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Graded [Yemaya] Food for the Soul


Princess of the Stars
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

This is a Roleplay set in the Isekai Hell universe. It takes place in the Real Treasure, a tavern and inn located outside of Yemaya. It will follow Thomas, a Sage looking for love and the power to change the world for the better, Daina, a Human bard with an unfortunate feature looking to give a performance that will make him famous, and Izzy, a Human doctor who really needs a drink, as the trio enjoys a night of comfort, tales, meetings, and who knows what else in a refuge from the ails of the world. This is a closed RP. We are not taking on any more characters without my approval. Anyone who enjoys this RP and would like to learn more about the Isekai Hell universe is encouraged to follow the links. <3


The Real Treasure, Yemaya
Location: The Real Treasure Tavern, just outside Yemaya in the Caelia Barony
Time: Approaching Dinner
Weather: Clear
Characters: Izzy ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Thomas ( Darkbloom Darkbloom ) Daina ( Tiki Riki Tiki Riki )

The warmth of the day was beginning to dwindle, and soon the chill and dark of the night would be upon any left traveling the roads. Even the most hardy and experienced need a reprieve from time to time, and in such times an inn and tavern would provide the comfort and protection desired. Such were the thoughts of Messendei when she poured the money she had acquired throughout her days adventuring into building the grandest tavern she could. Not just a place for weary travelers to rest, but for the world weary to find a home amongst her staff. She wanted to use her wealth to create a family for any who needed one, including herself. And it was with all these thoughts that she stared down at the commotion in the common area from her balcony.

The place was packed! Way more than she had anticipated. She new there was an influx of adventurers in the area, working for the nearby town, if those ruins could even be called such, that was the whole reason she had picked this spot! Aside of course from the great deal she got from the desperate city officials, as well as their willingness to overlook a few things in her specifications. But she'd never imagined turnout after turnout like this. She couldn't keep up. Even with the new hire, bless her soul, things were gonna be tight tonight. But she'd slayed bigger beasts than this in her glory days. Like hell she was backing down now. She had worked for this damnit. She clasped her hands and took a deep breath, centering herself, before releasing. Time to get to work.

Shit, the new girl just kept messing up. Not that they minded, but it would be easier at this point just to let Jex take care of it. Cut the middle... well they weren't quite sure what the new girl was. She looked like a Beast, but she didn't know Beastial. And she didn't have the same scent as most Beasts, at least not that their enhanced smell could pick up. She didn't smell wild, more... perfumey? Honestly, Jex hated it, but they would never tell her to her face. They had worked hard to get this far and they didn't want to mess things up. It was good here, having a real home, earning pay, having a family. Maybe she'd eventually be family too.

The sound of a bell snapped them too and they grabbed the plates off the counter. A loud screech came from the kitchen and Jex nodded with a smile on their face. "Hey, yeah, you got it boss man, no worries, I'll make sure they know." They made their way through the crowded common area, dodging, and sliding, nearly dancing out of the way of the guests while balancing their food, their enhanced sense picking up the most miniscule details as they went, tracking which tables needed refills or checked in on. They were good at their job, and they loved doing it. Much better than killing nobles and burning barracks. Ah, but they weren't supposed to think about that anymore. It's the past, it's not who you are, as Miss Mess had told them. They could be someone good. They balanced the tray as they dished out the food to the guests, doing their best to smile. "The chef would like you to know that we were out of the iridescent trout, so he replaced it with a devil salmon, and we will be comping your meal for the evening. If you guys and gals would like another round, I'll get that right back to you. Enjoy your meal on this fantastic evening, and just shout if you need anything, yeah?" The group raised their ales to Jex and they headed back to hit the next table. Fuck, this job was great.

Damn she was tired. She'd helped like, what? Exactly 237 since the doors had opened that morning, only 5% being before lunch, 37% at lunch, another 18% before sundown, and the last 95 people since. And there were still exactly 25 humans, 13 Beasts, and 4 Fae waiting to be served. She just wanted to sleep... for approximately 4.67 hrs. That would be plenty. She hung on the podium as she waited for another group to leave so she could seat the next. Hopefully it wouldn't be the new girls. Having to re-explain thigs to her each time was exhausting. It added near minutes to her required sleep time. But things would slow down in the winter. That's what Messendrei kept saying. This was just temporary because of the nice weather. Less travelers on the road in the winter. But, using the approximate values of all the guests in the past thirty days, their numbers were increasing. At this rate, they would constantly be at maximum capacity through winter. She couldn't work in such conditions. She had told Meesendrei such. Yet here she was, still seating guests. It was nice here. After work, she could talk with Marcus, then lay with Frause as she slept. It was nice to have a family.

A group waved to her as they left. 3 humans, a duck-kin, a Felisian, and a djinn in disguise. She smiled and waved flirtatiously at the Djinn, as Messendrei had shown her to do to priority customers. It would ensure their return. "Will the next party please come forth." She bowed politely, as Messendrei had shown her, to the group, smiling warmly, as Messendrei had shown her. "This way, if you please. Welcome, to the Real Treasure. I am aware it is your first time and if you should need anything, do not hesitate to get a staff members attention. I hope you enjoy your meal and your server will be with you shortly." Another politely bow, then back to her podium. Gods, what a nice job.

