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Fandom Xavier's home for the gifted-New X-men





Age: (16-19)


Abilities: (Must be MOSTLY like your parents might have a little differently)






Pets: (If applies)



Appearance: (Any I dont care)
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Name: Ash (Ashton)

Gender: Female

Crush: N/A

Age: 16

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Abilities: Shapeshifting like her mother, is strong with good speed...

Entity, Vast telepathic Abilities, extending to mind reading, memory manipulation, mind control, astral projection, and offensive psychic attacks.


Personality: over protective, quiet, loner, calm takes a while to trust people. She protects those she cares for she is also very loyal and brave. She does not care about her own well being and will run into a fight to save anyone (Children, people she doesn't know) Without thinking about it first. Calm and collected.

Bio: N/A

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Pets: A snake

Parents:Xavier and Mysitc

Room: Mostly neat



Name: "Dark" D'Artanajon

Gender: Male

Crush: N/A

Age: 17

Sexuality: Homosexual

Abilities: Can absorb other peoples abilties/life killing them in the process, he wears special gloves as to not touch anyone.


Personality: Over protective, outgoing, loud, friendly, smart, rebel, has a thing for animals, loves sweets,

Bio: N/A

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Pets: A wolf named- Ophelia

Parents: Rouge

Room: Alot of video games and a messy bed


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Harrison Worthington

Gender: Male

Crush: ?

Age: 16

Sexuality: Homosexual

Abilities: Flying, eyes turn yellow when flying


Harrison is a very friendly and open individual. He accepts people for their differences as he was told as a child, "People aren't accepting." He is extremely smart, loyal and loving but he does have bad qualities. He is an introvert, quiet, submissive, passive, and sleepy...like all the time.


Child of former X-Man Warren Worthington III. He grew up in a small house outside the city after his birth. He was homeschooled as his father didn't want him to be bullied by other children for his wings. He was taught English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Piano, Singing, and Flying. He was very smart and his father was always proud of him.

Likes: Playing the piano, His family, ice cream, night time, silence.

Dislikes: Assholes, moths, needles.

Parents: Warren Worthington III, Isabella Worthington (nee Hunt)

Room: He has two beds because he likes to roll out of bed in the morning.




Wings - 30 feet long


If you want to be Harrison's sibling just ask.
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Cole Martin (Real name Edward Howlett.)










Cole posses his fathers regenerative abilities, enhanced senses and super strength. Instead of having three claws coming out of his knuckles, Cole only has two. These are covered in adminatium also.

Due to his time in a newly reborn Weapon X, Cole also has his predator mode, in which he loses all sense of humanity and turns into a completely wild animal. In this state, his strength, speed and senses are enhanced even more.


Cole is much like his father. He loves to be the alpha male in any situation, is impatient and rather rude. This results in him doing what he wants most of the time, with no regard for anyone else. However, he does have a soft spot for the ladies, but can hold a grudge against one for a long time. Cole also has a rather violent nature, loving to pick fights with anyone and everyone, even if his opponent is many times stronger then him.


Cole was taken from his father at a very young age, being only five when he was taken. It was whilst his father was asleep, leaving him useless, and the kidnappers knew exactly how to hide their scent from Logan. Now taken, Cole was forced to do experiments, much like his father. It took a lot longer with him however, as his mutant abilities hadn't manifested yet. They did once he was fifteen.

Now a mutant the new Weapon X, also known as Weapon XY, could begin their experiments, coating Cole's skeleton, much like his father. They trained him to fight, turning him into a killer, and brainwashed him. He went on many missions for this XY team, being a personal assassin, and killed many.

Two years later, his father finally found him. But, Weapon XY made sure that they wiped Cole's memories, leaving him a new person. Logan found him, but couldn't bring himself to tell his son who he was. That was his job. Giving him the name Cole Martin, Logan sent him to the place he knew was the safest place for him. However, due to the wiping being rushed, Cole still sees his missions as dreams. He reacts in ways he didn't know he could do in fights and suffers from many migraines.



Being right



His dreams

Being betrayed

Being looked down upon




Wolverine (A.k.a Logan a.k.a James Howlett)





Name: Stephanie Ferguson (can be called Steph)

Gender: Female


Age: 16


Abilities: Portal creation and Telepathy.


