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so long, space cowboy
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

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a search for angst, hurt, and comfort.

Hey there, I'm Ambien, and this is my tiny corner where I am seeking stories bridled with angst, tension, and turbulence.
With or without reprieve and happy endings.
I'm seeking fellow "advanced" writers for these tales. You can be concise, or more flowery, I am a fan of many writing styles.

As for tidbits about myself, I'll dig into that.

๏นƒ i'm 30, transmasc, an artist, and sleepy. casual asf OOC. formal IC.
๏นƒ subjectively advanced, more of a detailed writer but also a believer in quality over quantity. i lean towards male mains but can play a wide array of characters. most certainly female muses as well.
๏นƒ ghost-friendly. i don't think you owe me an explanation should you need to poof, and i will only wish you the best.
๏นƒ sickly. please respect that my chronic health issues can impact my activity. i will communicate with you as needed.
๏นƒ OOC fan to the end. i find i can't connect with a roleplay if some form of OOC doesn't exist.
๏นƒ down to earth, chill. a gamer. huge on music too, as i tend to draw an immense amount of inspiration from lyrics and the vibe of a song.
๏นƒ i love mood boards, playlists, and anything of the sort. i gush over roleplays and characters.
๏นƒ LGBTQIA+ & any form of respectful representation is really big to me. this doesn't mean i won't do het pairings, tho.
๏นƒ i can double, but i prefer running one main and filling the world with fleshed-out, intriguing side characters. avid world builder, character developer, plotter, collaborator, and all that good shit.
๏นƒ i will roleplay sensitive topics but do require them to be given the respect they do deserve and handled as they should
๏นƒ no big triggers to mention, but if something comes up, i will let you know.

Criminal x Cop
Demon x Mortal
Demon x Cultist
Vampire x Mortal
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Supernatural Hunter
Werewolf x Supernatural Hunter
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Mortal
Mortal x Ghost
Newly turned Ghost x Ancient Ghost
Drug Dealer x Drug Addict
Drug Dealer x Sober
Drug Addict x Drug addict
Open x Closeted
Reaper x Immortal
Time Traveler x Regular person
Ex x Ex
Seasoned apocalypse survivor x Clueless Apocalypse Survivor
Apocalypse Survivor x Apocalypse Survivor
Popular x Unpopular
Cultist x God [or any otherworldly creature]
Soulmate x Soulmate [preferably with darker twists]
Dragon shifter x Dragon Hunter
Shifter x Hunter
Kidnapper x Kidnapped
Angel x Demon
Disordered x Stabilized individual trying to help [Must be written respectively.]
Grumpy Detective x Rockie Detective
Rival x Rival
Gang member x Mafia member
High-rank gang member x Undercover officer
Monster x Mortal
Witch x Outcast
Witch x Regular human
Experiment x Scientist assigned to observe said experiment
Experiment x Experiment
Detective x Detective
Detective x Someone falsely accused

post-apocalyptic/dystopic/false utopia vibes, heartbreak, bitter, unresolved feelings, fading friendships, rivalry, addiction, neurodivergent, paranormal, supernatural, cryptids, tension, resolution, death, grief, road trip, two souls escaping together, adversity, survival/surviving, life after death, red string of fate, soulmates, crime, noire, slow-burn, gritty and dark, mystery, thriller, exploration of the human psyche, revenge, moralistic complexity, phobias, Stephen King-inspired, ancient beings beyond a mortal's grasping, cults, sexuality and coming to embrace it, mending, exes, ex-best friends, mountainous struggles, resolutions, immortality, a vast contrast in lifestyles.

"Don't leave."
"I know you still love me.
"Did you mean the things you said?"
"I'm scared of the future but the past has wearied me."
"You could've died, you know."
"Thanks for nothing."
"I woke up and you were gone."
"You are a monster."
"I don't have a choice- I never had."
"You need to believe me, please!"
"I don't need your misplaced concern, I need to get the job done."
"Hey, hey, hey. I've got you. I have got you."
"I'll do this if it kills me."
"I promise you: your head is the only thing spinning right now."
"I will not be the one to slow us down."
"I don't have the energy to waste arguing with you."
"There is no us. There never was."
"I never stood a chance, did I?" - "That's the one sad part, you did once."
"Are you ever going to listen?"
"Is it worth it?"
"You can't really blame me can you?"
"You were just an experiment."

