your gem [Inactive]

Jackson and Aryhanna had reached the edge of the forest he set Aryhanna down "Don't worry it's not that your to heavy I just don't want you to hit a branch"

Ajax took the gem out and turned into a gorilla " Fine but only this time "
Lucas jumped at the monster while Folter saw them and kept running not knowing that they had gems.
Folter noticed them attacking and joined in. Folter climbed to the head to attack from there while Lucas attacked the body.
Folter smashed it's head hard enough to make it fall while Lucas roared tearing a whole through the body.
(I won't be able to be on like at all. My birthday is today so I'll be spending time with friends and family. I'll see you tomorrow okay!)

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Kira woke up on the same mattress that she slept on last night. She was starting to get used to the feeling of being comfortable. She got up and stretched. "I haven't used my gem for a while" she thought. Kira put the coal black gem up to her back and let the painful transformation occur. Dark thoughts instantly invaded her mind screeching for pain, death, and destruction, but she pushed them aside a took flight. 
Kira soared over a forest, she landed and made her wings transform into their gem form. She then brushed her hair over her shoulder and looked around.
Framelilac said:
(Back, anything important happen? Any new additions and what happened? Where are we? What happened to Aryhanna?)
(Huh? What do you mean by what hapenned to Aryhanna?)
Lucas returned to the repairs he started yesterday.

Folter was sleeping in the Ferrari he arrived in.l
(Hey there, sorry if I don't reply quick, I just started a recruit thread and I'm waiting to see if i'll get replies)

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