With the moon now rising, the night has begun to set in. The line inches ever closer to the end, as patrons are seated and released back to the world, slightly more content and agreeable to the state of their existence. The night will end soon for some, but is just beginning for others. But, the Real Treasure is ready to accept any and all, regardless of time or circumstance. So many stories waiting to be told. So many tales waiting to unfold.
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As Thomas pushed open the creaking door of the bustling tavern, a wave of warmth and noise washed over him, contrasting sharply with the chill and solitude of the road he had traveled. The flickering candlelight danced across the worn wooden tables, casting shifting shadows on the faces of the patrons who filled the room with laughter and conversation.

Weary from his journey, Thomas stepped inside, the weight of his travels evident in the lines etched upon his face and the slump of his shoulders. His cloak, once a deep shade of azure, now bore the dust and grime of countless miles, its hem frayed and tattered from the rough terrain.

But it was his staff that drew the most attention, held tightly in his grasp as if it were a lifeline. The once-majestic oak staff, adorned with intricate carvings and runes of ancient origin, now showed signs of wear and tear. Cracks snaked their way along its length, evidence of the countless battles and trials it had endured alongside its master. At any moment, it seemed as though the staff might splinter apart, unable to withstand any further strain.

Yet despite its fragile appearance, the staff remained a symbol of Thomas's resilience and determination. It had been his constant companion throughout his journey, a conduit for his mastery over time magic and a source of strength in times of adversity.

As Thomas made his way through the crowded tavern, the murmurs of the patrons faded into the background, replaced by the rhythmic thud of his staff against the wooden floor. He found a secluded corner and settled himself at a table, his weary eyes scanning the room as he sought respite from the trials that awaited him on the morrow.

"The Real Treasure, huh? Sure, just show me the way," he said to the passerby that stayed and listened as his song was winding down. He had been on the road all day and was thinking about settling at a tavern for the night anyway. Neatly folding away his sheet music and pocketing the small amount of change he had gathered along the way, he set off close behind this stranger towards a place to relax and possibly somewhere he might find some more information about Yemaya. He had heard passing tales about what happened there, something about a blight and the place being desecrated, but the important part to him was that it could be yet another tale to write ballads about.

As they arrived and he thanked the stranger for showing him the way, he stepped inside... and admittedly flinched from how busy this place was. He was ready to hear a few voices chatting it up, maybe someone singing songs on a little stage, but the amount of chatter and liveliness briefly overwhelmed his senses. He stood at the entrance for a few seconds before readying his guitar in his hands, beginning to play soft, ambient tones for himself to focus on rather than the busy atmosphere as he made his way through the lively tavern, looking for a seat or really just a not so crowded corner to slot himself into.

He glanced over at a mostly empty corner, save for one individual at a table who looked like he was ready to lay down and let the earth reclaim him. His gaze lingered, almost looking as if he pitied the weary soul, though he was also equal parts curious about what led him here. Sensing he'd found the place he'd be sitting down for at least the next few minutes, he slowly and subtly made his way over to the lone man, signaling his approach through the dulcet tones of his ol' faithful guitar.

Izzy ducked inside with a small party, nodding quietly and respectfully as she was admitted in. As soon as she was past the threshold, she split off from the party she'd blended in with. Glancing once or twice over her shoulder at the entrance again, as if expecting someone to follow her. She'd made the mistake of playing a cup of dice with a couple of stupid looking men. She'd won, problem was they had their own little spotter. They caught her cheating and she'd had to run. Luck hadn't been kind to her since she'd arrived in this hell. First she tried to get a job with other treasure seeking folk at sea. That'd earned her getting tossed into the bloody sea. Where she got an emergency lesson in swimming. Next she'd tried to take a job fighting long ears. That had earned her a lump on the head and a few new scars. She was done and ready for something to go right. For once. Scanning the tavern, she found a table that seemed quiet and out of plain site. There were only two men sitting there when she approached. Without asking, the woman with dark tanned skin and golden eyes, slid into a chair. She did her best to act as if she belonged there, pulling out a flask from her hip and bringing it up to her lips. To pour the last few drops she had down the hatch.

"Aye lads, Ye dunnae mind if ah join yeh fer ah round do ye? Bit crowded aboot 'ere don'tchye think?"

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Darkbloom Darkbloom StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
The Real Treasure, Yemaya

Location: The Real Treasure Tavern, just outside Yemaya in the Caelia Barony
Time: Approaching Dinner
Weather: Clear
Characters: Izzy ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Thomas ( Darkbloom Darkbloom ) Daina ( Tiki Riki Tiki Riki )
The elven hostess raised her hand gently at the passing trio, speaking quietly as they all passed her. "Um, wait...please... excuse me..." She lowered her hand as they all went and occupied an empty booth, debating whether to confront them or not. Finally she turned back to her podium and bowed to the next group in line. "My apologies, it seems there will be a slightly longer wait until a table is available."

Before the eclectic assortment had the opportunity to converse with one another, a server approached the table. The two large purple fox ears atop her head folded down and her nine tails drooped, the expression on her face clearly one of nervousness.

Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Why couldn't she get the hang of this? She'd been here for nearly two days, and Messendei told her she could do great things, but great was hardly how she felt right now. None of the guests were leaving her coins like they were the others and she couldn't help but feel she was making things more difficult then helping. That was the whole purpose she had come here. The flyer had gotten so much right. She felt lost. Unsure of her purpose. Unable to stay out of trouble. So she had sought out the tavern, seeking answers to her problems. But it was not what she expected. And the random bouts of nausea weren't helping. But she couldn't give up. She had to know she could be of help to someone. That she could give even a single person a moment of relief and peace. That had been all she wanted. Perhaps these three could be the ones. She took a breath to collect herself and put on her best smile, barely masking the fear.

