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Multiple Settings Fandoms And Originals Alike! Doubling Possible!

  • Expectations​

    What I offer​
    What I expect​
    Novella I always break the Discord Limit (without Nitro) and my messages can range from 400 to 2.000 words, depending on what you give me to work with I can always pump that up. I write 3rd Person only.​
    Literate I do not need you to write 2.000 words each time but your average messages should be at least around 400 words, though more is always welcomed, less not so much. Please write 3rd person!​
    LGBTQIA+ friendly I am part of it myself and many of my OCs will be part of that community in some way​
    LGBTQIA+ friendly I do not expect you to be part of it, nor do you need to play OCs who are part of that community but I will not tolerate any slander of it​
    Diversity My OCs will be of various ethnicities, some of them will have disabilities, and many of them will not fit the social beauty standards​
    Diversity Once again, I do not expect your OCs to be the same, but I will not RP with Fatphobes, Racist, Sexists, Disabilists… etc​
    Maturity I am well into my twenties and I will treat people as they treat me, if you are respectful, so will I be and I certainly would like to make new friends​
    Maturity Please be at least 20+. I just cannot RP with teens anymore. I am too old for that. I will not RP teens in a romantic setting either.​
    Regularity Sadly, I work 40 hours a week and cannot write as much as I´d like but you can be certain I will try to write at least one RP message every day​
    Regularity Life sucks, I do not expect you to be online 24/7 but I would like a partner who can write an RP message every 1-2 days. The more the better, really!​
    OOC Friendly I would love to gush about our OCs and story from the beginning to build a connection, if you are just going to ignore me OOC then do not bother​
    OOC Friendly I do not expect you to become best buddies with me immediately, we can focus on our RP at first and befriend each other that way​


    Big Nos​
    Modern Everything after the 1900s is not really my style​
    Slice of Life Just… no… I RP to escape my life​
    College/School/Academy I won´t even do this as an AU​
    Slow Burn I find more pleasure in developing the relationship than constantly stopping it from forming, sorryyyy​
    Cheating Not gonna happen in our main couple(s), if you want to have it be part of someones past that is okay​
    Physical and mental abuse Same as above, not gonna happen in the main couple(s), having it part of someones past is fine​
    Mafia Eh… it always reminds me of the cheesy Wattpad fanfics, big maybe if the plot is fire??​
    Sci-Fi Listen this actually might be a Maybe but you gonna have an amazing plot for that​

    !!! For the love of everything that is holy to you !!!

    Please do not waste both of our time if you already know now we won´t be a good fit.
    Do not come into my DMs trying to convince me of the cool Slice of Life idea you have.
    Don´t reach out to me when you know you cannot match my message length nor my regularity.
    None of that is going to happen and we both just gonna be disappointed.

    Just move on. There are many people out there, you WILL find your suitable RP Partner who thinks like you.

    If you lose interest in the RP later on, just delete me. I do not need an explanation or even a goodbye.
    Just leave our server or delete me from your friend list, but don´t ghost me.
    Block me if you must, I have no issue with that.
    Just do not waste my time or yours.


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