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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post


Okay. I'll change the pictures. To this --

Name: Riley Cavolti

Nicknames: Axe, Dog (cause of the collar), Mute

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Weapon

Love Interest:  N/A

Height: 5'10"


Likes: Listening to music, good food, books, swimming, fireplaces, candles, the feeling of rain on his skin and finally, smooth, small chocolate candies.

Dislikes: Loud sudden noises (a gun going off, a book slamming on a table, yelling Surprise or Boo when you sneak up on him, which doesn't happen often). The sound of chalk on chalkboard, high pitched ringing sounds or silence when he's trying to sleep.

Personality: He is a quiet, observant type of guy.  Becomes flustered or upset depending on the type of teasing (mean spirited teasing results in anger.) However, his emotions are different from people's.  Riley doesn't really feel anything.  He copies or mimics the emotions of others and pretends to feel something when he is merely indifferent to everything.  This isn't his fault.

History: Weapons are "people." He didn't feel like a person when he turned into a fucking battle axe.  He was a WEAPON...and the people who took him, his "masters" thought just that. They didn't look at Riley as though he was human.  They abused him, forcing him to change continuously, brutally beating him with clubs if he stopped to rest.  He was a weapon. Not a person. Weapons don't feel because they are inanimate. Don't cry. You're a weapon. Not a human. Riley begged for death, sometimes would change a part of his body, either his hand or his leg and slice at his legs or his foot (if it was his leg that was a part of the axe). Weapons don't feel anything. They can't feel anything, not love, not fear, and ESPECIALLY not pain.  Riley was beaten till he was so bruised and swollen that he no longer felt the pain, couldn't feel his ribs breaking, his fingers breaking.  Weapons don't feel.  His "masters" got their wish, he couldn't feel anything, so Riley figured, that if he couldn't feel anything, they shouldn't either. He killed them with no hesitation, no remorse...just...nothing. He felt nothing.

It took years for Riley to be able to make a small smile, they only reason was because of his adopted sister. Opal. Opal made something twist in his gut every time she looked at him with disappointment or made his chest tighten when she cried.  He became, more or less, human in a sense because of her.  He's 2 years older than Opal and when he turned 18 she suggested that he go to school made for people like him.  She didn't mean it in a bad way, she just meant unique and special.  She just knew her brother would help someone, he would be a hero for everyone, even though she giggled and he smiled, Riley was her hero first.  He arrived here with little understanding of what it truly meant to be a "weapon".  What he had learned was wrong, weapons had weapon masters who could wield them but treated them as though they were human. 





Riley Cavolti.jpg

Soul Eater Battle Axe.jpg
looks good everyone!!! <3

MY OC's!!!!!!!!! DONT STEAL!!!




Name: Julius

NN: Jul (Jool)

Age: 17

Position: Seme

Fraternal Twin brother: Jolin


Appearance details:

Hair: Dark Brown, Light brown, some angles its pink, some angles it is blue, some angles its even a purple

Eyes: Very light blue, Pupils are slits

Scales: Are on his cheeks: Darker blue/green

Scar: across his chest on the left side, survived a bull attack

Markings: Swirl on his side, left side

Lips: Have a pink tent, almost like he is wearing makeup

Earrings: Onyx studs in both ears

Abs: Yes


Perso: He is cool, richy, smart, bad ass, can care if he wants to, can love if he wants to

Bio: Him and his brother Jolin are probably the most popular boys in school, they went on vacation to america, where he was attacked by a bull. And survived. Now they have returned home and is fixing to go back to school. He is also a model with his brother in the "seventeen magazines"


Species: Chameleon/Siren

Power: Sings to lure in victims, then he eats them (mainly males), Blend in with surroundings

Vocal range: More of the deep smooth. They both have godly like voices when they sing, helps get prey entranced 

(Will add more later)



Name: Jolin

NN: Jol (Joel)