Steph is sarcastic and sassy. She can hold her own in any argument and is a no bullshit kind of girl. She's nice to most people, unless she has a reason not to be. Steph likes to appear tough and without weaknesses, she wants people to think that everything bounces right off of her. But, she really just doesn't want to give anyone any chance to hurt her.


When Steph was born her mother, Blink, was terrified of what would happen to her if the X-men were attacked, so she gave Steph to her sister, Jiaying, to take care of. Jiaying raised Steph like her own. She worked in a martial arts studio so she taught Steph several different types of martial arts. When Steph was ten she first showed signs of her powers. This didn't effect her life much until one day in school her powers started acting up and the teacher noticed. The teacher called the Main Office and someone in the Main Office called the government. Steph was taken out of class and was brought to a government research facility. There they performed numerous experiments on her to see the range of her powers. In the end they locked her in a container and lowered the oxygen levels to see how her body would react to protect itself. After several hours of oxygen deprivation Steph realized that she could hear the thoughts of the scientists around her. She made one of them open the container, just as she was passing out. When Steph woke up she was in the hospital, she was told that her mother and her aunt had broken into the facility to get her out and that they had died getting her out. Due to her oxygen depletion Steph had severe memory damage so she was unable to remember most of the experiments performed on her. But as she grew up they realized that somethings worked as triggers that would send her into full on panic attacks. Some of these triggers include being restrained and tight spaces.

Other Info

Likes: Martial arts, Tai Chi, dogs, netflix, and coffee.

Dislikes: Cats, restraints, tight spaces, yogurt, and silent movies.

Parents: Blink (Clarice Ferguson)


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Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca532ff2d_jamiechungkickass.jpg.c0d05febb6e7395b1db70110ea4f277a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca532ff2d_jamiechungkickass.jpg.c0d05febb6e7395b1db70110ea4f277a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sazume Kitoaji


  • Name:

    Sazume Oyama/Sazume Kitoaji










    Healing Factor:

    Much like her mother and/or Wolverine, She has an incredibly powerful healing factor and is near impossible to kill using strength and wounds.

    Heightened Reflexes:

    This is partially due to her mutation and partially due to her training with both the facility and the monastery. (see Bio)

    Heightened Agility and Flexibility:

    Also partially due to her mutation and training.

    Heightened Stamina:

    While this is also due to her mutation, her stamina very very potent. Her vigorous training made her able to put aside her pain and focus on fighting.

    Physical Build:

    She is stronger than your average 17 year old but this is mainly due to training and working out.

    Weapons Expertise:

    She is familiar with traditional Japanese weapons of all kinds and is able to wield most with excellent skill and precision.

Michael Summers


  • Name:

    Michael Summers











    Like his father, Michael can produce bolts of energy, able to cause serious damage to anything it touches. Though lucky for him, it is easier to control as he shoots these bolts from his finger tips.


    The power he posses form his mother's side is significantly lesser than his fathers. But he has, with great concentration, shown the ability to move iron and iron alloys.

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Betweengoodandevil said:
I believe I have already started it. If not let me know
The Main page hasn't changed for me... Maybe my laptop is acting up again. I'll try another computer. Sorry to bother you.
Name:Elizabeth Munroe (Issy,Liz,Beth,Lizzy,Is,El,Ect.)





Abilities:Much like her mom's but she can create stronger blizzards and she can manipulate ice and frost better,make the temperature colder and have all her powers become slightly more powerful.

Personality:She is very shy once you first meet her but she will open but and prove to be just like her mother,but still shy and nerdy at the same time. Elizabeth is very open and outgoing at times then very shy,quiet and uninterested in things the next,but overall she's a very strong and independent teenager and she doesn't get into trouble a lot..but only when she uses her powers for fun,like a rainy day when it's burning hot outside or sun when it's supposed to be winter.

Bio:She doesn't talk about her life all that much

Likes:Books,movies,t.v shows,music,violins,pianos,classical music,any genre of music,food,candy,sour things,fairs and carnivals,reading,dancing,doing ballet,basically everything.

