The Final Frontier (I.C Only)

Minister of Intelligence

The robot said with a laugh "Please, in this business it is your every benefit to be technolagy yourself, I mean they certainly welcomed me more here than in other fields that I have been in" It said with a synthetic huff. It kept its tone of voice endearing as to make this Zeonian more comfortable inside its bland office, it never quite understood why living creatures decorate their office, but still held out its mechanical hand out and introduced itself "It's also a pleasure to meet  you, Silver, you can Call me minister Theta or just Theta for short" as she shook its hand, it winked its left camera, taking a 4K picture of Silver's mask for her potential ID card.

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Anastasiya Qothi

Theta seemed like a nice bot, she certainly was very welcoming. A small pleased smile adorned Ana's hidden face.

"I see, well I'm glad things have worked out so well for you," Ana said as she unconsciously started to tap the left cheek of her mask.

"So, I'm not sure exactly why I was sent up here... Are you to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing from now on? All I know is... Well, apparently my skills are desirable," Ana wondered how much Theta knew of her already, but she assumed it was probably more than she even knew about herself. Robots, especially ones with very high positions like Theta, had access to everything. From the look of Theta's model Ana was sure she was new enough that she could stream data and know things right away. 'That must come in quite handy... I'm starting to see why Theta got this job, the more I think about it the better a robot seems for the position.'

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Jackal-Pike Andrews

Jackal steps out of the shower into the steam filled room. He walks over to the mirror, wiping it off with the back of his hand. He steps back and looks at himself, studying his appearance. He lifts his arms up, flashing his armpits, and does a few poses while giggling to himself quietly. He then grabs his towel, toweling his body dry and stopping his hair from dripping. He then turns off the light and steps into his attached bedroom. He wanders over to his walk in closet and starts hunting for clothes. After putting on boxers and throwing the rest of his clothes on his bed. He then goes to his nightstand, pulling out a pack of Eltrove's from the top drawer, He pulls a brown stick out of the box and lights it. He takes a drag and blows out the dark green smoke. The Green Tea flavour are his favourite, not that he really likes many of the flavours. Green Tea is the best, and definitely way better than those gross Cool Mint ones that Axton smokes all the time. Just then Jackal's GlassScreen went off, a computerized voice spoke to him.

"You have received one new message from known contact Axe unknown character. Would you like to hear the message?"

Think of the devil. Jackal thought to himself, still amused by the fact that even the newest model of GlassScreen, the ZX, still couldn't read non-letter characters (it was a heart, which would have been waay easy to say.

"Yes," Jackal says, taking another drag from the Eltrove. His room was starting to fill with the green tea smell, which was soothing.

"Now playing message from contact Axe unknown character. 'Be at your place in five, and you better be there'. Message end." He could hear the wind in the background, Axton must be on his hoverboard. His voice sounds worried, he must be having some sort of problem, probably why he's coming over so early.

"Hey mom!" Jackal yells out his bedroom door.

"Yes dear?" His mom yells back from downstairs.

"Ax is coming over, can you unlock the front for him?"

"Yeah sure, honey,"

"Thanks mom!"

Axton Dozier-Squires

Axton finaly turns onto Jackal's street, Midea Lane, going down to house 14 he jumps off his board. He walks to the front gate, pushing on it, the gate then swings open. That's surprising, Jackal is usually still half dressed smoking upstairs at this time of day. Axton walks up the path and up onto the porch, he pulls the handle and opens up the door. Stepping inside, he shuts the door and puts in the code to relock the front. He walks through the archway and into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Axton," he looks towards the voice, seeing Jackal's mother standing at the counter, mixing something. She must have unlocked, I knew Jacky wouldn't actually be downstairs this early on a school morning.

"Goodmorning, Maritaigh. Is Jacky upstairs?" Axton says, heading towards the stairs at the back of the room.

"Probably, knowing him. He never actually gets downstairs on time school mornings." She replies, grabbing a mug from the cupboard to make a coffee.

Axton turns to the stairs and starts walking up, he gazes around at the familiar family photos hanging on the walls, even a few of him and Jackal when they were younger. He gets to the top of the stairs and is met with the strong smell of Green Tea. Gross, Axton thinks, Green Tea is the worst flavour, but the smell isn't too bad at least.

Axton walks into the room and is met with the sight of Jackal laying across his bed in only his boxers, a lit Eltrove hanging from his mouth.

"Sexy getup," Axton says to which Jackal grins in response.

