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Multiple Settings yeehaw - fandom cravings - doubling

honeyed boneset

Double Luck
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Off-site
My Interest Check

status: semi-online ; searching: yes ; contact: dm or thread

Howdy. Bone (she/her). I’m still using this as the main way to ignore the current state of reality, so how you doing? I’m currently real close to 30, in graduate school, and working from home. Additionally, I've been cursed with the spice of life (chronic illness) so occasionally, speed is not my strength. I’ve been writing for 15+ years, not that you’d know with what I churn out. I love yapping in ooc, pinboards, plotting, headcanons, fanart, and generally being unbearable. i have samples and a more indepth list of fandoms & the vibes i'm looking for right here!

cold hard facts
canon x oc unless otherwise listed.
i know who i am. love all genres, but romance is what warms the cold reaches of my heart
that said: i like exploring a bunch of vibes outside of that.
doubling, because i like having more ships to cry over not just 'being fair'
lgbtgeqitap+ friendly. my pairs usually being mxf means nothing.
i dont super care about length. i'm lazy lit, emphasis on lazy. usually somewhere between 500-1000 words.
we post when our schedules permit. i'm patient with you, you with me, we have a great time.
im terminially unserious and here for a good time.
ooc is almost necessary for my goldfish brain. let's be friends. love friends.
pinterest/spotify/fanart/headcanon trash. give me all of it.
discord is highly preferred for ooc
discord = gdocs > email > on site
ghost friendly. if we chatted before and something happened (on either side) but you're interested in trying again, please let me know!

hard lines
you're, minimally, 18+.
absolutely no: graphic depictions of SA, heavy substance use of main characters, genuine love triangles, or abusive relationship dynamics between main characters.
i like exploring darker themes. i love some high angst. but i'm a hurt/comfort person. i work a depressing job and don't really want to write a grimdark.
i will not write as a minor. all characters of mine are 20s+.

IMPORTANT: first listed are the canons i'd like you to write. more colored stars, more i'm looking.

MARVEL ( ★★★ )
looking for: matt murdock, sam wilson
love writing: frank castle, tony stark, bucky barnes, marc spector
will write: anyone

looking for: glenn rhee
love writing: rick grimes, daryl dixon, beta
will write: anyone, even negan (with some mild adjustments)

looking for: leon s. kennedy
love writing: chris redfield, albert wesker, carlos oliviera
will write: anyone

looking for: ocs (more to come)
love writing: i dont know yet
will write: anyone

STAR WARS ( ★★ )
looking for: sol, obi-wan kenobi, wrecker, cal kestis, wyl lark, joph seastriker, finn
love writing: crosshair, eli vanto, dinn djarin, poe dameron
will write: anyone but im kind of picky when it comes to writing folks like kylo/qimir/hux, etc.

coded by archangel_
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        • ( H O W D Y )
          Thanks for stopping by! Call me whatever (she/her). I’m still using this as the main way to ignore the current state of the reality, so, how you doin’? I’m currently real close to 30, in graduate school, and working from home. I’ve been writing for 15+ years, not that you’d know with what i churn out. I love yapping in ooc, pinboards, plotting, headcanons, fanart, and generally being unbearable.

          note: i am super looking for something that'll just make me kick my feet

          ◞ ABOUT THE VIBES ──
          ✦ i love romance. shamelessly. My kindle history agrees. I love a ton of genres, like including them, but let’s just be self-indulgent dorks.
          ✦ i really don’t believe that characters getting into a relationship is the end of a story. To me, sometimes that’s when it starts getting even more interesting and complicated, lmao.
          ✦ i super prefer canon x oc for fandom settings. I will love your oc to death.
          ✦ personally, canon is a guideline. Not a law. I’m termainlly unserious and here for a good time.
          ✦ im so serious. This is a hobby. I want it to be fun for both of us.
          ✦ i may have an inconsistent post rate, but i WILL yap your ear off in ooc. I’ve made great friends roleplaying and am always open to more.
          ✦ additionally, if we vibe well, i’d be happy to do multiple roleplays with someone.
          ✦ i’m long term focused, but if you want to drop it/ghost/etc there’s absolutely no hard feelings.

          ◞ ABOUT THE ROLEPLAY ──
          ✦ lazy lit is preferred. I usually write 500-1000 per character per post. I can write more, i just don’t always want to.
          ✦ doubling in the same universe. For fandoms and originals, i would like to double.
          ✦ lgbtqia+ friendly, though my pairings are frequently m/f.
          ✦ i will write over: discord, email, gdocs, on site.
          ✦ i prefer to ooc over discord but i can also use email or on site. I just don’t check them as often.
          important? i have samples and a more indepth list of fandoms & the vibes i'm looking for right here!

          ◞ DEAL BREAKERS ──
          ✦ minors dni. Be 18+. I’d honestly prefer 25+, because i feel old, but minimally 18+.
          ✦ i work in mental health care. I don’t want to write about medical settings or just be super entrenched in some grimdark roleplay.
          ✦ I’m also not interested in exploring heavy substance use, explicitly written sexual assault, genuine love triangles, or abusive relationship dynamics between main characters.
          ✦ Most highschool settings and no underage characters. I know i have some fandoms listed that have that, but let’s age folks up?
          ✦ To wrap it up: no abo, pwp, incest, fetish stuff, or anything that would otherwise just Make It Weird.
          Please send me a message on here or add me on discord. I dont get email notifs for posts in the thread!

          Please send me a message on here.I dont get email notifs for posts in the thread!

Hi! I would love to rp Marvel. Maybe you can play Tony Stark for me and I play Sam Wilson for you.
Hello! I'm also in the midst of a final paper (undergrad thesis) but I'd be interested in a platonic Star Wars roleplay if you're open to it! I fear I don't play any of the characters in your "looking for" section, but I can offer several ocs and other canon/legends characters.

Alternatively, I'd love to do a platonic mob/mafia rp! I've got a couple characters that would fit.

No hard feelings if you're too busy or not interested! Nice to meet you :D
Hey hey! I'm totally down to do a RDR2 roleplay with you if you're still open to it!

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