The Final Frontier (I.C Only)

Axton Dozier-Squires

he looks over a few titles of the documents pulled up in front briefly before looking back at Depreq.

"I mean, no offence to you, but why should I care what a bunch of Zeonians are going up in the sky. And unless you want to buy or sell artifices or illegals, me and my accomplice, wherever the fuck he is, must get going, so..."




"it starts out as border defense, but it could lead to the conquest of earth, if it does happen it'll be spies camouflaged as people in Earth's military." Dep_Reg said while pulling up a low res (480P) video on the hologram projector of Enzik speaking at a Zeonian press conference in his native Zeonian with English subtitles reading "This treaty is a triumph of our time, no longer will Zeonia endure bloody war. We have greatly expanded the Zeonian empire & we will take care of the human problem by 4100. The humans stole our technology and use it to war against us, now that the war is over. Mother Zeonia can now concentrate her efforts on purging the human residents on this planet to ensure the advancements of her native people" Dep_Reg turned up to face Axton in hopes that eye contact would persuade the young one.


Anastasiya Qothi

Ana laughed softly as she picked up one of the neuro pens. She wondered what it felt like to be at the mercy of this device... She wanted to use it.

"I'm allowed to use any of these? Great," She turned back to Theta and then she clued in on what Theta had said.

"Wait, take over Earth? That's what we're doing?" Her gaze quickly darted between Theta and the rack of spy gadgets. 'Well... I don't exactly object to that.' Ana steeled herself against the small voice in her head that said she was getting into a deeper conflict than she originally imagined.

"Okay. What's my first mission, boss?"



"Yep, you can use any of the gadgets that you see here." Theta said while pacing "As far as taking over earth, that's a goal, we most likely won't achieve it for another five years at the very least." A sudden voice cames on the intercom "We will be taking off in T minus one minute and counting so brace yourself for takeoff!" Theta activated electromagnets in his feet to keep itself fastened to the ship while it launches. Theta then said "I'll brief the other spies once we're in orbit and artificial gravity comes on, it's really quite difficult to absorb information while breaking the sound barrier".


Anastasiya Qothi

Ana nodded at Theta in response and steadied herself for the take off by slightly widening her stance. Spending lots of time on ships moving around smuggled goods gave her an odd knack of knowing where to move her body weight so as to stay upright throughout launch without needing to hold onto anything. The ship jolted off the planet and out into space without any mishaps, Ana simply and gracefully moved herself with the flow of the ship's movement so as to stay upright. Artificial gravity kicked in when Ana's feet had slowly risen about an inch off the ground. Once everything was back to normal and they were carefully speeding through the galaxy, Ana followed Theta to where she assumed Theta was going to address the gathered spies.



"Good job rookie" Theta said complementing Silveron her stance when taking off "I usually have to train people that" Theta then walked out of the room and into a meeting hall with several rows of seats and a large stage with a holographic projector and a microphone. Theta walked up to the stage, got behind the podium & set the microphone to 'Intel intercom' and said into the microphone "All espionage agents to the main briefing room, I repeat all espionage agents to the briefing room" and suddenly swaths of masked figures walk in occupying every seat in the briefing room. A figure in a blood red body suit and corresponding face mask sits down next to Silver, each of them are fixated towards theta as they were about to receive their mission. Theta scanned its cameras across the room, every spy was there before saying "Before announcing the mission, we have a new recruit experienced in the ways of smuggling and espionage, I would like to introduce all of you to, The Silver Maiden may the new recruit please rise."


Anastasiya Qothi

Inwardly Ana groaned loudly as she slowly stood up like Theta instructed. 'Oh stars, it's just like school all over again.' She lifted her left hand slowly to her right shoulder and then bowed. As she straightened she looked around at the other masked spies. What should she do? What should she say? Is she supposed to do anything or is Theta going to do the introduction? She hesitated a moment but then decided she might as well say something herself so that she doesn't feel quite so awkward.

"I'm glad to be joining. My alias is The SIlver Maiden, but everyone here can just call me Silver," She wondered if that was a good enough introduction, or whether she'd actually just made an ass out of herself. She stayed standing, waiting for Theta to say something or tell her sit again.



The other spies applauded, welcoming the new recruit before theta waved its hand downward "alright, alright, calm down & Silver, you can sit down now" theta said while plugging itself into a holographic projector. The projector showed a map of the cat's eye galaxy with a blip moving to the elipticals of the Galaxy "This is the cat's eye galaxy & that red triangle represents the ship, we are currently moving towards Zeonia controlled territory in the Milky Way for the soldiers to militarize the borders as a sort of border guard" Theta said as it put dotted lines towards a simulation of the Milky Way Galaxy. Theta then said as the simulated holographic map moved two galaxies away to the Milky Way "While the soldiers get dropped off at the fortifications. We will be behind enemy lines taking on an identity that is not your own, whitch brings you to your next mission." Theta then projected a simulation of an earth controlled enclave on two dwarf planet.