"W-Wello an' helcome." The words meant nothing to her, she couldn't even understand them, but it's what the others had been saying. She really should have spent time learning this new language. "Uhhhh, want +drinks+... drinks?" She could do this. She smiled with renewed confidence at her flawless presentation and lifted her hand, grasping an invisible soul from the air and turning it into a quill and parchment.
Character Sheet Here!
Darkbloom Darkbloom (Thomas), StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Ringo), Moonberry Moonberry (Izzy)

He had just made his way over to the tired looking man before being unceremoniously joined by a lass who seemed a little eager to settle down with a group. Not that he was much better by ignoring the hostess (though at least he felt he had an excuse) as he made his way inside and did just about the same thing, but that's not important right now. What is important is that there's now another person at this table with possibly another story of her own to tell. A small smile played on his face as he regarded the woman, "How nice of you to join us as well," he thought to himself. He almost opened his mouth to tell her pretty much the same thing when he was interrupted again by another woman coming to their table about as quickly as the first one. His eyes darted over to look at... woah, that's not what he was expecting to see. His first observation were the ears atop her head that very much reminded him of his own, and it admittedly made him crack a slightly bigger smile as his gaze silently traveled downwards. Nothing else special except for those nine tails, which to be fair was pretty unique in its own right. As much as he wanted to ask her about those features of hers, he held his breath as he waited for her to speak first...

...Oh, it was just a server at this place, she probably didn't have the time to talk anyway. Expression somewhat drooping in disappointment while still retaining that small smile on his face, he didn't miss a beat as he instantly opened his mouth again to deny the question when she was done speaking.
"No tha-" But then he stopped. His mild disappointment turned into more of a thoughtful gaze as he processed what she just said. His perception was still catching up to him because the atmosphere had thrown it off, but now that it was back with him he noticed a few issues in the short time the server had come up to them for. He could overlook the nervousness in her expression because it mirrored his own upon first entering, chalking it up to her having similar problems with noise and maybe being new to the job, but not the back-to-back slips of the tongue. One he can let slide, but not only was there another right after, it sounded to him like she let something slip in a language other than the common tongue. Not that he actually knew that or what language that could have been, but he had a little experience with singing songs in languages he didn't know and understood full well what it was like to parrot words he had no idea what they meant. To test his little theory on this girl, all he had to do was talk to her and see how she responds. Something as simple as asking her name should do. "No thanks. What's your name by the way?" He asked as he also turned to the other two at the table with him, addressing the question to them as well. Might as well ask them too, right?​
Thomas nods politely at the girl's request, offering a warm smile as she joins their table. He gestures to the empty chairs, welcoming her presence alongside himself and the bard.

"Of course, you're more than welcome to join us," Thomas replies, his voice carrying a hint of gratitude for the company in the bustling tavern. "It is indeed a bit crowded, but I find the lively atmosphere rather invigorating."

Turning his attention to the bard, Thomas offers a nod of greeting. "And what tales do you bring to our table today, my friend?" he asks, curious to hear the bard's stories and melodies, eager for the distraction they may provide from his own thoughts and worries.

As Thomas engages in conversation with the bard and the mysterious girl, he can't help but notice the waitress weaving her way through the crowded tavern once more. Her movements are graceful, her smile unwavering as she attends to the needs of the patrons with effortless efficiency.

Feeling a pang of guilt for his earlier oversight, Thomas seizes the opportunity to remedy his neglect. He catches the waitress's eye as she passes by their table, offering her a nod of acknowledgment and a genuine smile of appreciation for her hard work.

"Excuse me," he calls out softly, "could we trouble you for another round, please? And perhaps a moment of your time to share in our company?"

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Moonberry Moonberry
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A mischievous smile curled the corners of Izzy's lips, softening her features as she found herself not dismissed but rather welcomed. Intent on weaving herself into the ongoing dialogue at the table, her attention shifted when a young girl with vibrant purple hair approached, notebook in hand, ready to take their order. Izzy's golden eyes sparkled with intrigue as she observed the newcomer, an amused arch lifting her brow at the girl's unique accent.

"Oi an' 'ere I though' I was th' only one' aroun' tha' 'ad such ah' funny wey'v talkin'. Ah'll take ah'n ale ef' ye've got et. Somethin' strong ef ye don'." Her grin was infectious, directed warmly at the purple-haired waitress before she turned back to her table companions. "Ye'all been 'ere 'afore?" she inquired, leaning back comfortably in her chair. Her gaze swept across the bustling tavern, her demeanor relaxed yet observant, with her eyes occasionally darting towards the front door, vigilant and expectant.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Darkbloom Darkbloom
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
This would be easy, all she had to do was write down exactly what they said the way they said it in a way she could read. It didn't matter that she didn't know what it meant, if she just repeated it back to the bartender, he would hand her the right drinks. Then she'd just set them in the center or the table and let the guests grab the ones that were theirs. This plan was fool proof.

