Yuhi no Kuni

Hatsumomo was surprised by the suddenness. She stood up. "I don't think I will be much assistance." She bowed. "Tell me the details when I see you again!" She looked around and walked up to Ikuto. She looked at him like he was a fun puzzle. "Your so different. You are strong and mighty like a tiger. The whip sword is fluid and graceful like a crane. Different but only by style." She moved her body in an unnatural wave. She looked as if she had no bones. "The whip sword is like my body. Be fluid." She realized she probably sounded like some wise old turtle so she started laughing and punched him on the shoulder, playfully. "I'm gonna go get some food."
As soon as Kaii had made it to the training grounds, he noticed a few people had turned up and decided to find his own area. Wanting to practice a little of his illusionary technique, he found a shaded area under a few trees and sat down, legs crossed. Placing his hands together, he formed a seal and shut his eyes. Allowing his mind to take over. It was like a sea of puzzles, every few metres he travelled his own mind, he found more and more puzzles and once he found the puzzles, he worked on stripping them down, bit by bit.
(@#$% I forgot to put in places where they could eat. They could've starved to death before even going on their first mission.)

Okay, other places:

  • Dining Hall: A large room filled with long and small tables, with some small tables outside if people prefer to eat outside. You can get food one of two ways. Simple things, such as sandwiches, most drinks, fruits and bread can easily be taken from the displays or serving tables. You can also ask the kitchen staff to prepare meals for you. No one has to pay here.
  • Tea House: A small building similar to a bar or cafe. Students and staff go there for tea or small snacks or sweets. The food is complimentary here as well.
  • Dark Forest: The woods that surround the north part of the academy. It is forbidden to go in there. There are charms placed around it to prevent anyone from venturing in. When looking in from the outside, you can only see about five feet of trees and shrubs before it just becomes complete darkness, even on the brightest days.

Nana waved and then ran off in the direction of the infirmary. Ikuto tried to mimic the same movement Hatsumomo did, but slipped and ended up falling. A bit embarrassed, he got up and brushed the dirt off of his clothes. He ended up sheathing his whip sword and followed the samurai girl. "I'm not looking forward to this test tomorrow. After what Chen showed us today, he's probably going to have us kill each other in duels or something."

Natsu smiled and looked up at the girl who was helping them. "You're the girl from yesterday." He held out his hand to her. "My name is Natsu. What can I call you?"
Momo couldn't help but laugh at Ikuto. "I guess tigers aren't flexible." She kept laughing. "Well I hope I don't have to kill you. Your the only person that I can talk to except for Nana." She led him to the hall where she grabbed a peach. She smiled. "You know, my name means First Peach?" She looked at him intently. "What do you think the emperor is like?"
(Yeah, I looked it up. You named yourself after a villain from the Memoirs of a Geisha?)

"That's a pretty name. Mine means 'many constellations'. Because when I was born, my mother remembered staring into the clear night sky." He looked forward and thought for a moment. "I heard he is very kind and trusting. I saw him once when I was little. He seemed so tall and strong like an oak. I'm sure he's the same now if he was able to run Lucifenia in peace for so long."

(Whoever wants to move on, just post that you're going to sleep. I don't want to keep everyone waiting.)
(Well no, not really! Lol. Its an actual name I heard and I thought it was pretty. And for the record I have seen memoirs of a geisha. Lol)

"Yours is nice as well." She looked around. "I'll see you at class kay?" She walked back to her room. Once there she stayed up and looked out the window. She felt lost. Being surrounded by people that bated her and others who were okay with her, confused her. She climbed into bed and fell asleep.

(Its night now, right?)
(I have no idea. If you want I guess.)

"Okay then. See you tomorrow." He left for his room as well. He lied down on his bed, wondering about the test for tomorrow. If it were to take place at the training grounds, then it would either be practicing on dummies or duels. Either way, Ikuto was ready to teach that monk, both of them really, about the power of the Kokorohashi clan.

