Your Second Chance (Open!)


~Anonymous Prince


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:36px;">Character Sign-Up</span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"> Be sure to check the overview before signing up!</span></span></p></div>

<p> <span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;">
Character Sheet
Name: Race: </span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>(Angel or Demon?)</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"> Age: </span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>(Age when character passed on.)</em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"> Appearance: Cause of Death: Biggest dream/Deepest desire: </span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><em>(Required for Angels, but Demons are welcome to include their own.) </em></span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"> Personality: Likes/Dislikes: Background/Bio: Anything Extra?: Please ping me @SassyAndroidSera - Emerald @SassyAndroidSera - Sapphire @Flutterby - Samine @Fullmetal32 - Azazel @Smoaki - Alison @AugustineVampire - Elijah Casen @Jasil - Luna @NeverEndingWolf - Adam
</span></span> </p>

<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Registration Status:</strong></span></span></span></span><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-family:'Josefin Sans';"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;"> Angels-Accepting Demons-Tentatively Accepting?</span></span></span></span></p></div>


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"The Gate Keeper"


no slide no slide
..My Personality


Considerate, empathetic, passionate. Aurora can be mellow at times, but also serious when she needs to be. She gets attached to others easily, and usually chooses her emotions over logical reasoning. Sometimes Aurora doesn’t know when to take a break and she tends to overwork herself.


+ Passionate dreamers

+ Flowers, bouquets, and floral arrangements

+ Watching the sunrise and sunset

+ High places

- Lying/Liars

- People who are deceptive

..My Story


Aurora has been created by the gods specifically to be heaven’s next gate keeper. She’s been in training for most of the past century, and she only recently became the official gate keeper a couple decades ago. Although she’s fairly new to her whole job, Aurora is extremely passionate about her work and is willing to do everything in her power to save her angels’ lives. After all, the gods have assigned her to this job for a reason. Aurora has been warned about demons breaking into the fake world in the past, but this’ll be her first time actually dealing with them.


"Miss Reaper"


no slide no slide
My Personality..


Cocky, witty, playful. Ginny is a loud jokester who is willing to be deceptive in order to get her way. She's usually careless about others and their opinions unless it somehow benefits herself. Ginny is also prone to throwing huge tantrums when she’s upset about something.


+ Being in control

+ Causing trouble

+ Vandalism, graffiti especially!

+ Pretty boys, handsome faces

- ‘Softies’

- Demons who won’t cooperate

- Cheesy romance stories

My Story..


Originally from an overprotective family, Ginny left her home at age 18 to live the more extreme life—a criminal who is wanted for a number of different reasons. She’s been involved in an uncountable amount of robberies, broken several laws, as well as been involved in a handful of murders. Ginny goes on these illegal missions for money, but mostly, she’s into the thrill of being a “hardcore badass.” For a few years, Ginny lived comfortably in this lifestyle until a masked killer was sent to kill her. It only took a few gun shots on an unsuspecting night.

After seeing this unfortunate death, a fellow reaper reincarnated Ginny, turning her into a powerful demon. She fell in love with her new life, knowing she was more powerful than ever. Ginny has been a demon for almost a century now, and has picked up the handle “Miss Reaper.” Since then, she’s been causing her own chaos around the world. But when Ginny is offered a chance to ruin an angel’s second chance, she’s more than happy to lend her expertise. She just needs the help of a few unlucky dying individuals.

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Name: Felicity James

Race: Angel

Age: 17


  • Cause of Death: In an attempt of saving a young girl from a burning house. She got caught by the flames with no way to escape and the young girl died with her.

    Biggest dream: She dreams of succeeding in saving another person's life.

