Xx Caged xX

(Thanks SongOfTheSpiritWolf and Balthair! You guys are awesome!)


She nodded at Rick. "Ok." She said, then shook it off. Then, she slid it to him. "Do your best. If you need help, I got you." She said, telling him that she got his back. That is, if Desmond went crazy on him.


He mumbled. "Yeh." He said, blinking, trying to focus. He shook his head, trying to get back into reality.

Desmond watched Ethel and she flipped the gadget off and then pass it too... Rick! "Rick! My baby! How are you?" He asked, smiling towards him. Desmond walked down onto the floor. (Before he was on a pile of wood from the ceiling) He walked to Rick, and held his arms out.
Rick.::. He put the device on and took a step backwards, turned toward Arrow and pointed. "Help him out first. Then I have questions for you. And there won't be affection until then. You abandoned us." Seeing Arrow get buried and Desmond seem to not care had thrown the poor penguin over the edge. He didn't know what to think of Desmond anymore. His little heart was numbed to his previous father figure.
Desmond frowned. Then nodded. "OK." He said, then turned to Arrow and Sickle. "Hello." He said, blankly to both of them. "Oh dear." He said, looking at Arrow. He did this. Desmond took all the rocks off, easyily. The animals couldn't do so easy, especially Sickle, who had to arms. He lifted Arrow up, from the spot, and carried him to a softer spot. Desmond was a strong man. He didn't seem it, but he was. He lay Arrow down gently and returned to Rick. "Ask as you wish." He said, just like he did in the circus. Some things had changed about him, other things didn't.


He felt Desmond pick him up, carry him, and lay him somewhere else. He wanted so badly to fight him. But, he couldn't. It seemed his whole body was asleep. Only his eyes and mouth were awake. "Monster." He whispered, as Desmond left.


She too had seen Desmond when she was young. She'd grown up with him. She was one of the first animals he got for this circus. Arrow had been one of the last, so he didn't have as much as a connection with Desmond as she did. She sighed and was ready to watch this all unfold.
Rick.::. He watched Desmond move Arrow gently, and then asked his question when acknowledged. "My first question is simple, da..Desmond. Why? Why did you leave us all here in cages and never come back until now? What happened? Do you have enemies?" He took a step toward him, anticipating his answer to be a good one. Hoping it would be a good one.
Desmond sighed. "My dead penguin. I can not talk about it. I was going through some very hard times." He said. What was weird about him was that you couldn't tell if he was lying or not. You couldn't tell if he was mad or sad or worried and whatever. You couldn't tell anything about him, and that's what made a big time difference. "May I ask you a question?" He asked.
(Rick is dead? Lol. I think you got the wrong button, Scribbler101 xD )

Rick.::. He thought a bit before answering. "Yes, ask away. I'll answer anything you ask as long as you answer my questions as well." He stared at Desmond, studying the man he thought he knew for so long. He awaited the question in the man's head.
(OMG! I didn't see that! I meant to write 'dear'. Sorry! LOL)

Desmond opened his mouth. "Why didn't you guys ever escape?" He asked, raising one eye-brow. "Because their was a door there, that led you out." He said, pointing to the door that Rick had found. The door that Arrow opened and saw a brick wall. The door that failed them.
(Lol it's fine. I found it kinda funny lol.)

Rick.::. He looked at the door Desmond pointed at, then turned back to him. "There's a brick wall behind that door. We tried everything we could think of. That door, the windows were too high, and we can't dig through cement. Truth is, there was no way put." He glanced at Ethel and gestured to the door, telling her to open it to show Desmond.
(Haha very funny. *Squints eyes away*)


She nodded and walked over to the door. She opened it, struggling a bit, then stood back. She let Desmond look at it, then headed back to where she was.

Desmond smiled. "My dear animals. Did you try to push it? The cement binding them together is very old, it falls easily." He said, walking over to it. He punched it, and some bricks fell. Then, punched more, and they fell. Eventually, all the bricks fell. "See?" He said, holding his hand out to the door.
: Sickle :

"For your information, Desmond," Sickle slithered over, and spoke into the device," Some of us don't have any fists! And if we hit it with our head, concussion is the thing we'll get!" He hissed loudly, baring two sharp fangs.
Desmond looked over at Sickle. Memories of him with the snake was flashed in his mind. He knew what he did to these animals was wrong, but he had no choice. "But, you have others." He said, pointing to Rick, Arrow, and Ethel.

Desmond Story:

As a child, he loved going to the circus and watching all the animals do there tricks. It was full amazement. When he grew older, he decided to make one. He purchased a small butterfly house, and began to work his magic. He soon later bought Ethel. Then Rick. Many others, and then Sickle. Then Arrow. Then a couple more.

The circus seemed to be going fine, until when two men in black came to him one day. They told him they needed money, because they were using his building. Desmond didn't believe this. He told them he purchased it, and that the owner had left it. The two men pulled out guns and demanded money. Desmond did. They left him, an things were back to normal. Then, one day they came again.

Desmond said he had no money, and that he had used it for the animals. The men grabbed him and drove away, leaving the animals still in there cages. And Desmond never returned, scared his animals would die.

Desmond's Looks:

Rick.::. He looked dumfoundedly at Desmond. "But we would never have thought of that. You couldn't have at least left a hint or clue for us to know to hit the bricks? We're just animals, dad, not humans." A shocked look overcame his face as he slowly realized what he just said. Dad. Yeah, that was right. No matter what, to Rick Desmond would always be that. Dad. No less than that.
Desmond blinked. He was in shock that Rick had called him dad. "Well uh. uh/" He said studdering. He wasn't sure what to say after that. He was too shocked.
Mind If I Join?

Name: Lucia

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Type of animal: Wolf

Mates or pups?: No, not yet... ;)


Other: Easily tempered, smart, knows her way around.
(haha ;)  
It was all a flash of what happened, Lucia can barely remember half of it, but She see Desmond. Ahh her owner, her ears perked up. But then she remembered, HE left us here! HE locked us here! She started getting angry, but happy and sad. She had such mix emotions of everything going on

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