X-Men: The Next Class

X-Men: The Next Class

Written By @RadioActive


"The Days of the Future."

Welcome to the X-Men: The Next Class. This is a Superhero Role-Play. Some of you may have watched the movies, and this role-play shall be very close to it. With one exception. There shall not be any of the current characters in this role-play such as: Wolverine, Magneto, Storm, ect. This role-play will have completely knew characters. Thank you for clicking on this role-play and enjoy the rest!

I Story I

The world has changed in many ways over the past years. Technology is amazing now. But now the humans have started to evolve. Humans have turned into super-humans. From adults to small children, female and male. And the world has began to call them Freaks. Mutants. So, what happens to these 'freaks?' They end up running around the world, destroying it. But this will only happen if we leave them wandering around. We can prevent this, by making X-Men: The Next Class. Here, they will be trained, and learn how to control themselves. Here, they will learn how to be X-Men.

I The Institute I


This is the Institute where the Next Class shall be training. This is a five story building, and it is a castle. It will full fill all the students needs. Here's a tour of it:

In this gigantic building, there is five stories just like I said.

On the first floor we have: The main room. It is much like a lobby, where new-comers hang out a bit before given a tour. It has a flat screen television in it and has multiple comfortable couches and chairs. It is carpeted and has tall windows. This is the room your first see when entering the building through giant doors. Next on the first floor, we have three classes. One for students with gifts that are involved with the mind, such as mind reading. The other for high flyers. Students with abilities with flights, wings or not. The third for hybrids. Being were-wolves, centaurs, or other hybrids. But not ones with wings. They go with the second class. We also have a pool in the back of the first floor. It is giant and relaxing. It also helps those with swimming abilities.

On the second floor we have: Two more classes. One for students with mutations. Gills, hands for feet, ect. The other for students with deadly powers. Powers that can kill if not controlled. Laser eyes, soul sucker, ect. We also have a Common Room. This is for when students just want to relax, and take a breathe. We have a television here for movies, couches, games, and a popcorn and cotton candy machine. We also have the cafeteria here. It has enough tables to fit 300 students. We have multiple choices of food here, and have many windows for view when eating. We also have vending machines in the cafeteria.

On the third floor we have: A gym. It is very large fit with benches for games, basketball hoops, and locker rooms. We have a exercising room, only for weights and such. This room with a meduim size, and can only fit about 7 students at a time. Exercise gear takes up a lot of space. On the first floor we also have a library. This room is one of our largest. It has hundreds of books and has many places to sit and read. Some weird shapes, and others normal. There are also window seats. :D

On the fourth floor we have: Here we have the bedrooms. This floor is made for night time. Having 150 rooms. You may have to share and room with someone if there is too many people. In these bedrooms you have at least one bedroom, some have two. You have a walk-in closet and a small drawer. You also have a small refrigerator along with a small television. If you are to share, there may only be one gender in each room. No guy and girl in the same room.

On the fifth floor we have: The fifth floor is mainly one hallway. Because actually, this hallway has a ladder at the end of it. And this ladder leads to the roof, where the REAL fifth floor is. On the roof there is a small bar and a hot tub. It is insulated to keep it warm, but it was glass. The mini-bar only has tea, sodas, and no strong drinks. Some wines. No beer though. The hot tub is the size of a meduim pool, and has controls. You may have bubbles if you please.

Extra Information on the Building: This building holds multiple bathrooms, at least two pairs on each floor. And please, you don't have to walk up stairs. There are stairs, but there is also a elevator. But only one. Be patient. Outside we have a track for running, and many garages for cars. Enjoy the building and keep it clean. :)

Welcome to the X-Men, for you are the next class.


Travis Leeman slammed his car door behind him. He had driven to the Institute. And he was blind. Yes, blind. And he was driving. Pretty lucky he didn't die huh? Not really. Travis was able to do all this. He was handicapped, but he never really needed it. But he did park in the handicap spot. Travis was gifted you see. Beside the blind part, he has 'gifts.' Well, a gift and a... curse. His gift being that he has amazing senses. His senses are 4x better than the average human. He can hear everything, taste every ingredient, feel everything, and smell the slightest smell. This helps him move and survive, being blind. And then his curse... is rather a scary one. His teeth. They are extremely sharp, and they can bit into anything. He can bit through metal. And he can eat extremely fast. He's like a shark.

Travis walked to the Institute, listening to the sound of his owns shoes against the sidewalk. He grabbed the door handle with no struggle, but hesitated to open it. If he walked in here, there was no going back. He would be stuck here, to 'learn.' He was going to the X-Men Institute. There he would learn how to control himself. Travis sighed, and opened the door. It creaked and he walked in. "Hello?" He asked the air around him, "Anyone here?" He stopped, and heard his own voice echo in the building. The Institute was large then. He waited to be greeted, hoping someone was in the building....

