Yuhi no Kuni


Black Market Witch
Info: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/2924-Yuhi-no-Kuni-(Storyline-and-Info)

Sign Ups: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/2925-Yuhi-no-Kuni-(Rules-and-Sign-up)

Areas of the Academy:

  • Classrooms: The classrooms are large rooms within the school building. They are modeled similar to a college lecture hall, allowing teachers to give demonstrations of techniques and such.
  • Library: It mostly has books on either history, battle how-tos, and military strategies. There is also a section with books for leisure reading: fiction, poetry, etc.
  • Infirmary: Do I have to explain this?
  • Training Grounds: These are large open fields that provide training equipment like practice dummies and archery targets. Students can have informal matches here.
  • Stables: This is where all the horses and other large animals are kept. There are strict "visiting hours" unless you have an animal here.
  • Courtyard: This is an open garden used for socializing. Students can meet up here to hang out or relax.
  • Dormitories: There are three dormitories, one for each clan. Each dorm building is split in half to separate boys and girls.
  • Dining Hall: A large room filled with long and small tables, with some small tables outside if people prefer to eat outside. You can get food one of two ways. Simple things, such as sandwiches, most drinks, fruits and bread can easily be taken from the displays or serving tables. You can also ask the kitchen staff to prepare meals for you. No one has to pay here.
  • Tea House: A small building similar to a bar or cafe. Students and staff go there for tea or small snacks or sweets. The food is complimentary here as well.
  • Dark Forest: The woods that surround the north part of the academy. It is forbidden to go in there. There are charms placed around it to prevent anyone from venturing in. When looking in from the outside, you can only see about five feet of trees and shrubs before it just becomes complete darkness, even on the brightest days.

Staff/Npcs: Anyone can play them as long as you keep to their characters.

  • Ning Park Chen: Ning is the main combat teacher for Yuhi Academy. At 28 years old, he is tall and handsome with dark hair and eyes. He is strict with his students but has a soft spot for those who work hard. His hobbies include studying history and sparring. His main weapons are chakram and chains. Ibarabara
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Nanako Pami Chiba: Nanako is the head nurse. She is 32 and fairly pretty with a slim figure, long chestnut hair and green eyes. She is very motherly and kind. She likes gardening and poetry. Her preferred weapon is a naginita. Kokorohashi

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Niu Ping Chou: Niu is the librarian. She is petite and has a cute childish face, with curly strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes, despite being 37 years old. She is a hopeless romantic and a daydreamer. She likes to read and meddle in relationships. She uses sickles and daggers. Hanatsuki

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Naota Piku Chikasota: Naota is the man in charge of taking care of the animals in the stables. He is rather tall and burly, with brown hair the hangs over his sky blue eyes. He tends to keep to himself and is very quiet. He loves animals and wood work. Unlike the rest of the staff, Naota has had no formal martial arts training and thus in no clan.

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other unnamed staff

The gates of Yuhi Academy officially opened. Emperor Hideki overlooked the front gates from the large window of the headmaster's office. He was worried about the rumors of Ira planning another war with Lucifenia. During the hundred years of peace, a wedge had come between the three warrior clans of Lucifenia. And no clan would agree to working with the others against any enemy.

His adviser, Gallerian Marlon, was the one who suggested the construction of Yuhi Academy. With no idea of what to do, Hideki consented and the school was built, to train the latest generation in battle and acceptance.

(Prepare for a story of conspiracies, blood shed, secrets and drama.)

. . . . . . . . .

A carriage pulled up to the gates of Yuhi Academy. As it stopped, the door opened and a young man with jet black eyes and matching hair pulled back into a pony tail, though some fell in his face, stepped out. Ikuto Yamamoto eyed the academy. The emperor himself had constructed the school to prepare for the Ira threat. To be called to the academy was a great honor and Ikuto's invitation made his father ecstatic. As he walked up the path, a servant followed him carrying his things. He gripped his katana tightly as memories of his old master came back.

