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KillParis submitted a new role play:

?????? ?????? - Wolves with gifts trying to survive the everlasting night.


Sleepy Hollow wasn't always there. It wasn't always so dark, so empty. So hollow. It was once a decent place, one that didn't roll off the other's tongues like poison. Then they changed it. Three of them, gods of judgement. Gods of death. Where ever they went everything turned so black, so dark, and soon Sleepy Hollow became what it is now. A forested...
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(May be new but I'm going to assume this is where you start it...? Yeah?)

"Admit it we're lost." Ace huffed, trotting after Arist at her side, the moon lit a small path through the dead trees, this was not the valley they'd know. Somehow Arist had gotten them off track and now they were even more lost in Sleepy Hollow than ever "We are not lost I...I just wanted to explore." Arist growled, making Ace snort "The dead laugh at your lies." he said, hearing the deceased in his head, scoffing, snickering "Tell them they can shut it. If they weren't dead I'd..." Arist stopped, what was the use, they really were lost.
Aeris was walking, leaving some frost where her paws toutched the ground. Already lost Aeris? She asked to herself. Me? Lost? Impossible! She replied to herself. She sat on a rock and waited for snow. Let it snow, it covers up the sky in a deep white. She smiled. It finally started to snow. Aeris jumped from the rock and walked on the tiny snow fall.
Tobias- Walking forwards Tobias looked around, coming to a halt. He raised his noise a tad higher, smelling the air as a boom of thunder hit the sky as usual. In his normal deep voice he looked from behind himself "Una this forest I swear will never end. We have been walking for days." Realizing she wasn't there he turned around worried "Una!"

Una- walking from behind Tobias she began to become bored. Sighing. "Miss are you okay" the plants said in her thoughts worry in there voices. She smiled to them "yes I am fine, you don't always have to worry you know, I'm just bored" she sighed. Feeling that the plants were relived they asked "is there any way we can help ease your boredom?" "No I think.." A thought coming to mind she smiled "actually I think maybe you can help me out." Telling them her plan a branch lowered to the forest floor. Easily she walked on it, rising when she was fully on. "A joke never hurts" she chuckled high above the forest floor. Hearing Tobius call her name she jumped off the branch yelling "Up here! Coming in Hot!" She laughed landing on a big soft piled of moss that grew only seconds before she hit the ground.

Tobias- Looking up his heart stopped, fear rising. Seeing that she landed on the moss he stood still in shock. Moving forwards again the next second " I swear you are going to give me a heart attack..." He mummers.

Una- she laughed walking behind him "aww Come on It was a joke!"
Aristocrat stopped, looking up..W...Was it starting to snow? Oh no. Oh she hated the cold. She was a being of heat not frost "A-ri-st. How long are you going to trot around aimlessly till you admit we're lost? At this rate a nightmare will find us." Arist blinked, nightmares..Shadow beasts...Devils. The things had been given so many names over the centuries wolves had lived here, Ace had just taken up the name 'Nightmares' and left it at that, he sat down, looking around "Think there's anyone else around?" He asked, hearing thunder in the distance "Strange...It's snowing yet..Thunder? This place is....Odd. The dead don't like it, Arist, we need to get moving." Ace said, suddenly standing up, he nudged Arist's thigh and started ahead of her, she blinked "We need to get back to the valley, this way." He said firmly, Arist shook herself off, exerting flames for a quick second before catching up with Ace.
Una- the plants began to speak in her head again "Miss if you want to get out of this forest there is a valley down a little ways. Would you like us to take you there?" She smiled happy to finally leave the forest. "Oh sure! Let me ask my brother if he was you to take him there to. Honestly I think he might want to run"

Tobias- walking he began to get slightly annoyed thinking "this forest will never end!" Thunder hit the sky

Una- Running up to Tobias she smiled "Hey! Soooo my friends found a valley a little ways away. And I'm sick of this forest so let's change it up. They said they would take me there do you want them to ya know pick ya up too?" She chuckled knowing he hatted the whole riding on plants and getting help from plants. It just creeped him out.

Tobias- looking at her he stared at her "eh..ill just run, I prefer that better."

Una- "okay!" She smiled thinking "okay so no for him yes for me" the plants replying right away "okay let's go miss" a branch lowered, moving on top of it, the branch began to move. At a rather fast pace. She chuckled yelling from above "Meet ya there!"

Tobias- he chuckled beginning to run, following her as they broke through the clearing. Tobias reached the valley, bright light coming through. He came to a walk, his head a shoulders high, his normal Posture. He side "finally some light"

Una- the branch lowered, jumping of she thought "Thank you" she smiled softly as the branch went back up to the sky they replied "your welcome miss" talking to Tobias she smiled "Nice to know not everything is dark around here" flowers bloomed around her.

