You know you play too much Exalted when . . .


One Thousand Club
the GM says "Rocks Fall, everyone dies" and you're first response is "I activate Seven Shadows Evasion."

your sword is as big as you are tall and still feels too small.

you wonder how long the sparkly vampire guy from Twilight would last as an Abyssal.

Anyone else have a their own Exalted jokes?
You know you play too much Exalted when...

.You're stunting in a d20 game.

..Which the GM has not instuted a stunting system in.

... And the GM says "two dice" without thinking about it.

.You're playing Star Wars and accidently invoke Heavenly Guardian Defense instead of your Block talent.

..Everybody knows what you mean anyway.

...You stunt your totemic anima banner joining your Jedi on the parry.

.You're playing Mongoose Traveller and you come up with a ridiculous stunt to do something crazy with a grav-craft.

..Your GM awards you a stunt bonus anyway...

...And you pull it off, getting an in-universe grav-craft stunt named after your character (like Immelman has a roll named after him.)
Well its hardly a formalised joke, but I can tell its probably bad when I answer simple mathmatical question like "whats 2 + 2?" with the answer "4 dots" without thinking...
... your wife enters the kitchen to find you muttering to yourself that Buffy is clearly a Solar and all the other Shards were trapped in that axe/stake thing by some Sidereal dipshit who thought he was being clever. And she waits for you to finish before reminding you that you were supposed to be starting dinner.
. When you play FF13 and your first thought upon seeing the female lead is "Dawn Caste."

.. And then you see Snow and instantly think "Zenith with high Conviction."

... And then you feel everything regarding l'Cie is wayyyy too familiar.
chalicier said:
... your wife enters the kitchen to find you muttering to yourself that Buffy is clearly a Solar and all the other Shards were trapped in that axe/stake thing by some Sidereal dipshit who thought he was being clever. And she waits for you to finish before reminding you that you were supposed to be starting dinner.
Buffy is my iconic Dawn Caste.

My flaw is writing Bureaucracy charms during Economics lectures.
When doing something the normal way is more effort than I can really be bothered to put in (ie realising I have to walk miles round to get past a particularly high fence), I automatically begin thinking up stunt routines to solve my problems.
Your party blows up Gem and salts the earth of the city as the first order of business, in order to save time later.
You know you play too much exalted when your watching The Fellowship of the Ring and you can't help thinking "What the hell is The First and Forsaken Lion doing with a mace?"
When you have successfully convinced multiple people that the Cabbage Merchant from Avatar: The Last Airbender is a Sidereal. And possibly after Sokka's starmetal sword

When others can't convince you that Ron did not undergo Lunar Exaltation in the last episode of Kim Possible
. . .the DM gives everybody 100 experience and you're momentarily overwhelmed by getting so much power, before you remember you are playing Dungeons and Dragons.

. . .You keep getting frustrated playing Naruto D20 because you can't combo your jutsu.

. . .you have to keep reminding yourself it's not kosher to use social-fu to make your Lord give you his holdings when playing L5R.

. . .You run into another thread listing Pun-Pun as the most powerful character ever and snort because any well-built Solar could take him in a couple of ticks.
... a caravan constructed by a company called "Lunar" makes you assume there's a Knack for taking the Heart's Blood of inanimate objects.
. . .you have to keep reminding yourself it's not kosher to use social-fu to make your Lord give you his holdings when playing L5R.
Wait... it's... not? I mean, it's harder than in certain Exalted situations (ie, you exalt as a celestial while your lord is a dragon-blood), but that would certainly be doing it right... That's what social climbing is all about after all.
I think it's because about a half dozen different factions are all planning on blowing up/massacring/conquering/causing unpleasant things to happen to Gem. So, obviously, it's easiest to just blow it up at the start, then you don't have to deal with all the issues. Have to salt the earth, though, else you'll be helping FaFL by creating a shadowland.
The running gag on the official forums is that you can append the phrase "And what happens next? Well, obviously Gem is toast." to any discussion of events in-universe and it's valid.

Because Gem is just that screwed. You could be playing in a Far Northwest campaign, tromping around your own personal Northrend, delving deeper and deeper into ancient Twilight manses and manse-systems, and you can do something that will result in the city of Gem blowing up/burning down/sinking into the sky/falling into the earth/turning to quartz/transported to Malfeas/submerged into the Underworld/anihiliated by negligent discharge of the main cannon of Dirigible Engine Daystar.

Gem is Fated to be destroyed. It just happens!
As to the reason for Gem's constant destruction, it's because in officially publish product after officially published product...something either does destroy Gem, or is leading up to its destruction. In one adventure in 1E, it got destroyed not once, not twice, but THREE separate times. In a single adventure. But since in the next product it exists to be destroyed again, clearly Gem is the special city, Fated to be destroyed every 10 minutes, but somehow to rise again by the next 10 minutes.
I always figured that Gem was some sort of twisted byproduct to the Sidereals messing with the loom of fate. And possibly just to the Exalted in general and their ability to mess up the loom by Doing Things. It's the vent the Pattern Spiders installed into Creation to take up the overload.

And so it gets destroyed again and again and again and...

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