Xx Caged xX


Once upon a time, as most stories go, there was a circus. It had amazing talents, the best you ever saw. But then, someone broke their leg while doing a trick, and sued the place. The owner of the place, "Desmond Ore-lend," locked up all the animals. Lions, tigers, penguins, ect. He had tons of animals. He locked ever single one of them. Now, they (animals) are left alone, hoping to go. Will they always be this way? Or will they escape, maybe Desmond will com back one day. Who knows? The animals decide this time.


Basically, you, the animals try to escape the horrible place. It seems very impossible. But maybe, someone will have the smarts to break out. Then, if we do one day, we will roam the earth looking for Desmond.


1.) Have fun

2.) No killing each other

3.) Have at least two sentences in proper grammar, each time you post.

4.) No bulling or harrasment

5.) If you are reading this, put "Gummy Bears" on the top or bottom of your skelly

6.) Please be active, if not I can remove you

7.) Keep this interesting, not like "Kaylyn yawned as everyone sat around the table staring at each other. There was a long awkward silence."

8.) Keep it PG-13, in "mating"/romance and violence

Animals that you can be












If you have any others ask and I will see if I can allow it





Type of animal:

Mates or pups?:



My Skelly

Name: Arrow

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Type of animal: Wolf

Mates or pups?: No

( Sorry pics so big )

Other: He likes to lead

Name: Ethel

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Type of animal: Cheetah

Mates or pups?: She had a pup, named Iggy

Looks: (sorry pics so big )

Other: She likes to roam
Name: Xan

2 years old

Animal: Chimpanzee

Looks: Black fur, amber eyes, tan skin.

Other: He likes to have fun.
(Hi scribbler! I decided to join your rp, but I still dunno how to post pictures...so I guess I'll just try to explain my animal's looks, if that's alright.)

(Oh, and GUMMY BEARS!)

Name: Kuro

Gender: female

Age: 2 years, almost 3

Type of animal: miniature wolf

Mate or pups?: none yet

Looks: like I mentioned already, Kuro is a miniature wolf. She is a lot smaller than most wolves; Almost as small as a fox infact..she could be mistaken for a younglin. Despite her size, Kuro is actually very strong. She has a skinny build underneath her long white fur. Her paws and the tips of her ears are a deep black shade. Sky blue is the color of her innocent eyes. She also has a cute pink nose.

Other: ....

(I'm probably gonna post another character later)
Gummy Bears

Name: Rick

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Type of animal: rock-hopper penguin

Mates or pups?: no

(sorry for large pic)

Other: tends to get in trouble
Gummy bears!

May I be a snake? .u.

Name: Sickle

Gender: male

Age: 1 and a half years

Type of animal: black mamba

looks: http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/black-mamba-dendroaspis-polylepis-george-grall.jpg

Other:Black mambas are one of the deadliest snakes in the world. Because of this, in the circus, Sickle used to be an attraction where he was worn around someone's shoulders while they were doing an act. Even so, he loves to get into trouble, but doesn't prefer to use his poison.

Ignore the attachment. My computer's being retarded DX
i guess so.....


He walked around his cage. He could get in and out of it, they all could, but the problem was that they couldn't get out of the building. He grunted as he lay down. He wasn't going to sleep, he was just resting. He looked around, as his head laid down.


She glanced around the room. She kept a low status. She just wanted food right now.

(gtg bye! )

The black mamba snake flicked his tongue, glancing over to see Arrow pacing about. He had his own cage also, but much more different than the other ones. Almost everyone had barred cages. He had a thick box made of glass. Beady eyes darted around, lashing out his tongue once again to taste the surrounding air," Give up on it... We're never getting out.." Sickle wasn't the one to be a pessimist, but he was tired to constantly trying to get out. It felt to emoty now that he had tried to many times. What would make the next time different?

He slithered into a circle a few times in his container, before reducing himself in a coil.
Rick.::. He looked around at the other animals and heard the only snake he could see in his only glass case saying that escape was pointless. "It's not pointless at all. Desmond wouldn't put us here if he didn't leave us a way out." (Rick used to love his acts with Desmond and refused to lose his faith).

"Why would he put us here in the first place?" She asked, her voice thick like a reassuring mom. (Simba's mom lol ) She looked at the penguin. She figured a penguin would think that, especially a on with funky eyebrows.


"Well, we should start finding a way out." He said, getting out of his cage. He scratched the walls, trying to find a weak spot that they could maybe bust open.
Rick.::. "I don't know why he did, honestly. But think about it. This is Desmond we're talking about here. He loved us all like his own family. He wouldn't have done it without having to. Something must have happened." When he finished he crawled out of his cage, somewhat clumsily, and began examining the walls closely.

"Like he went crazy or something? From all the attention from the circus?" She asked, lifting her head.


"I don't know what type of crap went one in his head but all I want to do is get out of here." He said, raising his voice just a tad.
Ricky.::. "I don't think he went crazy, maybe he was forced into it. Maybe he had enemies." He moved down the wall and found a familiar tall rectangular shape. 'I wonder what this is. It looks so familiar.' He thought.

"Enemies?" She asked. She never would have guessed that. She never thought Desmond had a outside life. He was always with them, that she could remember.

"Hm. Whatever it was, it sure was quick..." He thought. It felt like only days before they were all perfoming in the circus, crowds cheering and whooping. Then an idea stuck in his head," What if he went bankrupt? Like the circus failed? What if we failed Desmond?!" Sickle freaked, getting a kick of paranoia.
Rick.::. "That's a very good guess. That might be it, actually...but that would have to mean that we did fail him..." His voice trailed off and his eyes got distant. 'Ir=f we did fail him and we did manage to escape this place..would he take us back or leave us again?' He shook the thought from his head and began examining the odd shape in the wall again. He could see a sliver of light through a crack and an idea hit him. "Guys! I think this is a door!"

"A door?!" He said. He didn't pay much attention to the conversation, he just wanted to get out of this stupid circus. He sprinted over. He was so eager to see if it was really a door.


"I think he still would have stayed with us... right?" She asked. Bankrupted. That was an idea. Then, the penguin said there was a door. She lifted her head. "Is it locked?" She asked.

The black snake pressed his face up to the hard glass," Does it open?" He asked eagerly, quivering his tail. It was pure simplicity to know that doors open, but he was afraid it might be locked, or worse, it wasn't even a door at all.
Rick.::. "Yeah, it's a door. The thing to open it is right here, but I can't reach it." He jumped a few times to double check. "Nope, no reaching that for me..someone else try it!"

She smiled. The penguin was cute. Sweet. "Wow." She said, chuckling. Shorty. HA!


He was at the door now, and he nodded to the penguin. "Let's see if it does open." He said, replying to the snake. He put his paw on the door. It was cold. Then, he began to turn it...
Rick.::. "Is it turning?!?" His knees were knocking together in anticipation (did he have knees? He couldnt remember if he did, his legs were so short.) He stared at the door pleadingly.

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