your gem

Name. Ajax

Gender male

Age 16

Gem, white

Transformation he gains the ability to shift shape ( like beast boy)

How, he found it in a dead mans pocket
Name: Chane Harlow

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Gem color: Bright orange

Transformation: Bright orange and yellow guitar, giving him the power of music. a hynotising, damaging or even healing power

How the gem was obtained: Family heirloom, diffrent instrument per owner within the family but same power
  • Name: defline
  • Gender: Male
  • Gem color: blood red, with black swirls
  • Transformation: grows to 8 feet, grows spiked plates from his shoulders, spikes generate in his hands, noticeable blood red eyes.
  • How did He obtain it?: His friend Maddie gave it to him as a birthday present, thinking it was nothing useful.
  • Name - Zeix
  • Age - 17
  • Gender - Male
  • Gem color - Green
  • Transformation - His body absorbs the gem and a glowing, ancient writing appears on his body. While transformed he is able to control nearby plants, making them grow, shrink, and move as he see's fit.
  • How the gem was obtained - While traveling through a forest, he saw a strange creature. He followed the creature to a nearby grove, hoping to learn what it was... only for it to disappear over the top of a hill. Walking up the hill, he found a silver pendant with a green gem embedded into it on top of a rock.
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Name: Seth

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Gem color: A mix between the colors of when the sun sets down

Transformation: He don't really transform. He can teleport from one place to another and can create portals. He can find who he wants by summoning a portal and saying the person's name.

How he got the gem: The gem was in his familly for ages. His father gave it to him.

Weapon: A huge sword.


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I know the title says open, but I want double check if whether or not you're still accepting.
It's okay. I will have a continuation when I finish chapter two of the gems of power.
You probably won't like my guess but, two to three weeks is my guess. When I began I was posting repeatedly each day, now I do it some days.
Name:Alex Miller



Gem color: Changing shades of blue

Transformation: Becomes water and can change the properties of the water

How the gem was obtained: it fell out of the sky and knocked him out
I apologize for not informing you that this just recently closed. It closed a week or two ago. I will make a continuation though.
Also, a giant red snake creature with ten arms and a woman's face is trying to find you.

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