Upon looking at the massive building before him Tobias could only think, "So, this is the Institute where I can learn to control, manage, and refine my ability. All the facilities and the staff...it's fairly impressive" He then turned and examined the crowd filtering in. Some looked completely normal like him, others had subtle abnormalities, and others seemed to hide themselves in hoods, sweaters, cloaks and coats. Plenty of people to talk to, to meet, to share stories with, though he felt some would rather remain silent and isolated.

“Somehow I feel like I couldn't blame them, in fact, it seems that I’m one of the luckier ones. No point in standing here dwelling on that…I’d better get a move on.” He slung his bag over his shoulder and dragged his small suitcase behind him, “Well time to see who are my classmates…and hopefully not get blown up by them…” Tobias proceeded to follow the crowd into the main lobby waiting for someone to say something.
Lina walked towards the institute, her hands in her pocket she looked as other arrived, she looked at most of the, studying them carefully. Let`s play a prank on them the voice in her head spoke and Lina shocked her head "No, the last time we did that we burned down our home" she thought frowning slightly. Oh come on,nothing bad will happen the voice kept begging her more and more, screaming in her head, she covered her ears and screamed out loud "SHUT UP" and it finally stopped. She looked around and realized that she screamed out loud and now everyone was looking, she rubbed the back of her head, slightly, laughing softly as she took a few steps back. "Yeah, I was, ammm talking on the phone, you know how ammyeah... bye" she said as she ran away as quick as she could.

Blue was relaxing under a tree, opening her eyes as she heard them whisper, she looked to where the gate were, seeing new faces walk in. She stood on her feet a little, she was a little curious and walked towards the crowd. She reached them as Lina screamed and ran away, laughing softly she followed her with her gaze as she stopped next to a tree and started to have a conversation with herself. Blue looked back at the new students by staying at the edge, she kneed down and a little cat ran into her arms. "What did you find out my sweetly" she whispered as she gently picked it up in her arms,the cat purred softly making her laugh.
Victor casually sat on a couch, watching some nauseating soap opera that he'd already forgotten the name of on the plasma TV. It definitely wasn't his first choice but there was a couple of cute girls who's heart was set on it. So he sat without visible complaint and tried to understand who was cheating on who.

His mum had dropped him off fifteen minutes ago and for all that time he'd been in a state of constant amazement. There were those who tried to remain inconspicuous and hid their gifts under layers of cloth. For some, it was so obvious that they tried to do that they might as well walk around with a sign around their neck. For others, it was less obvious. Sometimes, when he got sick of watching overpaid actors proclaim their love for each other (which was often), he'd try and guess whether there was something wrong about their appearance or if that mutant genuinely liked hoodies. On the other side of the radar were the showoffs. They put their powers on public display, wowing curious peers. As much as he'd like to impress some cutie with his prowess, he doubted they would be amazed at him poking around in their head and seeing how unbelievably hot they thought he was.

"Hello?" Victor heard someone call out. Turning around, he saw a guy standing at the door. There was no other way to put it; he looked creepy. Red narrowed eyes, lanky frame, heck, he even had a mask covering his mouth for goodness sake! He was one of those 'hidden' mutants although that mask wasn't exactly low-key. Deciding that even creepy guys were better than what was playing out on TV, he walked over to him. He chose to leave his luggage near the couch. Nobody would steal it, right?

"Hey," he called out to Creepy Dude and waited for his reply.
Lilly Evanglian popped out from around the giant fence,walking from the front,"Wow,this place is huge!I wonder I will be able to meet new people...I wonder what their powers will be?"Lilly croaked as she began to get excite the air around her began to condense,like something was filling it.