"Why're'ya here so early? You sounded kinda odd in the message," Jackal says, tapping his Eltrove on the edge of the bin to remove the used bits.

"I'll explain in a sec, I think I'm gonna get into a more 'you' setup first," Axton says, pulling off his jacket and shirt, relishing the feeling of the cool air on his bare torso. He sits on the edge of Jackal's bed and pulls out his new box of smokes, he opens it and grabs a light blue stick. He lights the end of it and takes a long drag, letting the smoke stay in his mouth for a moment before blowing it back out, relishing the cool mint washing over his body. Calming his nerves and taking a bit of the edge off.

"Now," Axton begins, "this is what was happening..."

Tags: @tonstad39


"You will work for me" Theta said "but nothing's official untill Commandar Xarc approves of your resume" Theta then held its arm out and said "c'mon have a seat, relax" As its cameras scanned across Silver's form, it started to weird itself out for if he saw the world in 480P, it would almost think that Ana was a robot herself, just the fact that she appeared so natural with a body suit and a silver mask almost made her seem mechanical even as to not want to sit down when walking into the office. Curious, Theta decided to stream Ana's records before they became classified while Ana sat down
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He followed above Axton to what looked like his house he walked in and the stranger lowered his altitude and started hovering just above the roof as he got his surveillance equipment out, hooking them up into a port in the back of his head so he could hear through the roof.

@CrystalGoblets @SeaSkies

Anastasiya Qothi

Ana slid into the seat at her right in one fluid motion. She was starting to think she'd like it here.

"Work for you? Sounds promising," The tick tick noise of Ana's tapping started up again. She always did it while thinking, and right now she had a lot to think about.

"What happens if I want to leave the service after awhile? Not be a spy anymore? Is that possible or am I here for life?" Her mind started to drift to all the different possibilities that could come from this situation. She hoped she was making the right choice, she knew espionage could become a dangerous task.

"Will I... Spy on humans?" Ana didn't particularly have an opinion on humans, kind of in the same way you don't have an opinion on the sole of your shoe. It's just there, stuck to the bottom, and you step on it. Nothing more, nothing less. That is until the sole starts to fall off, and next thing you know you're tripping over it... Painful thoughts of their home planet appeared. 'Some things cannot be forgiven...'



Theta was polite to answer her question by saying "Well, we simply don't do a whole lot, other than make you give two week's notice and before you do leave I'd plug myself into neurotransmitters and delete any classified information from your brain" Theta then continued "Who you're spying on will vary from mission to mission, we even have you spy on other zeonians on some missions". Theta went silent to A. Let Silver speak B. To mentally inspect her records. Some of her records revealed a host of things from her two sisters to roughly the point she first identified as her ailias. It then thought "She's been through a lot, but at least she'd feel comfortable on missions that involve murder, where is that acceptance email anyways, I only want to work with this lump of curiosity more"

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana mused over the thought of Theta using neurotransmitters to delete some of Ana's memories. Although, a small part of her was worried that that meant Theta could get rid of some other memories too... Ana rubbed small circles on her left knee as she looked over the robot again.

"Ah, I see. Well I hope the commander finishes looking over my résumé soon. I'd like to know if I get accepted or not, otherwise there are activities I should be attending to," She thought about an earthen artifact she had hidden her luggage. It was a small, dirty and slightly ripped card of some sort. It read 'Squirtle' across the top. Ana wasn't entirely sure what it was, or why the person she was supposed to give it to wanted it, but she assumed it was some kind of stupid human sacred object.



"yeah, I would love to work with you sometime soon" Theta said while still anticipating a certain email in its data bank. As soon as Silver pulled out the dirty card, its cameras lit up with curiosity, so it asked while pointing at the card "Can I see that artifact? It looks interesting". Its data banks held knowledge of interplanetary history, something that it was interested in back when it was in in primary download school.

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana leaned forward and handed the card to Theta. If the robot was alive Ana expected that it would've looked giddy.

"Can you pull up any information on it? I'm not sure what exactly it is, besides an Earthen artifact. I'm supposed to deliver it to someone," Ana was perched on the edge of her seat, ready to snatch the card back from the robot at any second if it seemed like it was going to damage it. Robots had a habit of not being very gentle... But as Theta looked the card over she seemed to be very cautious. Ana settled back into her seat proper.



Theta gripped the card out of Silver's hand and proceeded to scan it with an infrared scanner & matched what was on the card with images of similer cards in its data bank. Theta then said "In ancient times, humans would collect cards like this for recreation or to use them to play a trading card game, some of these collections would go up to hundreds sometimes even thousends of cards". Theta was excitedly gripping the card with a fair amount of relative force while saying "I've only seen stuff like this in museums, i'd appease this squirtle card at $12,000, this is truly an exiting find from ancient humanity!"


