Yuhi no Kuni

(Well I'm not making it a stereotype, that's just my character. Just thought you should know that.)
((...I never said my character was beautiful. I just said she tied her hair in a ponytail. I make my characters average *shrug*. And I plan to make the prejudices the basis of my character. Be prepared for one big biotch ;) .))

Andrea's eyes flashed with a hate. It startled her, the intensity of it, but it didn't really surprise her. This hate had been passed down generations. Before she could reply to the stuck up samurai, surprisingly, an Ibarabara answered. The shock of that was enough to make her push the feeling aside and calm herself. I'll think about marring that pretty little samurai face later...

The feeling of excitement was back as the first killings were made. She waited no longer to join in. She held her wheels in front of her, closing her eyes with a calming breath. She felt that familiar sensation course within her, cold and frosty. If her bloodlust was a raging red, her power was a calming blue. Her mind retreated on itself. First it was black. Then it was blue. When the colors changed, she thought of what she was looking for. She didn't have long blades like the samurai, so she couldn't peirce the beasts hearts. What she was looking for was pulse points, major arteries and veins.

Her eyes snapped open, glassy and unseeing, yet seeing something no one else could. She'd found it. It only took seconds, considering how near the oni were. Her body moved of its own accord, running in an opposite direction of the beast toward a tree. She used it as a backspring for leverage, letting momentum carry her. She landed on the nearest oni's back, not seeing flesh, but a mapping of intricate veins and arteries. She dodged the thing's arms as it tried to smack her, it's pulsing passage ways giving away the movment. She focused on two places in particular, the largest artery, and the largest vein. She leaned forward, her bladed wheels still in her hands, as she whispered in the monster's ear.

"Red is messy," she whispered as she cut the oni's artery in a way that would garentee it completely severed. She remembered her comparison to her rage. "And blue is death." She cut the other side, in the largest vein. She remembered her comparison to her power, a dark smirk taking over her face. "Green is just the beginning." She thought alound, thinking or her clan. During this whole time, she hadn't blinked once, hadn't needed to. The next time she blinked, would be when she shut her power off.

Not wanting to tire quickly, she moved onto the next figure that was large enough to be an oni, identifying it by it's blood structure which was slightly different. She wouldn't be killing any students today. Her mind flashed to the samurai. Or at least right now. She shook the thought, not wanting it to unconciously slink out of the blue and into the red. The bloodlust was admittedly messy so she'd stick with her power until she tired too much. There could be other demons would our teacher make us fight, afterall. In this haze of blue, she completely missed all her classmate's killings that she would have admittedly, been impressed with if she had had the chance to see them. But for now, the Samurai were too overconfident, unaware of the realities of battle and death, and the Ibarabara were too scared to even consider thinking of those things.
Jack watched as the Teacher disappeared within the forest and the students became surrounded by oni. Watching two already going at each others throats with insults, and two others making quick use of there weapons up front, Jack turned around and saw that he was the only one aware of the Oni behind them.

Focusing his kii within the gloves he wore proudly, the began to glow a dark navy blue and he charged the opposite direction of the others. Smashing one by one getting perfect head shots as if playing a very well made game, he made it his personal mission to keep the oni at bay and no where near the others.

but soon a whole flock of them charged from within the forest, as if multiplying. There were now more then there were in the beginning and through the Auras they bore, they also increased in power. Jack unfortunately was running out of his own power. so he decided to use his secret weapon.

retreating back to the middle where he first was he flipped the scroll off of his back, sat down on the ground and rolled the scroll out, reveling many ancient scriptures only the Ibarabara clan could read. Then yelling to any one who would or could listen, he placed both hands on the scroll. "If anyone can hear me, i really need some back up until i'm finished summoning my friend!!!" He said it as loud as he could. At that point he didn't care if they saw him as a coward or even weak. He wasn't afraid of asking for help. He did though pray to the gods it wasn't a hanatsuki.

He then closed his eyes hoping someone heard and began chanting to the scroll.
Kaii watched from a few trees back, every weapon still neatly tucked away. As far as he was concerned, they were doing fine so now was his chance to collect as much data on them as possible. A few minutes passed and he watched as the Natsu kid he met earlier pulled a nasty trick that lead to an Oni coughing on explosives. Smiling, he held back the small respect Natsu had earned within Kaii. The summoner wanted protection and Kaii was going to give it to him, Hanatsuki or not.

Stepping forward however, he noticed one of the large beasts coming up behind a slightly thrilled Natsu, probably overwhelmed by his previous kill. Diving into action, Kaii planted himself from the ground, to a tree to the ground between Natsu and the Oni, bringing his Windmill Shuriken around in one graceful arch. The Oni demon fell, blood trickling from the neck, chest, side and thighs. Turning around, Kaii smiled at Natsu. “
Keep it up Natsu.” Then, before waiting for an answer, he jumped to land in front of the Ibarabara, as much as he didn’t want to, no one else had clambered to his aid.

Once in front, he made a seal facing away from the summoning and towards the three Oni charging for him. A few seconds past and the winds picked up immensely, circling around Kaii. There was a sudden crash and next, two Oni revealed themselves from behind Kaii, but they were much different. Moving past a smiling Kaii, they charged at the opposing three. A fight broke out and when the illusions placed a hit on the enemy, the enemy would feel a cold, sharp sting on contact.

