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Realistic or Modern Y O U N G & R I C H (C L O S E D)


𝘒𝘬𝘒 π™ˆπ™„π™‰π˜Ό !

tenor (7).gif
Young and Rich
Teenagers are bad enough, but ya know what's worse? Teenage celebrities who think it's always about them.
Recently there has been a lot of issues with these celebrity teens, forcing their parents to gang up and take some action!
It was official on March 1st, 2017, that a small town in California known as Rosewood will be opening up their town to these celebrity teens from all around the world.
Now, the mayor the of this town and the people in it weren't so happy about the idea, but money tends to make people think differently.
A mini mansion was given to these teens, with a stubborn old lady running it... Her name is Miss Linda Kirkland. She's a bit old to be watching these rambunctious celebrity teens. But, well, she was the only one who offered (actually thinking she can be turned from misbehaved kids into perfect teens).
The town is completely open to these teens, they'll go to the public school with all the other normal lived teens in Rosewood and just attempt to live a normal life, with security guards and such.

Alright this is a roleplay based off conceited and dependent teenage celebrities who need to be taught a lesson. summerwine summerwine and I (her co-gm) have added a bit more to this plot and it will be revealed in the actual thread

alright guys. Once I answer one of my roleplays, I will make the thread

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