Yuu's coding testing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla at lorem nulla. Suspendisse placerat non tortor euismod faucibus. Sed eu facilisis mauris, quis pellentesque nisi. Etiam eleifend mauris ut iaculis cursus. Phasellus non nulla urna. Donec est elit, ornare vel sem vitae, fermentum tincidunt tortor. Cras convallis metus dolor, et pellentesque diam vestibulum a. Etiam mattis eget augue vel dapibus.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec lobortis bibendum odio sed finibus. Quisque in ipsum vitae mi interdum pellentesque. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi pretium lacus vitae tellus bibendum, eget volutpat mauris bibendum. Curabitur et blandit lorem. Proin lectus odio, elementum at nunc eget, imperdiet tincidunt metus. Donec vitae arcu hendrerit, efficitur sem non, auctor justo. Proin mattis luctus elit nec commodo. Suspendisse imperdiet nunc eget metus mollis, ut pharetra leo pharetra.

Phasellus facilisis enim sed tempus iaculis. Aenean fermentum eros nisl, eget pulvinar ante commodo eu. Nullam efficitur euismod sem vitae vestibulum. Nunc condimentum at augue id tristique. Vivamus a urna ac est molestie tincidunt interdum et turpis. Duis commodo convallis faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras ultrices justo id sapien posuere, tristique laoreet mi rhoncus.

Phasellus porta nisi turpis, eu pharetra dui lobortis vel. Praesent dictum interdum rhoncus. Nullam eget luctus ex, ut eleifend est. Vestibulum sed tincidunt quam. Morbi in ipsum faucibus orci condimentum accumsan. Cras et purus lectus. Vestibulum fringilla ut eros ut fermentum. Integer eu nisi sodales, vestibulum tortor eget, blandit nulla. Nam faucibus dictum lectus, vel lobortis arcu suscipit a. Curabitur efficitur, nulla nec vestibulum hendrerit, arcu nunc condimentum odio, imperdiet tempus massa diam in nisl. Maecenas diam lorem, dignissim at lorem eget, luctus pharetra odio. Cras ligula ante, scelerisque efficitur malesuada ut, laoreet in nunc. Aliquam eu cursus odio. Proin luctus, dui ut fermentum bibendum, libero massa blandit lorem, faucibus gravida nibh lacus in ante. Cras consequat justo eget libero auctor molestie. Ut id odio eget tellus vulputate sodales non sed ligula.

Aenean sed porttitor metus, nec tincidunt eros. Nam ac magna sit amet ex ornare lobortis sit amet et nibh. Pellentesque eget mi a magna ultricies tempor vel in dolor. Phasellus iaculis massa non sapien semper, vel sagittis augue auctor. Maecenas egestas lorem nisl, sed convallis elit commodo vel. Vestibulum vel semper ligula, fermentum accumsan dui. Proin suscipit, neque at lacinia varius, felis lacus rutrum diam, a vulputate massa ante rutrum felis. In consequat dui vitae magna ultricies elementum. Nunc nulla nisl, maximus et convallis sed, semper sit amet sem.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies sem arcu, in consequat odio vestibulum at. Phasellus at blandit eros. Mauris ultricies lorem enim. Vestibulum dapibus massa tempor auctor ultricies. Integer lacus orci, pellentesque ac lacus eget, sollicitudin suscipit metus. Nullam pulvinar sit amet ipsum vel mattis. Quisque ac nisi et urna maximus tempus sed sit amet turpis. Vivamus dictum nulla in bibendum ornare. Phasellus lacinia dolor eu lacus gravida egestas. Donec nec tincidunt diam, at aliquam arcu. Quisque placerat cursus dolor et scelerisque. Cras tristique auctor eros, ut euismod libero commodo eget. Fusce at feugiat ipsum. Maecenas laoreet viverra dui, eget maximus mauris pretium quis. Integer leo odio, eleifend eget dolor eu, sodales auctor est.

