your gem [Inactive]

"If you cut me in half I'd be dead moron. What if you chased after Daniel into the gates of hell thanks to your reckless behavior? I saved your ass. Plus I never agreed to be partners with you!"
Aryhann concentrated herself. -Hey... Remember this morning... You told me that there will be no fight...- She said by tought to Jackson.
"Thanks." Eliza wondered why everyone was yelling. She began to eat slowly as her stomach growled.

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" We'll you should have let me go in so I can drag you down with, oh and we're partners no matter what like it or not "

" I'm sorries but he had it coming " he thought in his mind
"Whatever man just shut the hell up. You're not worth my time. I'm trying to tend to Eliza." He glanced back over at her before glaring back at Jackson.
Para sighed went to the arcade to see if it was fixed up. Surprisingly, it was. Para played a little and then came back.
-Okay... Hey, I think heading down where I live for today... Do you want to come?- She replied by tought.

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