The Final Frontier (I.C Only)

@CrystalGobletsEnzik's ship is maneuvering through Zeonia's atmosphere as the pilots prepare to land at a military base to pick up new recruits. As Enzik walks toward the main entryway, One of his corporals says "Commender Xarc, Have you heard of the what they call the 'silver maiden'?" Enzik responds with a mildly snotty undertone "No & why would I care?" The corporal said "Commander, I hear she's great with weapons and stealth" Enzik nods and says "Y'know what, maybe she'll be in the ranks of these new recruits" as the craft lands at the base, the entry door opens and a ramp come down into the Tarmac.

Anastasiya Qothi

Ana fidgeted, lightly bouncing from foot to foot. She glanced around at the recruits near her, they all stood stoic still and had emotionless faces. Ana scowled, although you'd never be able to tell because of the silver mask she wore. 'Bunch of brainwashed space rocks.' She thought to herself as she regarded her peers with a hint of disgust. She mentally smacked herself and then sighed softly as the commander's ship came into view. 'It's a job Ana, just keep your cool. You need this, You need this. Think of your sisters, think of the money. Besides, working on a ship will make transporting your smuggled goods easier.' A smirk snaked its way across her face. She was glad that she was wearing the mask when the commander finally walked down the ramp because she was sure otherwise she'd have looked ridiculous, smirking at seemingly nothing. She stilled herself as the commander came closer to her position. Surprisingly, the corporal that was at his side called out to her.

"The Silver Maiden, present yourself," He demanded. She nodded once and then took a step forward.

"The Silver Maiden, reporting for duty," Her gaze remained upon the commander, who seemed to be watching her with interest. 'Keep it cool Ana. Don't mess up in front of this guy or else you're fired.'

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana fidgeted, lightly bouncing from foot to foot. She glanced around at the recruits near her, they all stood stoic still and had emotionless faces. Ana scowled, although you'd never be able to tell because of the silver mask she wore. 'Bunch of brainwashed space rocks.' She thought to herself as she regarded her peers with a hint of disgust. She mentally smacked herself and then sighed softly as the commander's ship came into view. 'It's a job Ana, just keep your cool. You need this, You need this. Think of your sisters, think of the money. Besides, working on a ship will make transporting your smuggled goods easier.' A smirk snaked its way across her face. She was glad that she was wearing the mask when the commander finally walked down the ramp because she was sure otherwise she'd have looked ridiculous, smirking at seemingly nothing. She stilled herself as the commander came closer to her position. Surprisingly, the corporal that was at his side called out to her.

"The Silver Maiden, present yourself," He demanded. She nodded once and then took a step forward.

"The Silver Maiden, reporting for duty," Her gaze remained upon the commander, who seemed to be watching her with interest. 'Keep it cool Ana. Don't mess up in front of this guy or else you're fired.'


Commander Xarc walked down the ramp as one of his corporals commanded the silver maiden to present herself and saw the silver maiden walking towards them, he's heard so much about her, her talents were needed for the war, so he said as he held his hand out "Pleasure to meet you"

Anastasiya Qothi

"Pleasure to meet you," Commander Xarc said as he held out his hand. Ana regarded it coolly and then placed her smaller hand in his, giving it a firm shake.

"Pleasure to be here, sir. Glad I can be of service," A small smile was hidden by her mask. She wondered if he actually cared at all, or whether this was just some show put on to confirm she'd be joining the fleet. It wouldn't be the first time the military had tried to trap her into service, reporting that her skills were highly desirable and would help their cause greatly. Honestly, it had surprised even her when she finally enlisted last week.They finally released hands and Ana stepped back into line with the other recruits.

"Let's get this show started," She mumbled softly under her breath as she cracked the knuckles in her right hand.


Axton Dozier-Squires

AxtonDozier-Squires Resize.jpg

The small noises of the cityscape awakening could be heard throughout Axton's ears as he climbed the final steps of the abandoned building. This factory was used to make and pack easy access food for the soldiers during the war, he remembers Johnkson working part time here when he was little. Near the end of the war the factory shut down when food wasn't as much of a pressing matter to get shipped out. The factory had made the small neighborhood of Calkain, and now with the main employer being shut down the area was slowly turning into urban decay.