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Ace hurried along, Arist trotting behind him "Do the dead always...I don't know...Pop into your head like this?" She asked, trying to keep up with her companion, who's pace was increasing by the minute "Yes...No..Sort of. They talk to me all the time but I only listen when they get loud and they only ever get loud when they want me to hear them." Ace explained, but by the way he was talking he made it sound like it was hard to explain "Ah, I see, and what did they say about the odd weather? Hm?" Arist asked, curious of his answer "They said it wasn't natural, it's setting them on edge, which means we need to start moving. Unnatural equals bad." He said, Arist snorted "Are we classified as natural?" she asked, because last time she check wolves didn't talk to the dead or control fire "What? Well no I just..Can we just get home? I want to roll around in the dirt again." He said, making Arist roll her eyes, or try "You can roll in the dirt anytime." she stated, looking ahead she noticed the trees were getting leaves, they were close to the valley "Home dirt is the best dirt." Ace chuckled, making Arist flatten her ears "You are...An idiot, quite frankly."
Tobias- looking around he sat down taking in the light. Yet still on guard. Seeing Una trot over he looked down at her easily towering over her even though she was full grown. "What?" He ginned amused.

Una- "she chuckled "I was wondering can we stay here for a while...PLEASE! Seriously I'm like begging, it's cold and dark in there, and that really isn't my cup of tea!" She said dead serious.

Tobius-'He started laughing by her seriousness. "You wha...tea?" He coughed clearing his thought "eh sure I agree, it not my favorite either." He smiled.

Una- smiling she jumping in the air" Oh thank you!" She ran off down to a stream flowers blooming as trailing her.

Tobias- "please don't go to far" he said before she left. Laying down he slightly closed his eyes.

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"Home dirt is the best dirt, oh yes it is~" Ace sang, making Arist flatten her ears to the point where they couldn't go down any further "Stop singing, honestly, boys were not meant to sing." She stated bluntly, Ace only chuckled "Hey now, I'm sure some brute out there has the voice of an angel." he said, trying to lighten Arist's mood "Maybe, but you are not him, stop singing." She stated, finally caught up to him as the entered back into the valley "Fine then...Will you sing for me? Girls sing better, right?" He asked, looking down at Arist, who bared her teeth "No."




"No Ace."


"Fine, just...Just stop that...Hhh...Home dir-t is the be-st dirt. Oh ye-s, oh ye-s." Arist's voice echoed, it was soft and smooth, she could be a real girl when she wanted to be. She strung out some of the words, letting her voice shake as she did so, Ace's tail started to wag "See? You sing beautifully." he barked "I just sang...About dirt...And there went my pride." she sighed, Ace chuckled once more, they'd be home soon he knew it...He hoped he knew it at least.
Tobias- hearing commotion he lifted his head, standing up he began to walk forwards. His ears perked, ready to attack if Necessary . Noting that the voices weren't near we his sister was he moved forwards, coming to a halt, he raced his head, one paw about to hit the earth. Seeing two wolves come out of the forest. Walking forwards he moved calmly yet still will engage in a fight if having to "eh, hello, sorry i havent seen another wolf other then my sister in a while, who are you?"

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Ace jumped in front of Arist when Tobias appeared 'suddenly', it was a reflex of his. He froze, waiting for Tobias to finish what he was saying before he eased, he wasn't a threat...That was good, but he still wasn't moving "I'm Ace, this is my friend Aristocrat." He tipped his head to the side, ears flicking back to point to Arist in some odd sort of way. The fae made her way to Ace's side, she was the fighter out of the two anyways, she had no fears when it came to other wolves. She nodded her head "Nice to meet you." She said, her heat escaping into the air, she didn't like the cold, she really didn't.
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Tobias- grinning he nodded "nice two meet you two..I um..we don't mean to intrude, my sister came along this place and she wanted to stay for awhile we will be on are way so.." His sentence cut off be a wolf like scream. Panic rushing through him "Una.." He whispered. He ran off with a burst of speed forwards to the sight of the yell.

Una- drinking the clear water she side. Raising her head back up he smiled "Nothing like a good old fresh drink of waterrrrrrrer..er" looking between her eyes a spider began crawling up her notice. Staring for a second fear began to rise. The next a Ear screeching scream came out. Jumping around furiously her eyes began to get watery as tears pooled, she was Deafly afraid of spider. Yelling "GET IT OFF...get it off! Ehhhh!" The plants rushed to her a vine moving slowly to her. Thoughts exploded though out her mind "miss would you like the spider to be taken off?" She wined "Please please take it off!" The vine reached forwards, generally removing it letting it go on a branch. "Thank you" she sighed turning around she saw Tobias standing there shocked, noting that he was about to laugh and probably make fun of her for it.

Tobias- getting to his sister he came to a halt. Seeing that isn't was only a spider he stood there on the verge of laughing.

Una- walking by him her ears pined back in embarrassment she said "Don't even comment"

Tobias- he followed behind her, slightly chuckling. He murmured "a spider.."