Natsuki Gokudera , or Natsu as he liked to be called, ran down the road at full speed and didn't stop until he passed through the school gates. He fell in exhaustion and tried to catch his breath. Sweat had glued his dirty blonde hair to his forehead and his green eyes glittered in excitement. This was the first time he was going to train in an actual school. There were even going to be other students he could become friends with. Standing up, the tiny ninja, only 5 feet tall, puffed out his chest as best he could and walked over to the building. He wasn't going to let his master down.

Shira Hibari was already meditating under a tree in the courtyard as some students were moving through the gates. She had gotten there earlier and was already unpacked. So she spent her time meditating as her master had instructed her to. As she sat motionless in the grass, eyes closed, a few small birds gathered around her. A few were even tugging at her long black hair.
Hatsumomo only needed one small leather sack to hold her two kimono and a skin tight combat suit. She held her sai in a pouch, strapped to the inside of her thigh. She wore her long silky hair into a curly bunch on the top left of her head. She wore the other half down and over her shoulder. Her kimono was pink and was only thigh length. The sleeves long and flowy. And of course her geisha makeup. She tucked her bladed fan into her kimono. She swiftly stepped up onto her horse and rode off.

Once there she walked through the gates. She looked at her self and then to the others around here. "I look like the empress, not a warrior." She said to her self, annoyed. At least she brought beauty and grace to combat. She walked around the front of the school near the gates observing her surroundings. She sat underneath a low tree and took out her fan. She fliped it around in the air and fanned her self. She slid her thumb over a small button on one of the wooden blades. She pressed it and small blades popped out the top of it. She stood up and practiced her technique. Flipping and twisting. She was going to waste no time, developing her fighting.
Nanako was patrolling the grounds, answering the questions of the new students. With her mature beauty and kind smile, the students seemed to prefer talking to her than the rest of the staff.

Her green eyes landed on a girl who seemed to be practicing under a tree. But there was a sack beside her so she must've not gotten to her room yet. The nurse walked over and said, "I take it you are a fellow member of the Kokorohashi? Most people from the other clans can't afford such expensive clothing or make up." The woman extended her hand. "I'm Nanako Chiba, head of the Kokorohashi dorms. I must admit, you must be eager. You haven't even gotten to your room yet and you're practicing." She then motioned to the sack on the ground. "Would you like me to point you in the direction of the dorms? So you can put your things away."
Hatsumomo's eyes widened and she jolted her head to the kind woman. She snapped her fan closed and bowed to the woman. "You are to kind. Thank you." She picked up her bag. "I am Hatsumomo Nita." She looked at Nanako with an eager face. "I have so many questions. I wish to know everything about this place."
Nanako laughed a bit at Hatsumomo's eagerness. "Well, what do you want to know first?" The brunette noticed the looks the two were getting from some of the male students. She turned to Hatsumoto. "Maybe I can answer your questions in a more discreet location? Come on. I'll show you to your dorm."

As Nanako walked to the Kokorohashi dorm, she noticed a small boy, no bigger than five feet, pass by. He was adorable, trying to carry a large backpack and run. She saw the cherry blossom symbol on his headband. He was a Hanatsuki kid. (The symbol for the Kokorohashi is a rose and the Ibarabara is a lily.) She sighed. "You wouldn't expect a kid like him to be from the Hanatsuki. He seems so innocent. They're just going to turn him into a cold killer."

Soon, she stopped at a fairly large building. There were two main doors and in between them was the Kokorohashi rose. "Right leads to the girl's side. Left boys. So what is your first question?"

(You did last name first, right? In that case, I should probably start doing that too huh. Chiba Nanako.)
(Well I was thinking of doing that but I didn't know if you did so I just put the first name first. Walk what happened to the other person who joined?)

Hatsumomo was startled by Chiba's suggestion to go somewhere discrete. She looked at the boys. "Why are they looking at us like that?" She walked with Chiba and laughed when the little Hanatsuki walked passed. "They are a sly and discrete people. I bet its just because they want you to think there tiny and cute." She said it matter-o-factly. She was quite impressed with the dorm buildings. "My first question would be weather or not we learn with other clan people. Do all three combine to work together? Oh and are you a teacher also? Oh and what is our schedule? Is it one room for the boys and one for all the girls?? Am I asking to much?"
(Well, I think he just isn't online yet. He just joined yesterday, so I think we can wait a bit before declaring him dead.)

