your gem

you haven't mentioned gem transformation or what the colour means anywhere, you need to put details like that down
Name~ Elizabeth Rosein

Nickname~ Eliza

Age~ 17

Gender~ Female

Gem color~ Rose Red

Transformation~ When activated, the gems turns into head piece that hangs on her forehead. It gives her to ability of beauty and uses a sword and bow as her weapons of choose. They are designed as roses.

How the gem was obtained~ She is born into a rich family with a huge mansion. A rose garden sits behind the home as a maze where Eliza wanders. On her 17 birthday, she found the gem on top an isolated rose in the center of the maze.
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Fyi the gems transformation usually will cause you to grow to around 7 feet and heavily alter your appearance when held to your head, while the color is of much less use.
Name: Para

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Gem color: Dark Green

Transformation: A griffin. Awwwwww yeah.

Obtain thing: It was just on the ground with a note that said "take it."
Name: Silver

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Gem color: crimson red

Transformation: A giant sword that is on fire

Obtain thing: he went through it dangerous dungeon to get this Gem


((come and join my roleplay
Name: pbtenchi

Age: 18

Gender: male

Gem colour: light blue

Transformation: nothing happens, the gem just gives pbtenchi the power to freeze things and manipulate ice, later he will obtain another one with the same effect but for fire

How the gem was obtained: found it in the middle of nowhere and thought it looked pretty, same for the next one but he was power hungry
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baby blue

huge tiger creature

it was given to him by a tiger that tried to eat him
Name: Iilana

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Gem color: Dark pink

Transformation: Taller (as you mentioned), looks like a humanoid but with snake features, (Scales, forked tongue, slit pupil, ect. )

How the gem was obtained: Found it while looting a high prince's travel bags.

Weapons: a huge scythe.
Name: Aryhann Hope (Last Name unknown)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Gem color: Pure white (As a crystal)

Transformation: She don't really transform. She can communicate with people by tought and become immaterial. More of her powers will be revealed in RP

How the gem was obtained: It was given to her by her dead mother. She wears it as a pendant to her necklace.
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Name: Jackson


Gender: Male

Gem color: Midnight Blue

Transformation: He changes to a 7'5 man cladded in red dragon shaped amor bearing the ability to shoot fire out of his mouth

How the Gem Was Obtained: Jackson had stole it from some rich snob

Weapon a large claymore
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Name: Leroy Francisco Duran

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Gem Color: Dark Blue

Transformation: Not exactly transformation but he has the ability of hypnosis. However the hypnosis effect lasts only 5 minutes.

How the Gem was obtained: The company he works for got ahold of it and after hearing all the rumors of its strange power, he stole it for himself.
Humm... I'll create a CS for the shadow guy... He's not a really important character... Anyways just to give you an idea...

Name: Shadow Black

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Gem color: A mix between blood red and black. The gem will gain a dark gray color. (Explained in the RP)

Transformation: He turns into a shadow. He will be able to transform into a tall wolf creature. (Explained in RP)

How the gem was obtained: A man gave it to him, saying that he sould use it to keep the balance between light and darkness.

Weapon: A gun.

Other: The song that represents him very well is Monster from Skillet.



In other form:


(His fur is all black)
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Name- Kira

Age- 18

Gender- female

Gem Color- Jet Black

Transformation- When activated makes black wings form on her back and gives her death powers

How gem was obtained- killed someone, then a dark creature swooped down and dropped the gem into her hands. She thinks of it as a curse.

Weapon- two small swords made of Dark Iron Ore

( I'm completely new so sorry if I messed up )
Name: Morce

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

The reason for Para's "Urges". A ghost that often possesses Para during battle.

there it is no gem unfortunately
1for3 said:
1for3 submitted a new role play. @1for3, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.
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Name Lillie

Age 14

Gender female

Gem color orange

Transformation Gets wings, her eyes turn into a firey violet, her nails become claw like, She as animal like features she can fly, run extremely fast, move quickly, she has animal senses.

How the gem was obtained
She was walking on the beach and found it stuck in the sand
Tyler the tiger



He is one of the beings who created the gems. 
This one is only a side character




Lime green

humanoid wolf/monkey creature

he was given it at high school. He is no longer in high school or even his home town.

can you add SSonny para?

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