As Axton reached the top of the stairwell he pulled out an old model S key card (stolen from his dad's office after the factory closed), he taps it lightly against the door, the card then lights up a lime green and the center of the door does the same. He hears a few small clicks and a nob pops out on the right side. He reaches out, grasping it in one hand, and turns it. With a hard shoulder shove the old door flies open. Axton steps through and up onto the roof. He looks out over Calkain in the small amount of dawn light, only a couple of lights were on in homes down near the east end, and the streetlights were beginning to flick off street by street. He looks north into the haze of the downtown area, with its shining antennas and spiraling skyscrapers. The CalKain Foods Factory was the biggest building in Calkain, Calkain Regional Collegiate Secondary School being the next biggest, with it sitting six blocks west of where Axton currently stood. He walks out to the edge of the roof, sitting down on the edge. He throws his schoolbag behind him and takes his hat off, tossing it the same way. He then dangles his feet out over the edge. He would probably die falling all five stories to the cracked parking strip below. The chilly autumn wind blew slightly from the north, tousling his hair. He pulls is GlassScreen Z4 out of his pocket, looking at the artificial landscape through the clear glass before powering it on. He opens the camera and takes a simple photo of the landscape in front of him, then posts it online. He enjoys the peace of his spot before standing up. He still had to to a product pick up before his normal morning sell at the East lot before classes, and the location was still nine blocks south of here. Axton grabs his bag, throwing it over his shoulder, grabs his hat and heads for the door. It closes it behind him, locking it with a new tap spot before silently descending the stairs back to the ground floor. 

Anastasiya Qothi

"Pleasure to meet you," Commander Xarc said as he held out his hand. Ana regarded it coolly and then placed her smaller hand in his, giving it a firm shake.

"Pleasure to be here, sir. Glad I can be of service," A small smile was hidden by her mask. She wondered if he actually cared at all, or whether this was just some show put on to confirm she'd be joining the fleet. It wouldn't be the first time the military had tried to trap her into service, reporting that her skills were highly desirable and would help their cause greatly. Honestly, it had surprised even her when she finally enlisted last week.They finally released hands and Ana stepped back into line with the other recruits.

"Let's get this show started," She mumbled softly under her breath as she cracked the knuckles in her right hand.


After shaking the silver maiden's hand, Commandar Xarc thought 'She is perfect! Her determination & her strong will would be incredible assets for the Zeonian military' As the silver maiden cracked her knuckles, the commander said "Right, the corporal will gladly escort you up to my office where we can speak in private, but first have battalions of troops to pick up, so off you go" he gave the silver maiden a pat on the back as one of the corporals escorted her through a series of gallyways and past a few briefing rooms untill he got to the 4th floor of the ship and presented a steel sliding door with the name "Commandar Enzic Xarc" Laser engraved into it. The Commandar said "wait inside for the commander" as he put his hand to a scanner, opening up the sliding door.

The office had a large wooden desk, a bunch of swords on display on the walls and a holographic name placard on the desk that read "Commandar Enzic Xarc". There were also honors and medals hung up behind what would be Enzic's chair as well as a tan metal wall unit running all the computers in the room.
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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana slowly paced the office, admiring all the medals and honours the commander had hung on his wall. She was nervous, her fists clenching and relaxing again as she thought about her sisters, alone right now. They'd be on their way to school soon, hopefully everything was going all right for them. 'They're strong girls Ana, they know how to survive on their own.' She'd just unconsciously reached out and dragged a finger lightly down the blade of a sword when the commander walked in. She turned sharply and a small droplet of blood pooled on the tip of her finger.

"Your collection is impressive, I didn't know I'd be working for such a... Successful commander," She said politely.