"They've obviously never seen beautiful women where they came from," Nanako joked. She led Hatsumomo through the dormitory to an empty room and then answered her questions. "Can I call you Momo? You can call me Nana. And yes, the classes will be a combination of the three clans, and all ages too. Emperor Hideki thinks that by putting us samurai together in a room with those barbarians, we'll instantly get along."

"I'm not a teacher. I'm the main nurse here, though I do offer private tutoring sessions for Kokorohashi students. All the staff here does with respect to their own clans. Well, except the man who cleans the stables. The main combat teacher is someone from the Ibarabara. I have no idea why they chose a pansy to teach combat though. Those people couldn't kill a fly if it was already half dead."

"As for schedules, it's pretty much the same for everyone. There's a main lecture from 10am to noon. Then the students get to decide what to do with their time after that. Changes depend on the teacher. I think it's because this is a fairly new school and we're understaffed. You can go to the training grounds, the library or anywhere on campus. Class starts tomorrow, so you can use today to explore the campus if you want."

Nanako walked to the door before turning around. "Oh. Before I leave you to unpack, let me tell you. Students who show exceptional skill can get selected to go on missions for the emperor. I know you'll be picked soon. I have high hopes for you. Do you have anymore questions before I go?"

(God if I have to type that for everyone, I think I'll die. XP)
Hatsumomo laughed. "Yes, call me whatever you like!" She could tell she was going to like Nana. She took in every peace of information. "Uh. I think that's all the questions I have. Thank you." Hatsumomo bowed and began unpacking. She thought about going on a mission. How exiting. She hung her kimono in a closet along with her combat suit. She decided it would be smart to familiarize her self with the school grounds. She left her room and headed for the courtyard. She figured she might practice but she didn't want to receive any more looks from immature boys. She figured that was inevitable though. She walked passed the stables and to the library. She skimmed through a couple before leaving for the training grounds. She loved the open areas. She reached for her concealed sai. She slid them out with ease, twirling them and slicing with them. She did a series of unaturally flexible flips before stabbing a training dummy in the head. She sat and meditated for the remainder of her time there.
(Nah not dead, I was going to reply last night but found myself brain dead really.)

Slipping past the audience at the front gate, Kaii had made his way to his room and quickly unpacked his few, but vital belongings. Once done, he locked his door and made his way, carrying only his weapons, towards the large open grounds towards the back of the Academy. The hells seemed to wind and bend massively for a place of education with little staff and one lesson, it was obvious they expected much of this place in the future but being a student from year 1, he had little to worry about any future here. His Satin Black battlewear complimented his pale skin, matched with his netted-“shirt” and suited his style completely, two large scarf like materials hanging from his neck and resting against his back.

He left through some large back entrance doors and made his way past a stable, to the large open grounds. There was also a small amount of training dummies and the occasional tree. Not far from which, was a young girl, obviously from the Kokorohashi clan. Ignoring her presence, he darted forward and twisted on the ball of his feet, releasing three Shuriken from a pouch at the right of his hip into the soft fabrics of three separate dummies. Each at crucial points, the heart, the lungs(avoiding the ribs) and the abdomen. Then, without a second thought, he dived up into the air, summersaulting to reveal a single blade that split into four at the centre. With one giant lunge and the downward force of his body and the gravity beneath him, the Windmill Shuriken span fast enough to blur into one circle, that tore through two dummies clean and returned to Kaii just as he landed superbly.

It wasn’t enough, dummies, Kaii was a Ninja forced to train against classmates, to the death. Sighing, he replaced his Windmill Shuriken to it’s one blade state and returned it to his back, before turning towards the back entrance so that he could explore more of the inside grounds.

(Figured this would give Kikinavi a chance to interact if you wanted to?)
(Oh but of course ;)

Hatsumomo noticed the boy. How could she not. Everything about him was unique. She admired his fighting style. To show off she stood up and held her leg back into the straight scorpion. A very difficult contortionist pose. She then bent into a back bend, then lowered onto her elbows and tucked her legs in, touching her feet to her head. She rolled over and stood upright. She looked over at the boy wondering if he saw her display. She figured she'd follow him if he went any where. Her first friend?