(Okay, all characters here, are there any nicknames that your character would hate to be called? This may sound mean but that's how my character, Shira, is. She's the type to piss EVERYONE off. So a little help would be appreciated. If you're really against it, you can tell me.)
(ok i saw that i made a mistake my last post, but everyone seems to have skipped to night time again. lol so ill try to fix this up quickly and Jack hates, like really hates to be called a burn victim like anything related to the fire from his past just pisses him off. as nickname he also doesn't like being called a puppy not as serious as the fire thing but he wont like you of you call him a puppy.)

Jack saw the crest on the staff member and cringed. He realized she was from the Hanatsuki clan and he stood up quickly taking a few paces back. "glad your ok." He said with a forced smile and turned, leaving the three ninjas to do whatever they do.

He slipped into his room and beat down a few walls. his ki forming a blue light around his gloves and used it to create cracks in the wall. when he was satisfied with the number of holes, he jumped on his bed and looked out the window. He couldn't believe he was so close to those ninjas and didn't even try to take any of them down. "Am i getting soft?" He asked as he closed his eyes and went into a deep slumber.
"I'm Shijun and now I have to leave," she whispered slipping away from him and the librarian. Evening was drawing near and she needed to check in on Kuro before it became too dark. She dashed through the halls ignoring the jeers of those from other clans, it was pointless to start a fight with those so far below her.

In the stable she noticed a bit of activity but nothing too annoying. "How are you deary?" she cooed to her stark black mare. "You want to go riding this evening?" Shijun asked leading her out of the stall and into the cross ties. She ran a soft brush over the mare than threw black silk kuro (saddle) clother over her back. Next game the ornately designed black and gold kuro. All of her tack was a gift from her sensei who had made it himself. Shijun than grabbed the black and gold Omogai (bridle) that fit perfectly over the slender head of her mare. Golden tassels hung from it lavishly. "Well aren't you a gorgeous sight,

she cooed before leaping into the saddle.
(No idea how I can turn "burn victim" into a nickname . . . What about you 14hca14, what does Shijun hate being called?)

Naota walked back to the stables from the storage shed and saw Shijun take off on her horse. The quiet giant sighed and went about his work. He could really care less about what the students were doing in their spare time, as long as the animals came back safe.
OoC: Kaii would just ignore nicknames; he’s too dark and doesn’t care haha.

As Kaii meditated, the area around his funnelled a weird aura. A blue circle of preformed Ki started to trail its way around Kaii, forming a small circle. A place of his own. Once far enough in his mind, he decided to put his illusions into practice. Focusing his thoughts, he formed a second seal and a great; bark coloured snake broke off from the tree behind him. A third seal was formed and the snake slithered from the tree and wrapped itself around Kaii, staring at him, eye to eye.
(She would probably hate anything that has do with how some people in her clan do not trust her)
The next day started the same way as the first. Students were sluggishly waking up and heading to their classes. Some were enthusiastic while others were less than thrilled.

Ning waited by a dummy in the training area. His stern eyes bore a hole into the ground at his feet and his arms were crossed over his chest. He huffed in impatience while waiting for his students to come. The man laughed at the idea. Him of all people teaching stuck up samurais and shifty ninjas.

Shira was the first to show up. Keeping her distance from the man, she studied him from afar. She checked to make sure she had all her weapons, just in case the test calls for it.

Natsu came next. He shied away from the two monks, a bit scared of their violent natures. He gripped his flute tightly.

Then came Ikuto, with both of his swords strapped proudly to his waist.
Hatsumomo woke with another smile. She had a good sleep. She put on the same thing as always and was on her way. Her smile slowly disappeared as she began to think of the day before. Hopefully today went a million times better. She took out her fan and fanned her self lightly.

