ѕℓєєρу нσℓℓσω [Inactive]

Una eyes shot open mouth dropped "you never seen a spider....Aw your so lucky! I'm so jealous, there creppy bugs with 8 legs and scary mouths, they just freak me out."

Tobias looked down at her and back up "just a bug. Really it's not that bad.." He sighed

Una looked back up at Tobias then back at Aeris she walked over and whispered "trust me...there horrible." Walking back she sat back down.

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Aeris looked at Una. "I don't think that I am lucky, all I saw since i'm born was snow and ice," she said and sighed. Her ears dropped. If only I knew what a bug is... she tought. She looked at her front paws and started stomping them on the ground. The ground started to frost each time her paws touched the ground.
Tobias- Looking at Aeris he sighed, realizing that considering her power she probably never has seen any insect or even flower. Sighing he looked up to her "I can show you one day, a spider, if you would like." He new Una was afraid of them so he offered and wanted to.

Una- look up at him in shock she thought "what the..he is going to show her a spider?"
She looked at him. "Okay," she said, returning to her paws. The snow completely stopped falling, even around her. They are all really nice... she tought. She stopped stomping her paws.
Tobias- he smiled nodding. Looking at Ace and Arist standing up he walked over looking down slitly at them, he asked wondering "So considering she scream, that probably means those...things might be there or..here soon. What's the plan, should we move, or do you want to stay here's?" Thunder boomed above head.

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"Haa!" Aeris looked up at the sky. "What was that!" she asked, scared. She sniffed the sky, looking for what it might be. What could it be? she asked herself.
He looked back at her giving a half smile "eh my power, I can control storms, thunder is always there though I guess."

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"Oh.. Okay..." she said. She looked around her and then sitted. She looked to Una. "I suppose you have a power too?" She asked her.
Una- she smiled "oh yes! I can speak to plants in my mind, there kinda like my family." She lifted her paw a white orchid growing extremely fast. "See" she looked back up.

Tobias's- walking over he sat down, "what's your power?"

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Aeris looked at the sky. Let it snow, let it snow... she tought and snow started to fall. "Your power is amazing Una!" Aeris said. Aeris paws started to be covered up in frost.
Una stared in àw "Mine..Look at yours! It's amazing!" She lowered down the the ground crawing forwards she stared at her paws coved in frost "doesn't the frost hurt?"

Tobias looked up as snow fell, landing on his black coat. He thought "it's stunning"

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She looked at her paws. "No, I don't feel it," she said. "Well, it might be amazing for you but I got used to it..." Aeris explained. She smiled and looked back at the sky. Snow... she tought and it started to snow more.
"Correct." Arist said quickly and bluntly, Ace nodded along with her "They are attracted to sounds, moving is the next best option. If you want to stay that's fine but Arist will rip my ears off if I do the same." He said, Arist headbutted his shoulder-blade "Shut it."
Tobias- realizing it began to snow more he smiled enjoying it. "Never realized how much I enjoyed snow." He thought. Thunder booming from above. Looking over to Ace he nodded, "staying in a group I think would be considered the best option. If its okay, we would like to stay with you for the time being" he said in a serious tone.

Una- she ran around playing in the snow. Grass and flowers growing at each step she took.

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If you mean how to insert your character, you could start them off somewhere then they find our party, could that work, Wings?)

Ace nodded "Nightmares..It would seem you haven't seen them, lucky you. They're attracted to sounds and scents...Mostly sounds." He explained to Aeris, then turned to Arist, who was looking impatient "Move. Now." She said, prancing in place.
"That's what i've heard then before encountering you," Aeris said out loud for herself. She looked at the sky and the snow stopped suddently.
"Heard?" Ace questioned aloud "No more waiting!" Arist said, hurrying on she started to leave, Ace seemed to panic a little "Arist!" he whined, trotting ahead a little "We should get moving." He said, looking back at the siblings and Aeris.
Aeris got up and the snow camed back around her. She turned to Una and Tobias. "Are you two coming?" she asked.

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