your gem [Inactive]

Lucas "so you are just robbing a store without a good enough reason to think I would understand? " he continued chasing.
Lucas deactivated his gem and continued following but silently like when he first found Jackson and Aryhann.
"I know your there just don't say anything okay" Jackson walked in and calmly, the nurse didn't bother to look up, he continued to room 302 as he walked in anther tear fell from his eyes as he walked up to his dad's bed he took all the money he had stolen and put it on the table and left a note he stood there his eyes on his dad
( Jackson never had a house ) he walked out and made his way back to Aryhannas he noticed she was gone, porbly to find him, he laid down anyways and fell asleep
Aryhann stopped walking. She sitted down a wall and felt asleep.

Shadow saw her. He picked her up and went at her house. When he got there he knocked the door with his foot.
Kira had been going on with her life normally for several days. "It's weird, usually there would be way more attacks than this." Kira decided to fly into the forest today and scout around.
Kira heard birds chirping, bees buzzing, and other noises of wildlife while flying. She loved flying, it was

peaceful, calming, and a good exercise. Suddenly all sound ceased, the forest was silent. Kira flew down to investigate. 
When Kira landed she transformed her wings into gem form and looked around. The whole clearing was dead silent. The loudest noise was her own breathing. 
Suddenly five elite goblins were on top of her. She started attacking them, but they were too quick and she was outnumbered. The goblins attacked her everywhere, while she was trying to transform her gem into wings she was cut on her leg. She started to fly up but they were grabbing on to her tightly. One of the goblins hurt her wings. When she finally shook them off she was cut up badly and losing blood fast. She started to fly toward the city. 
Every wing beat threatened to drop her, when she finally made it to the city, Kira tried to land but fell 20 feet down onto a bush by a street. Kira blacked out.

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