Zero Tolerance [RP]

Sylver blinks rapidly then she clues in to what the boy asked her, she quickly put away her sword and shook her head "No, we're here to save you!" Sylver smiles and holds her hand out to help the boy up. " You don't need to cry, I know, this place is really scary, but, hey! I'm a walking flashlight! " Sylver smiles and tugs the boy to his feet
The little boy looked at her in disbelief, he couldn't comprehend that someone could actually come to save him, it just couldn't be true. He tried to get up as his legs wobbled and he slowly collapsed due to having been locked up for so long and his treatment in this prison.
Sylver crouched down in front of the boy, " I can carry you this way." Sylver was a bit taller than the boy and when she looked back, he still almost looked to be in shock " you climb on my back and that's how I'd get you around!" Sylvers expression was one of pure happiness, because she was doing something better than sleeping and eating.
([MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION] [MENTION=2986]WantYourSoul[/MENTION] So sorry for dropping off the face of the internet. But, I'm back now. Hopefully we can continue.)

Zink didn't stay long enough to watch Sylver with the young boy, instead she made her way to the next cell. It was the same size, but there were more people crammed into it. Taking her vibroblade on the end of her rifle, Zink cut through the locks on the door. In an underground prison filled with Blades, any escapee hardly stood a chance; there was no need for the locks to be impenetrable. The prisoners all looked up at the sound of the door opening, confusion evident on their faces.

"You're being rescued, everyone out quickly," Zink said, helping some up and out into the hallway. Leaving the rest for Sylver to help, Zink continued on did the same to the next cell. They had a lot more to go yet.


A pair of eyes as blue and cold as ice watched the scenes being played out on the holographic display. She had been keeping track of the rebel intruders since they first broached the security fence. Now Xenon watched as the two females attempted to rescue the prisoners from their cells.

"General," The tall, blue-haired woman turned as she was addressed by the drone, "Your orders?" Xenon looked back at the holographic screen for a moment, contemplating her actions.

"I will intercept the rebels. Inform the Warden there has been an intrusion." Xenon's voice low and monotone as she sent the drone away with its instructions. The Warden was a fool, insane and incompetent in her eyes, it would take him a while to address the matter. Time enough for the General to confront the rebels herself.

Taking up the staff weapon that rarely left her side, Xenon left the control room at calm but determined pace. The rebels were currently three levels below her, so she made her way to the elevator. She did not have long to wait for the machine, within a second the door opened up and Xenon stepped inside. While not a long ride, Xenon's mind briefly went over her task.

Her orders were not to kill them, simply to gauge their skill. Off course, accidents did happen in battles, perhaps one might not parry a blow a well as she expected. Xenon allowed a small, cruel smile to grace her lips at the thought. These rebel were scum, anarchists bent on destroying their way of life. Xenon had no doubt she wouldn't be punished for eliminating just these few.

However, the order had come from Lord Xi himself and, as much pleasure as she would get from crushing these dissidents, Xenon would
not disobey him.

The doors hissed as the elevator opened down the hall directly behind the group of rebels and freed prisoners. The smile dropped from her face as she stepped out into the hall, engaging her force shield and her staff weapon crackled with electricity as it was readied for battle.
Sylver hefted the smaller boy onto her back as she made her way out of the hall, " Zink, you there?" She calls cautiously, stepping into the next room slowly and surprisingly quietly for someone with a child on their back. With a quick exhale, Sylver bussies herself momentarily with letting the child down and helping others to their feet before steadying the child, " I need you to walk on your own for right now." Sylver smiles and makes sure everyone was out of the dingy, cramped room before her violet eye beams flickered on as she gently led them over to were she last saw Zink
The boy tried his best to walk on his own, but was force to lean on Sylver. He was just too weak to keep going.

"I'll help!"

A large brutish man came through, he had been freed from the others. He wore a navy blue CyberSuit and was huge in stature. He could probably swallow Sylver and the boy whole. He had a large monobrow, short hair in a buzzcut. He had a huge grin with giant teeth that could probably mash metal. He had some metal cap around the back of his head that let through some ponytail hair and his cybersuit had a huge power core generator in the center that was humming. He also had huge metal cuffs and shackles around his ankles and wrists connected to giant metal balls.

He lifted the little boy right up onto his shoulders.
Sylver looked slightly scared as she looked up at the large man, "O-okay. You sure you got him?" She asks, still scanning the area with her illuminated irises. Sylver then frezzes, her little form stock still as she scans the area, she suddenly begins pushing others against the wall and hissed, " I see a Blade."