Anastasiya Qothi

The sound of the card starting to crinkle pricked Ana's ears. She launched forward faster than Theta's processors could comprehend and grabbed the card back. Quickly checking the card over, she sighed softly and then patted Theta's cold hand.

"Sorry Theta, I know you didn't mean to be too forceful." Ana said as she sat back down and slipped the card into her pocket again.

"$12,000 for a trading card? Humans participated in such odd activities. Hopefully I get paid a fair price for it, especially know that I know how much it's worth. Thanks for informing me,"



"Oh no don't mention it" Theta said "to be fair, ancient Zeonians are also guilty of strange hobbies, especially pre-singularity Zeonians" theta then opened up a drawer and put two things on its desk, one a Zeonian gamecom & an empty costumed head designed to look like one of Zeonia's wildlife. Theta then patted the head and said "Ancient zeonians would go to conventions or parties and dress up in masks and sometimes fully blown costumes for fun, they'd dress in a persona, a creature that represented every aspect of their personality." He held up the gamecom and said "this artifact predates any common internet, so if ancient zeonians wanted to play a game, they'd do it on devices like this." He then pulled out the cartridge & the label is an extinct dialect of Zeonian.

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana's eyes lit up as she looked at the old artifacts. Zeonian ancient artifacts weren't worth as much as Earthen artifacts, which was silly considering the Earth was still around but her home planet wasn't. Tentatively, she reached out and lightly brushed her fingers down the side of the costume head.

"They dressed up? How peculiar, although I also have an affinity for masks," Her eyes danced as an amused smile crossed her face. Ana's mask was actually a family heirloom. It was left out on her parents bed before they disappeared, for no apparent reason. She took it as a sign and has kept it close to her ever since. Ana tried to read the Zeonian on the cartridge but was unable to.

"It's from before any common internet? That's insane. I wonder what life was like before then, I can't even fathom it," A part of Ana wanted to dismantle the gamecon and see what made it work although she knew that would definitely break it.



"Well" theta said "pre internet life was basically papers, tools & music discs, I know incredibly difficult to fathom that three some odd thousend years ago, zeonians had to read the news on large pieces of paper &a on cartridges like this" Theta then handed Silver the cartridge before saying "the label translates to 'Kirby in dreamland'" Just as Theta was about to talk about artifacts back home when its databank lit up with an email & upon opening it, Theta happily  said "I have some good news, Commandar Xarc just reviewed your resumè and you've been accepted &I it is my honor that I print out this" A 3D printer behind Theta began to print out Silver's new ID card whitch consisted of a ten digit number, her picture, a QR code and her codename. While the printer was working theta opened a putt on under it's desk revealing a secret hallway to the right of its desk.


Anastasiya Qothi

Ana had been intently investigating the game cartridge in her hand, but it was almost completely forgotten when the secret hall beside Theta's desk appeared. Ana stood as Theta got up and handed her her new ID card. A mischievous grin grew on Ana's face as she looked toward the hall excitedly.

"I've been accepted? Great!" She looked at her card that had a photo of Ana with her mask on. 'Great, I really think I'm going to like this.' Ana looked at Theta expectantly, waiting to see what she'd tell her to do next.



"this would be the part where I would tell you to create a masked personna, and you already have the mask part down, what hand attachments would you like to hide your fingerprints when sneaking on enemy bases?" Theta said as a section of the wall behind him opened up, revealing pairs of skin tight gloves, each of a differing color and Doyle, some resembling a real hand to others that more resemble leather & velvet gloves. "Choose wisely" Theta said.

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana's eyes roamed over the display of gloves. 'Hmm... That pair of leather ones look nice...' Just then, her eyes landed on a pair that matched the colour and mesh of her bodysuit perfectly. Smiling, she reached out and picked them up. Ana put them on and wiggled her fingers, admiring how well they blended in. Considering her closet was packed full of bodysuits identical to the one she was wearing, this would work out perfectly. She turned to Theta and held up her hands.

"I'll take these ones, please. They work wonderfully with my outfit," Ana let her hands fall to her sides and looked down. She knew that her silver mask, offset by the slightly darker grey colour of her bodysuit went well together. It was a look that could catch an eye, as people often seemed to think she was a bot, but at the same time it happened to be a look that she could use easily to blend in. 'Forgettable. That's the look I'm going for.'



