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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post

No, you don't have to be accepted. All characters are fine unless said otherwise, which is usually just an already used image. Here brotha - 
Damn and this whole time I was waiting to be accepted lolol and I could have been writing instead?

sonsince the Rp is already 100+ pages do I start as a transfer student or something?
so confused... i replied to kai's post on the other thread after i edited my post to fit theirs, and then ikutoforever2222 replied with their character and im kinda conflicted what to do

NAME: Vadvasach Ziolur


AGE: 15


HEIGHT: 5'4"

SEXUALITY: Homosexual

SPECIES: Nephilim


POWERS: Can turn into a demon(Part of backstory)

PERSONALITY: Kinda skittish, paranoid, just a weeee bit evil, weird(At least, the way that other people see him).

BACKSTORY: Well, Vadvesach definitely has a weird name. But, it at least makes sense. Vadvesach is a nephilim, the offspring of an angel and a human. In this case, the angel was Lucifer, before he got sent to hell. Sooo it turned out instead of being all holy and innocent and shit like that, Vadvesach turned out to be part devil. Yaaaayyy! Unlike most nephilim, he can't control his powers. If he starts to get too nervous about something, he'll turn into a demon in about a minute. When he's a demon, he can't control anything that he actually does, so he kinda goes apeshit with fire on everything. This was how he kinda got permanently exiled from ever entering Venezuela, cause... ya know... he kinda burnt half the damn place down...(Yes, he nearly burnt down an entire country. Don't worry, he isn't usually that bad...)

OTHER: He can control himself in the moments before he turns into a demon, which he usually spends trying to get away from anything/anyone.

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Name:   Roxanne 'ru' darwinn

Gender: male

Sexuality: homosexual

Age: unknown

Species: devil's pan

Love interest: 

His Vadvasvach dearest

Personality: very quirky,sassy,and flamboyant. He likes to get his way and be spoiled. He is a huge flirt and a bit dramatic.  He doesn't scare easy but he's sensitive and somehow has a very feminine touch. 

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NAME: Vadvesach Ziolur


AGE: 15


HEIGHT: 5'4"

SEXUALITY: Homosexual

SPECIES: Nephilim


POWERS: Can turn into a demon(Part of backstory)

PERSONALITY: Kinda skittish, paranoid, just a weeee bit evil, weird(At least, the way that other people see him).

BACKSTORY: Well, Vadvesach definitely has a weird name. But, it at least makes sense. Vadvesach is a nephilim, the offspring of an angel and a human. In this case, the angel was Lucifer, before he got sent to hell. Sooo it turned out instead of being all holy and innocent and shit like that, Vadvesach turned out to be part devil. Yaaaayyy! Unlike most nephilim, he can't control his powers. If he starts to get too nervous about something, he'll turn into a demon in about a minute. When he's a demon, he can't control anything that he actually does, so he kinda goes apeshit with fire on everything. This was how he kinda got permanently exiled from ever entering Venezuela, cause... ya know... he kinda burnt half the damn place down...(Yes, he nearly burnt down an entire country. Don't worry, he isn't usually that bad...)

OTHER: He can control himself in the moments before he turns into a demon, which he usually spends trying to get away from anything/anyone.


(Care to start us?)
Is still open? I would like to join :)

Also , could I make an Anthro ? 


Name; Grey

Age; 17

Gender; Male

Sexuality ;Bisexual

Species ; Anthro cheetah


Personality ;  Grey is rather sweet and gentle .  he's often known to be a crafty and sly guy. he tends to very stubborn, doesn't like to listen most of the time. however ,  Grey is extremely open minded and listens to others if the have a problem . 


History ;  There's nothing much about his past ,  Grey lives with his parents and his younger sister, who he hung around with all the time. I'm the past,  Grey had a boyfriend during middle school but had broken up him soon when he found out that he was cheating on him with another guy. since than, grey 'a personality had seem to change alot. he started to get in more troblue and don't open up to people often. he's been living a lonely life 


Crush; None/Open

Boyfriend; None 

Mate; None 

Children ; None

Other ; 
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Name; Grey

Age; 17

Gender; Male

Sexuality ;Bisexual

Species ; Anthro cheetah


Personality ;  Grey is rather sweet and gentle .  he's often known to be a crafty and sly guy. he tends to very stubborn, doesn't like to listen most of the time. however ,  Grey is extremely open minded and listens to others if the have a problem . 


History ;  There's nothing much about his past ,  Grey lives with his parents and his younger sister, who he hung around with all the time. I'm the past,  Grey had a boyfriend during middle school but had broken up him soon when he found out that he was cheating on him with another guy. since than, grey 'a personality had seem to change alot. he started to get in more troblue and don't open up to people often. he's been living a lonely life 


Crush; None/Open

Boyfriend; None 

Mate; None 

Children ; None

Other ; 

I have a mermaid available if you want :3 the person playing his boyfriend  left the rp so I'm gonna just say he got dumped. Also eris has a egg he has to care for.
I have a guy that is a test tube baby. So he doesnt have any history. HE IS A PET! And he needs an owner :P



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[SIZE=11pt]Name: Joshua Joseph[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Nickname: Josh[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Age: 17[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gender: Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Sexuality: Pansexual[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Species: Werewolf[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Romantic Interest: Open [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Personality: He is quiet at first but once warmed up he is more open, he is calm and laid back, he enjoys simply being with his friends and is extremely caring and gentle unless you piss him off.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]History: Josh is an only child from a small town and is accustom to being alone, hence why he is usually quiet. He discovered that he was pansexual when he was 10 and was simply attracted to anyone as long as he likes their personality to a degree. His parents have always supported him and are extremely loving and supportive. He lost his eye fighting with another werewolf in his home town when he was younger. He lived a basic and normal life for any werewolf and is simply going to school now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Power: He is exceptionally strong[/SIZE]

Wolf with eye patch.jpg

Name: aspero bloodshire

Gender: male

Species: dream demon

Love interest: n/a


Name: Dorian mousawits

Gender: male

Species: dream demon

Love interest: none

Name: Spike Loover 



Gender: Male

Perso: Fast, smart, not very strong. sneaky, loving, caring

Bio: him and his brother have lived together in the forest all their lives, but were caught by police forces for stealing food and clothes and found out they were orphans so they were put in school.

Power: speed (like flash speed)

Brother: Spark


Name: Spark Loover

Age: 18

sexuality: Whatever that can please him xD

gender: male

Perso: Bad boy, smart, fast, strong

Bio:same as brothers

power: electricity manipulation

Brother: Spike

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