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Two Thousand Club
The supernatural school is a boys school. Yes they have a girls, but its seperated. The boys spent SO many years together without females around, so they started getting interested in each other. Now they keep it a secret from the teachers. Well some teachers that is. A lot of teachers have caught on and joined in.


All males

God modding allowed, if you do this, you must be a teacher

Have as many characters as you please

Be respectful to others

Dont judge their typing style

Awesome, awesome. Sorry, I was playing Terraria. >.<

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama rode to the school on his dragon, getting there quickly. When he got there, he dismounted his dragon, took his bag out of the saddle bag, and said, "تم کو مسترد کر رہے ہیں ." dismissing the dragon. He slung his bag over his shoulder, and walked into the school, already remembering the info about everyone, the cogs of his brain going into action.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei slowly walked to the school, wondering what would happen. He couldn't see the school (duh), but he figured it would be a big school. He was walking, and he felt a wall in front of him. A bar came from his mask, and it extended to were he could feel around with the pressure from it. He used it until he found the door, and then went in, hearing a cascade of noise.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart sat in his room, converting random objects to shadow crystal, and then turning them back. He looked at his desk and his chair, and turned them both to shadow crystal. He looked at them for a second, shrugged, and kept them like that, continuing to convert random objects to shadow crystal. He stopped for a second, thought, and smiled. He called a wave of darkness over the room, so the only things you could see were his glowing desk and chair. He would wait for the students to come in, and he would start turning random things into shadow crystal. He laughed, put a cigarette in his mouth, lit it, and started smoking.
its all cool xD i am at school so im a lil busy...but in my spare time i can roleplay)

Piko headed to his forst hour class, not enjoying the bullying on the way over, but waved the thoughts about it away like it was a gnat flying around his head. The small male looked up at the number of the class and saw it was his. He walked in and looked at the teacher* "Sir....is there a seating chart?"  *The teacher shook his head so Piko smile, his tail moving around behind him. Piko moved to a seat in the back row by the window. Such a cliched seat.

Danny walks into class and looks at his surroundings. Oh WOW! That teacher is pretty hot! Too bad he's probably married or something. He's GORGEOUS! I wonder how much trouble I would get in if I just kissed him right now. Everybody would totally FLIP if I did that lol! Danny blushes after noticing he had been staring for far too long at the cute guy.


Danny walks into the classroom and sits down next to some random person. After sitting down he looks at the guy he sat down next to. Oh WOW... He's so BEAUTIFUL... I think I just died and went to heaven... He looks like an angel! 

Danny stares at the guy, practically drooling. Not realizing how stupid he looks with his ridiculous staring.
PIko's plug tail danced around as he stared out the window, the sun reflecting in his cyan eyes. He smiled as he closed them, giving off a nice aura. The white haired boy then opened his eyes, feeling other eyes on him. He turned and looked at the other person staring. He giggled and gave a small wave, but blushed from embarrassment* "hello..." *His voice had a hint of robotic in it.
"Oh!" He said embassedly. He had been caught staring. Crap!

"um-sorry" he said quickly looking away with a blush.

Piko smiled and waved it off, "dont mind, dont mint......you wan tto touch my tail right? lots of people do....its okay....go ahead" He moved his tail closer to the other boy.
Karma teleported to his class in a shadow of black with an array of stars in its image as he soon appeared in the classroom, slowly levitating to a seat nearing the back but closer to the middle. It was a new school year, but the Cosmic did not expect much, really. Even so, it was so amazing to see all of these diverse species around the classroom. Even so, he was quiet, taking his seat. Still, Karma did not sit down, merely hovering his butt a couple inches above the seat with his elbows resting against the desk as he looked around with his golden eyes. He sighed gently, revealing his toothy, Cheshire-like smile. It was upturned in a neutral expression, with no real emotion as he slowly and softly scanned the room. Some boys were already interacting. Karma shrugged. He was interested, however, so peered out of the corner of his golden eye forms to eye a couple of boys that were speaking, all without even turning his head. Karma was good at eavesdropping. They did not even know.
"Ahahaha!...you are too funny...." Piko couldnt help but laugh, his robotic voice becoming even more noticable. "Im Piko Utatane...nice to meet you" The boy let his tail do whatever now as he smile cutely at the other male.

Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama got to class and looked around. The teacher had a desk made of some weird dark rock, there was a boy with a plug tail, there was another boy whom had a cosmos in his head, and the last one had a mask on, staring creepily at the wall. He looked at the boy with the mask, and shrugged his shoulders, watching everyone else converse.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei used the voices around him to guide his way from bashing into anyone, and soon got to the classroom. He made a few clicks and whistles with his mask, moved towards a desk, and sat down. He heard a conversation to the people behind him, and felt the presence of two other boys: one to his left, and one at the far end of the room, away from everyone else. He looked at the boy at the far end for a second with his lifeless eyes, trying to figure him out. His mask wasn't able to show anything, and he obviously couldn't just look at him. He stared at the boy for a second, and looked away, staring into a wall.