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Name: Andrew Bates

Race: Demon

Age: 18


Cause of Death: Car wreck with a tractor trailer

Deepest Desire: He wants to find love

Personality: Andew is a southern who, while caring for the people he loves, can be cruel to people and is not afraid of hunting them down if they are the key to sending him home

Likes: Singing, playing guitar, reading, playing games, and having fun

Dislikes: Annoying people, stupid people, and spiders

Bio/Background: Andrew grew up as a southern, drinking sweet tea and later beer like there was no tomorrow, and soon discovered his musical talents. Soon, at the age of 18, he began receiving requests by many major recording companies to record his music and was on his way to such a deal when he colied
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This might be confusing but the black haired one is Emerald and the blonde is Sapphire



Sapphire Lilison - Goes by Fire when among other Demons





Cause of Death:

She and her twin sister drowned while on holiday.


She is a classic rebel, sassy, can be immature, rude and has a IDGAF attitude. She has the idea of "well life sucked any ways, might as well stop these people from returning to it."



Shocking People

Ruining Lives



Being Predictable

Saving Lives



Emerald Lilison - Em





Cause of Death:

She and her twin sister drowned whilst on holiday.

Biggest dream/Deepest desire:

To be a doctor and save lives

To enjoy life with her sister


Shy and sweet, Em wouldn't hurt a fly. She is overjoyed that she and her sister both got a second chance at life, and wants them to do it together.







The Dark





Emerald and Sapphire led a pretty normal life until high school. That's when they started to grow apart as they had different interests and clothing tastes and friends.

Emerald made friends with nice girls. Kind, sweet and smart, they were classic girls, throwing slumber parties and having study sessions and visiting Starbucks at the weekend together. Emerald excelled in school and was very happy.

Sapphire on the other hand, did not make good friends. None of her friends were very nice, not caring about anything. Fire didn't bother with school work or worry about her future. She did very badly, and disappointed her parents, though she didn't care.

Their parents took them to a beach resort, where Sapphire dared Emerald to swim as far out as she could. They both went, and got caught by the tide, sadly drowning.

Anything Extra?:

Im going to repeat this-

Sapphire is Blonde and Emerald is Black-haired

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Samine Lorenzo




Shot in a car jacking

  • Samine is a very beautiful woman on the outside. She has a toned, slender body that stands just under five and a half feet tall. Her skin is smooth and tanned; her hair is ebony black and falls to her waist when she lets it. She usually dresses in tight skirts and tops, to show everything off. But when she was shot, on her way home from the grocery store, she was wearing skinny jeans and a blouse, and a pair of beat-up Converse sneakers, much like any average person.

Name: Azazel

Race: (Angel or Demon?) Demon

Age: (Age when character passed on.) 26

Appearance: click here for picture

Cause of Death: Car crash

Biggest dream/Deepest desire: (Required for Angels, but Demons are welcome to include their own.)

Personality: Annoyed with the good still left in the world. Hates Angels.

Likes/Dislikes: Likes alcohol, sex, smoking. Dislikes, good, Angels, God.

Background/Bio: Azazel was a very Christian person until God Took his sister from him. He had to watch as god sat there and strangled her on her deathbed. This was the changing point in Azazel's Christianity.
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Andre Grant


If we build a house


Andre Grant








Cause of Death

Beat to death by a group of guys


Children, having fun, drinking (it’s a sin, shhh!), learning new things, helping people see the right thing


Ignorance, rude people, negative thoughts and people

In paradise


Andre has always been that likable person that everyone would come to love if they gave him the chance to enter their lives. There always seems to be a smile on his face and his words were filled with warmth and peace rather than sharp and cold with curses. This made him a very approachable type of guy, always loving to have fun and get in a joke or two. He can be something of a trickster when he wants to be but he always makes sure that they aren’t malicious or anything. He doesn’t really like seeing people hurt because of him and he’d rather not start anytime soon either.

Biggest dream/Deepest desire:

finding out what happened to his sister and hopefully rescuing her one day

Will we get to heaven still?


Andrew grew up to live a pretty good life. His parents were divorced but despite that they were both able to manage a good enough relationship with one another that it was never hard for him to go back and forth between the two. This would go for his younger sister as well, who had been born about two years before the divorce. Andrew would never blame her for it though. The split would only lead him to want to protect his sister even more since there would never be two parents after that.

