Your Second Chance (Open!)


Ezekiel 'Zeke' Grey







He has dark brown hair, lightly tanned skin, seemingly innocent vibrant blue eyes, and thin lips that are often limp but when they curve at all then it's either the most gentle smile you've seen or a quivering frown. If his lips go farther than a gentle smile, then he's gone insane and is likely to attack and his wide grin will be definitely unsettling unsettling. He usually wears a simple hoodie, jeans, and some comfy sneakers.

Cause of Death:

Suicide by cop

Biggest dream/Deepest desire:

To murder every single person he hates is what he thinks but it is truly to make a positive difference in someone's life oddly enough.


Ezekiel was originally a very sweet and caring boy. Due to his childhood his sanity was lost and so was that caring sweet boy. Now he is a fairly insane psychopath that either tries to end someone's life forcefully or he tries to get under their skin to make them lose hope or the feel of a need to continue fighting for another chance at life. He is very deceptive and never entirely lies as he acts dangerously innocent to hide the beast inside. Even so, he is still a kindhearted child very very deep inside that might resurface if he gets too attached to someone.







-big crowds


Ezekiel was an only child with two extremely religious parents. He had been forced to constantly worship a god he didn't believe in and he was even forced to go to a private school of that religion. In time, Ezekiel lost nearly every shred of humanity and sanity. This is what led to his growing loathing for religion and the people surrounding him. To make matters worse, his entire school constantly bullied him and wouldn't leave him alone- including the faculty. He broke. Ezekiel brought a few loaded guns he'd found in his father's closet and massacred his entire class and when police arrived at the scene, he threatened them as well to the point of no return. Suicide by cop.

Anything Extra?:

A black cat Zeke named 'Cas' is constantly lingering around Zeke and often is found cuddling in the boy's arms, making him appear even more innocent and trustworthy.

-Theme song:


(Btw if Zeke can't have Cas, lemme know so I can fix my CS)

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