Once there she noticed the three people who she had already met. She stood next to Ikuto and looked nervously to the others. She gripped her sai. "So what are we learning today?" She said as if she was late.
Shijun was not exactly thrilled about class the next day. She knew that it was necessary and that the teacher would probably teach her a lot but she was going to have trouble respecting and Ibarabara. She was going to be learning how to fight from a monk...that seemed a little bit backwards to her. Before the Ninja left her dorm room she checked to make sure she was fully stocked with weapons, her bow and arrows were slung over her back and her lovely assortment of daggers and throwing stars were hidden within the folds of her clothing. If she stepped just right one would hear the soft clink of the weapons bumping against each other.

She entered the class not early but certainly on time. Shijun was never late on anything; it was rude and disrespectful to waste a person's time and her Sensei was not one to disrespect. She quietly took her seat in the classroom without checking to see who she sat down by. If they had a problem with her than they could stand up and leave she did not really care.
The day passed quickly and Kaii soon resided to his bed, slunking under the quilts to make himself comfortable, he quickly fell asleep. The next day came quick enough and he made sure his weapons were attached firmly, before heading to the training grounds. Once there, he noticed a few people had already turned up so he stood by himself at a training dummy not too far from the rest. Whatever the challenge, he was ready by far.
Waking up to the alarm he got up quickly, he would not miss class this time. He placed his gloves on and hoisted his scroll on his back and began walking to the classroom. as he got to the door he stepped back and watched the others go in. He cringed every time a hanatsuki clan came by. he was glad the teacher was of the Ibarabara clan.

Walking in after the last guy he saw he stepped in and noticed to chairs empty. one was by a hanatsuki clan but there was no way he was going there. so he sat in the other chair by a fellow Ibarabara clan member. it was a girl and she seemed tense and ready. she also had a sort of sadistic red aura around her.

(I thought this could be Shira sitting next to Jack. :) but its ok if you don't want to i can just pretend its someone else.)
Andrea walked out onto the training fields for her first class. She felt a little disappointment at finding out who her teacher was. An Ibarabara? Teaching the Hanatsuki how to fight? The ninja were the most determined in her eyes. The most respectful. They did what was needed to accomplish a task. Monks? Really? Weren't those nutjobs about meditating and crap? But then again... She knew there was something different about these monks. They had to do something to be able to get into this school.

And what was with the mixed classes? The Ibarabara would go crying to the teacher about how I slapped them too hard. And the Kokorohashi? Their moves are obvious. The practiced moves of these stuck ups wouldn't last seconds against a ninja's cunning and natural born creativity. All she was hopping for was some fellow ninja to fight against. They'd prove challenging, but she was prepared. She had her lovely wind and fire wheels. People tended to underestimate them because the blades where wavy and set on a wheel, looking like the blazing sun. She would peirce her classmates easily. But just in case, she had some throwing knives, and some poisons, though nothing lethal.

She thought through several battle stratigies that she'd used against ninja before. Andrea knew she acted a bit overconfident. She's never been against anyone but ninja, but how hard could the others be? She glanced around at the people who had already entered the training area. Oh yeah. Not hard at all. She thought, laughing to herself.
(Jeez :=Z: Ok ok, forget my last post and let me try agian. )

Waking up to the alarm he got up quickly, he would not miss class this time. Placing his gloves on and hoisting his scroll upon hi back, he walked towards the window. Unlatching the the glass and pushing it away from him until a square of nothingness was in front of him. looking ahead he could see the training grounds and the students. Climbing on the windowsill, he jumped out and landed gracefully on the floor below.

jack Ran to the groups of students most of them were all scattered. He decided if he was going to mingle, It would be a fellow
Ibarabara. There was no way in hell he was going to make conversation with a Hanatsuki, He rather fight to the death. he thought with a smile. he could picture one of them laying by his feet begging for forgiveness. Jack would question the ninja and then slice his throat.

He shook his thoughts and found a random
Ibarabara clan girl standing in front but at a distance from the teacher. He walked by her and stood almost right behind her.
Ning saw his students gather and began speaking, his voice booming and commanding obedience. "Today, you are going to be tested in your skill in battle."

