Xx Caged xX

While the other animals were fiddling with the door, Sickle knocked into the top of his glass container, sliding the top door a bit. He whipped his tail in excitement, and continued slamming into the roof of his cage. Eventually, the lid was slid off, revealing a way out for the snake. Sickle slithered out quietly, gliding himself to the scene.

He turned the door knob completely now. He didn't know why, but his tongue was sticking out. Then, the door creaked open. Behins it was..... "A brick wall?!" He yelled. He was furious. "Are you kidding me!" He barked. Another plan or clue, failed. "When are we ever going to get out?!" He asked. He looked at the other animals, his eyes desperate for an escape. He couldn't take it anymore. Sooner or later he was going to become crazy. Would he die here? He didn't want that. No one would.


Well, that's ironic. Maybe it was some circus prop. She thought to herself. "It's okay. It could have been anything. It could have been worse..." She said, wondering how it would be worse. This was a disappointing find. It was another desperate attempt failed. Why? Why are we locked here. We didn't deserve this... none of is did. She thought to herself again. Her thoughts seemed to be the only comfort she had in this dark room.
Rick.::. His jaw dropped and his eyes began to water as he witnessed the huge disappointment of finding a door with naught but a brick wall behind it. ""B-b-but....i-it was a door..a-a-and it was our way out..." he retreated to his cage ,yet again disappointed. But he still held strong to his faith in Desmond as he curled up on his little bed in the corner of his cage and began to quietly cry. (For he wore his heart out on his sleeve.)

"It's Okay Rick." She said to the penguin. All of them knew each other. They had worked together in the circus and now were stuck in a building. It had been months ad their food supply was running low. Desmond had left them food and water, but it wasn't enough. She wondered if they would ever turn on each other to survive. That one of them would eat another. She shook her head, getting rid of the thought.


He was mad. He wasn't disappointed. He hated Desmond. He left them here to die. Probably ran off with the money and left them to rot and die. Locked them in cages in a small building and left. Luckily, they escaped from their cages, but now was the hard part. Getting out.

He slammed himself against the wall, in anger. He needed to get out. Now.
Rick.::. He wiped his tears from his face "Thanks Ethel. I know it will be, but I just wish Desmond had left us clues..so far all of our attempts have done nothing but leave us all distraught and all we have to show for it is a brick wall matching that one spot on the wall over there..." his voice trailed off as he pointed to the wall across the warehouse from his cage. He figured it was just were the builders had forgot to paint the wall or the pant had peeled off in the years after it was built. Or maybe it used to be some sort of attraction and that piece had been intentional. But whatever it was, he didn't feel like putting ideas into anyone's head about hope again.

He heard something. His ears flicked. "Hey. Did you guys hear that?!" He asked. He looked at the ceiling. There was flapping. And it was loud. He couldn't hear himself think. "What's happening?!" He yelled. He looked around at the others.


She heard it too. Then, she heard it grow and get louder. She looked at Arrow. She got up and starred at the ceiling ready for it to burst.
Rick.::. He heard the commotion as well, but instead of looking at it he hid his head under his blanket in the cage and started mumbling to himself "Find your happy place. Think of the Desmond and all those fish.."
( lol, that too funny Balthair! )


She squinted her eyes and the roof seemed to be exploding. It was a helicopter. "What the heck is happening?!" She yelled. She backed up, waiting for the roof to cave in.


He barked at the ceiling. At the roof. He jumped up, trying to see if he could get out. He looked back at the penguin and wondered what was his problem.
(Lol thanks scribbler :) I try to keep some humor when I can)

Rick.::. He took his head out from under his blanket and glanced at the roof, terror written on his face. "What's happening!?!?"
: Sickle :

The mamba snake coiled in a tight ball on the ground," ARGGH! It's so loud!" He screeched and covered his sensory organs with his tail, very upset at the sudden noise.

She hid in a corner, waiting for something to happen. Then, it did. BOOM! The ceiling caved in. "Arrow!" She yelled, as she saw the wolf fall down and get burried in the bricks and wood and everything. Then, the helicopter came. She saw a figure open the door. "Desmond?!" She whispered to herself. No, this couldn't be happening!


It was all a flash. He heard the snake yell and then the cheetah. He saw the penguin look. And then, everything went black.
Rick.::. He watched, terrified, as the wolf was buried in rubble and stared at the door of the helicopter as it opened. He saw a figure, but didn't care if it was Desmond or not. He was in shock. He heard Ethel scream Arrow's name and waddled toward the buried animal as fast as he could. "Arrow, are you ok?! Arrow!"