(Click each section bar to read more)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies sem arcu, in consequat odio vestibulum at. Phasellus at blandit eros. Mauris ultricies lorem enim. Vestibulum dapibus massa tempor auctor ultricies. Integer lacus orci, pellentesque ac lacus eget, sollicitudin suscipit metus. Nullam pulvinar sit amet ipsum vel mattis. Quisque ac nisi et urna maximus tempus sed sit amet turpis. Vivamus dictum nulla in bibendum ornare. Phasellus lacinia dolor eu lacus gravida egestas. Donec nec tincidunt diam, at aliquam arcu. Quisque placerat cursus dolor et scelerisque. Cras tristique auctor eros, ut euismod libero commodo eget. Fusce at feugiat ipsum. Maecenas laoreet viverra dui, eget maximus mauris pretium quis. Integer leo odio, eleifend eget dolor eu, sodales auctor est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies sem arcu, in consequat odio vestibulum at. Phasellus at blandit eros. Mauris ultricies lorem enim. Vestibulum dapibus massa tempor auctor ultricies. Integer lacus orci, pellentesque ac lacus eget, sollicitudin suscipit metus. Nullam pulvinar sit amet ipsum vel mattis. Quisque ac nisi et urna maximus tempus sed sit amet turpis. Vivamus dictum nulla in bibendum ornare. Phasellus lacinia dolor eu lacus gravida egestas. Donec nec tincidunt diam, at aliquam arcu. Quisque placerat cursus dolor et scelerisque. Cras tristique auctor eros, ut euismod libero commodo eget. Fusce at feugiat ipsum. Maecenas laoreet viverra dui, eget maximus mauris pretium quis. Integer leo odio, eleifend eget dolor eu, sodales auctor est.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies sem arcu, in consequat odio vestibulum at. Phasellus at blandit eros. Mauris ultricies lorem enim. Vestibulum dapibus massa tempor auctor ultricies. Integer lacus orci, pellentesque ac lacus eget, sollicitudin suscipit metus. Nullam pulvinar sit amet ipsum vel mattis. Quisque ac nisi et urna maximus tempus sed sit amet turpis. Vivamus dictum nulla in bibendum ornare. Phasellus lacinia dolor eu lacus gravida egestas. Donec nec tincidunt diam, at aliquam arcu. Quisque placerat cursus dolor et scelerisque. Cras tristique auctor eros, ut euismod libero commodo eget. Fusce at feugiat ipsum. Maecenas laoreet viverra dui, eget maximus mauris pretium quis. Integer leo odio, eleifend eget dolor eu, sodales auctor est.




@Jaw Breaker
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Yuuki of the Strata] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16088-jaw-breaker/ said:
@Jaw Breaker[/URL]; If you like it how it is, I can send you the code via PM? 8D
Omg yus please ::DDDD
Watanabe Fuka

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In semper pharetra elit, vitae fermentum turpis dictum id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum sed varius magna. Suspendisse nisi odio, venenatis ut felis ac, eleifend maximus nulla. Nam vestibulum pharetra nibh, a mattis ligula finibus et. Aenean gravida fringilla auctor. Etiam ac tellus convallis turpis eleifend faucibus id eget risus. Aliquam molestie luctus ligula non dapibus. Nulla id sollicitudin odio, sit amet bibendum ipsum. Aenean accumsan varius magna at dignissim. Pellentesque et tortor molestie, iaculis arcu at, finibus lacus. Vivamus finibus scelerisque lacus, vitae fringilla ante. Sed placerat faucibus fringilla. Phasellus mollis dui id libero dapibus, non tempus justo imperdiet. Fusce pulvinar ac metus nec varius.

"Vestibulum fringilla lacus ut iaculis eleifend. Nam interdum eget magna et commodo." Pellentesque elementum eros tellus, id maximus justo dignissim sit amet. Integer dignissim lectus ligula, in sollicitudin leo convallis eu. Phasellus imperdiet lorem leo, eget faucibus risus pretium sit amet. Aenean non enim urna. Donec rhoncus, mi id laoreet sollicitudin, nunc libero laoreet metus, vitae ultricies nisi quam sed risus. Vivamus ut urna lectus. Maecenas non enim et nisl semper varius pulvinar eget enim. Vestibulum non lacinia nisi, imperdiet efficitur enim. Nunc vitae lacinia erat.

