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Realistic or Modern You Be My Dirty Little Secret

Ms MistyEye


So I was listening to some All American Rejects in the shower the other day and it gave me an idea for an RP. That and what is probably an unhealthy amount of subliminal influence from Friends.


Essentially the plot will rotate around a group of 6 or 8 life long friends (depending on interest) who go on a trip to Paris, all having grown up in California. Whilst there, through different means and completely by accident all of them pair up, remembering nothing except the following morning where they find themselves waking up to someone they never thought they'd ever share a bed with. All of them are somewhat shocked, deciding to keep the rendezvous between them. Though how long will it stay secret? What does it mean for the group of friends? Was it a one time thing or the beginning of something beautiful? I suppose we will find out.

The Catch

The catch? Because of course there's a catch. You won't know who it is you end up with. The RP will begin the last night in Paris with the flight back home the following afternoon. Everyone will get one post before the drinks take hold and they wake up the following morning to an unexpected sight.


This will be a detailed RP so a comprehensive grasp of grammar is required as well as at least 2+ paragraphs per post. I'm looking for interesting characters as well, ones which feel authentic. Finally for the sake of diversity there must be at least 3 characters of either gender. This doesn't mean no gay couples, in fact people's characters may discover something new about themselves ;)

Any takers?
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Interested! - If you need any help with this, coding and what not, let me know :)
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I'm also interested. I do have a suggestion though. Perhaps you should also keep the pairs a secret from everyone and each person only knows THEIR pair. Then perhaps it keeps the roleplay interesting because each player is trying to keep it an ACTUAL secret.
[QUOTE="Ryukaa Miura]When will you start this i wanna join

I'm going to put a thread together tonight, I'll tag everyone who showed interest :)

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