Ikuto raised his hand. "So you're going to have us spar with one another?"

Ning smirked. "No, you're not going to be fighting each other." He led the group to the edge of the training grounds, to the edge of the Dark Forest, an area forbidden to students and teachers alike. He searched a tree and found a charm used to keep trespassers out. It would confuse the person as they entered the forest so they would always come back to the entrance of the forest no matter how much they ran forward. He ripped it up and continued walking into the forest.

Even though the sun was shining brightly, the forest remained in the shadows. One could only see about three to four feet in front of them before it cut off into complete darkness. Yet Ning kept moving forward.

Natsu began shaking again. He didn't like the darkness. It reminded him of his parents. Ikuto kept striding forward but was on edge about the whole ordeal. This forest had to have been forbidden for a reason. Why was their teacher leading them through it? He had been ready for some sparring but not this. Shira walked forward completely fine. The murderous aura around her never faltered.

"You know why this forest is forbidden?"

Natsu stuttered as he tried to speak up. "I-it's because it's rumored to be haunted by ghosts and monsters. And few people who go in come out."

"Correct, except they aren't rumors. The dark forest is home to many supernatural creatures and spans across the kingdom. This particular section is home to many oni (kind of like ogre demon thingies)." There was suddenly a lot of rustling in the trees and the heavy thumps of foot steps. Ning turned around and gave a somewhat evil smile. "Your test is to survive." And then he disappeared into the trees.

The trees split apart, revealing a horde of giant oni, ranging from seven to ten feet tall. And they looked angry.

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Hatsumomo looked questioningly at Ning. Great... there crazy to, she thought. As they walked closer and closer to the forest, her feet moved slower and slower. She looked down at her platform shoes that curved up at the front and back. She had perfect balance but in a forest like this? She removed them and tossed them down in front of the forest.

As Ning ripped up the charm she looked at him like he was mad. She was shocked that people actually followed him. She gripped Ikuto's arm without his permission. The fact that she had no shoes and she was stepping on twiggy forest floor worse. She didn't realize the fact that Ning left. She turned around and saw the oni. She pulled out her sai and spun them fiercely. "This is a job for samurai. You other clans go run for mommy Kay?" She did an aerial and landed in a tree, poised and ready to attack.
Andrea tied her wheels to a belt loop in her pants with a emerald green silk ribbon. Tight enough to not fall, but loose enough for easy access in times of need. She seemed rather indifferent about them actually not going to spar with each other, but she was really a little disappointed. She loved the feel of fighting, and wanted to fall into something, at least one thing, familiar in this new place. New places made her nervous. Maybe it was just a subconcious thought of a ninja, but she liked knowing escape routes, hiding places, accesses to different angles. The disappointment vanished as he stated what they were actually doing for the class.

As they entered the forest and they explained why the forest was forbidden, she stayed quiet. When the teacher disappeared, revealing the amount of monsters they had to fight, she felt her blood begin to boil, but not from anger, infact something completely different. As she shivered, she looked a bit scared. Until you saw her face. She was smirking, a dark gleeful look in her eyes, dancing like fire. She loved fighting, no, it was a pleasurable passtime, but what she loved was winning.

As the samurai taunted them, her smirk grew. She knew that they would all have to take down some because, quite francly, no one could take down all of them. The samurai and their niavety. Gripped by an unearned honor. Let's take her down a peg... She called out to the samurai, as she moved to lean casually against a wrotting tree, nonchalant.

"If you're going to protect us all, single handedly, than why, oh honorable samurai, is the first thing you do is run away into a tree? Think you can get some better angle up there?" Her tone was sarcastic and mean. She then put her hands infront of her, in the shape of claws. "You see those shiny teeth my dear? The better to chomp the tactless' faces off!" She had been miming the voice of the Big Bad Wolf but dropped the act in the last five words of the statement, aware that the other student was just bringing herself closer to the oni's face and it's rather mean looking teeth. It wasn't as if she cared for the girl, but one less person to fend those things off would not help them. She glanced at the samurai. No matter how unqualified she, and the rest of her clan, was...

