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Fantasy Yaoi Supernatural High: Character Post

Name: Luke Wayland

Species: Hybrid (Part Werewolf/Part Vampire)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Personality: Luke is funny but sweet and sometimes series.

Love Interest: None yet.

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If you want you can pair your character with one of mine seeing as i only had two successful pairs and I do not post one liners


I dont either sometimes I have to cuz theres nothing else I can really do but its rare and i would love that.
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Name: Adam Phantom

Status: Earl

Age: 15 (looks 13)

Sexuality: Gay

Perso: Smart, cool type, serious, never happy

Bio: He grew up in a very big mansion all his life. At age 10 his mansion was intruded by robbers and they ended up murdering his parents and in the process they sliced his left eye. It is blind now so he covers it with accessories.

Scars: One going down from his eyebrow on the left side, all the way down to his jawline.

Extra: He loves tea and sweets.

Not an OC v

His butler:

Name: Deimos

Everything about him is unknown

Name: Kai Hitachiin 


Height: 5'4

Weight: 130lb

Looks: Chocolate Brown hair and Hazel eyes

Clothing: usually wearing jeans and a loose fitting top, always has his glasses on((can't see without them))

Species: A human but he has a power called Postcognition and ESP

Personality: Jumpy, Clumsy, kind, kinda nerdy,forgetful 

Extra: Loves cats,is obviously an uke 

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"I am Dorian Nobell"


"Call me Link. Please."




"Heh... I am a male."


"I am as straight as a rainbow. As you probably know, a rainbow isn't straight."

Romantic Interests:

"I don't have some as of yet? Would you like to be one/"

"I was born in the one... The only... Switzerland."

"I am a human my dear."


"I can see connection. Just by looking at someone, I can see their friends, their family, their bloodtype, etcetera. I can also look at two totally different things and suddenly see how they are connected."


"I am on my Junior year here."


"People know me as the flirty one. True true. I love everyone. Nearly everyone loves me. Not one person will I not try to put my charm on. I do this to know more about them. To know everything about everything. To know each deep and dark secret. Don't worry. I never do anything with this knowledge. I just do it because I am curious. I want to know everything that the world has to offer. It's secrets and everything else like that."


"I was born in a city called Zurich. I was an only child of a sad widowed mother. She was poor and pathetic. I felt as if I needed to take care of her so I did. I am not much of a fit person. Sure I'm fit but I'd rather not be too strong. Being muscular would truly hide away my natural beauty. I prefer strength in intelligence. I received all  As in school and I tried to be the smartest I could be. I tried learning people's actions and expressions to see how they could be bargained with and I also bought us food for the family. During an introduction to chemistry as a Freshman, I took some mysterious chemicals and I made a serum that boosted by intelligence to see how people can be connected to things,and swayed. This helped me get food cheaper by bargaining with people. Soon, I tried doing things to show my mother I could see many things but she was getting annoyed with me. She... She drank when she was sad. She got angry and I was angry too. I said she didn't care about my life and things like that and I... I hurt her. I slapped her in the face. I gave her pain. I was too shocked by my own actions to say anything so I was silent and ran off. I took my wallet and I headed to the train station to take a train out of the country. I could not bear being anywhere even remotely close to my mother. I was completely peaceful and I couldn't bare myself to hit a single person. That single person I hit... Was the worst person possible. After a long while, I eventually made it to the highschool after hearing about it from a siren who used to be in the school. He technically wasn't supernatural. His condition is scientific, not supernatural but he wouldn't say that. He wanted to make a new start. He swore never to hit someone again.
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(I anyone is interesed ahah here)


Name: Jarvan IV


Race: Reaper of Pain and Insanity

Personality: he is graceful,neat,pleasant and psychothic in time of needs 

Likes: Males watching people lives and back grounds

Accent: British (did i spell it right) 

Powers: take the souls of the Sufferings and bring the death back to life (but there will be a catch )  he  can do Parkour

Hobby: Crossdressing and looking at everyone story Screenshot_2016-11-07-09-47-21-1.png

Weapon: ChainsawScreenshot_2016-11-07-09-49-51-1.png

NAME: Stef Ventura

NICKNAME: Member 17

AGE: Sixteen


HEIGHT: 5'7"





POWERS: Can tell people's feelings and thoughts

PERSONALITY: Stef never really was the popular guy. He never wanted to be. He liked being alone, watching everyone else and figuring out how they act. This might be because he's partially insane, but that's a rather calm side of him as well. Anyways, as a kid, people always thought Stef was weird. He could always tell how people were feeling if he looked into their eyes once. It became kind of a trick of his, and even gained him some attention. However, he mostly shut himself off to a couple of people, preferring not to be a part of a mass. He's opened up over the years, but he still never got through watching people. He always did that to predict how people acted, and who he could trust.

OTHER: Yes, he is actually mentally insane. It actually makes him a lot calmer, instead of violent. He tends to be pretty nonchalant about everything. His clothing can blend in with walls if he needs.

@TrueBananaz For Dorian, my good sir.
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ok so I want to join but I have a few questions? 

do we have to be pre-approved to join? and are we allowed to use real people as a ref but change the name and stuff? can we use any type of anime ref? I'm a bit new so I apologize if this is annoying..
ok so I want to join but I have a few questions? 

do we have to be pre-approved to join? and are we allowed to use real people as a ref but change the name and stuff? can we use any type of anime ref? I'm a bit new so I apologize if this is annoying..

You just make a character sheet on this page and you join in on the main rp. And you can use rl pics but most don't. Any anime pictures are fine long as it's not someone else's artwork in specific and long as nobody is using the pictures.  
You just make a character sheet on this page and you join in on the main rp. And you can use rl pics but most don't. Any anime pictures are fine long as it's not someone else's artwork in specific and long as nobody is using the pictures.  

alright, thank you !!

Name ; Xamder "Ice" Misseon 

Nicknames ; Dumb blonde, Xan (pronounced zan)

Age ; 17

Gender Male, but is slightly feminine.

Height ; 5''10' 

Nationality ; South Korea

Sexuality ; gay af

Species ; Human (well... somewhat. he's kinda magical. especially in bed.)

Romantic Interests ; N/A atm, open.

Powers ; 

Water and Ice manipulation (they go hand and hand, so he's able to either deform ice into water or water into ice, and he can bend it in whatever way he wants.)

Personality ; Xander is... interesting, at least. He's a bit of a flirt, but at the same time he's shy. He won't hesitate to ask you out for coffee or dinner, but once it actually happens, he'll get really nervous. It's one of the things that makes him cute. He thinks he's the coolest thing on earth and has a bit of a temper if you mess with him or his friends. While most of the time he tries to be his coolest and coldest, one you get to know him, he's a softie and loves dogs. Half the time he's either happy or confused, or both at the same time. In a way he's like a lost puppy himself, but if you get into a relationship with him, expect a clingy boyfriend who just wants to cuddle and watch movies 24/7.

History ; He'd prefer not to say, but if you know him well enough and just ask, he'd most likely tell.

Other ; sorry if this is sloppy to you guys! im not used to forum roleplaying at all, so im pretty new ;-; please tell me if i did anything wrong or if i need to make changes. 

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