๏นƒsongs for inspiration:
Mind Over Matter - Young the Giant
Pet - APC
Passive - APC
Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead
Skip Divided - Thom Yorke
Otherside of Paradise- Glass Animals
Heatwaves - Glass Animals
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Prom Dress - mxmtoon
Feelings Are Fatal - mxmtoon
No Vacancy - RKS
First Class - RKS
Geyser - Mitski
Washing Machine Heart - Mitski
Agnes - Glass Animals
Death of a Bachelor - P!ATD
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Run - Joji
Yeah Right - Joji
Demons - Joji
Modus - Joji
Mad World - Gary Jules
Drugdealer - Macklemore ft. Ariana DeBoo
Hungover in the of Dust - Autoheart
Do You Feel It - Chaos Chaos
Hurt - Oliver Tree
No Below - Speedy Ortiz
Andy, You're a Star - The Killers
Have to Drive - Amanda Palmer
Ampersand - Amanda Palmer
Great White Bear - Dear Reader
Lover, I don't have to Love - Bright Eyes
Lua - Bright Eyes
Amen - Amber Run
I Found - Amber Run
Welcome To Castle Irwell - Crywank
Alone With The Sea - Hurt
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youth
Mr. Loverman - Ricky Montgomery
Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery
Glimpse of Us - Joji
you wrote "don't forget" on your arm - flatsound
Lover I don't Have To Love - Bright Eyes
Wasteland, Baby - Hozier
Bottom of the River - Delta Rae
Semi-Charmed Life - thirdeyeblind
Motorcycle Drive-by - thirdeyeblind

...and seriously, I had to stop myself, just HMU in this arena, I've oodles of songs I/we can draw inspiration from.

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wolf teeth - a starter48238f55379d0e9bd7e2a616e8c8b6e3.jpg
โ•ญโ”ˆโ—ฆโ€ขโ—ฆโฅโ€ขโ—ฆ Fate is a perplexing notion, unfathomable even.
Fate is a perplexing notion, unfathomable even.
A supposed catalyst behind the roads one takes upon the meandrous journey of life, binding an individual to preordained chapters and paths.
Yet, Elias, shuddering as if enveloped by a glacial gust of wind, regarded it all as rubbish. Nothing drove anyone anywhere beyond themselves, each with their hands clasped to a steering wheel.
Or so he had thought.

A trail of smoke twirled in the air in plumes, and Elias, seated at the back of an old Greyhound bus, grappled with remaining poised, a cig held between two trembling fingers. An acute shot of sprawling pain surged through him, and he tautened, his jaw clenched until it ebbed away like briny waters pulling from the shore.
With a ragged, wry chortle, Elias deliberated as he took another drag, the acridity of the cigarette mollifying.
Why am I coming back?
What a question. The sting of the lacerations which marred Eli's chest flared again as if to emphasize the inquiry. Unable to settle on an answer, Elias felt astray.

The wounds he bore, and the torn and tattered shirt which covered them, stayed hidden beneath an oversized, wintry jacket. It reminded him of the sheer gravity of the matters at hand.
An entire week had blurred together, melding in his mind until he scrambled to put disjointed slivers of any recollection of what had transpired in the correct order. Instead, to do so overwhelmed and suffocated him as if constricting his lungs in asphyxiation.
Unease stirred inside him, and the urge to savor the brisk, frigid air outside gnawed away at Elias; lord knows he needed the breather.

Despite his misery, he had crafted a feigned visage of normality during most of the trip. Stoicism was paramount, even if his nerves had long since frayed.
Overall, the beleaguered state of his affairs made him weary and laden with stress. Perhaps less than all which lay before him, dicey though it might be, his stubbornness would not let him falter from trepidation alone.
What fueled Elias forward proved an enigma, and as he stood, putting out his smoke, the Greyhound crept to a halt. Here he was, in the city that never sleeps, chasing a ghost of his pastโ€”all driven by impulse and compulsion, which confounded him.

Why this magnetism prevailed over logic or rationale, he knew not.
Regardless, Elias carried the burden of his misgivings on his shoulders, no matter how he continued onward, a limp in his stride. There was no telling how Alex would react to him coming to her doorstep without explanation and wounded. It made him grimace to visualize their meeting, even if he had missed her, and God, he had.
Their relationship must have fragility to it now.
Even if he had his reasonings, he left her high and dry. It allowed him to become a part of the past while longing for a future whose petals never meant to unfurl.

After a long exhale, Elias scanned his surroundings and took in a bleak scene. Any hustle and bustle had died down in this sleepy city corner.
Meanwhile, Eli did not feel inclined to dwell upon how he knew to come here. An address tumbled in his head in a cyclic and bothersome loop.
Elias trudged on with blind knowledge of the verity within his directional sense, even though he last saw Alex Reyes in their hometown, which left him perturbed. All of it made him feel like an utter creep.
Hello, Alex, it's your old best friend who left you in the dust, somehow at your door. No stalker-y bullshit here.
God, he was so fucked.