Malhart Sumnor

Malhart scanned the boys as they came in, already deciding how he felt about each of them. He looked at his phone for a second, and when he looked back up,  he saw a boy staring at him. He shot the boy a sharp glance, and he blushed and turned to stared at another boy. Malhart rolled his eyes, the boy seemed shallow and stupid to him. It was quite obvious he was married, as the ring on his finger glowed with a dark aura.
Piko smiled. "nice to meet you!" He looked over at saw Karma, then got up and walked over. "excuse me....i would like to introduce myself...im Piko Utatane....i hope we become friends" He gave a bow and sat back in his seat, blushing. His shyness was showing through. Then he saw more kids walk in, including the teacher. He smiled brightly , hoping this year would be better than last. Well he hoped too late, a spit wad was shot at Piko's face, landing in his mouth. Piko coughed , though since it landed in the back of his throat he swallowed it. The male walked over. "Hey money garbage.....lets have another good year~" He laughed and sat in an empty seat. Piko's tail hit the ground, causing a loud bang, the thing actually heavy. He looked down at his desk in silence.



Malhart Sumnor

Malhart watched as the spitball went down Piko's mouth. Malhart slowly got up and walked towards the boy who had done that. He picked him up by the throat, and enclosed the space between the boy's throat and his hand with shadow crystal. "If I have any problems with you, I will destroy you. Do you understand me?" Malhart said, as the boy struggled to escape his grip (Although to no avail).
"YES SIR!" The bully cried out, scared for his life.

Piko shook his head. "just a stupid bully from last year.....be bullied is inevitable for me....dont worry about it......its fate" Piko looked out the window, in silent mode.


Karma blinked his golden marks for eyes and they eluded to slits before opening back up to bright half circles as he realized someone was looking at him with his cosmic sense. He averted his gaze from the other two individuals—that in which one was flirting with the other—to a male with piercing blue eyes whom was staring right at him. Karma's golden stellar eyes widened in surprise, and a slight reddish star glow rose to his cosmic cloud face. The boy wore a mask, and his eyes were clearly clouded. Could he be blind? Karma wondered as his eyes returned back to their normal state, no longer being wide. "Hi." He said simply in his honey baritone voice. After a moment, however, the boy looked away and stared directly at the wall beside him. The Cosmic was confused. Plenty confused. But he disregarded it and looked over at the teacher. Karma then heard coughing in the front from the boy with the tail who he was watching earlier that was being flirted with. After laughing and a boy sat down, the teacher stood up and proceeded to lift the boy by his throat and threaten him. Karma simply watched in disbelief as the bully screamed out.

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Mornuhama Loprak

Mornuhama watched the teacher lift a boy by his throat, and the same crystal that his desk was made out of appeared inside the gap between his fist and the boy's throat. "Huh... I guess that he can just make that..." Mornuhama said quietly, watching as the boy yelled.

Mei Rinsaku 

Mei heard the boy he was looking at earlier say hello as he looked away. He slowly looked back, still trying to detect his lifeform. He nodded at the boy, not sure how he acted. @PlaguedWithInsanity

Malhart Sumnor

"Good. I'll hold you to that," Malhart said, dropping him back into his seat. "And that goes for any one of you." Malhart said, averting his gaze to sweep over the class, before returning to his seat. 
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The bully shook in his seat, stayin quiet the whole time.

Piko laid his head on his desk, wanting to vomit from the spit wad he had swallowed. He needs to protect himself, but if he sings, it would effect EVERYONE in the room.
Karma smiled a small smile and waved with his black and shadowy, dark matter hands at the masked male as he soon looked back at the Cosmic. He then gazed over at the teacher as the man dropped the student down and back into his seat with a thud. He blinked in response, turning his dark curve of a chin down slightly as he still looked up at the teacher before looking back at the masked fellow. Karma tilted his head slightly, forming his toothy Cheshire-like mouth into a small "O" shape and he floated up and out from his desk and then floated over to the other student with the mask. "Hello there," he said simply, tilting his cosmos of a head slightly to the right, the dark, space-like formation full of stars floating around his head and emanating outwards. Karma floated in the air perpendicular to the masked boy's desk, lying flat on his stomach and being horizontal, facing the masked boy, with his his elbows lying on the boy's desk.

Mei Rinsaku

Mei heard a thunk across the room, and the teacher said something about how something goes for all of them. His head snapped towards Karma, as he noticed his life form detection showed that he was getting closer. Mei readied his defense protocol, but when all he said was hello, he disabled it. He made a small wave, and a couple of clicks and whistles, which didn't really mean anything. @PlaguedWithInsanity
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Karma blinked as the boy simply made clicking and whistling noises at him. Catcalls? Bird noises? He did not know. All he knew was that Earth was just so confusing. And he was starting to feel homesick. But this was his destiny; not to be a star, but to do this for his galaxy's future. He inwardly sighed and blinked once more. "Uh, hello?" he repeated in a questioning manner, head form cocked to the side. One of Karma's half-circle eyes appeared slightly less concaved, as if he were raising an eyebrow. He was just so confused. He tapped a shadowy dark matter fingertip against the top of the wooden desk, his head still cocked to the side, only to slowly rotate to the other side in his rising confusion of the other male.


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