Ringo stared with a blankly as Daina turned down the drinks and asked her a question of his own. That was way more words then she expected... I wasn't "nothankyou" the thing they said when they wanted her to go away...? She must have heard wrong. Oh, and don't forget to smile! She smiled at Daina, oblivious as she quickly scribbled down the phonetics of what he had said on her notepad.

Then the woman started talking and Ringo started to shake nervously. Was this even the same language as the other one...? Wait... the other one had cat ears so that meant he spoke Beastial right? that must be it, they are speaking different languages. It was fine though cause the bartender had horns, so he must also speak Beastial. She did her best to scribble down what Izzy was saying.

Jex was counting out some coin made from the most recent table as they passed Desh. "Bonus is mine tonight, you experiment reject bitch." Jex nearly stumbled and guffawed out loud at the comment, unable to hide the wide grin on their face as they headed to the Bar. "Holy shit, Aeladeos, you have to hear what Desh just called me, it's the harshest one yet!" The bartender continued to clean mugs without looking to the other, shaking his head disapprovingly. "You know I don't understand you two's friendship. Aren't friends supposed to be kind to each other?" Jex glared in annoyance at the antlered bartender. "You're gonna lecture me on kindness? You told the new girl you can speak Sylvan yet?" The bartender smiled and shook his head again. "Of course not. Then she'd try to talk to me. Speaking of, she's making a right mess of the back table." Jex spun and looked to where Ringo was trying to take orders. "Gods damnit! Don't just let her ruin our reputation!" They began to power walk toward her and the group, passing Desh on the way. "That bonus won't bring your family back, you pissant orphan." Desh spun and watched Jex pass with a indignant look on her face before smiling and turning away.

As Jex got nearer, they heard Thomas's comment and smiled inwardly. This would be an easy tip table. But... it was technically Ringo's table... but it's not like she could even do the job... fuck, the guilt would kill them. Jex stepped up next to Ringo and placed a hand on her shoulder, causing Ringo to freeze and turn to look at the new arrival. "Hey there, folks, and welcome to the Real Treasure. It seems there has been a staff mix up and I'll actually be your server tonight." Jex smiled and winked at Thomas, sliding Ringo to the side. "I'll absolutely get you that round, and I'll have to turn down that offer to join you tonight, but perhaps you can help me out with something." They guided Ringo to the chair and sat her in it, to little resist from the fox eared girl, though the pout on her face showed she was anything but pleased as her notebook poofed out of existence in a small blue cloud. Jex put on a sympathetic face and gestured towards Ringo. "You see, my friend and coworker here is having a little trouble picking up the job. She just doesn't quite have that "people person" touch that's needed. So I was wondering if you three wouldn't mind a cute little lady like her sitting with you for the evening. Just chat with her, see if you can help her warm up a little, and in return, I'll supply you with all the drinks and food you need to make it worth your while. What do you say? You'd be doing us both a favor."

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Darkbloom Darkbloom Tiki Riki Tiki Riki


Izzy rested her chin in her hand, propping her elbow up on the table as she eyed Jex approaching the table. They seemed to have a purpose in their stride. Definitely someone who knew what they were about. The poor lass was moved to the side like a piece of furniture in the way. She couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips. As the new server gave the run down on what was going to happen, she let out a laugh again before waving to Jex.

"Aye aye ye' fechn' bloke. Ye' cannae stan' tha' lass tha' much we'll keep good'care'v 'er. Bring ahs ah round've somethin' t' warm th' gullet aye?" She curled her liped upwards in an almost feline grin towards the server. Then glanced towards the girl with purple hair. "An' maybe some rice balls fer' th' lass aye? poor dear." She chuckled again despite her chiding words. Sitting up in the chair to look Daina and Thomas over. "Ah'm sure tha's fine with yew folk aye?"

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Darkbloom Darkbloom Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Thomas waves at the new arrival. "Hello there! Welcome to the table! These seem like nice people so don't worry, take a little bit to relax!" After Izzy finishes speaking, Thomas nods vigorously. "Yes yes of course! Food for the table! And before we get too carried away we have something important to settle. My name is Thomas, I'm a student of the Celestine Academy! I'm sorry I didn't answer your question before, friend bard! I was feeling bad about neglecting our server." That's the kind of person Thomas was, really just a big cinnamon roll when you got to know him a little bit in a casual setting. He moves on to look at Izzy with eyes that could only be categorized as big, round puppy dog eyes. It was a little hard for him to understand her accent, since he hadn't come across anyone that spoke like that. "What all brings you to this tavern? I was just out looking for a replacement staff since mine nearly shattered." He says no more as he wraps his arms around the staff delicately and protectively as if it'll fall to pieces at any moment.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Moonberry Moonberry Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Character Sheet Here!
Darkbloom Darkbloom (Thomas), StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Jex + Ringo), Moonberry Moonberry (Izzy)

The cat-eared bard kept mostly quiet as Jex came over to explain the situation regarding this other server. His theory was proven right (at least he thought so), which only made him all the more curious about how she wound up working a job that was pretty much all about communication. He needed pretty much no convincing to let her sit down with them, more people means more stories for him. He couldn't resist a little chuckle though after listening to his request, seeing the look on Ringo's face told him that she wasn't taking kindly to it.
"Sounds like you've got a deal. As for introductions, name's Daina, newcomer to this tavern and the Caelia Barony in general really." He was well enough versed in strange accents because of the times he's played in taverns, so at least he could understand Izzy better than he could Ringo.
Jex grinned inwardly as the others accepted the proposal. This would keep Ringo out of trouble for the night. They had no particular ill will toward the girl, but she was a liability at this point. Really they didn't see why Miss Mess insisted on letting her stay, but she was the boss. Nothing for Jex to do but make the best of it. "I'll keep the plates coming, and have the drinks by yesterday." They winked at Izzy, returning her feline grin with a wolfish one of their own, the slightest hint of fangs showing. "Thank you folks for your understanding and assistance. The name's Jex, if you need anything before I make it back to you, just give a shout or flag me down. Happy to serve you folks and I hope you enjoy your night at the Real Treasure." They gave a polite bow and mussed Ringo's hair, to her annoyance, before heading toward the kitchen window to get things started while the fox girl fixed her hair and muttered in Mictlantecuhtlian.

Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantecuhtlian+
Ringo's ears perked at Daina's words and she looked to him hopeful for a moment, before a sullen look crossed her face. She sighed and looked back to the table, but suddenly realized she had recognized another one of the words. "Name?" Thomas had said it too. That was what people said when they introduced her, they must want an introduction. "Am Ringo." She pointed to herself, then reached above her head, pulling a lost soul from the air and turning it into a painted wooden apple. "Ringo." She held it out, then pointed back to herself, then tossed the apple into the air, causing it to vanish in a puff of purple smoke. She tried to smile at the others and scoot into the table. "New here. Lair... lor... lirn... +Learning! Learning, I want to say I am still learning, what was the word...?+ Leern... y? Leerny?"

"Learning, hon." Jex set a tray of a variety of drinks on the table and set them in the middle. "Be right back with the food." Ringo watched them as they left, unsure how to feel about the server. They were rarely nice to Ringo, but they weren't exceptionally mean either. She wasn't sure how to interact with them, but dammit she would learn. She pointed to Izzy's earrings. "Beautiful." She knew the word, but hadn't realized how much saying it would hurt. But now wasn't the time to dwell on that. She pointed to her badge on her chest and back to Izzy's earrings. "+Gold+" She gestured again, then looked at the others expectantly. "+Gold.+ Word?" That one she knew, she had had to use it a lot in Stonewall. Maybe this would get the message across.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Darkbloom Darkbloom Tiki Riki Tiki Riki


Izzy grinned as Jex set the drinks down. She snatched one up and took a long swig. One that lasted a fair moment, the cup being basically upended. When finally she pulled the cup away from her lips, she let out a loud gasping sigh. "Aye now tha' hi's th' spo'" She waved contentedly towards Jex. "Ye're damn fast. Good on ye'" Another small chuckle escaped her before the woman lifted the glass and took another long sip. It was only lowered again when she saw Ringo gesturing towards her earings. The woman say up, pushing her hair behind her neck and pointing up at them. She listened to the sounds the girl was making, then her asking for the word. After a few seconds of thought, she reached up and pulled one out, placing it in her palm as if to observe the small object. Then finally she nodded slowly, looking back up to Ringo. "Th' words Airring', Galden...." She pointed to bobble, then to her ear. "Earring" She stated as she pantomimed what she was talking about. Then taking out a coin she pointed towards the Earring, and the Coin, and stated "Galden" Izzy seemed happy enough to continue supposedly assist Ringo with her language barrier. But it did not seem to occur to her that perhaps, her own accent was a bit...thick.

Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Thomas watched the lively scene unfold before him, a small smile playing on his lips as he observed Izzy's animated interaction with Jex and Ringo. The warm camaraderie and lighthearted banter were a welcome reprieve from his weary travels.

He took a sip of his own drink, feeling the pleasant warmth spread through him. Turning his attention back to the table, he nodded appreciatively at Jex. "Quick service indeed, Jex. Much appreciated," he said, his voice gentle but sincere.

His gaze then shifted to Izzy, who was enthusiastically helping Ringo with her language. He admired her energy and willingness to assist, despite her thick accent. "Izzy, your spirit is as infectious as it is commendable. It's good to see such patience and kindness," Thomas remarked, his tone warm and encouraging.

He leaned back slightly, content to sip his drink and take in the atmosphere. "It's moments like these that remind me why I enjoy places like this tavern. A place where stories are shared, and even the smallest acts of kindness can bridge gaps between strangers."

Thomas's thoughts wandered briefly, reflecting on the sense of belonging and connection that filled the room. He felt a sense of gratitude for the simple, yet profound, human interactions that made the world feel a little less lonely.
Character Sheet Here!
Darkbloom Darkbloom (Thomas), StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal (Ringo), Moonberry Moonberry (Izzy)

"I'm sure we'll treasure our time here," he quipped as Jex set the drinks down shortly before frowning at his own joke. Not his best one. A small grin soon returned to his face however as he watched Ringo attempt to get a few words out, taking a sip of one of the drinks to hide his amusement at the situation. Learning a language was different from learning chords so he really shouldn't be judging, but he couldn't help but find it a little funny to watch her stumble with her words.

