your gem [Inactive]

Lucas "I think I imagined all Thats happened since I got this gem. Tomorrow I will wake up in my bed at home."
After awhile around midnight Jackson woke up he got up and wrote something on a note and left it in plain site, after he walked outside and started toward the hospital
The note read

Hey Aryhanna if you find this then I'm still out or I'm fighting something don't worry I'll be back

Jackson reached the hospital, he walked in "hey Jackson you going to see ya old pops " the nurse asked "ya I am "

"Room 302 " Jackson started walking away before she could say anything else
Jackson found 302 as he walked in, the site of his dad already made him cry a little he wiped his eyes and stood in the doorway. Tubes and wires came out of his body like snakes, Jackson knew what this meant. His dad could die any seconded or something eels he didn't bother ask the nurses he backed out and closed the door. He walked out and headed down town.
Jackson found his target a nice elegant shop, full of money. He knew it wasn't right to steal but it was he could think about, he rounded the shop to check the cams
Jackson herd him but still went to the registrar and smashed it open the alarm went off but he wasn't scared he stuffed a ll the that he could in his pocket and bolted out

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