Anastasiya Qothi

Ana slowly paced the office, admiring all the medals and honours the commander had hung on his wall. She was nervous, her fists clenching and relaxing again as she thought about her sisters, alone right now. They'd be on their way to school soon, hopefully everything was going all right for them. 'They're strong girls Ana, they know how to survive on their own.' She'd just unconsciously reached out and dragged a finger lightly down the blade of a sword when the commander walked in. She turned sharply and a small droplet of blood pooled on the tip of her finger.

"Your collection is impressive, I didn't know I'd be working for such a... Successful commander," She said politely.


Enzic Xarc

After tending to his men & showing them the barracks, he walked up three flights of stairs to his office. He walked in just as Anastasiya pricked herself with one of his swords. The Commandar didn't notice the pool of blood as he said "Oh yes, iv'e been battles throughout my military career & as for the swords, I've collected these ancient blades from various galaxies" he then proceeded to point at the various swords "that one is an executioner's bake from the planet ferta all the way over in the Shokmai Galaxy, that one is a knight's blade from the primitive planet Druba in the locklan Galaxy and that one-" he stopped as he noticed the blood on the tip, he asked aloud "why is that king's blade bloody?" He immediately changed his tone of voice to be more businessy and say as he sat down behind his desk "now, let's discuss a few things before I have the pilots take off.

Anastasiya Qothi

Ana wiped her finger on the leg of her bodysuit, smearing a small patch of blood. It was alright though because her suit was made from Boshizi material, they never stain.

"Exploration is a dangerous but rewarding thing," She said lightly in response to the commander's question about the King's blade. Ana moved over to the commander's desk, and then perched on the edge of one of the chairs placed in front. Her mind was whirling a mile a minute, wondering why he even wanted to have a private conversation in the first place.

"Discuss what, sir? Is everything alright?" She asked politely.


Enzic Xarc

"Other than my tarnished sword, everything is alright" Commandar Xarc said in a mildly annoyed fashion while shifting around in his chair starting her job interview "I'm now going to discuss your qualifications and what we want from you" Commandar Xarc said while trying to get his tarnished sword out of his head. Commandar Xarc continued "Now, have you served in the military before? If so what was your rank?"


Anastasiya Qothi

A sly smile grew across Ana's face. He seemed upset about his sword, poor guy.

"You know, I have a talent for stealing. I bet I could steal and clean your sword, then replace it without you even knowing," Her eyes sparkled with mischief. It was a big thing, but she thought maybe showing off her skills could help her prove herself or something like that. 'Prove yourself? Why would you need to prove yourself? You just got a little blood on his sword, he'll get over it eventually.'

"I've never served in the military, although they tried to get me to join many times. It just... Wasn't for me. If I'm honest, I'm still not sure whether it's for me," She watched him assess her. Ana wasn't sure whether he liked what he saw or not, which bothered her slightly.


Enzic Xarc

"I love your style" Commandar Xarc complemented, the silver maiden seemed sneaky & mischievous, perfect for espionage. Enzic went on to explain "Now, i'm not going to make you a private or soldier or anything of that sort, the reason why your in this office is that I'm considering your position as a spy, someone to handle more confidential missions. That's why you're not down in the bunks with the soldiers." He then went silent to let the silver maiden speak as he pressed a button underneath his desk to open up a keyboard & touch glass that's built into the desk itself.

It was now projecting a series of documents & a circular curser onto the desk. He tapped on the "LAN" icon to project only the documents shared between commanders. Finally, he tapped on a document reading "spylist.txt" and it projected a list of names of all the people who enlisted as spies @CrystalGoblets
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Anastasiya Qothi

'He wants me to be a spy?' A delighted shiver ran down Ana's back. Now that  was something Ana thought she could enjoy. She watched as he pulled up a list with names on it, names of spies. She grinned smugly. She wanted her name on that list. Her name would  be on that list.

"Espionage? Now we're talking. If they had said I could be doing stuff like that before I would've enlisted long ago. What exactly would you like me to do, sir?" Her eyes danced across the text being projected. She hoped it was something good, something challenging. Maybe even something dangerous. Ana's sisters popped into her mind. 'Okay... Maybe not  too dangerous.'