Age: 17

Position: Uke

Fraternal Twin brother: Julius


Appearance Details:

Hair: Very light pink

Eyes: Glowing Orange

Scales: On his cheeks, lighter blue/green

Scars: None

Beauty Mark: Above his lip on the left side

Markings: Swirl on his shoulder

Earring: Dangly one on his left ear

Lips: Same as his brothers, light pink tent as if wearing lip gloss

Abs: yes


Perso: Sweet, loveable, cool, caring, kind hearted, richy, popular

Bio: Along with his brother he is very popular, but Julius is more in the spotlight than him. He doesnt really like all the attention, but kinda is used to it. People here act as if they are celebrities. Well....they DO model ;)


Species: Chameleon/ Siren

Power: Sings beautifully to lure in victims, then eats them (mainly males), Blend in with surroundings

Vocal Range: Mediun angelic
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I feel like making myself as a character... I'ma do it. Just gonna change my name and use an image that I didn't draw(But looks suspiciously like me... If I was in anime.)

Name: Samuel Peters

Age: 15

Nickname(s): Prefers not to be called a nickname, but accepts Sam and Gale(Gale being his middle name)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7", although the rest of his family is very tall

Sexuality: Bisexual(Usually I'd put heterosexual if I was making my own character... But gotta have that romance tho. Besides, there aren't any women around.)

Nationality: American

Species: Half-Ethereal

Romance Interests: None currently, but will definitely happen

Powers: Since he is half ethereal, he can become invisible at will. It happens randomly somtimes as well. Can also teleport, and summon light.

Personality: It depends on who he's talking to. If it's someone he doesn't know well, he appears to be very well-spoken, smart, and thoughtful. If he is with friends, he tends to go a bit crazy, has a foul mouth, and makes bad jokes all the time. He isn't really thoughtful of other's feelings, but he can be good at faking it if he needs to. He tends to have trouble trusting other people. He also has a hard time conveying emotions, which is a big part of him not trusting anyone.

Bio: Samuel was born in America... In the South. Right in Tennessee. He grew up in a pretty bad place, which had affected him in good and bad ways. He has a heavy Southern accent that makes it hard for people to understand him sometimes, which he's gotten used to. He was always in every debate team and spoke publicly whenever he could, because once you got past not being able to understand him, he has a very strong voice and can put words together to make a convincing story, wether he's lying or not. 

Others: He's almost always playing music, which is pretty much either Country or Classical. He is also ALWAYS wearing a heavy pea-coat. Always. The only time he isn't is when he's sleeping.

I mean... I may not be half ethereal... But besides that, I did pretty good.

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Name: Edogawa

Age: 16

Sexuality: Isnt sure

Height: 5'3

Weight: 90 lbs

Perso: suicidal, shy, fearful (meaning he is scared of everything), will add more

Bio: He has this crazy force field type thing around him and he hates it because he cant even get close to people. His force field blasts people back or cuts them up. He tries to kill himself but the shield prevents it. If he doesnt eat and tries to starve himself, the shield drags  in rats and bugs and forces it down his throat. Edogawa is homeless and stays in an old ferris will cart that is randomly in a junk yard.

Extra: He has a thing for sweets.
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(This is a girl character *GASP* I know I know they are separated from the boys, so what's the point? Quite possibly their could be a marketplace, kinda like a town square, where students could go buy things or food if they have money, and interact for a few minutes or hours.  This all depends on if this is accepted or not.)

Name: Delia Klein

Age: 17

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Height: 5'

Weight: 100

Romance: N/A but it will happen

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: German

Race: German / American

Personality: An "artsy", outgoing, bright young lady who does performances with a Gym Wheel.( Look this up on youtube it's wicked cool.)  She's not super loud and tends to have a more gentile voice and nature about her that reads as being sweet and innocent.  She's hardworking and expects others to try their best even if they may fall short, in her mind, it was the fact that the person tried to succeed. Encouraging and acts more mature than most.