He blanked out. He could hear the penguin. He could hear the snake's rattling tail. He could hear the cheetah. And he could hear Desmond's voice. He couldn't speak though. He tried to. It just hurt.


She watched in horror as she saw how the wolf became to be buried. She looked up. "You!" She said, growling at Desmond. "You left us!" She roared. But, humans only heard growls and roars from animals, thinking they were talking non-sense.

Desmond stepped out of the helicopter, wearing body-gear. "Hello fellow friends!" He said, smiling to his friends. Like it was some sick game. "I have returned!" He said, waving his arms up, like when he was in the circus.
Rick.::. He heard Desmond, but didn't look up as. He ran to the spot where the wolf had just been. He began trying to lift the rubble off of his..acquaintance.? The hadn't really ever labeled each other friends that he knew of. He just knew he had to save the fellow animal. "Guys, help me!"
: Sickle :

He looked up to see Arrow being smothered in rubble. He hissed and slithered over, nodding his head and started to haul the rubbish off the wolf. "Arrow! Arrow?" He called.
Rick.::. He knew they needed to save Arrow as soon as possible, so he kept pulling more and more rubble off of him. He thought he was starting to see him, when he got to a rock he couldn't pick up, even with adrenaline running through him. "Dang it! I can't get it!"
Ethel.::. She knew her... friends... had Arrow. SO, she decided to get Desmond. "You left us!" She growled. she hated his gutts.

Arrow.::. He barely spoke. It was like when you first woke up and you are half awake and half asleep. "He." Was all he could say. He was trying to say here.

Desmond smiled at Ethel. "Well, hello darling." He said. He took of his shades so he could really look her in the eyes. "You have changed." He said. He looked around. "You all have!" He said, raising his arms.
Rick.::. He found the head of the wolf, but just barely. "He's here! Help me find his body!" He then glanced up at Desmond and gave a sneer...well...as close to a sneer as you can get with a beak that doesn't move in the way a mouth would, and then returned to digging out the fellow animal.
Arrrow.::. He mumbled again. "H-Help." He said, managing to get it out. He heard Desmond's voice. Desmond was the one who crushed him. Did he even know he was there?

Ethel.::. She was happy to here they found Arrow. But, now she had to focus on someone called... a meanie face... She didn't know. That was the closed she knew to something mean. She growled and her head began to lay low. She was going to pounce him!
Rick.::. "Wait!!" He yelled over to Ethel, who was about to pounce. "Maybe he can explain as to why he did it. Lead him over here so he can help us! I'm sure once he notices what happened he'll help us save Arrow." He returned the the wolf uncovering, revealing little bits of the animal at a time from underneath the rubble.
Ethel was about to pounce. Then, she heard Rick. The penguin. She looked up, listened to what he had to say and nodded. "Ok." She said, and looked back at Desmond. "But how will he understand us? All he hears is us growling and junk. If only we had some transmitter." She said, looking at the ground. And if magic, just like that Desmond had said these words.

"Here." He said, throwing a gadget thing at her. "Maybe I can hear you talk. Just put your paw in it. Or your neck, but I don't think you can do that." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Ethel put it on. "Why are you here?" She asked, repeating what Rick had asked her to say.
Rick.::. He was busy uncovering Arrow when he heard Desmond say he could understand them with some machine. “Wait, he can hear what we have to say?" Arrow was pretty much uncovered at this time, so he left it to snake as he walked toward Desmond dumbfounded. He watched as Ethel used the machine and awaited Desmond's response to her question.
Arrow moved his head back and forth. He was too weak to be mad at Desmond for squishing him. He guessed he didn't even know he squished him. He opened his eyes, and saw Desmond. The face who had once been their... father. Or at least he was like a father. Now that face was a traitor.

"Oh sweetheart. I had to go away for a bit." Desmond said, with his soft eyes looking at him.

"Lair. You're a traitor!" Ethel yelled at him. She looked back at Rick, asking for some help. She wasn't quiet sure what to do.

(Also, it's me B-day!)
(omg! Happeh berfdai!)

: Sickle :

The snake had seen that Arrow was tilting his head weakly. He saw this as a good sign. At least the wolf wasn't mashed to death. He inhaled and hauled off the last major rock, only leaving some debris left on the canine's fur. "Are you okay?" Sickle asked through scaled lips.
(Happy birthday scribbler :) hope you have a good one)

Rick.::. He stared blankly at his beloved Desmond, only he didn't feel the same way towards him as he used to. Desmond seemed...different somehow. He noticed Ethel looking at him expectantly and snapped out of his own thoughts. "Can I have the machine?" He asked her sweetly as he slowly walked up. He knew what he was going to say and he was prepared to say it, no matter the consequences.

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