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Multiple Settings One on One Fandoms and/or Originals Specific Cravings Search! MxF pairings and doubling for fandoms.


New Member
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
Hello there! The name's Shizuki! I am a 32 year old female hailing from California. (So PST if time zones are important to ya.:3) I have been roleplaying on and off for the last 20+ years or so. I was about 12ish when I started originally on a site called Gaia Online. And now I am here! :3

Gonna try to make this as quick and painless as possible as well for a quick 'rules' section (Aside from following the site's TOS of course.)

PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THE THREAD. If you are interested in potentially roleplaying with me. Please start a conversation with me.

-Be 18+. As I am in my thirties, my RP partners need to be adults as well. I have a personal preference for 25+ age range but as long as you're an adult I am willing to hear you out.

-Introduce yourself. (The fact I have to say this is a rule is kinda sad..but unfortunately a necessity at this point.) If you can't be bothered to give a simple introduction...I won't be bothered to hear your pitch out because 9 times out of 10...you didn't bother to read anything.

-I only do MxF pairings. (Nothing against same sex couples....I'm just not interested in it...I have tried in the past and I got bored super fast.)

-Romance is a must for me!! (And no not the stuff you read about you heathens...I'm talking the cutesy fluff anime stuff you see in shows like Ouran.)

-For Fandoms I only do Canon x OC only!!

-Doubling is also required for Fandoms only! I will not ask you to play a character for me and not offer the same.

-Also!!! I will not age characters up to 18 for fandoms. If you're not comfortable writing a cutesy romance between two teen aged characters...then please leave. I'm so tired of being asked to age them up because I made plans/ideas based around their beginning journey that I would have to try to rearrange or include as history from them meaning I have to skip over that entirely. Which is no fun for me. So no...won't do it....unless you have a to die for plot reason that requires them to be older...it's a no ...

Fandoms I am craving!!

The Legend of Vox Machina
(I have watched all of seasons 1 and 2 of the Amazon animation, I am on episode 80 (?) of the campaign that started it all and I am only waiting to watch season 3 until I have finished a bit further into the campaign.)

Play for me (In order of preference):
-Vaxildan or Percy

(I can give anyone a shot just ask. ^^)

Meet My OCs: Legend of Vox Machina OCs/D&Desque roleplays


gangster x entertainer RP.

Trigger warning: SA and child abuse is mentioned in the profile as part of character history and that is it!!! It will not be further explored.

A young woman down on her luck and allergic to men meets a dangerous man from the Mafia (gang...or maybe someone else entirely?) and some shenanigans may begin to ensue!

Still really craving a Vox Machina Rp, also wanting Vax or Percy the most at the moment.

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