Your mission will start once we land on the PNZ-219 planetoid, we will land inside this remote crater 10 kilometers away from their base, you would then apply your cloaking mechanism to take on the Appearence of a soldier, commander or even one of their assassins." Theta said "Your ultimate objective is to receive intell by way of the neuro pen or communicating with other operatives that are allies with us concerning earth's operations around the planetoids" theta then started simulating the planetoid rotating before saying "Your perception of time will be skewed as this planetoid is known for having a quick orbit, so if an hour feels like 15 minutes, that is probably why, any questions?"


Anastasiya Qothi

Ana started to slowly raise her hand but then thought better of it and let it fall back to her side. The other spies remained quiet and then Theta dismissed them, everyone filed out quickly. Ana stood up and went to Theta, deciding it'd probably be best to address this conflict of schedule directly rather than bringing it up in front of the group of spies.

"Theta, how long do you think this mission is going to take?" Her hand unconsciously lifted to the neck of her jumpsuit as she thought about the Earthen artifact she had hidden on her person.

"I mean, I assume it's going to take awhile it's just that... I was supposed to deliver that card I showed you..." Her voice trailed off as she looked around herself for a clock. Her eyes landed on a large hologram on one of the walls that had the time and date on it. She sighed softly.

"I'm supposed to meet them in twenty minutes," She laughed softly to herself. 'Nice one Ana, you're going to miss out on possibly the biggest trade you could've ever made.' She shrugged, pulled the card out of it's hiding place and then handed it to Theta.

"I was supposed to meet a human smuggler named Axton. Don't really know much about him besides that he's quite good at what he does. Do you think it's possible for you to get that to him, and get my pay? If not then..." Ana quickly did the math to figure out the possibility of finding another buyer. Considering the rarity of the card, she could probably find one again right after the mission. Maybe even fetch a price around the one she was supposed to be getting from Axton. But, as she looked at Theta she couldn't help but feel a kind of warm feeling in her stomach as she thought of the friendship that was developing.

"If not then you can just keep it. Put it in a frame and hang it on your empty office walls," She teased playfully as she smiled at Theta, although she knew she wouldn't be able to see it.

@Tonstad39 @SeaSkies
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The other spies snickered while imagining Their boss's drab office. Other spies wondered at this "Axton" guy was before Theta said as it handed Silver back the card "if you do have business to settle in that quadrant and you aren't in our front line, then you can hop into our teleportation facilities can do business on that other planet, but keep in mind that while your doing business, you can be beamed back to the ship up at any time and without warning" theta explained "this mission would probably take around 2-4 relative hours & once we're done here, you can use the teleportation facilities if that answers your question" theta said with an overtone of embarrassment. "After you get teleported back here, you will also be questioned about what you did and where you went while we trace any digital signature from in between use of the teleporter to ensure you aren't giving any classified information in between beamings"

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Anastasiya Qothi

Ana nodded politely and slipped the card back into her bodysuit. She slipped away from the group of spies after asking for directions to the teleportation deck and then headed on her way. She assumed that she'd easily make it back in around half an hour. As she moved through the levels of the ship she took in her surroundings, noting different passages for future use. Once she finally found her destination she walked through the sliding door and found the teleportation worker. She told him her desired location and then went and stood on the teleportation pad. Next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of a bustling market. She looked around her, taking in the activity and trade that was going on. 'Okay great. Now just to find Axton and get this deal over with.'

@Tonstad39 @SeaSkies


The meeting still persisted for another ten minutes after silver's absence before disbanding. Theta walked off of the podium and walked back into his office to do paperwork, while filling out files and forms concerning intell for the commanders of this ship, it took a good look at the bleak office and started thinking about decorating, to appear to be more homey for the Zeonians who walked in. It took some antique pictures of ancient Zeonia and framing them up on the back wall. He even elected to frame an ancient piece of Zeonian pop art on the wall covering the secret exit.


"Now, I can tell that you're in a hurry & if you have other business to attend to, I respect that, so go do that. I'll still be waiting right here when you come back" Dep_Reg explained while turning off the hovercar's motor, causing the hovercar to gently land on the street. Dep_reg took his hands off the wheel, but still left the car's radio on to listen to the top 40 station while waiting for Axton to come back from whatever his other dealing is.

@CrystalGoblets @SeaSkies

Axton Dozier-Squires

"I mean, not to be overly rude, but I really don't care what a bunch of Zeonians wanna do with Earth, it's a backwashed solar system planet with no resources or atmosphere left. If they wanna go fuck around on La Terre Dystopia I couldn't care less, and if you're just gonna sit outside this house, that's not even mine mind you, and wait for me to change my mind. Have fun, because I'm pretty set in this," Axton pauses and looks over to where Jackal is now standing, giving him a confused look, "now, my Jackal and I must get going, so, enjoy your top forty hits."

Axton pushes out the gate with Jackal following him, they jump on their hoverboards and start heading down the street towards the market. 

Why the fuck is that guy bothering with me over some stupid Zeonians. I have better shit to do than deal with them. Like this pickup, which at this rate I'm going to be late for.



Dep_Reg was mildly disappointed, he'd have been perfect for what he had planned, Axton was a good communicator and could work under pressure 'well, I guess I could scout someone else, nah he'll probably come around to it in like his sleep or something, although to be fair I shouldn't have been stalking hi the way that I have, we all just live & learn I guess' Dep_reg thought while getting his canned soda out of the cup holder and taking in a few sips.


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