Wisp You are fine, just keep in mind what I said above. Trojans won't get to have much stuff given to them since they can't fight with Rebels and Utonians all the time. Just to let you know, otherwise fine.

@Temperance Obviously not accepted until you finish, but one thing. That personality, tone it way down! We only need a summary. No more than 2 paragraphs, maybe 3...
Ok that's fine I just want simple wind manipulation so he can boost himself around and maybe hover a bit, no free flying. I don't want him being too powerful I just want him to be able to charge quickly towards enemies and be able to push them around a little with the wind. I'll just say that he has fans on his feet, back and hands and small vents around his body that suck in the air as he charges, removing wind resistance while channeling it towards the exit points, allowing him to charge/hover etc.
Ok im done.

Although i didnt delete it, i made a part 2 which is basically the summary.

If you want the full version just ask.
Name: Gordon Freeman

Age: Looks 30, is actually 70 ish

Gender: Male

Alliance: Rebel Scientist

Personality: He's a rather cold person, mostly focused on his work, and harming anyone who disturbs it. Due to an accident involving chemicals and a cheese sandwich, he is mute. In other words, he's not much of a talker.

Enhancements: His suit is impervious to radiation, chemicals, and intense temperature. It can absorb a lot of shock, i.e. bullet impacts.

Weapons: Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator - This device replaces his right arm, and allows him to manipulate the invisible zero point energy field around all inanimate objects. It can lift, and move any object within reason. When it releases the items, it overcharges the zero point energy field around the object, allowing it to become free. If the field is overcharged enough, it can punt objects at incredible speeds, and cause massive amounts of damage. For the most part, Gordon uses it to move and handle hazardous materials.

Looks: Imagine the gun as part of his right arm in the black and white photo

View attachment 5905View attachment 5906
Name: Crimson

Age: 67

Gender: Female

Alliance: Utonian Scientist (special weapons R&D )

Personality: Forceful, but not in an entirely unpleasant way, non-discriminatory is about the best way to describe the attitude she takes with those around her. Though a genius in her own rights, Crimson's interpersonal skills are severely underdeveloped, compounded with her inflated ego makes her disrespectful at the best of times, a terror at the worst.

Enhancements: Though she herself denies it, rumors circulate that her incredible mental faculties are due to mental enhancements Crimson created herself. It is a fact however that much of her natural body has been completely replaced with cybernetic parts she herself built. These enhancements are in the main used for the creation and development of her inventions, the majority of which serve military use. These enhancements include a left eye that is able to see beyond the relatively limited spectrum natural eyes can pick up, greatly enhanced network capacity, and extensive interface options for dealing with a wide verity of computers and machines.

Weapons: Depends on how creative she's been lately

Looks: View attachment 5910Seen here working on a powered assault mech. She stands 5'7" with an athletic build, big blue eyes and long white hair.
I'd have to see you RP a bit more before I allow that... besides I don't want the very strong generals coming in son quickly... I wanna save them for later, that way people also have a chance to show they can handle rping one, both by skills and activity. I don't want a General who is never around when I need him....
If one person is allowed to play Gordon Freeman with the Zero Point energy field manipulator I want to play as Chell with the Portal Gun.
Truthfully I'm not a fan, so I didn't know he just made a copy of another character. But if he can't come up with anything, it's up to him.

But I wouldn't see anything too wrong with a Portal Gun as long as it follows the limits of only where you can see you can fire, two connected ones at a time and not really any other powers.
Oh dear... You've never played Portal 2 have you? There's a reason the Portal Gun never leaves the underground facility.

Step 1: Fire portal 1 at the moon

Step 2: Fire portal 2 under your enemy

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 as necessary.

Portals are Over Powered because you can effectively warp space and matter. IMO The Zero point gun is OP because you ARE holding a gun that can shoot anything, and do so without propellant. I'm not going to rant if he honestly can't come up with anything else, but copy/pasta characters are lack-luster at best. He also picked one of the least empathetic, least identifiable characters in existence.
Well I would limit the portal guns range obviously, so shooting moon is impossible. Also not a big fan of copy and paste, but I'll let him. Sometimes people can add their own spin.

Also if anyone GMs with their powers they will be warned, if they continue without care they will be banned, etc. It applies to anyone.
Oh quiet you. Crypteck, if all you are going to do is complain about my use of one character, (whom I have NEVER played as before), you can kindly go to hell. He is my idol. Be happy I didn't use MASTER CHIEF. I hate him...

Besides, I'm in a bit of a lazy rut. School starts soon, and I've been studying my arse off for the past month. So my apologies, lord Crypteck the "perfect". Your parents smell of elderberries, I fart in your general direction and bite my thumb at thee!
OK, enough from both of you. Cryptek, I think we can both agree no more comments about Gordon's character and Gordon, I know your annoyed but that is enough of that, there won't be anymore comments about your character, it's your free range to use what inspiration you will, let's rather concentrate on the RP itself and have fun.

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