(Oh but of course ;)

Hatsumomo noticed the boy. How could she not. Everything about him was unique. She admired his fighting style. To show off she stood up and held her leg back into the straight scorpion. A very difficult contortionist pose. She then bent into a back bend, then lowered onto her elbows and tucked her legs in, touching her feet to her head. She rolled over and stood upright. She looked over at the boy wondering if he saw her display. She figured she'd follow him if he went any where. Her first friend?
Kaii noticed the girl’s flexible display in the corner of his eyes but continued to walk, it seemed like she was following anyway. He made his way past the stable once again and in through the main entrance, once down the first corridor he turned left and thought a little about where he was, who he was to this place. So far, he hadn’t met another Ninja such as himself, but was there really anyone else like himself? He had the ability to kill someone in second, he was physically fit, powerful with his weapons, quick with his mind and if need be; he could open someone’s mind with his own Ki. It was a common ability but so far he had managed to take it to a level way past someone at his age could, and all he wanted, was to take the power further.

I need to be stronger… I need to kill him.” He murmured to himself.
Hatsumomo's eyes filled with curiosity. She took out her fan and spun it around on her finger. She tried walked closer still and was now directly behind him. She heard him say something about killing someone. She smiled a mischievous smile and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me but did I hear you need to kill someone?" She held her fan in front of her face only showing her beautiful eyes. "Judging from the training dummies you destroyed, you should be plenty strong."
(This s probably annoying for me to say, but remember the tension and stereotypes between the clans. : -_- :)

Natsu (the same boy Nana was commenting on before) ran around the campus, exploring the entire school. He went into the main school building and looked through the classrooms. He had wanted to try training in the training grounds but his techniques were either too destructive or needed living targets to use on. He soon saw two other people in the hallway and tried to run toward them but he tripped over his own foot and fell flat on his face. "Ow." He sat up and rubbed his forehead. His headband with the Hanatsuki symbol fell off and landed on the floor.

Ikuto walked around the courtyard, trying to familiarize himself with the layout of the school. He spotted a girl from the Ibarabara clan meditating underneath a tree. There were some male students trying to get her attention. Knowing that an Ibarabara girl could never defend herself, he tried to intervene. "Can't you see the little lady doesn't want to talk to you?"

At this moment Shira opened her sapphire blue eyes and glared at everyone. She had been trying to ignore everyone but that little lady comment was the last straw. She stood up and smooted out any wrinkles in her Chinese style blue dress. She walked over to Ikuto and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You know, you should mind your own business," she hissed through her teeth.

Ikuto didn't notice the hatred in her voice and continued speaking. "It's fine. It's a samurai's job to help damsels in distress."

Before he could blink, Shira had already kicked him in the stomach. He went flying into an open window and landed in the hallway of the school building. (I was thinking in the same hallway as you guys but if it isn't okay, ignore this.) She appeared in the window, glaring. "Damsel in Distress?!" She pinned him to the wall with one of her tonfa. "You stuck up Kokorohashi always have to play the knight, huh?!"
Hatsumomo jolted towards the boy who tripped in the hallway. She laughed. "Typical from the Hanatsuki." She was about to walk over to him and say something snooty but just then a handsome Kokorohashi crashed into the same hallway. She was dumbfounded. She walked over to him and saw the Ibarabara girl. "Hey, just cause we Kokorohashi are more beautiful and have more money, doesn't mean you can go kicking us threw windows!" She raised an eyebrow. "And knowing where your from, you probably couldn't kill a fly."
Jack paused at the giant gates of the school. feeling the full effects of nerves and unease he began walking past the gates holding tightly to the rope cradling the giant scroll. He looked all around watching his surroundings and the people. He sighed, most of these people's auras were dark colors. full of mistrust and pride issues. He continued until he found himself at the front door to the school. Opening the door slightly and slipping inside, the place was huge. There were three corridors and twos elaborate stair cases on each side of the walls leading upstairs. he began walking through the hallway on the far left hoping to find a staff member. zipping through the hall, it seemed like it never ended passing corner after corner he thought he would never find the exit. until he heard faint voices in the distance. creeping to the edge of the corner he popped his head out just enough to see what was transpiring. Three people maybe four and someone on the ground. he didn't want to look to far and be seen. the last thing he wanted was confrontation. There's always fighting.
As the girls touch tapped his shoulder, he immediately went for his Shuriken, fingering the hole at the centre, his fingers clasping the weapon in its pouch. Turning, he looked at her with no intention of a smile and spoke softly, his voice almost beautiful. “If I were anyone else, I’d keep my intentions to myself, wouldn’t you?” Almost as soon as he had said it, she was already entertained by the floored Samurai.

