your gem [Inactive]

"Don't try to understand Shadow's logic okay?" she said, looking very serious.

Shadow looked at them from a far distance. "You look happy Ary... I'm proud of you..." he hardly said.
"Alright I'm new to town and what not I found this gem and you guys had one and I need to know what you guys plan to do with them, if you don't trust me then take me hostage if you have too" Ajax breathed in

"Alright I will obey"
"Well," Para said, being much less hostile than before, "There are monsters that want our gems. We have to keep them away. Also, we're avenging the guy that died in this house."
Lucas "just yesterday there were countless monsters. We really expect something horrible soon. "
"Hey if the tire swings still there then that also means the fort is there to and trust me you'll like it a lot "

Ajax looked at Lucas " So am I free to go "
(Has anyone wondered why I haven't used Folter in a few posts?)

Folter walked towards Leroy's house and found a monster. A huge red snake like creature. 
Lucas "yeah you are free."
Lucas "hey you hear that? "

Folter activates his gem and attacks the snake barely harming it and begins running.
Folter was running right to them and now the only way you couldn't hear it was if you were deaf. It was now insight so Lucas said "if you want information like you said earlier you will fight but you can leave. "

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