Bio: TBR


Powers: Can forsee death.  Delia's wail is high and melodic, but if their is more than one death being seen then the wail shatters glass.





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((OOC: This is my OC and I drew him myself,,, not to mention he shares the same nationality as me so yeah,,,,, please don't steal))

Name: Agui Opsima

Age: 16

Nickname(s): Hates nicknames, he either would get really angry or really flustered

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5" (tallest in his family)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Filipino

Species: Half Santelmo

Romance Interests: Prefers his partner to be more dominant than him. Agui looks for someone who can withstand his how you could say hotheadedness

Powers: Due to him being half Santelmo, he has the ability to make fire appear around his body and even manipulate it. When he's really angry (like really angry) he could take a form of what seems to be an actual Santelmo (but with a body due to him being half human too) but after taking that form he usually passes out or is really tired. Not to mention he could only take that form for a short time.

Personality: Agui is usually a lot rude to people, he has the habit to confuse people by speaking in Filipino or by burning a strand of their hair or something. He's very snarky and gives off a "don't talk to me" aura. When he's arguing he likes to get very personal and touchy. 

Bio: Agui was born and raised in the Visayas part of the Philippines. He was never really allowed outside of his room, since it was too dangerous. He would usually spend his time reading or playing around with scrap parts from some broken toys and create something with them.

On his 16th birthday he was transferred to the school by his family, so that he could socialize with people who could "understand" him and help him control his abilities. (Note: he's a new student)

Others: He knows how to play the violin, guitar, and is quite good at singing. Though he hates the thought of serenading to someone he likes unless he really does care for that person. He also has a little lisp when he says words with an S. (Example: instead of saying "stupid" he says "thtupid" it is not really noticeable but you can hear it if you listen well enough)



(The ears are his actual ones, there are holes in his hood so they look like they are apart of the hoodie but they are not XD)



Ibutane Nightmare St.Bunny



St.Bunny or Nightmare or Ibu-chan or (if your his partner) Ibutie






Death Rabbit



Can become invisible for 30 minutes a day

Run really fast and jump supper high

When angry his eyes turn red and he can set fire to things












2.3 meters


Romantic Interests:

Likes the other person to take the lead



None as of yet



kind, caring, shy, bubbly, enthusiastic, childish



When Ibutie was little he had heaps of friends and a perfect life. He was loved by every one and he was always happy and when people around him were sad he would make their day. But one day as he was walking to school with his friends a strange man appeared and asked them for directions to their school. Since Ibutie was innocent at the time and always thought that everyone was nice and kind and there was no such thing as evil he lead the man to their school. Once they got to his school the strange man killed his friends and everyone but him in the school. Ibutie has been afraid of making friends since that day. When ever some one would walk up to him and talk about how their life was, as soon as they mentioned childhood friends, Ibutie would go crazy and destroy things. The only thing that could snap him out of it was a hug. Once given a hug he would start crying.








Karuto Sakeychi Nomoto












Doesn't walk... he floats!!! and sometimes he'll fly


Move objects at will (telekinesis)

(when angry)-goes insane and uses fire














Romantic Interests:

Likes to take charge



None as of yet



Crazy, strong minded, stubborn, mysterious



Karuto's parents were hateful people, they used to (just for fun) torture Karuto all the time. After a while Karuto stopped feeling pain and started to laugh at it. His parents had made him so insane that he had to go to hospital. So Karuto then spent the rest of his life in an orphanage by himself while his parents were sent to a mental institute. Karuto always kept to himself and when other came up to him he would always say "Won't you look at that, some one wants to play with the freak". Some of the kids from the orphanage used to beat him up for being so freaky but he never even flinched when they started hurting him. He would just laugh and laugh and laugh until one day the kids went to go do it Karuto walked straight up to them with a blank face and killed them. After that day he has always been fascinated by other reactions to himself and people in pain. When ever some complains that their life was "painful" Karuto would remind them of what he went through and how their life was nothing. No one knows about him and the killing of the children who hurt him, because he used his magic to teleport them to somewhere no one will find them. xD​
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Name: Pittoo


Species: Dark Angel

Sexuality: Gay

Power: Flying (obviously), Dark magic, lots of darkness xD

Perso: Bad boy, cool type, strong, smart, fast, clever, sneaky

Bio: He is actually the opposite of an angel named Pit, he was created through a mirror. Now he goes to school because he was kicked out of heaven as a result of bad behavior.