He watched some more as Izzy pointed out to Ringo the earrings followed by the gold coin, but it was when Thomas thanked Izzy for taking initiative that it finally occurred to him that perhaps Izzy shouldn't be the sole person teaching her what things were. He quickly cleared his throat and joined the conversation, now also pointing towards the coin that she was holding up, "Gold." He was tempted to point out Izzy's accent, but decided not to risk his current standing at this table.​
Languages: {Sylvan} | +Mictlantechulian+

Ringo smiled at the others, pointing to the coin, then to the earing and coin. "Gauld. Ehrring." She could figure this out. She would show everyone she could succeed here. Her hand reached out and she grabbed a glass from the center of the table, taking a large drink. The fantastic fruit flavors sat well with the recent warm temperatures, causing her tails to start swaying slowly, in pleasure and comfort. "Thank you. For word." She leaned forward in excitement at Thomas's words. "Stories! Wh-wayer from?" She pointed to herself again. "Mictlantechulia."

Desh pocketed the coins left on the table and started stacking the plates. With arms full, she turned to head toward the kitchen, noticing Ringo sitting at the table with the others. "The hell?" She dropped the stack at the service window and walked quickly over to the bar. "Hey, Aeladeos, why's the new girl resting on the job?" The tall Fae continued to wipe glasses and poor drinks, seemingly ignoring the girl, though he still responded to her question. "How would I know, I'm here all night? Why does it matter to you anyway? If it's a problem, the Madame will handle it." As she watched, Jex stepped up and set a tray of drinks out for them, before walking away. Desh glowered at the group, about to move toward them when a voice broke through the crowd, almost as if it was directed solely at her. "Desh, come here please. We have a problem."

Desh stepped up to the table and gave a polite bow. "I apologize for interrupting your meal, I couldn't help but notice your guitar." She pointed to the guitar with Daina, directing her conversation to the musician. "It seems the arranged entertainment for the evening over indulged and will be unable to perform. The Madame of the house was curious if you might be willing and capable of performing for the other guests. You would be compensated of course, and there is no ill will should you decline. Anyone is free to accompany you, should their presence be necessary." She gave another bow, and as she rose, she side eyed Ringo, her expression remaining the same, stoic, but gentle.

Mention: Moonberry Moonberry Darkbloom Darkbloom Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

Izzy clapped her hands together in pleasure when the adorable young girl sounded the word out and. She nodded and patted the girl on the head, ruffling her hair with a playful camaraderie. She gave Daina a leer with a small triumphant smirk as she picked up her flask and tossed it back. Letting out a pleased gasp as she finished. When Ringo asked for stories, Izzy wiped her lips with her sleeve and laughed.
"Aye aye Ah've got ah story for ye' then. Ye're askin' ware'we're from aye?" She held her flask up as if to signal for a refil, before setting it back down and inhaling deeply. As if preparing for a long speech. "Ah fell from th' sky when ah as but ah lass. Scooped up by ah pirate doctor on tha' sea. Spent ah few years travelin' th' seas a'fore we came up on this towering whirlpool tha' reached up int' tha sky. Ship got caugh' en' th' current. Pulled ah's en and nex' thing Ah know...Ah'm wakin up on the shores've th' Eastern Empire...." She Sighed frustratedly. "Ahn' then ah' tried t' find some work th' only way ah know how. Bein ah Pirate've course." She crossed her arms and nodded, as if that much was obvious. "An' the first fochn' mission goes belly ahp. Ship gets crashed by ah pink haired lass who threw me enta' th' sea. an' Stole th' treasure. Oi when I find' tha' lass ah'mm gonna stringer up right'ngood." Izzy grumbled and growled, thinking about Luisa and her last job. After a moment though, she looked down at Ringo with a slow blink, realizing that she probably hadn't caught all of that, But before she could try and break it down for the girl, Desh had walked up to the table and addressed Daina. Izzy listened with a grin on her lips. She clapped her hands together and cheered. Aye! That's how ye' fochn' start ah night at ah tavern. Let's Sing!" The woman laughed whole heartedly, the sound warm inviting. She started by clapping her hands in a rhythm, and stomping a foot as she stood, looking to Daina with a grin. "Ye' Think ye' can keep ahp with me boyo?" She turned towards the crowded room and raised her voice to call out. "Oi! This'ns called >(Listen Here)< RumRunner! Clap yer 'ands an' Stomp yer feet wit' me!" Her voice came in slowly, building tempo with the gradual increase of her clapping and stomping.

"There once was ah ship from Ryke’s fair land
Th' name of that ship was the RumRunner grand
With sails ov' silk and ah sturdy band
Blow, me hearty lads, blow (huh)"
She held the last note on a flat tone, pausing for a second and looking at Daina and Thomas with a grin. Then she continued to clap and stomp, her song coming in a quick and joyous tone as she raised her voice and started to include the rest of the nearby tavern goers.

"Soon may the Rumrunner come
To bring ahs th' finest of Ryke’s rum
One day, when the barrels are full
We’ll drink our fill and hum

The RumRunner set forth at dawn
To seek the rum frum Eastern’s lawn
Through storms and waves, we sailed upon
Blow, me hearty lads, blow (huh)"
She started to twist and turn a little as she clapped and stomped, enjoying the song and rhythm of it. Her cheeks a little rosy from the drink she'd downed rather quickly. Then kicking up her legs with her voice raised in joyous song, she finished up her song,

"Now every night we toast and sing
To Eastern rum and the joy it brings
With Ryke’s fair shores in our sights, we cling
Blow, me hearty lads, blow (huh)

Soon may the Rumrunner come
To bring us the finest of Ryke’s rum
One day, when the barrels are full
We’ll drink our fill and hum

Mentions: Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Darkbloom Darkbloom StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Thomas isn't sure what to make of the song. Maybe he just prefers peace and quiet. As for stories, he certainly has a few. Two of them specifically. "I can tell you about my experiences going to a school for learning magic! When I first arrived, the new students and I had to go through entrance exams. The first exam, though it turned out poorly in the end, started out with us new arrivals demonstrating our skills. There were many promising people, one of which I sadly have no more contact with. She left the school very soon after passing all the exams. Ahem, but enough of that!"