Etiam hendrerit mattis dui sit amet semper. Nam nec commodo justo. Nullam luctus, tortor in aliquet scelerisque, urna ante luctus magna, vel egestas quam nulla at mi. Praesent cursus sed turpis egestas rutrum. Nulla sodales magna dapibus tellus lacinia molestie. Donec mollis sit amet purus eget efficitur. Phasellus at malesuada sapien, sit amet blandit dui. Proin ac ex et nibh tempor varius nec vitae ex. Nunc ornare orci gravida libero imperdiet, id feugiat sapien finibus. Nunc pellentesque lorem a sollicitudin dapibus.

Proin sed varius lacus, at volutpat magna. Cras malesuada leo eu suscipit blandit. Maecenas efficitur pharetra tortor ut gravida. Praesent eu ultricies nisl, id molestie enim. Quisque eget mi massa. Ut pulvinar, ante convallis vehicula suscipit, turpis nulla pellentesque lacus, non volutpat sem ex at lectus. Phasellus eu sagittis est. Sed quis semper neque. Duis non efficitur ex, sed posuere odio. Duis et augue eu magna volutpat luctus et ac ex. Mauris pharetra ultrices tortor ut molestie. Ut id congue lectus. Vivamus aliquam neque purus, eu fermentum felis pellentesque nec. Integer egestas enim a mauris sollicitudin luctus. Duis in condimentum elit. Nulla facilisi.

Nullam et dictum nulla. Duis in cursus dui. Aenean eget nibh mi. Phasellus sit amet neque nibh. Phasellus finibus ipsum in mollis feugiat. Curabitur scelerisque lorem id mauris placerat, at consequat lorem rhoncus. Curabitur sodales elit non magna tristique suscipit. Cras semper lectus at neque fringilla sollicitudin. Aenean rhoncus pulvinar elit, sed euismod justo bibendum id. Duis vestibulum purus vel ipsum condimentum ultrices. Vivamus luctus, neque non interdum tristique, ligula velit pellentesque diam, ut vulputate massa turpis sed dolor.

___ user user user
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This is for Bone2pick

  • Name: Philomena Diane Nyanchoka

    Nickname: Philo

    Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Height/Weight: 5'9 // 134 lbs

    Homeworld: Mars

    Faction: DUPC citizen, work visa with the Martian Civil League

    Occupation: Mech Warrior

    Rank: Squad Leader

    Callsign: Rapier

    Combat Skills: Close quarter combat training, small arms proficiency, fencing

    Appearance: She has the body of a professional tennis champion, powerful through the limbs but light on her feet. There's practically a bounce to her every motion. Her eyes are full of energy and her hair is short, black, and neat.

How She Got Started


Forty one high school seniors were personally recruited by Dr. Douglas Huntsman, the CEO of Pioneer Equipment. The last six years of each candidate's life—without their knowledge—had been closely monitored by the multibillion-credit Martian company. They were exceptional young men and women: athletic champions, social club leaders, top five percent exit exam scorers, and behavioral models for their "lesser" accomplished peers. According to all measures each selected senior was on track to certain success. But Dr. Huntsman offered more than success; he showed them a path to be heroes.

The ultimate weapon system serving mankind was the Mech: a hulking, brutally-armed walker that could dish out more firepower than nearly any opposing threat. Mecha win / loss records against whatever the plantae rebels managed to throw at them were unparalleled. If mankind was going to win back Earth, they would need more Mecha.

All of the first Mechs had been designed, manufactured, and unleashed on the battlefield by Power Play Solutions, a subsidiary of of Pioneer Equipment. But it took less than three years for PPS' original units to get ripped off and replicated by everyone else with a stake in the Earth War. Dr. Huntsman's team at Power Play had foreseen this tactic and were unconcerned. PPS engineers were ready to evolve their Mecha, but they required new pilots. The next crop of Mech Warriors had to be younger, better trained, and more integrated into their machines. Only then would mankind once again be a giant step beyond what their enemies could match.