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The two wolves exchanged glances before rushing off after Tobias "Think it was a nightmare?" Ace asked, tongue hanging out to the side as he ran, it felt good to stretch his muscles "Maybe, put your tongue back in, you look like a frog." Arist snorted, they both skidded to a halt, seeing the two, Tobias and his sister, presumably the 'Una' he'd gone after, standing perfectly fine "Guess it..Wasn't a nightmare?" Ace asked aloud, Aristocrat pinned her ears "Guess not," she wiped her head back and forth "but that scream...That was loud, and loud echos, they'll be swarming in no time." It was true, the nightmares used sound to find wolves or prey for that matter, they had eyes but sound worked that best for them "Pleasure meeting you but-" Ace tried to continue his sentence but Arist was already heading down the river "Ace, hurry up!" she snapped, making Ace shake his head and chuckle "So stubborn. Will you..Be staying here?" he turned his head, looking to Tobias and Una.
Aeris looked in the air as more snow was coming from the sky. She stopped running and her ears twitched. What is that sound? she asked desesperately to herself. She then saw something. What is this thing now! Run! she said to herself before starting running again. Her paws touching the ground made some frost. She runned, runned and runned again since she found other wolves. She stopped running then. Looking like she did not camed to be a threat, she even diminuated the snow fall around her. "He... Hello?" she asked.
Arist flicked her ears, looking back, another wolf? This was not good, the more wolves there was the more noise there would be and the more noise then the easier of a time nightmares would have finding them. She needed to get them all moving but Ace was having a nice chat and she couldn't seem to get his attention.
Aeris looked at the ground. "I am sorry to disturb you..." she said as the snow became more intense. Huh oh! she tought. She sniffed the air as she putted her muzzle up. "I am sorry," she said. "I will try to get this thing under control." The snow diminuated again. She sitted down and where she sat some frost appeared.
Arist cocked her head and looked up...Snowing. It was snowing. Oh not the cold. Arist huffed and joined Ace at his side "There sure are a lot of you." She muttered under her breath, Ace on the other hand noticed the new wolf and headed over to her, leaving Arist with Tobias and Una "Hello!" He greeted, looking up as the snow fell, odd...He didn't know this place had seasons unless...He heard Aeris say something about controlling it "You're doing this?" he asked, his head cocked.
She lowered her hears. "Yes..." she said, a bit feeling ashamed. She got up and backed up, her paws doing frost. Aeris looked down at the ground again. Suddently, the snow stopped. Aeris looked at the frost her paws were making. Huh oh... she tought.
"Like Arist....But...Not." Ace muttered, fire and ice..Sorta, Ace made the connection "Arist!" He called looking back, the fae had her ears flat and was throwing her head around "Ace! How long are you going to dilly-dally?" She said, she'd always been the paranoid type "Would you come look at this, I think I figured out the solution to your cold." He snickered.
Huh? What is that wolf talking about? she asked to herself as she backed up again. "Wha...?" she asked. Sudently, the snow came back with Aeris insecurity. She continued to back up. If they attack, i'm dead! she tought.
Tobias- walking forward he sat down nest to Arist and Ace his sister following, looking at the new wolf he greeted her "hello, I'm Tobias, and this ..he looked down at his sister "is Una my sister."

Una- Walking forward she smiled a few flowers and grass growing at her feat thoughts poured in her head "miss, is this danger" she chuckled thinking back to the plants "no, you are all a lot like my brother you know" she smiled at the new wolf and the others "Sorry about the scream, usually I don't ya know...scream.. But the was a spider ...on my face SOOO. Ya it wasn't my cup of tea., so sorry about it tough" she looked down at the vine rapping gently around her paw, looking back up she smiled again a thought coming to mind "Oh ya and I'm Una, Tobias's "sister"

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Tobias- walking forward he sat down nest to Arist and Ace his sister following, looking at the new wolf he greeted her "hello, I'm Tobias, and this ..he looked down at his sister "is Una my sister."

Una- Walking forward she smiled a few flowers and grass growing at her feat thoughts poured in her head "miss, is this danger" she chuckled thinking back to the plants "no, you are all a lot like my brother you know" she smiled at the new wolf and the others "Sorry about the scream, usually I don't ya know...scream.. But the was a spider ...on my face SOOO. Ya it wasn't my cup of tea., so sorry about it tough" she looked down at the vine rapping gently around her paw, looking back up she smiled again a thought coming to mind "Oh ya and I'm Una, Tobias's "sister"

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She looked at Una and Tobias. "I am Aeris... Nice to meet you two," she said. She stopped backing up but her paws were still doing frost. The snow stopped everywhere but around her there was still some snow falling. She smiled. "What is a spider?" she asked to Una.
Una eyes shot open mouth dropped "you never seen a spider....Aw your so lucky! I'm so jealous, there creppy bugs with 8 legs and scary mouths, they just freak me out."

Tobias looked down at her and back up "just a bug. Really it's not that bad.." He sighed

Una looked back up at Tobias then back at Aeris she walked over and whispered "trust me...there horrible." Walking back she sat back down.

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