Thomas takes a drink before continuing, letting his rabbit hole fill in before he gets back on track. "I had to do something with the lightly enchanted rock, so I went ahead and used my time skip spell. As I was casting the spell, a ripple seemed to pass through reality around it. The edges of the metal slab began rapidly corroding, flakes of rust peeling away as years of degradation caught up in seconds. Strange transparent afterimages flickered around it like a short-circuiting hologram.

Within moments the solid slab had been reduced to a pile of metallic dust, its matter aged to dissolution by the temporal distortion. As the time skip collapsed, a light breeze scattered the glittering particles.

The whole courtyard was stunned into silence! It appeared as if the professors weren't sure if I had properly passed the test, but I did! In that moment, I could feel everyone's eyes watching me to see what I would do next. Several professors were astounded, making their thoughts known about my clever way of clearing the test. There was one jealous guy though, but I never paid him any attention. The best way to deal with bullies is to ignore them! They eventually give up."
The Real Treasure, Yemaya
Location: The Real Treasure Tavern, just outside Yemaya in the Caelia Barony
Time: Approaching Dinner
Weather: Clear
Characters: Izzy ( Moonberry Moonberry ) Thomas ( Darkbloom Darkbloom ) Daina ( Tiki Riki Tiki Riki )
Ringo smiled as she listened, her tails continuing to sway gently, cheeks starting to flush as she drank more from her mug. She couldn't understand the words, but Thomas and Izzy's stories kept her drawn in. It had been a few days since she got to have any lengthy conversation with anyone. She hadn't met all of the employees yet, but most seemed not too keen on interacting with her.

She turned to Desh as the younger woman approached the group, smiling to her despite the others indifference.


As Izzy started singing, more and more patrons began to clap, stomp, and bang the tables in time with her. A table of tough looking guys started to chant along with her singing, adding a deeper rhythm to the tune. When her song finished there was a moment of cheers and applause before two girls at another table stood and started a song of their own as the men with them banged their mugs in time.

"Soldiers of fortune raise the dream,
struggle hard to find that wish.
But in the end the riches go
to the fastest fish who swims upstream!

Of all the treasures in this world.

"Another ale for these two girls!

Our swords have gained a taste for blood
that ale and mead can not replace.
But when the horns of war are blown,
You'll find us wasted lying in the mud!


Of all the treasures in this world


You'll never find the brightest pearl!"

Another round of applause broke out as the girls happily sat back down with their party. More and more songs broke out, chants of different professions from all over the land, one after the other. The songs and celebration continued long into the night as the patrons enjoyed their meals, Jex bringing the food to the table during the singing.

She played with the ring on her finger as she stared down at the celebration below. This is why she did this. The unexpected obstacles and the spur of the moment solutions. It was the part of adventuring she loved, and she was glad it didn't get left behind with her old profession.

As the music finally died down and people began to exit for the evening, Messendei approached the groups table. "Thank you for your assistance tonight. It was not what I expected, but everyone seemed happy and there was no more table and dish damage than usual. I hope you all enjoyed your meals. Feel free to take a room for the night if you like, I have informed Pralene you are our guests tonight." She gestured to the woman at the podium, who confusedly smiled and waved back slowly. "Also, please accept these as a token of my gratitude, and a symbol of friendship." She set three bags on the table, then turned to Ringo. "{Ringo, I would like you to come to my office before you turn in for the night.}" Ringo blinked tipsily and nodded her head. "{Of course, Messendei.}" Messendei bowed politely and stepped back. "Thank you again and enjoy the rest of your evening."

Izzy lifted a brow at Thomas and Daina, her golden eyes flickering with mild boredom at their lackluster demeanor. She sighed softly, her attention drifting away from the two men as she turned to the owner of the establishment. A genuine smile spread across her lips as she accepted the bag offered to her.

"Thank ye, ma'arm. And ah' fine establishment et es ye've got 'ere." she said warmly, before turning and patting Ringo on the cheek. "Yer a good lass, ye are. Keep ye'r wits aboutcha, an' ye'r Gahlden." She winked to the small kitsune. With that, Izzy didn't bother to acknowledge the boys again. She turned on her heel and made her speak with Pralene about a room. The noise of the bustling tavern faded as she made her way to the room given. Each step bringing her closer to solitude.

Upon entering the room, she closed the door behind her, relishing the quiet. She set the bag on the bed and sat down, feeling the weight of the day's events lift slightly. Her thoughts wandered to Captain Zeke. Wondering what kind of trouble, he'd gotten himself into. She snorted a bit thinking about it. He'd be happy to hear about the job she'd gotten ear of. Her eyes fluttered closed eventually, as the drink and the nights reverie washed over her.

Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
As the night wore on, the lively atmosphere of the tavern began to mellow. The once boisterous crowd had dwindled, leaving only a few lingering patrons sharing quiet conversations. Thomas leaned back in his chair, savoring the warmth and camaraderie that had enveloped him throughout the evening. The flickering candlelight cast a gentle glow over the now tranquil room.