Once Sylver was semi-sure that the blade wouldn't attack the escapees, she went on one knee with her little hand spread out beneath her chin, a soft whirring noise was heard in Sylvers head as she scanned the blade and after a moment, let two little bits of fire shoot from the tips of her black nails and head straight towards the nearing blade.
Xenon did not attack immediately, instead watching the rebels and prisoners, waiting to see what they would do and how long it would take them to notice her presence. Her purpose here for the moment was to observe and assess whether or not they posed any large threat. So far, she had not been impressed. A lone Blade appeared down the other end of the corridor, and Xenon watched as it was easily dispatched by the younger rebel.

'Are they sending children now?' She thought snidely. Before the destroyed droid hit the ground however, the sounds of even more Blades approaching started from up the corridor. Xenon thought about attacking them now, while their attention was diverted, but decided to continue her observations for the moment and see how they would fare against more attackers.

(I'm sorry that's all I have right now. I'll try to post a little more regularly, but it probably won't exceed 1 or 2 a week.)
As more Blades approached, the towering man simply swung his one arm causing the metal ball attached to it by a chain to go flying as it smashed right through the Blades leaving only scrap metal.

"We should meet with your friends and leave this place soon."

The giant said quietly.

The small boy looked at them both.

"But no one ever escapes from Hades, can we really make it out of here?"
Sylver's sensitive pointed ears picked up the sound of oncoming Blades and she suddenly began nervously pacing before calling out to Zink, " I want to leave now. Lets go." And with that, Sylver began leading the prisoners away before she felt as though something or someone was watching them. Sylver put on a brave face as she pushed adults who were much larger than she was to were she presumed would be their exit, " Is this the place?" She asks Curcuit before finally her nerves got the better of her and she whirled around and drawing her kilaj in a flash as she scans the area for anything out of the ordinary with her large glowing violet eyes.

( It's pretty bad because I wrote this on my iPod ;_; )
( I forgot about this roleplay. I thought it was dead, and now I can't figure out how to get my character back in)
([MENTION=2486]Thesmashbro[/MENTION], it's a small prison so I'm sure you can find a way to easily rejoin the group in the mission)
Beat stepped over the remains of the army of blades he had knocked out. "Where one Blade is a deadly threat, an army of Blades is cannon fodder." He thought to himself as he roamed the halls. "Is everyone still alive?" He said over the communicator. "I have absolutely no idea what I'm supposed to do here."
Zink guided the large throng of confused escapees down the hall; there would be no way of getting out the way they came in, so they would have to find an alternative route. "Circuit, where's the best way out of this place?" She spoke into the comms before hearing Beat.

"Good to hear you're alive," From the radio silence, Zink had begun to fear that the man had been overwhelmed by the Blades, "We've freed the prisoners and we're getting out of here, you need to get over here."

As she was speaking, Zink had looked back at Sylver and noticed she was becoming more and more anxious. She had assumed it was the oncoming dash for freedom, but when she spun around ready for an attack, Zink followed suit. "What is it?"


The rebels had started to move off, so Xenon followed slowly, her heavily armored feet barely audible about the noise of the group. She noted the agitation of the youngest rebel and a smile came to her face as the young girl whipped about to face the unseen foe her instinct told her was there. Out in the open, there was no way for Xenon to to remain hidden, even if she had wanted to, which she didn't. The vibroblades at the ends of her staff hummed and crackled with electricity as she waited for the young one to attack first.
Sylver had instantly went inn guard when she saw her pursuer, with a muffled fwoosh, Sylver's blade was alight and she scanned the area around Xenon, making sure the woman wasn't flanked by guard Blades. With an inner ugh of relief Sylver eyes the large woman warily, not sure whether or not to attack or guard from the woman's surely powerful attacks. Deciding to use her speed and small form to her advantage, Sylver dashes to the right of Xenon but instead of slicing at her armoured side. Sylver lifts her hand up and let's two fiery bullets fly at the woman's face.
Circuit and the Operators were working like crazy.

"An exit will not be easy to find, it seems the prison has been put in lock down and finding a way out will take time. For now just free as many prisoners as you can and stay out of trouble. Also get together, if you are apart it will be easy for you yo be picked off. Please find Sylver, don't forget she is only a child."


The boy saw the face of their attacker and immediately recognized her face when he saw the little girl go for her.

"No! Don't!"

He tried to yell out to warn her, but it was too late as she was charging off.
"Just out of curiosity, what would happen if I shook the foundation?" Beat said over the comm. "Could anyone create some form of shield to block the wreckage if that's what we end up doing?"
(I don't want this rp to be dead. Can't we revive it one more time?)

Sylver, deciding not to push her luck by staying within reach of the woman's deadly weapon flipped off her opponent's side and quickly dove for her nearest bit of cover, vaguely remembering that sound weapons had a much farther reach than it looked.

Trying to ready herself to fly out of cover at the hint of danger, catch her breath, and gasp over the comm to Beat, " Go ahead and shake it. I doubt this mission can go any farther south."

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