It was easy to see why Dr. Huntsman wanted Philo — she was fourth in her class, voted most likely to succeed, president of her school's Stundent Athletes for Community Service, a three time tennis conference champion, and a fencing silver medalist in the Martian Junior Olympics. She was a young woman whose hard work afforded her enviable opportunities. Philo didn't need the military, but a Power Play Mech pilot wasn't quite military. It was private, it was well financed, and it was run by one of the most influential CEOs in the entire solar system. She couldn't help being flattered by Dr. Huntsman's interest.

Of course the company wasn't relying solely on flattery and heroic opportunity to secure their commitments. Whoever signed with Power Play would receive a full scholarship to the Hawking School of Technology, a twelve year comprehensive medical plan, and a six-figure per year salary while under contract. It was an undeniably generous offer, but they would be putting themselves in undeniable danger should they accept it. War managed to be terrifying no matter how much you paid the soldiers.

Twenty five of the original forty one signed Power Play contracts; Philo was one of them. Dr. Huntsman assumed the young woman was simply being prudent, while her parents suspected their daughter had gotten swept away by emotional feelings of humanitarian obligation — neither were correct. If Philomena could ever summon the courage to voice her reason for joining the ranks of the Mech warriors, it would be a single name: Thurman.

Growing up, she had never been close with her kid brother. They were oil and water, night and day, and quite content to grow in different directions. Philomena was the leader, the achiever, the champion; while Thurman was the dreamer, the procrastinator, and the meek. Her brother, for all his faults, always had noble aspirations. He told anyone who would listen that when he was old enough, and strong enough, he would enlist in the DUPC marines. Thurman believed that his service would make a difference; he believed that the battle for their homeworld was worth his sacrifice. He wrote his eighth grade writing submission about the pockets of humanity left on Earth. How they were absurdly over matched, yet they contined to resist the plantae menace. Thurman only received a B for the report, but he considers the paper his finest work.

He was diagnosed with a rare type of juvenile arthritis right before turning fourteen. Besides bringing the boy searing pain and permanently limiting his mobility, it also crushed his hopes of joining the Earth War. After the diagnosis Philo and her brother finally put their differences aside and healed as siblings. Both of their perspectives would never be the same, and both would grow to view the other as their hero.

And so Philomena Nyanchoka signed up to fight the battles that her kid brother would never be able to.

Layout designed by Yuuki of the Strata

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Wow all of these layouts look absolutely beautiful.. I wish I had half the talent that you did.

I was wondering if I would be able to use a couple of them (haven't decided which ones yet since they're all so amazing)? :) I'll credit you of course!
@Semblance, Depending on which ones, I don't mind. Some of them were commissions for other people, so I would prefer you not use those ones (the KINGSMAN, this gray and green one, and there's another that's I think pink or blue in color that was made for someone else).



You have been turned down by every family that came to your little orphanage. You have been adopted randomly, and are being sent to a home. You live on the street, and beg for each, and every meal you need. You have been picked up, and promised a home.

You go in, and out of foster homes. You have been adopted, and is going to stay in a permanent house.

Its going to be great, you heard its a big mansion with a garden, and a lake. Its was run by a couple, and they were rich. Your excited, but once you get there everything was going down hill.

You see the house, from a far its large but had a dark present around it. Its grey, and dull the water seemed lifeless. You finally get into the house, it seems as if you walked into a haunted house, but it is even worse. You, and it seems like 16 other people, are to live here until you are 18, or adopted, you signed the papers you cant leave, and if you do you'll be brought back no matter what.

The owners of this place will drive you insane, surprisingly it has happened before. The kid was pickup, and dropped off at a mental institution. The female owner is 33, her name is Loran Idol. The male is 26 and his name is George Idol. At first they seem great, but then after the lawyers and adults leave the are Demons. The force you to clean, eat, and do horrible things. If you disagree you are screwed, you get terrible punishment for beatings, and starving.

