You know you play too much Exalted when . . .

Dracogryff said:
I always figured that Gem was some sort of twisted byproduct to the Sidereals messing with the loom of fate. And possibly just to the Exalted in general and their ability to mess up the loom by Doing Things. It's the vent the Pattern Spiders installed into Creation to take up the overload.
And so it gets destroyed again and again and again and...
They're using it as a sink for all the 'city gets blown up' fate they're redirecting.
It doesn't hurt that Gem is constructed atop a series of caverns where the real wealthy and powerful folks hide out, and mostly when it gets destroyed these are not brought crumbling down, just the city above is scoured off the hillsides.
Does that mean that Gem's being destroyed is the Pattern Spider bite on the city, or that Gem's existance is Pattern Spider Bite on all of Creation?
... after a long day of faffing with spreadsheet in response to the Emergency Budget, you really wish you had the Second Bureaucracy Excellency.
chalicier said:
... after a long day of faffing with spreadsheet in response to the Emergency Budget, you really wish you had the Second Bureaucracy Excellency.
Everybody who's ever had to do paperwork has wished that.

I know it would sure come in handy when filling out my forms. forget that in Paranoia, trying to social-fu Friend Computer is a great way to get yourself executed for being a Machine Empath.
Teln said: forget that in Paranoia, trying to social-fu Friend Computer is a great way to get yourself executed for being a Machine Empath.
You know you play too much Exalted when you think that an Alchemical Paranoia/Exalted crossover game would be awesome.

(C'mon, tell me Autochon doesn't remind you of The Computer. Plus Autochonina is already kind of a dystopia already.)
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Everybody who's ever had to do paperwork has wished that.
I know it would sure come in handy when filling out my forms.
I found myself afterwards idly sketching out stats for "Statistics Without Effort". Essence 2, Bureaucracy 3, Simple; Tags: None. "If numbers describe the world, and the Exalted are the Princes of the Earth, then it should be no surprise that when the Lawgivers command, numbers line up in worshipful order."
You wonder when your martial arts sensei will teach you those kata that rip apart time and space...

(I did not do that and deny any accusation of doing so)
When you are 100% sure that Ragnell is a standard Orichalcum Daiklave, and thus Ike must be a Dawn caste Solar. (The fact he can one-hand it is icing on the cake.)
... , during social gathering, you stop talking and just start declaring social attacks on people, all because you dont feel like stunting social combat right now, real life or no.
When you try to use athletics jumping charms to get away from traffic jam.

When you are certain you used peripheral essence to cheat in an exam and try to hide your anima banner so your teacher won't see it.
When you're trying to figure out which of your co-workers are Extras, and whether you could kill them all in a single flurry...or if it might take two.
..playing DnD, you take five long minutes to get your mind to accept that there aren't any onslaught penalties against these attacks.
You try to find out when it's the next solar eclipse,hoping it will be the one that'll make the Solar Exalted come for the Age of the Alchemicals!

And then on the same day as the eclipse you try to do something heroic,and go against impossible odds so maybe Sol Invictus will choose you to be one of his chanpions
When your first reaction to a newspaper signboard saying "SOLAR SCHEME DOUBLES IN SIZE" is to wonder what those wacky Twilights are up to now.

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