Enzic Xarc

"Well, your missions will vary from time to time, but I won't tell you your first mission untill you formally apply" Said Commandar Xarc wanting to uphold Zeonian security standards. The Commandar then said "Now, before I put your real name in, I have two questions. 1. Do you have your resumè handy? 2. Do you have cybernetic implants of any kind?" @CrystalGoblets
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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana pulled out her HoloPad X09 from her pocket and scanned her fingerprint. The little ball made a whizzing noise and then came to life, projecting the app screen in the air in front of Ana. She hit different parts of the hologram, opening things and swiping until her résumé was floating in the air. She hit the 'Link' button and sent it to commander Xarc.

"There you go, I trust it delivered safely. No I don't have any cybernetic implants," She mused.

"As for getting my real name, I didn't know that was part of the deal. I've always just gone as the Silver Maiden, no matter where I worked," She tapped the chin of her mask thoughtfully.


Enzic Xarc

"Thank you very much" Commandar Xark said "the reason why I want your real name is so that the Zeonian government can put your records in the Classified section so that enemy troops can't trace you, what that also does is effectively allow you to take on other identities without hand scanners on Zeonia controlled territory buzzing in a suspicious fashion" Commander Xarc explained anticipating that her records would have her actual name on it. Commandar Xarc then said "Now I can't show you any other concealment tech until you put your name on the list" 



A casually dressed stranger stands in front of the abandoned food plant as if waiting for someone. He is a Fixer who had followed Axton's GPS signature, the stranger knew of Axton's criminal history and needed his talents, but noting was going to happen untill Axton walked out of this abandoned building.

Axton Dozier-Squires

Axton had almost made it back to the ground floor before he heard a small sound. He quickly ducked and went silent. Slowly moving, he peered out of the edge of the window on the landing above him, he could see someone dressed in average autumn attire standing near the main doors of the building. He knew the next building inspection wasn't for at least another week. Maybe it's another delinquent like you? Axton thinks. No, that couldn't be right. Why would someone trespass on an abandoned building lot and just casually stand outside the main entrance, even a rookie wouldn't do that. What if he's here for you? He couldn't be, how could he have found him? He had turned off his locator in his GlassScreen when he left the house 45 minutes ago, unless...

Axton pulls out the GlassScreen and unlocks it, opening setting to see that, Shit, how could I be so dumb? This guy probably followed my digital signature from when I left the house, my stop at the 24/7 mart for a coffee shot and a pack of Eltrove Smokes, and right to where I am now! If that guy was still tracking him with an eyepiece or something, he would know right away when Axton went incognito, and would barge into the building before Axton could even blink. Whatever he was going to do, he needed to move fast... wait... the shipping bay! It's only a few zigzagged corridors from the stairs and the broken shipping door would let him get out without having to activate any doors.

Axton slowly descended back down the stairs, heading for where he had hidden his hoverboard. He looked over at the hall that lead to the front. The walls of the building, like most used in times of war, was completely blast proof. The weakest spot near the stranger was the main doors, but even those would take at least a handful of shots from even a military grade weapon to break in their locked state. That should give Axton enough time to get out. He grabs his board in one hand, looks back at the front hall once more, before turning towards the corridor leading to the shipping bay. He then presses the button on his GlassScreen. The galaxy that had been swirling at the top faded away. A 'locator functions powered down' message appeared on his screen. Then Axton ran.

He jumped over boxes and abandoned metal carts, some still having packaged food sitting on them. He quickly reaches the shipping bay, moving faster in the wide open space. It looked almost evil in the darkness, wide open and completely empty, save for a small ship that was too deteriorated to ever run again. He finally meets the giant opening where a shipping door used to be. Once he jumps into the parking lot he jumps onto his hoverboard and speeds off towards Kazwell Avenue. He then presses a button on his earpiece.

"Message contact, Jackal" Axton says.