As he grew older the two would grow closer as their parents found new respective partners, despite it being giants their children’s wishes. They hated their new step-mother and step-father but there was nothing they could do. It cause him to resent his parents in a way he never necessarily wanted to but he couldn’t help it. He was a child and he couldn’t exactly understand why his parents had fallen for the ones they did. Andre had always hoped they’d get back together, but the rings solidified the axe breaking down his dream.

His life wouldn’t be very eventful as he simply went through it, earning accomplishment after accomplishment and becoming recognized in all of his good doings around where he lived. He would date very few girls but was considered popular enough with the amount of friends he had. But the on to always come out on top would be his item who excelled just as he did. However it would all go down when Andre would go to his first year of college. He would watch Tiana, begin to spiral downwards without her big brother there and despite his efforts to stop it- it would prove to be fruitless. Then one day she would be gone. No trace at all.

This would continue to haunt him and while he continued to live his life as he knew he couldn’t shut down just yet, he’d always be in the search for her up until the day he died.






Joy Lockhart


22 (died on her birthday)




Joy has a chestnut brown long and straight hair that's always down or in a bun. She has two different colored eyes. Her left eye is grey and her right eye is blue. She used to work as a personal trainer so she has a very healthy and "good-looking" body.

Cause Of Death

Joy and her friends went to the beach for her 22nd birthday. When they were about to leave - she saw a little girl drowning while the lifeguard was distracted and so went for her herself. Unfortunately, Joy has drowned while saving the little guard.

Biggest Dream

To be revealed... I guess?


Joy is always the positive type (Ya know, there's a meaning for her friggin' name). She likes to smile and never loses hope on something she wants until she knows there's no way for her to win. She's wise and intelligent but not really shows it. She's caring and believes that there's good in everyone and she will always be nice to a person until she'll see that there's no hope in them.


+People caring about her as well


+Listening to music

+Talking to new people


-Selfish and ignorant people

-People not trusting her

-Not doing it her way


To be revealed..

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Name: Alison Keirin Green

Nickname/s: Ali/Ally

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi-sexual, hetero-romantic

Race: Demon


Likes: Fashion Statements, Getting What she Wants, Children, Bright Colors, Jewelry, Gold Jewelry (specifically), Attention, Julia (her 5 year old daughter)

Dislikes: Being Called Spoiled etc (even though she knows its true), Threats to her Daughter, Cloudy Days, Rap Music, Being Categorized as a Demon (though she knows why that is and is trying really hard to change)

Personality: To put it frankly Ali can seem like a bit of a bitch, and she is. On the surface and most of her inside she is spoiled, rude, stuck-up, and a bitch. But, deep down she's always wanted to change and now she feels that she has the opportunity. Deep down she is a very caring, loving, and kind individual; but this most only shows when she is around her daughter, talking about her daughter, or watching Julia. Also, when she isn't trying so hard to protect herself and act a bitch, she is a rather fun individual to be around, but that is rather rare.


Cause of Death: Car Accident; she was hit by a drunk driver driving through the mountains and her car spun out and into the valley below

History: Alison all the way through her school years was your stereotypical rich brat who accidentally got pregnant at 17. The father refused to claim the baby and she was left to raise the child on her own, causing her perspective to change a bit, but she still was a bit spoiled. She was at a party one night and had left Julia, her daughter, with a sitter back home. On the way back through the mountains, since the party had taken place in the high country, she was hit by a drunk driver in a much larger car. This sent her car careening into the valley below the road.


Relationship Status: Single

Largest Dream: To see her daughter again

Julia Rose Green:


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Elijah Casen



Elijah Casen






Has a long light-auburn hair that he takes care of every day, due to his work out he has a muscular body and tattoos all over it. The definition of "the bad boy".

Cause of death

Was shot when he tried to save his little brother from a gang that took him as a "graft".

Biggest dream\deepest desire

To kill the members of the gang that killed and kidnapped his brother.