The girl from before replied in turn, sarcastically towards the Ibarabara clan member after insulting a Hanatsuki kid. Kaii smirked, pulling the Shuriken from the pouch and launching it down the hall, embedding it into the wall after it flew between the fallen Kokorohasi and aggressive Ibarabara. “
Do all Samurai feel the need to live a constant lie of a God-like life?” He asked sarcastically, before lending a hand to his own clan-kin. “You okay kid?
Hatsumomo wanted to slap the boy she had been following. "Well I can assure you its no lie. The Kokorohashi are by far the most wealthy, most beautiful, and the best fighters." She walked over to the boy who had been kicked through the window. She helped him up and scowled at the Ibarabara girl. She whipped out her fan and walked down the hallway, strutting, and swinging her hips. "I cant believe I have to train with these people."
Shira scoffed at the girl's comment. "You think I envy you Kokorohashi and your sheltered lives, Princess?" Her voice never raised in volume but each word was laced in poison. She had to admit that the girl was beautiful, but she was all dolled up so who knew what she looked like underneath that geisha make up. "By the way, a monkey would look good in all those fancy clothes and make up." Shira did not lose to the samurai girl in the looks department, and she didn't need any make up. And though it didn't really show, she really lost it when the girl questioned her strength. Shira punched the wall, cracking it a bit. She came back to her senses when a shuriken flew between her and the Kokorohashi boy she was fighting. She backed off and said one last thing before leaving through the window. "Princess, you die when you underestimate an enemy." Shira then made a B line for the training grounds and began beating on a training dummy.

Natsu was shaking in fear as the monk left. He had always been taught that Ibarabara warriors were peaceful and passive. But that girl cracked a wall with her fist and threw a guy through a window. He thought that the Ibarabara were going to be the ones he could easily befriend, but now he didn't know. Natsu looked up when someone asked him if he was okay. It was another ninja like him. His large green eyes began to water as he nodded. The blonde ninja gladly took the boy's hand. "Thank you."

Ikuto was helped up and glared out the window that Shira had left in. That girl was lucky that his family was against attacking women. He brushed the dust off of his clothes. "That little b*tch! Typical barbarian." He tried his best to compose himself and studied his surroundings. There were three people there, students it seemed. Two were Hanatsuki and one was a fellow Kokorohashi. It was the Kokorohashi girl that had helped him up. "Thank you for helping me."
Everyone's aura were dense and dark red, Angry and aggressive. He heard one making fun of the other but couldn't see who. At that point he was facing the wall with his eyes closed wondering why he had chosen that corridor. he heard a wall crack, a window break and then someone using the word b*tch. He decided this was a good time to get the hell out of there.

Jack retraced his steps through all the many corners once again and came back to the front doors. Feeling a little claustrophobic he decided to get some air and slipped outside. he walked past the trees heading towards the back of the school, curious to see what was behind.

He saw the training grounds and a young women beating down at a dummy ferociously. her aura was an even deeper red. Not knowing if it was a good idea to talk to her, He still wanted to see the training area. So he just walked by slowly and hummed a tune that was on his mind. Passing the women cautiously.