When she finished with her thoughts, she took the emerald ribbon that held her bladed wheels from her belt loop, holding them with her chin as she tied the ribbon in her blonde hair. Her short hair was now firmly in a ponytail, though she couldn't help the bangs that were too short to reach the ribbon. After having done this, she put her wheels in her hands, taking a battle stance. "Now help us with these ugly things. Or are you going to stand cowering in that tree all day?" This is what she loved about the ninja. Their wit. She turned this samurai's act that no doubt may have looked brave to the non-ninja, and turned it into an act of cowardice.
Momo's face was first full of disgust but then it turned to fake worry. "Aw... to bad I don't take advice from poor, unattractive ninjas. We samurai have this new thing called class and honor. Maybe you should try it some time. Oh and I'm in a tree because I'm so flexible I can bend my back so far it goes between my thighs. So in case your tiny brain cant figure that one out, it means that yes, I do get a better angle."

She smiled a condescending smile and pulled her fan out. The blades popped out and she threw it at an oni. It spit it in the throat and stuck to a near by tree. She twirled her sai around and bent her back repeatedly, rolling down the tree. It was a creepy sight of flexibility. She stood next to the girl. "Take the lead, miss ninja." She said it in a friendly way, surprisingly.
(None of my characters have mommies . . . Also, again with this beauty stereotype. Though I commend you guys on keeping to your prejudiced roles so nicely.)

Ikuto looked back when he felt a tugging at his arm. It was Hatsumomo. As he wondered what was wrong, his eyes fell to her feet. They were bare. He then took off his shoes, normal flats and handed them to her. They were bound to be too big but it was better than nothing.

As the oni began showing up, Ikuto quickly drew his katana. He chuckled at Hatsumomo's words. "Indeed." He ran the blade across his thumb, coating it in his blood. He looked straight at the enemy and smirked. He was going to show that stupid monk of a teacher the true power of the samurai. He ran forward and slashed chest of one of the oni before stepping back. The ogre seemed almost unfazed at first and started grabbing for Ikuto. The young samurai simply cut the fingers off. Now angry, the oni began stepping forward until he stopped abruptly. The demon clutched his chest and fell dead. Ikuto smiled. He had coated his blade in a poison made from his blood.

Natsu was shaking in fear at the sights of the tall ogres. His eyes teared up at the Kokorohashi girl's comment. His mom had been killed when he was little and he missed her everyday. The blond ninja stood firmly on the ground. He was a big boy now and wanted to make his parents proud as they watched over him in heaven. As the nearest oni started swinging his club, Natsu grabbed the flute from his belt and began playing. The melody was soft but beautiful. Suddenly, the club stopped midswing and the body of the demon began to tremble and then dance. The giant was twirling and stepping to the music of Natsu's flute. And while the oaf was dancing, Natsu stopped playing. He jumped up the oni's body and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a few homemade bombs and stuffed them into the demon's mouth. As he jumped down and landed on the ground gracefully, the bombs exploded within the demon's throat and the body fell.

Shira smiled at the sight of these towering demons. The thrill of a fight was filling her bones. Also anger as she heard the samurai girl's comment. "I see insensitivity runs within the Samurai bloodline. I'd love to see that huge head of yours get crushed." The nearest oni made a swing at her as she back flipped out of the way. Glad to know that her circus training had actually come in handy. She jumped into the nearest tree and took out her rosary, a long string of black beads with a cross at the end. She stabbed the cross into the tree trunk and began leaping from tree to tree. When she returned to the tree she started on, the oni was already immobilized by her rosary. Shira then took out a bottle of water and poured the contents out. As the water fell, it began freezing until it formed a large ice spear. Then taking another second to enjoy the power she had over the demon, she drove the spear straight through the oni, spilling blood as she came to the ground.

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