Usually, these illusions would not be able to cause physical damage but Kaii had his own tricks up his sleeves. Dancing behind the two illusions, he launched countless Shuriken to match the attacks of the illusions and eventually, the illusions dispersed, Kaii stood defending the summoner and the enemy crawled against the floor, 3 inches of metal stars embedded in their major organs.
(I’m going to recreate my last post and add onto it so that it fits in better with what is going on. You guys are killing me, I check this rp daily and than the one time I don’t check you guys go off and start fighting a bunch of oni!)

Shinju awoke the next morning early and refreshed. Her evening ride with Kuro had cleared her confused mind and for the moment she felt ready to tackle anything. She and her mare had just roamed the facility, seeing how far they could go without breaking too severe of a rule. The Academy was huge and well organized; it was definitely a place to learn if you allowed yourself to be open to it.

Shinju slipped out of her bed and began to dress. She hade decided upon a simple black tunic and pant set with an emerald belt. First she wrapped her upper half in a special black fabric that both covered her and allowed her to move but protected her from most blades and gave her back some support. Next she pulled on her skin tight black pants that would tuck easily into her over the knee moccasins. Most people would call them boots but she knew better. The soles of her shoes were made of a thin piece of leather that allowed her to feel the ground underneath and grip just about anything. The leather running up her leg was supple and light, not heavy and cumbersome. On top of this she wore a split black tunic. In ways it looked like a sleeveless robe that she bound to her body with a wide piece of green silk. She tied a square knot in the center of her stomach and began to stash her weaponry. She hid at least twenty little throwing stars all of her, including her hair and than at least six throwing daggers were concealed on her body. Shinju then slung case of arrows over her back and grasped her bow before heading out the door.

The training field was filled with all of the students waiting for the Ibarabara instructor to arrive. She took a seat on top of one of the dummy bales of hay pulled out a throwing dagger she tossed it in the air giving warning looks to anyone who even gave the target beneath her a second look. She was in no mood to start something with another clans member but she was not about to let them walk all over her. When Ning arrived or was it Master Monk Chen, that last thought made her giggle but she quickly contained it, he directed them to the dark forest. Shinju really did not mind that she was being taken into a forbidden place if anything she loved every minute of it. Of course none of this emotion was read on her face as they passed into the formidable dark.

Her first hint that something was wrong was when she tried to reach out to the trees and plants. They were all possessed by a sinister presence, something was warped and wrong with this forest but she could not exactly tell what until she saw them. A tearing sound ripped through the silence as one oni appeared and just as he arrived their instructor disappeared. Shinju could not help but smile at his clever plot, he had completely duped all of them and now they had to survive.

“Alrighty, playtime has begun,” she whispered leaping onto the first high rock she could find. In her repertoire of weaponry she knew only her arrows were long enough to actually do fatal damage but the throwing stars and daggers could seriously depilate. She started with her bow and arrow always shooting for constantly agape mouth. It was the softest spot and on some occasions she had the pleasure of seeing the arrow lodged all they way through as the oni staggered to the ground.
Jack watched as the The Ninja jumped in front of him weapons in hand. He began killing all the Oni that were coming dangerously close to him. un happy to see that of all the students come to help id would be a hanatsuki. but he was also grateful that of all the students that were here he was the only one that seemed nice enough to help. Does this mean not all ninjas are jerks? He asked to himself but quickly dismissed the question.

The Oni were coming in fast and more seemed to keep coming, to many for all of us to handle. Placing back his hands on the scroll he began to chant,

"Through ancient contract by thy name,

are hearts and thoughts become the same.

By sacrifice of minutes three,

I command you to obey me.

I chant thy true name VANDOWER!!,

Come forth Akiano and make thy enemies Cower!"

Suddenly a ferocious blue dragon scaled from head to tail fly through the scroll and in to our world. It took up most of the sky above and growled loudly shaking the earth below, making every Oni tremble in fear.
Chen sat on a high branch of a tree nearby watching how his students would fair in this test. He scowled as most were either too weak, or too scared to fight. He was even more displeased that about half of them were Ibarabara. He hated his clan's stereotype and it was monks like that that only reenforced the prejudices.

A smirk crept up his face when he noticed that some students were doing quite well. They were not only fighting, but killing the oni. And two of them were monks. He liked how the students killed without any hesitation. That was an important skill on the battlefield. Though, would they be able to do what they are now with humans on the receiving end? To kill an oni was easy. They were monsters. But how would these kids react to a fellow human being?

As the oni all fell, Chen jumped down to face the students. "I must say that most of you disappointed me. If you were on the battlefield, you would not even have the option of running. You are to fight with your life on the line because that's what it means to be a soldier. How do you plan to protect this kingdom with your tail between your legs?!" He sighed and turned away. "At least some of you didn't disappoint me. You're still too green for an actual war but you have potential."

He then proceeded to lead them out of the forest. When outside, the high noon sun stung the eyes of the students who had become accustomed to the dark. "Class is over. You may go now. Anyone injured should go to the infirmary."
As the teacher dropped down, Kaii smiled and let his illusions vanish into a thin mist. Sheathing his weapons he turned to the man behind him, his Dragon summon still around. Admiring the summon first and then the owner; he gave him a nod of approval. “Nice summon, shame there’s no chance to use it well right now.” As usual, he didn’t wait for a reply and instead, started to leave the forest behind the teacher, even though he didn’t need the guide. Once out, he made his way back to the training grounds, thinking that perhaps todays lesson still wasn’t a chance to train properly.

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