Likes: Sword fighting

Dislikes: Whiny people

Name: Pittoo


Species: Dark Angel

Sexuality: Gay

Power: Flying (obviously), Dark magic, lots of darkness xD

Perso: Bad boy, cool type, strong, smart, fast, clever, sneaky

Bio: He is actually the opposite of an angel named Pit, he was created through a mirror. Now he goes to school because he was kicked out of heaven as a result of bad behavior.

Likes: Sword fighting

Dislikes: Whiny people

xD  Dark pit from Kid Icarus? @IkutoForever2222

Name: "I am called Scar, that's all you need to know."

Age: "this body has twenty nine years old, even though my soul is even older than most dinosaurs"

Nicknames: "I got many names... Death Riser,Unholy offspring and others, though my most favorite is "Undying lover" God knows why. "

Gender: "Well, my soul has no gender, but this body is male, so yeah I'm a male."

Grade: "I am supposed to be a fencing teacher, though I don't really care about classes, just to have a good fight."

Sexuality: "I am pansexual, but I have a preference over the male body."

Nationality: "I was "born" in Dominican Republic. Yes I can speak Spanish."

Species: "I am a Dhampir. The offspring of a vampire and a human, but every time I use my powers, little by little I become more and more vampire."

Romance interests: "No one for now, though that could change when the time comes."

Powers: "Well, let me give you a list of what I can do."

"Hemokinesis, I can control blood and their variations. Though I like to control my own blood and the blood of my lover to feed myself.

Death calling, I can summon undead using my blood, though I can also revive recently dead bodies too, also using my blood.

Inmense blood tank, I have a pretty big blood supplies, being three times the human blood supply.

Electrokinesis, yeah sounds cliché, but I can control electric currents.

Pyrokinesis, and as I control electricity, I can also control the byproduct of electricity, that is fire. Basically I can control two types of plasma."

Personality: "Why don't you just talk to me and see with your own eyes?"

Bio: "I have ten letters for you. C.L.A.S.S.I.F.I.E.D., only the head master has that data."
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(who wanna take him in??)





Azazel Valora Randomire






psycho,sadist,calm and clever






Dark Magics

blood sucker



holy water

holy symbol

Golden bullet



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Name: Heliodoro Rinsaku

Age: 27

Nickname(s): Helios

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: Southern American(Rio)

Species: Fire bender

Romance Interests: None

Powers: Can shift fire to aid his physical fighting, can shift into a hellhound, and magma heals his wounds.

Personality: Protective, smartass, loyal, paranoid

Bio: Heliodoro is one of Mei's older brothers. He wasn't nearly as short ended as Mei, not being near when the government released the gasses upon the household. He provided a main source of income for their family, and became kind of the head of the house hold. He's fiercely protective of Mei, and won't let anyone fuck with him. He currently works as an animal slaughterer and cage fighter.

Others: He can only speak Spanish & Russian.


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name: Kasper n. Dwight

Gender: male

Age: unknown

Species:  demon

Love interest: his precious luke


Dark and very blunt about most things, he is a bit childish as is he has a temper but that doesn't mean the guy is always serious. He always holds very little fear and can be quite stubborn. With lovers he ends up getting a little soft and very territorial, he probably will give in a lot but all the while hold his ground. He is a seke which means he's both a dominant and submissive. 
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