"It has been told through legend of old,

When a persons mood changes in color,

Thoughts once concealed, Are now revealed

True emotions within the soul's Aura"

(I figured out how to change colors. :D )
Hatsumomo smirked. She was glad she was at least being called princess. "I am a treasure! I'm more beautiful than a 20 carrot dimond!" Hatsumomo worried more about her looks more than she should. She got so angry she clicked the button on her fan and the blades popped out. She threw it down the hall and it stuck into the wall. She nodded to the boy. "No problem." She smiled a charming smile and walked out towards her room. She ripped the fan from the wall and fliped it around on her way to her room.
Shijun slowed Kuro to a steady silent walk as she entered the Academy gates. She was here only because her Sensei had ordered her to do so. She could not stand the passive aggressive nature of the Ibataru but even that was better than the arrogance of the Kokohorashi. Twice on this journey she had been approached by members of the Kokohorashi tribe and asked of her family name. They had all assumed that because of her beauty she was a member of their stuck up tribe. They had asked her if she had been robbed for she was traveling so lightly. Both times she had given them the shock of their lives by replying proudly that was a member of the Hanatsuki tribe and she pitied the thief that tried to steal from her. It resulted in them walking away in disgust but not before they spit upon Kuro. Oh how she had laughed and just dropped the reins; with a whisper to the plants and to her mare they had received a serious reprimanding. The mare had both times struck out at the man leaving a hoof shaped mark on their backs and if that was not enough vines sprang from the ground tangling their legs in a slew of thorns. Then Shijun had taken off galloping swiftly and only when she was out of sight did she release the men from their cage, all the while giggling at their angered howls.

But now she was at the Academy where according to Sensei she was to be peaceful and respectful. He was the only person she knew that could actually tolerate those of another tribe. His beliefs on the subject were the only ones Shijun disagreed with. The Academy was beautiful but the real beauty was the stable yard, she dismounted from her tired mare and led her to the barn. Kuro wore the beautiful flower of the Hanatsuki tribe, a rose; it was embroidered into her blanket and pressed into the flaps of her saddle.

All of Shijun’s savings and life went into this horse and she was at time tacked better than her owner. The ninja had worked for years saving money like her Sensei had advised and since he had treated her like a daughter Shijun had not had to pay for her meals. Her life was however far from easy. She worked full hours and still made time to be trained by her Sensei and was the best in their chapter of the tribe. When her Sensei had informed her of the Academy and instructed her to attend he also told Shijun to use her savings to purchase more clothing and finer supplies. He wanted her to represent their tribe well and to help those who came from their tribe and had little. She had listened and in the saddle bags were a few extra weapons that were of no use to her.
With only the previously floor Kokorohashi on his feet, and the Hanatsuki kid pulled up by Kaii, they were the only three to remain. Kaii smiled, glaring at the man and his distort reply. “That ‘little bitch’ and ‘typical barbarian’, just floored you through a window.” Taking the boy by the shoulders, he led him down the corridor only to look back and say one thing. “I’d step more carefully, Samurai.” And with that, he had left with the fellow Hanatsuki.

You okay?” He asked the boy down a hallway.
( Sorry but . . . the Hanatsuki flower is a cherry blossom and the Ibarabara are seen spineless weaklings, not passive aggressive.)

With a swift high kick, Shira lopped off the dummy's head and it landed about five feet away. She looked up at the sky. It was red as the sun was setting. Everyone should be heading to bed now to prepare for their first day of class tomorrow. *hint HINT* When she heard some humming she spun around and landed in a fighting stance. It was only another student. Nothing to be concerned about. "You should go to bed," she said before leaving for her own room.

Ikuto glared at the ninja boy. "My family has taught me never to attack without valid purpose. Unlike you Hanatsuki, I can refrain from mindless bloodshed." He then stormed off to his dorm room. He just wanted tomorrow to come so he could begin training.

Natsuki looked at the boy with eyes that practically oozed out sparkles and respect. The display he had just seen was so cool! He nodded enthusiastically. "Y-yeah, I'm okay. My name is Natsuki Gokudera! But I like being called Natsu!" He wanted to make a good impression on the fellow ninja by being straight forward. Hopefully it would make up for tripping earlier.

Just then, a tall muscular man appeared in the stables. His pale brown hair covered his eyes as he tended to the animals. He spotted a girl bringing a horse in. It had the Hanatsuki symbol on it. He questioned why she was coming in so late and went over to her. "I can take it from here. You should go get a room. The other students should all be in their rooms at this hour."

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