"those gloves can take on any fingerprint pattern in other planet's records, those gloves will be useful for going undercover outside of Zeonia controlled territory." Theta said while motioning Silver to follow it. "Now follow me to see more of our artillery as it were" as It led her through a very dark hallway save for a few OLED lights that curved around with the hallway. The hallway had steps going down and a few considerable twists & turns. Finally it reached a secret room brimming with masked spies, some resembling theatrical masks from Zeonia's medeval period others simply had a cybernetic facial hood. Holographicly labeled doors read 'Briefing', 'Camo', 'armory', 'Lounge' & 'Lift to main gallyway'. "Do you like what you see?" asked Theta.


Anastasiya Qothi

Ana tapped the cheek of her mask excitedly as she looked around the room. There were so many disguised figures, it made her feel like she was... In a place where she belonged. She smiled to herself and looked back to Theta.

"I love what I see. I could've used a job like this ages ago," Ana wondered what exactly all these people could possibly be doing. That's a lot of spies... Suddenly she couldn't help thinking back to all the masked figures she's seen walking around before. Were some of them spies? Were all of them spies? 'Hmm... Seems the Zeonian military is gathering information more than the humans think.'

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"Yes yes, but now is especially perfect, after the peace agreement of 4087 much of our operatives have been intelligence centered." Explained theta "we need a good chunk of spies to hopefully conquer earth from the inside out". Theta went to the Camo room and opened it up. Theta proceeded to explain "This is the shifting suit, it transmogrifies your outer appearence to mimick anyone on record. Over here is our hack drones, they can put security camera footage on loop for up to 5 minutes & can even turn off laser grids. And here is my personal favorite, the neuro pen flick this down and it transmits high powered Alpha waves that get people into a hypnotic state where they could reveal classified information, unless they have steel implants deflecting the alpha waves of course."

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Axton Dozier-Squires

After the story he hears Jackal blow out some smoke, leaning over to look at Axton.

"That's pretty fucked up, bro. I knew this smuggling shit would get us in big shit eventually," Jackal says.

"what do you mean us. I'm the one that does most of the work when we smuggle," Axton says to him, blowing smoke in his face,

"yeah, but, I'm essential to our operations bro, who gets your ass out when you can't run fast enough? Me. Who found that abandoned junk yard full of free shit? Me,"

"Who almost got us killed because the abandoned junk yard wasn't so abandoned? Baby face Jacky-Poo"

"Okay, this is getting really negative, I mean, I really don't feel like you're appreciati-" Axton cuts him off by rolling ontop of Jackal and shoving their mouths together, quickly shoving his tongue into his mouth. Jackal lets out an obscene groan and pushes back against him, rutting his hips against Axton's own.

after about a minute of this Axton stands up and starts getting redressed. 

"Hey, what the hell?" Jackal says, sitting up on his elbows.

"We're gonna be late for a pickup in the market, from someone named Silver or something," Axton says, swinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"You're such a fucking tease, Dozier," Jackal says, standing up.

Axton laughs and heads through the door, heading down the stairs and saying a quick goodbye to Jackal's mom and heads through the front door.

he looks up slightly and sees the same person floating above him. It's head turns and locks eyes with him.

"oh, shit..." Axton says. This won't be good, please hurry the fuck up Jackal.

.@Tonstad39 @CrystalGoblets

sorry for the Long ass wait for this, life is being life.
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The stranger unplugged his surveillance equipment, put his hovercar in drive & hovered down to Axton's level before saying "listen, I don't want this to become violent but I need your particular set of talents, oh and call me Dep_Reg"

Axton Dozier-Squires

Axton looks into the eyes of this strange person. Depreg? What kind of name is depreg?

"well first of all, depreg, I would also not like this to become violent. I have some business to take care of and would prefer to not have someone else's blood covering me when I do so. And secondly, I don't work for anyone, especially someone I don't know," Axton looks coldly at Depreg, who is still on the hovercar, be it much lower to the ground now.




Dep_Reg explains "I have leaked files of zeonians militarizing their milky way territory, they are out to take over earth, literally the fate of the world is at stake and since the recent peace treaty, no earthling military is ever going to attack the recently annexed territory." Dep_Reg then plugged a holographic projector into a port on the back of his head. The projector came to life presenting the classified documents, all of whitch are in the Zeonian writing system. "Let me translate these real quick" Dep_Reg said before a;\lol the files were overcome with a moving glitch untill the classified files were translated into English.


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