+Hanging out



+Leather jackets and suits


-Stubborn and sarcastic people (although he is sarcastic himself)


-Disrespect towards him


Elijah is a very complicated man, he can act differently towards some kind of people. He is very stubborn and can suffer pain that many can't. Of course, he is a charmer and can easily make women blush and fall for him. He likes to be in control and be the "leader" because of his past as a young gang leader. Although, he can be friendly and he's very intelligent at times.


To be revealed...

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Luna North

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.d2bc11dd91a1224ddddc378a34b45f3b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.d2bc11dd91a1224ddddc378a34b45f3b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Luna North

Name: Luna North

Race: Demon

Age: 19

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b34a80034003f09c2edee0dbca6c9622.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b34a80034003f09c2edee0dbca6c9622.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cause of Death: Stabbed multiple times by boyfriend.

Deepest desire: To fall in love, real love.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.70e713191d4b998a2e43facf081cf7e1.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.70e713191d4b998a2e43facf081cf7e1.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Luna is silly and loves to flirt. She is generally nice but has a very dark and cruel side. Honestly she doesn't want to ruin someone's life, but she really doesn't want to die either.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.cbc5ff98c11730fad2d91fb59d62a0af.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144787" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.cbc5ff98c11730fad2d91fb59d62a0af.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes: color, dancing, music, singing, flirting, partying, being held.

Dislikes: being treated like she's helpless, blades, falling, rude people.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.30c094906383f732cdf488d38ba15bd5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144788" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.30c094906383f732cdf488d38ba15bd5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Luna grew up in a small Oklahoma town with a single mother and no siblings. Some could say she has daddy issues and that's why she's always falling in and out of love. With her many relationships, one turned fatal. Out on a date with her "bad boy" boyfriend at the time, he tried to get her to sleep with him but she said no. Angered and high, he pulled out a knife and stabbed her before dumping her on the nearest highway. Dying and in critical condition, Luna is scared to die for real, so she will do anything to go home. @ItsEndless



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Does this mean that my character isn't accepted? Okay have a nice day guys. Cool RP idea tho.




Erik Darrow







Cause of Death

Shot four times,only one of the bullets reached his heart but that was enough.

Biggest dream/Deepest desire

Erik's biggest dream is taking his brother away from the drugs and crime,convincing him of changing his life before he meets the same fate that Erik did.


Erik is a determined,kind person. He isn't afraid of fighting for his dreams,but understands when he needs to step down. Through all his life,he has put the needs of his family in front of his own,creating a selfless nature to him. But still,he doesn't like to be pushed around. He will keep his calm during times like this,but may blown unexpectedly if something or someone he cares about is threatened.

He loves independence and works hard to be free beyond anything. That doesn't mean that Erik is afraid of creating serious relations. He simply would prefer to do things in his own way,listening to his will beyond those of others. That creates a trait that can be seen by many as stubbornness,and even Erik admits that he can be difficult sometimes.


Erik doesn't really know what having decent parents is like. His mother was a junkie and died soon after giving birth to his brother,Nicholas,and his father was an alcoholic with severely violent tendencies. Erik was able to withstand the constant beating,but he became desperate once the violence started to fall on Nicholas as well. His wild style and bisexuality only seemed to enrage his father more,and Erik was thankful for that. At least Nicholas was safe,for now. As soon as he turned sixteen,Erik ran away from the house and took his brother with him.

Life without an adult was hard,and they often went through difficult times on the streets. But Erik eventually found a job,working his ass out daily to pay for rent and for everything that Nicholas needed. But when Erik turned 20,he saw his brother slowly going through the same path as his parents. The boy was a good kid,but easily controlled. He was soon going deep into drugs and crime. Erik tried his best to take his brother away from that life,until the day that Nicholas acquired a debt that neither of them could pay. When the bandits invaded their house,Erik held them off for long enough to allow Nicholas to escape. He was shot several times,and his body was left to bled out on the streets

Name: Raya Peters

Race: Angel

Age: 19

Cause of death: Attempted Assasination.