Soon, he arrived at a complex near the bus stop leading to her apartment. It was then that Eli's heart began to thunder.
Still, despite his hesitance, Elias took the plunge and traversed the complex until he came to her door, rapping on it before buckling a tad under the pain he had bitten back. Somehow, he could discern this as her place, and to find it took little.
To come here was the only choice for him.
Once he fled, he needed distance, and he sought it.
They would seek him out without end, but to pin his location down would take a while. New York City was vast, spanning enough length for him to get well lost within.

A gamble overall, and his well of optimism had long since trickled dry.
While waiting, Elias reached for a cigarette and considered lighting it before putting it behind his ear.
Another odd habit. There was no way he considered himself presentable in appearance, the ebony tendrils of his hair tousled and wild. Meanwhile, the soft mottling of a bruise had formed beneath his left eye. Indeed, he looked as if he had been through it, and he had.
With a pensive gaze, he looked ahead, unsure what to expect from this endeavor.
The exchange of pleasantries, a blissful reunion?
Yeah, alright.

Yet, Eli recalled the old days, and a smidgen of sanguinity struck him.
They were once inseparable. Back then, if Elias could hear her brilliant laughter and see her smile, he would make it happen.
It dragged him away from the turbulence within his adoptive family, with him being just some kid from England punted to the States- the epitome of convolution. Before Elias left, he was on the cusp of asking her out after months of garnering his braves, all because it hit him one day that he had fallen for her in ways he pined to explore.
Except it had occurred, the incident.
Something unexplainable.

With a heaved sigh, Elias shuffled his weight to his other foot, time lapsing, leaving him with a yawning apprehension. The hair on his arms stood up, and a chill crawled the length of his spine. It was as though he knew she was near, and he flicked his focus to the peephole in the center of the door.
Elias bumbled for a moment, unable to form a sentence, and when he spoke, it was with a placative tentativeness.

"Alex, please, I-"

As he continued, he unzipped his coat, revealing a blood-sodden shirt with tears exposing two long gashes.

"I can't go to a hospital. You may hate my guts, and you'd be right to do so, but I never forgot."

Idled, Elias plucked the cigarette behind his ear and slotted it back into the carton, still blundering through the motions.

"I can explain."

Could he? Sure, if he wanted to convey an impression of batshit insanity.
Even Elias himself felt bewildered by the sheer urgency which drove him. Whether it would get him anywhere was in Alex's hands.
What a fucking ordeal he had snagged himself within.

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getting back to folks 'n shit, but i lack any self-control so take a nudge.
new year, new try-to-keep-my-shit-organized.
i am going to try to be a better writing partner, which means of course i am open to reconnecting with those who'd have me again and new folks alike.
HIYA i would love to do a kidnapper x kidnapped mixed with cultist x god other worldly creature with a hint of some Appalachian gothic thrown in if that works for you :3
OH HECK YEAH, that sounds amazing, feel free to DM me!! I've been like eeby as heck since my treatments a day ago, so if I'm a bit slow getting back pls no worries, but deffo interested.
open, may be a bit slow, just because I'm having issues with fatigue, ugh.
It's an interesting list of pairings, very much. I would be especially interested in the time traveler paired with someone else more regular. I hope I can hear more with where this goes, maybe I can have your interest for us to still roleplay together.
absolutely, do DM me!! i'm out right now, but I'll get back to ya.

otherwise for any other folks, I'm still seeking : >
sleeby bump, so i'll be getting back to any and all PMs tomorrow mornin' central.
My AC died and I had some medical complications as a result, but I'm getting back on my feet and am suddenly itching to write. So, we're open for biz.

I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077 so I've a soft spot for anything based around or based in it right now.
playing a bit of catch-up, but opening this for 2-3 more folks, hopefully.
Hi Ambien! Next to meet you. I'm Lexi (she/hers). I am new to the site but I've been RPing for 15 years. I really love your interests and themes. If you are still looking, I would adore a dark plot centered around criminal/detective vibes. LMK! Happy to send a writing sample via DMs
Hi Ambien! Next to meet you. I'm Lexi (she/hers). I am new to the site but I've been RPing for 15 years. I really love your interests and themes. If you are still looking, I would adore a dark plot centered around criminal/detective vibes. LMK! Happy to send a writing sample via DMs
i'm still looking! definitely hmu via DMs. i'm very much game for criminal/detective vibes.
Hey sorry to bother but I sent you a DM I believe seeing if you were wanting to rp?
oh, i'll check! please be patient with me, I got flooded with interest during a time I was a bit under the weather, so I might have missed ya.
seeking writing pals, bit busy prepping to get a standard poodle puppy, so bare with me!~
If you're interested in a mxf paring I'd absolutely love to chat!
Mmm zombie apocalypse....love the seasoned survivor + how-the-fuck-has-he-suvived-this-long-survivor
hey! do you have an age limit you'll roleplay with? if not, i'm interested ^^ if so, no worries, and i hope you find more suitable partners!

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