"Begin message," The earpiece says into his ear.

"Be at your place in five, and you better be there. Message end."

"Message send successful," he hears in his ear.

As he rides through the awakening streets of Calkain, one thought remains in his head. Why didn't I hear any blasting of him trying to get to me?

Tags: @Tonstad39
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The stranger Saw who he was expecting, he didn't know if Axton was armed or with his gang as the locator being turned off made it hard for him to determine that. He still stood at the front door hoping that curiosity would get the better of him. His plan failed when he saw Axton run to the back, the stranger got out his laser gun and pointed it at the building in case the kid had back up. The stranger being a quick thinker, referred to his cybernetic implants to scan the building for any digital signatures, he found none, untill after five minutes of scanning, he interceptied one of Axton's messages that said "be at your place at five, and you better be there" 

the stranger ran back to his hovercar, turned it on to drive above the Calkain cityscape hoping to spot him on the ground. He had made a stupid mistake by standing there & this was what he could come up with to hopefully make ammends. He hovered at an altitude in whitch Axton would hopefully not see him. Once he had spotted Axton on his hoverboard, the stranger used his implants to set a lock on Axton in his vision as not to loose him.


Anastasiya Qothi

Trying to stop a bad habit, Ana's jaw tensed and she tried not to grind her teeth. The last time anyone had called her by her birth name was before her parents disappeared. Even her sisters, Aleksandrina and Klára, just called her Silver. Reluctantly, Ana slowly pulled up her birth information.

"My name's Anastasiya Qothi, but if I hear you say it aloud I'll kill you. If you must refer to me by birth name please call me Ana," Her white eyes held the commander's. Ana knew she shouldn't be threatening him, but her name was a personal thing she didn't like to share unless she was incognito.

"Is that everything you need? Or would you like to hear my life story too?" She meant it to be a light joke, but it came out with more bite than she expected.


Enzic Xarc

Enzic said "no no, I'm really not interested" Commandar Xarc only wanted to get down to business so he typed "Anastasiya Qothi" into the spy list and pressed enter before saying "Good, now meet with the on board head of intelligence while I look through your resumè & if it all checks out, i'll email him & until then take this temp card" The commander gave her a plastic card with a QR code on it with the word "TEMP" stamped across it before explaining "now that card has level 5 clearance, so be very careful with it, I won't give you another one"

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana accepted the card from commander Xarc's outstretched hand and nodded that she understood his orders.

"Alright sir, thank you," She quietly slipped out the door. 'Level five clearance? That could definitely come in handy.' Ana slipped the card into the top of her bodysuit, thinking it the least likely place for someone to try to steal it from. She moved her way through the ship with as much grace as she could muster, considering it was bustling with activity. Eventually though, she finally found her way to the office of the head of intelligence.


Enzic Xarc

Enzic saluted the silver maiden on the way out and proceeded to begin her background check. Searching through positions of employment, emailing a few references & inspecting her criminal history.

Minister of intelligence

The office lacked decorations as a titanium shelled robot sat behind the desk as is watched the Silver maiden enter the room before & once the door was completely shut, it asked "Are you Anastasiya Qothi?" Its voice was almost natural sounding as it was a self determining unit who had earned its way to its position as opposed to more primitively designed spy drones.

Anastasiya Qothi

Ana's eyes flashed and she scowled at the robot. 'Deep breath Ana, it's just a robot. It can say your name.' Her mask hid her disgruntlement, nothing but slightly sad eyes showing.

"Yes, I'm Ana. Please call me the Silver Maiden," She replied coolly as she moved closer to the desk. Ana's eyes roamed the titanium machine, noting the intricacies of its manufacturing. 'Must be a pretty advanced model if they let it be head of intelligence.'

"Commander Xarc sent me to see you," Ana looked around the room. There weren't any personal decorations, it was very... Inhuman. Her eyes found their way back to the robot.

"Do you ever expierence difficulty? I mean, with the position you hold you must get some backlash considering you're... Theoretically not alive,"


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