Yuu's coding testing

@Fujihita, if it were OK'd by the person that originally made the code layout, that would be okay. However, if there was no permission granted, it would be considered stealing someone's work, and that's not okay. I would much rather work with someone and teach them to be able to do it themselves (or do it for them) than them copying my work without my permission or knowledge. D;

I personally like going step-by-step with people to help them learn.
I was jinxed once on another site.

I reported that guy to the mod with evidence that he jinxed my code. Since it was HTML, I planned some useless extra scripts there like hidden watermarks just in case people didn't notice and just went on copying it with only minor size and color modification. He was banned.

That asides, it's still an effective way to learn new pieces of code to use in your own. Here, to make up for raising the paranoid level in your thread, lemme share a neat trick you can do with BB codes I learned by picking apart the code of the dude who used it.

I tend to use the [PLAIN][/PLAIN] tags to show people what the coding looks like. Its easier to work with, I think.

But omg, I had a lot of friends that got their coding jacked on a different site. They had to either confront the person themselves or tell an admin. But still, it doesn't change the fact that they stole it. Its moreso the principle of the fact. xD

I kind of misread at first because I'm tired, but now I get what you mean. Wooooops.

ty though. xD


I'm thinking of opening my own BBCode shop. o^o

Dat gradient. Do like.
Personally, the worst part of being code-jacked is the fact that the person who did the deed knew nothing about typography and aesthetics and he ended up making it looks like "disproportionally" weird.

In any cases, knowing how to view embedded codes helps when the one making the template was inactive.

And you can just use a color picker, or manually lower the hex values yourself to create gradient. That and the heck? You two have the same siggy o_o
LOL we do a lot of co-modding together, and our rps are generally co-created. We call is infamous ST4T4 productions. Its kind of like a logo for us. xD

From the other site I used to be on, it was almost a requirement to do aesthetics, whether it be graphics or coding. Havoc and I had spent quite a few years working on this kind of stuff. Havoc even did some schooling for coding and whatnot.

I think that's why I love RPN so much. Is the freedom with the bbcoding. I can do a lot of things that I normally couldn't do on the other site. And it makes everything look soooo clean.
Yeah... I decided to make a banner for us since we're planning on releasing threads together on RPN. We have separate project ideas, but, some... we can't work without each other. xD

I was going to go into web development at one point but stopped. I can read and understand basic stuff [since I was lucky enough to use Dreamweaver a lot]. But, it doesn't stop me from trying to understand the language and how it ticks.

Personally, I prefer the quicker method since it calculate hex values from point A to point B a hell of a lot faster. Plus, the coding can be translated to HTML or BBCoding without refreshing the whole work. Takes about... a minute to do.

Yuuki's right. The site we came from REQUIRED to pretty shit up in terms of posting. It's just attractive eye candy to bring in users.
Meanwhile, the site I came from provided full HTML + basic BB code so this RPNation is more restrictive to me. Let's look on the bright side, this is alive and the other one is dead and it's giving "Server is too busy right now, please try again later" error. If I learned anything from my time there, I learned that the eye-candy level of a RP determines the kind of RPer it will attract. More graphic is associated with higher demands and fewer sign ups, simple to no graphic is attracts poor quality crowd but greater number of sign ups.

That's the impression people have and even the message "We welcome all users, you don't have to do graphic or write detailed passages to join" bolded in the second line of the intro didn't help. Just a tip before you go overboard with graphic, especially since it's not a requirement here and I see most of the RPs are rather plain.
It's why we're going to change that. It already has started for one of our threads. I got bored and decided to make a format that no one didn't need. Then, others joined in and now it's a common norm. I like to see some things change on here at least.... and this site seems receptive to some changes [if not a lot from my experience so far on here].
This is all so spectacular, and I rather wish I'd enlisted your coding help for my latest project, though it's a little too late now. Keep up the fantastic work, fellow!
@Fujihita, I do see that split. I've even read discussion threads where people complained about the BBCoding. But for me, I like making a pretty display. People don't have to use it in their posts, and that's perfectly fine with me. But I like to make my setup visually appealing. If it scares people off, then so be it. If they're attracted to it, I still demand a standard of quality writing, but otherwise I'm pretty relaxed.

I don't think I'm going to change when it comes to wanting to add codes and graphics to my threads. So if it scares people away, at least I know there's a few out there that will join my rps. xD And just as Havoc said, I would like to change the negative bias against using lots of coding. I think if its for setup purposes, it shouldn't be a problem. Especially if it's not a requirement for others to do so. Because, after all, I would be the only be doing extensive coding. Not the players. xD



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It's great for a futuristic setting! I was trying to think of a stylish way to create a Sci-Fi character sheet myself. Would you mind if I tried imitating a few elements? Seeing one visually has given me some ideas.
Not a pro, but I did get my photoshop to work on my laptop and now I can use it again. =w=

I'm self taught, but I'm still learning a lot of tricks.
It's definitely looking good. How you stacked the objects gives it the illusion of a lot more depth and detail than you actually had to do, and the uneven opaqueness was a nice touch in highlighting one part of the banner while supporting another.
Thanks. >w<

And thanks for the detailed kuddos. I usually get "It looks cool!" and people don't know how to describe it further. xD ;;

I actually took an anime wallpaper and used it as a background. Its a picture of an anime bridge. And then brushed over with paint smear brushtroke and clipped the layers together to create depth. I used a tech brush to create the honeycomb-cells.
Mmmn, if there's one thing GD taught me, it's how to give critique that may or may not be BS but sounds plenty nice =P

[QUOTE="Yuuki of the Strata]Thanks. >w<
And thanks for the detailed kuddos. I usually get "It looks cool!" and people don't know how to describe it further. xD ;;

I actually took an anime wallpaper and used it as a background. Its a picture of an anime bridge. And then brushed over with paint smear brushtroke and clipped the layers together to create depth. I used a tech brush to create the honeycomb-cells.

That's some creative thought process going on there. Did you know you were going to do that before you started, or did you kinda experiment and figure "Hey, this looks pretty sick!" ?
I knew that I wanted to clipping layers, but I had no idea how. So I started messing around with brushes I downloaded and pictures that I found and liked. And... I think that was my second attempt. I didn't save the first one.

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