Biggest Dream: To become something people will remember. To become a legend

Personality: Flirty and slightly manipulative. A bit of a Narcissist.

Likes: When things go her way. When her flirting works

Dislikes: Being ignored. Being devalued. Competition in the beauty department.

Background: Raya came from a fairly nice life and a fairly rich family.Her family was very well known for the name her mother and father had made for them in the fashion industry. However, she was asassinated by a rival family in the fashion industry. The Assasin had stabbed her, but she managed to escape by going down the fire escape. Bleeding, she huddled in an alleyway, praying to live.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/chico-65789-1465949880.jpg.d76699213b7e954116eef8c1076feb95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/chico-65789-1465949880.jpg.d76699213b7e954116eef8c1076feb95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Kassandra Crowell

Race: Angel

Age: 16


Cause of Death: Drowning

Biggest dream/Deepest desire: To be truly happy.

Personality: Extroverted, bubbly, excitable.


Likes - daydreaming, stargazing, and playing violin

Dislikes - being left out, cruelty to animals

Background/Bio: Comes from an average family. She was an only child and a hardworking student. Over spring break she was drowned to death by her ex-boyfriend.

Anything Extra?: n/a




Basic Infromation
Name: Adam Hawkins

Age: 23

Race: Demon
Adam is a very sensitive and overprotective friend, many can mistake him for an angel. Though, he does not have any passion so he's not an angel and was picked randomly to be a demon. He's very caring and kind, likes to smile a lot and often hangs out in big groups. Although he was never in a serious relationship before, he's very romantic. Though, you definitely do not want to make him mad, he has a very short temper and might get a little bit... well, crazy
Cause of death: Overdosed on drugs.

Biggest Dream\Deepest desire: Well, to be alive again. That's it.


+Hanging out


+Being respected

+Being known everywhere he goes


+Intelligent people

+Being in control


-Not being in control of himself.


-Dumb people


Background: Adam was born to one of London's most richest families - The Hawkins family. He was born to Emilia and Quentin who were both a very successful and owned a mobile company. Unfortunately, due to their job they didn't spend time with Adam - at all. Which caused him to do drugs and bail from school many times before his 15th birthday. At the age of 16, his mother died from a liver disease which caused his father drink more and more each day. Soon after that, he became an alcoholic and bit Adam almost every single day if he got a grade that is lower than A+, which didn't happen often - but there wasn't really a reason for his cruel behavior rather than that. That traumatic incident caused Adam to hate drinking, and he's completely against it. He ran away from home when he was 18, going to the university of Princeton without letting his father know. He still was traumatized and started doing drugs, like, REALLY bad drugs. No one has ever discovered his addiction and he graduated happily with a business degree.

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Damn! Luna's gonna Wanna piece of that! Lmao
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Name: She has held many, and will tell people different names depending on mood. Her real name is Sophie Devaunt



Appearance: Her face has been altered many times with various operations, and items. However coming here has given her back her own face, which she has not yet realized. She is astonishingly beautiful, with sharp facial structure, and purple eyes. She has shoulder length black hair, and is about five foot six. She maintains a posture of harmlessness, but if one looks close you can see that she is very muscularly defined. She has a great deal of scars although the only usually visible one is a knife slash, the tip of which is visible on her collar bone. She has one tattoo, on her back. It is a tree, interwoven with many animals. It's base is just above the small of her back, and the very top leaves are just above the line of her shoulder blades. She was wearing simple, very loose, black pants, and a black sleeved shirt when she died. Both are well fitted, but very spacious.

Cause of Death: Poisoned, pushed out a third story window, stabbed, and left to bleed out.

Biggest dream/Deepest desire: Redemption, in someone else's eyes or her own.

Personality: When seeking something she can be very charismatic. On the rare occasions she behaves honestly, not so much.

Likes/Dislikes: She expresses enjoyment for whatever is convenient. Honest expressions of enjoyment are rare, as are expressions of dislike.

Background/Bio: She was a government employee. Lets just say she did odd jobs.

Anything Extra: This is the character I wound up creating
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