your gem [Inactive]

"I'm alright," Aryhann replied. "You?" She asked nervously.

Shadow was still exploring the cave. "Just a big old cave, nothing in it I suppose..."
"Well, I get some weak monster every now and then. I swear, I don't know what's with these monsters! It's like they want our gems or something!"
"Are you sure you want to go there? Last time it was not funny... Not at all..." she said.

Shadow took his gun out. "Of course they want our gems, they are monsters," he replied.
"Leon! I'm out!" she yelled to her brother. "Let's go," she said.

Shadow shooted some monsters. "I hope I wont run out of ammo!" he said.

Lucas "the weak monsters might be babies and their mother might be in here." He said. He no longer thought they would have something easy.

Aryhann smiled. "Yep," she said as she got outside and started walking.

Shadow grinned. "I still have some left," he said as he looked at his belt where he normally put the ammo.
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