The goal of you being here is what you decide, get adopted, survive, or try to escape, or get revenge on these sick people.

  • Causal/Detailed Roleplay
  • Need around 16 more or less people.
  • You can have up to 4 characters.
  • Lets make the genders somewhat equal!
  • The age range is 5-16
  • I love every type of person, all sexuality, and colors! If you have a problem with that dont transfer that into your character/s.
  • Romance is a GO! Along with enemies!
  • Once you hit the bed fade to black!
  • Cussing is allowed!!! As well as Violence!


Loran Idol

age 36

mansion owner


George Idol

age 26

mansion owner & horrible creep


  • Welcome to Idols Manor! It may look run down, but sadly it isnt! The Idol Manner has been in Georges family for 50 years. When Georges mother passed the only way he would receive the 30 acres of land is only if he continues his mothers work, and raise orphan children. Only he hates children, so he planned on saying this is great, but he is only going to make kids work for him.


@JustSmile, how is this?

Sorry about the merged post above it. >__<;;
Yuuki of the Strata] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/18996-semblance/ said:
@Semblance[/URL], Depending on which ones, I don't mind. Some of them were commissions for other people, so I would prefer you not use those ones (the KINGSMAN, this gray and green one, and there's another that's I think pink or blue in color that was made for someone else).


You have been turned down by every family that came to your little orphanage. You have been adopted randomly, and are being sent to a home. You live on the street, and beg for each, and every meal you need. You have been picked up, and promised a home.

You go in, and out of foster homes. You have been adopted, and is going to stay in a permanent house.

Its going to be great, you heard its a big mansion with a garden, and a lake. Its was run by a couple, and they were rich. Your excited, but once you get there everything was going down hill.

You see the house, from a far its large but had a dark present around it. Its grey, and dull the water seemed lifeless. You finally get into the house, it seems as if you walked into a haunted house, but it is even worse. You, and it seems like 16 other people, are to live here until you are 18, or adopted, you signed the papers you cant leave, and if you do you'll be brought back no matter what.

The owners of this place will drive you insane, surprisingly it has happened before. The kid was pickup, and dropped off at a mental institution. The female owner is 33, her name is Loran Idol. The male is 26 and his name is George Idol. At first they seem great, but then after the lawyers and adults leave the are Demons. The force you to clean, eat, and do horrible things. If you disagree you are screwed, you get terrible punishment for beatings, and starving.

The goal of you being here is what you decide, get adopted, survive, or try to escape, or get revenge on these sick people.


  • Causal/Detailed Roleplay

  • Need around 16 more or less people.

  • You can have up to 4 characters.

  • Lets make the genders somewhat equal!

  • The age range is 5-16

  • I love every type of person, all sexuality, and colors! If you have a problem with that dont transfer that into your character/s.

  • Romance is a GO! Along with enemies!


  • Once you hit the bed fade to black!

  • Cussing is allowed!!! As well as Violence!


Loran Idol

age 36

mansion owner


George Idol

age 26

mansion owner & horrible creep


  • Welcome to Idols Manor! It may look run down, but sadly it isnt! The Idol Manner has been in Georges family for 50 years. When Georges mother passed the only way he would receive the 30 acres of land is only if he continues his mothers work, and raise orphan children. Only he hates children, so he planned on saying this is great, but he is only going to make kids work for him.


@JustSmile, how is this?

Sorry about the merged post above it. >__<;;
Thats great!!!! Thank you so much! How would I post it? Copy & Paste?
@BlackJack, its all a lot of time consumption and concentration. xD

If you ever have any questions, you can poke me about them.
Hey, I need a code so bad! (Is probably the worst coder ever, I only know how to use spoilers xD ) Can you help me create a BB code for a character sheet? I'll send you the information I need to put down in the roleplay! @Yuuki of the Strata
@Geek with Me; I actually have a commission thread called Yuu's BBCode Teahouse. I'm not currently taking commissions, but you could still send me a PM to discuss the character sheet.

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