With a contented sigh, Thomas took the last sip of his drink, reflecting on the unexpected yet pleasant company he had found. He glanced at Izzy, who was saying her goodnights as the night drew to a close. The bard, having set his lute aside, was now engaged in a hushed conversation with another patron, his expressive hands weaving tales even without the accompaniment of music.

Suddenly, a sense of urgency jolted Thomas from his reverie. He pulled a small, intricately carved timepiece from his pocket and felt his heart skip a beat. The hands of the clock indicated he was late for his next appointment—by a lot. Panic surged through him as he realized just how much time had slipped away in the cozy haven of the tavern.

Quickly rising to his feet, Thomas gathered his belongings, his movements hurried and apologetic. "I'm sorry, everyone," he blurted out, his voice tinged with regret and urgency. "I didn't realize the time. I have to be somewhere."

He gave a quick, sincere wave to his newfound companions, his eyes lingering briefly on each of them in turn. "Thank you for the wonderful company," he said, his words heartfelt despite his haste. "Take care!"

With that, Thomas turned and made his way towards the tavern door, his staff tapping hurriedly against the wooden floor. He paused briefly to nod gratefully at the waitress, offering her a quick smile. "Thank you for everything," he managed to say before pushing open the door and stepping out into the cool night air.

As he hurried down the dimly lit street, Thomas's mind raced, replaying the moments he'd spent in the tavern. Despite the looming consequences of his tardiness, he couldn't help but feel a lingering warmth from the evening's interactions. With a determined stride, he resolved to make up for lost time, knowing that the memories of this night would stay with him long after he reached his destination.
Character Sheet Here!

He took a quiet sip of plain ol' water as he watched the fun happen around him, for once not being part of the music and merriment. It's not that he didn't enjoy the atmosphere, far from it, but today he probably just wasn't feeling the inspiration. The strings of his lute were not heard that night as it instead laid idly by his side, the owner only keeping quiet as the merriment continued.

When the fun died down and the time for egress came, he gave Messendei a courteous enough look before eyeing the bag... If he was being honest with himself, he didn't want to take it as he didn't even perform like he was asked to. His eyes drifted over to Izzy as she left him without a word, over there was the person that actually livened up the night. He was taught not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but call it pride as he decided to do just that. Taking the bag left for him, he picked up what little he brought in with him before heading over to Pralene and handing over the bag, "Give this to Izzy before she leaves, and tell her it's from the bard. I won't be staying tonight, but I extend my thanks again." Was it a little bit stupid not to take it? Probably, but his lips curled upward in a more earnest smile by doing this instead, letting him leave the tavern with his head held just that slight bit higher. "Not every opportunity works out..." he thought to himself as comfort as he walked out into the brisk night air.​
Results Screen
Narrator Recommendation's:

Daina - Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
  • Optional title - Spectator - Sometimes we prefer to let others lead the party, but that doesn't mean we don't have fun. Character may be passed over by those seeking to start something.
  • Narrator's Reward A Grade
    • Goody Bag F - Each morning, the bag contains half a dozen pastries. May be filling on their own, but hardly nutritious.
Izzy - Moonberry Moonberry
  • Optional title - Showstopper - Sometimes we prefer to take the lead. Character may be sought out in crowds by those seeking to start something.
  • Narrator's Reward A Grade
    • Goody Bag F - Each morning, the bag contains half a dozen pastries. May be filling on their own, but hardly nutritious.
Thomas - Darkbloom Darkbloom
  • Optional title - Storyteller - Character is eager to share tales and listen to others. Others may be willing to open up to them if the character reciprocates.
  • Narrator's Reward A Grade
    • Goody Bag F - Each morning, the bag contains half a dozen pastries. May be filling on their own, but hardly nutritious.
Ringo - StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
  • Optional title - Eager to Learn - Others can see that this character is willing to put in the effort, even if they don't seem capable of the task.
Isekai Hell Grade

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Darkbloom Darkbloom Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Moonberry Moonberry

Short and sweet. Probably the way to be. A bit odd speaking a language the character doesn't have though. Probably shouldn't be doing that. This rp is prime example of a teaparty. Indicate future ones as such for faster grading.





Ringo - 36pts
  • Optional title - Eager to Learn - Others can see that this character is willing to put in the effort, even if they don't seem capable of the task.

Thomas - 9pts
Character has outdated sheet. should apply for partial scoops of the stuff that's old to get it resolved. Ex: domain
  • Optional title - Storyteller - Character is eager to share tales and listen to others. Others may be willing to open up to them if the character reciprocates.
    (Choose 1)
  • 7pts
  • Goody Bag F - Each morning, the bag contains half a dozen pastries. May be filling on their own, but hardly nutritious.

Daina - 7pts

  • Optional title - Spectator - Sometimes we prefer to let others lead the party, but that doesn't mean we don't have fun. Character may be passed over by those seeking to start something.
    (Choose 1)
  • 7pts
  • Goody Bag F - Each morning, the bag contains half a dozen pastries. May be filling on their own, but hardly nutritious.

Izzy - 9pts
  • Optional title - Showstopper - Sometimes we prefer to take the lead. Character may be sought out in crowds by those seeking to start something.
    (Choose 1)
  • 7pts
  • Goody Bag F - Each morning, the bag contains half a dozen pastries. May be filling on their own, but hardly nutritious.

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