your gem [Inactive]

Aryhann was still answering her text. When she finished, another came in. 'Great...' she tought for herself.
"Okay so griffin rose intangible hypnosis knight? Tiger creature and Daniel. Whoever he is.
Aryhann got off the building and looked at her text again. 'Okay...' she tought at she got in a park.

"Hey Aryhann," said a shadow in front of her.

"Hey," she said back to the shadow. "Any news?"

"He's not getting better..." "I'm sorry..."

"Well, it's life," Aryhann said. "Anything else?

The shadow nodded his head as to say no. " Goodbye Aryhann."

She felt too sleepy to get back where she was. She sitted down a tree and felt asleep."
Jackson sat on the bed, he undressed he put the Jen next to the pillow. He laid his head down on the pillow, he turned the lights off and closed his eyes
Aryhann was sleeping of a very light sleep since she was not in a known place. She also had nightmares where all of the people she knew were dying one after the other...
Lucas dreamed of Tyler eating him instead of giving him the gem. He awoke from that nightmare into a vision.
(Now I just guess I have to wait until the morning in the RP)

Aryhann heard footsteps... She didn't knew if they was from her dream or from reality.

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