Dislikes:People who hurt others without emotion,crowds,people interrupting her,annoying people,perverts,bugs,betrayal,being seen as a freak,Cramped/closed spaces. (Claustrophobic,like her mom)


Parents:Ororo Munroe and T'Challa (Her mom is divorced but Elizabeth still refers to T'Challa as her first Father)

Room:Her room has a queen sized bed,pillows everywhere with a bookshelf,movies and other junk she buys,collects or finds..her room is messy and filled with stuff. (Couldn't get picture to load)

Appearance:Tan skin,light purple hair to her shoulders,blue eyes,wears floral or Disney type clothing,but she mainly wears a short,just above the knees,dark navy blue rose covered dress with jeans and knee high black boots. (Couldn't get picture to load)
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Name:Nikolai Rasputin





Abilities:can turn body into metal like his dad...but it is molten metal.super strength to a lesser extent than his father but also can alter his shape a bit.

Body can heat up to 7,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Personality:Nikolai like his father is calm and reserved but he will fight hard for what he believes in. He is overprotective of his allies and quick to jump into the frontlines.

Bio:Nikolai is the son of colossus and surge. The combination of metal and electricity created superheated metal. He was trained just a little bit by his father but was sent to the Xavier academy once he was considered old enough. His mutation has unfortunately manifested in a different way than his fathers in another respect, he is unable to not be in metal form, and must maintain focus to keep cool enough to touch things and other students...

Likes:pretty much the cold in general including icecream,snowcones,cold water, you name it.

Dislikes:Being startled,flying,being on a boat,and pickles


Parents:colossus & surge.



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Non heated

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Name: Damian "Flit" Hartfield

Gender: Male

Crush: "The weather girl count?"

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Abilities: Has wings and can fly


Personality: Sarcastic, loves a good laugh, kind of asocial. He will keep at something until he succeeds, or gets his head bashed in by his friends. He won't back down from a fight, but if there is any way to solve something without violence, he will find one. He is a loyal s.o.b., never leaving his friends hanging or behind.

Bio: Damian never knew his parents, so he has nothing to say about them, but here's his life as follows. Angel Salvadore had a son, and she, like many young moms, gave him away. He got adopted and lived among 'normal' people. Until his 13th birthday, that is. When his mutation made itself known, his parents were afraid, of him, and what the neighbors would think. Unable to handle the pressure, he left, never looking back. He traveled around a while until he found this safe-house for people like him.

Likes: Apples, music, ice cream, snow

Dislikes: crowds, love songs, elevators, marshmallows

Pets: Just a Tamagotchi that keeps dying

Parents: Angel Salvadore



His wings:
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Mark Dugen Maximoff




Officially None as of now






Super speed/Elemental control


Mark is a highly active preteen with tons of energy and never shuts up. He is always constantly blabbing about something and is always pulling pranks or is up to no good. Although he considers himself a "badass villian" Mark only does these things to get attention from his father. As his dad never showed him any attention growing up because he was always busy, and refused to let him meet his mother. Deep down Mark is very tender and is afraid to show his true feelings.


Born and raised under his single father Pietro. Mark showed that he was indeed his father's child. Although Pietro gave up being a criminal to become a avenger in the future his son took after his bad side and was commiting crimes everywhere. When the time came when Mark found out his father was going to send him to the Avenger's Academy Mark ran away wanting nothing to do with his father, but this was just not out of wanting to be the bad guy. Mark told his father that until he met his mother he would in fact never change his ways nor become an avenger, and for his father to sign him up behind his back made him lose all trust in his father.



Messing with people


Other mutants



His father

Uptight people


Has a turtle named Shelly


Quicksilver and Crystal


Not a X-Men as of now

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Name: Danni Cuckoo

Gender: male

Crush: none yet

Age: 15

Sexuality: homosexual

Abilities: Diamond mimicry and Strong Telepathy


Personality: He is shy, a little different from his mother. Sometimes he wonders if she is really his mother. he is a good student. He can be a little emotional when watching romantic and sad movies, But he shows hungry for power as his mother.

Bio: He was born protected by Cuckoos sisters, he was always a little introverted, but Danni was always a good person, even when people saw it not as a. As he could not control his powers right, he was bullying victim because he is mutant and homosexual, late when his powers finally awoke, the bullying stopped, and he was finally at peace. he was sent to Xavier academy by his mother to learn how control his powers.

Likes: he loves to wander through the forest, train his powers, calm music, good people.

Dislikes: idiots, being disturbed, unloyal people, strong smell of smoke

Pets: (If applies)

Parents: Stepford Cuckoos (Phoebe)


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