your gem [Inactive]

Lucas "so have you found a weakness or anything? " he began attacking it.

A small spot began glowing on it's forehead.

Folter continued attacking.
"Nah," Aryhann said. "Seth! 0917!"

The monster was trapped in some kind of portal. The monster was took by the portal then teleported in the sky.

Seth teleported himself in the sky and continued attacking the monster.
Aryhann laughed and pointed the sky and the swords around the monster. "Let's finish it Seth!" she yelled.

The swords went all at the same time in the monster body.
Folter saw swords slamming into it's body and jumped off.

Lucas "also who are they in the sky?"
Folter landed and got back in his Ferrari becoming normal again.

Lucas "and he is?" He was pointing at Folter.
"Ahh.... What a pain..." Aryhanm said. "Seth!" "Stop him! This is your order!"

Seth smiled. "As you wish... Master..." he whispered and jumped in front of the car and got his sword in the motor
Zeix appeared to see a very strange spectacle occurring before his eyes. "Wh- what the heck is going on?!"

(I just joined. Hoping this is as good a time as any to jump in.)
Eliza went inside Leroy's house and found the med kit, where it shall be. She checked on her wound and changed the bandage, in pain.After that, she headed towards the coffee shop.

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