Lilly noticed two girls to the right of.One was talking to herself and the other looked like a vulture watching it's prey in it's last moments,"That is kind of creepy..."Lilly said as she noticed other students walking inside of the institute.Lilly's iconic white hair and orange eyes spark interest in some of the male students,who also noticed her mini-skirt and short shirt that stopped a little above her belly.
Victor, like most of the guys around him, found it hard to not notice the orange eyed goddess nearby. Her unique white hair drew him in but it was her choice of clothes that kept him hooked. Her shirt and skirt revealed fine legs and a toned midsection that could only be achieved from working out. She was someone he wanted to get to know.
Travis turned his head in the direction of the voice. "Hello." He said, his word no longer a question. "I'm.... Travis. What's up?" He asked, trying to sound casual. He cleared his throat and walked to the voice. He heard tons of movement, and he heard the boy he was talking to. "I'm... uh..." He began, not sure if he should say if he was blind or not.
Nellie walked into the Institute, staring down at her feet. She wore a baggie hoodie and sadly tight fitting jeans she absolutely hated. She kept her hood up, and walked past a boy with a cover over his mouth. She saw another boy, but completely ignored him too. She headed over to a chair and collapsed on it, setting her bookbag beside her as she set her head on her hands and sighed deeply.
Jack slung his bag over his shoulder, with all of his possessions he needed to stay at the Institute. He started walking to the entrance, seeing all of the new people also. He stayed silent, and continued to walk towards them all. He examined the group of people, not knowing exactly what to say. He tugged on his mask some, since it was a bit uncomfortable and itchy.
Mousse looked up at the sky, yawning loudly as he walked around the massive building.

Hopelessly, hopelessly lost with hardly any a chance of becoming unlost.

... He is at the Institute, right? Mousse didn't remember if he had gone into the right place. Since the Institute's supposed to be some kind of impressive place with impressive shtuff that was supposedly impressive, this should be the building. Alas, one can never now. Once again, he strolled around the hallways, searching for the answer to his dilemma.

Perhaps a nap would help. There was an excellent spot to sleep over there in that large hallway that looked vaguely like an entrance to somewhere that he didn't particularly care about. Yes, that was exactly what he would do, he thought as he laid his blanket and pillow down, curling up on it and blocking the hallway for anybody who chanced down that corridor. He drifted off into the land of slumber happily, uncaring of his surroundings.
Realising that Travis had spoken, he forced his attention away from the silver haired babe and back to the conversation. If he had noticed the unfinished sentence, he didn't show it.

"Besides starting a new school? Nothing much. I'm Victor," he introduced himself to the Travis.
The hooded man and Skyler appeared behind a large, 5-story building that somewhat resembled a castle. "Welcome to the Institute," the hooded man said. Skyler couldn't contain all of his questions. "Where are we? How did we get here? The Institute?"

"You'll learn more once you meet your classmates. Come," the man replied, walking away. Skyler stood firm. "What's a mutant?"

The hooded man paused and turned around. "I'll put it this way," he spoke in a softer tone. "Humans and mutants are very much alike, but mutants have... gifts. Mine is a common one, teleportation." He paused. "We... heard about yours a couple of years ago. Now come."

The hooded man was of little help, Skyler thought. Gifts? He decided to restrain himself, for once. He joined the hooded man and walked to the front door of the Institute. "Make yourself at home, but please be careful," the man said, with emphasis on "please".

Skyler opened the door while the hooded man stayed behind. He did not expect something this bizarre behind the door.
Nellie started panicking, and stood. She hurried back towards the entrance wanting to leave ASAP. Who was she kidding? No one could fix her, she was a freak. She ran straight into the guy with the mask thing over his mouth(@RadioActive ), and bounced off like a rubber ball. She hit the floor with a loud thump, landing on her butt as her hood fell back and her coal colored hair got stuck in her face.
Tobias noticed the commotion of a few people all gathering around someone who apparently had a mask on his face “better to meet everyone now rather than later I suppose.” He cautiously approached the group, looking at each one. “Mutants all of us. Only one that looks exceptionally different is him.” His eyes quickly shot to masked one, “Well let’s not keep that from having a good introduction shall we? Just act cool, calm and polite, we all are freaks so we all should come together.”

He then saw a girl bump into the man and she proceeded to fall on the floor. “Alright here we go! Good entrance, make a good impression, everything will be fine.” He walked over and offered a hand to the fallen girl. “Hey, easy there, let’s not have jittered nerves, we’re all amongst friends here.” He looked to the two other people in the group and with a laugh stated, “Name’s Tobias Adams. Ex-lineman, forced scholar, and general cause of the phrase, ‘where did you come from?’” He paused looking at the three other people, “Sorry for the abrupt introduction, but we’re all in an odd situation, kind of figure the best introduction is a quick one.” He waited for their response, in his mind the only thought, “Hopefully that wasn't too bad…”
Skyler took the hooded man's advice and decided to avoid conversation with anyone else inside the building. He expected the room he walked in to be huge, judging the size of the building, but the place was packed. The first scare of the day was a tall, ripped man tossing another man with the body of a horse... a centaur? There was a crowd, but there were other odd sights. All of their eyes turned when a girl bumped into a man with a white mask, hitting the ground. Skyler had an urge to rush out there and ask the girl if she was alright. He held himself back.
Victor saw as a ravened haired girl sped into Travis and fall on her backside. Hating to see a girl in need, he flashed her a smile and he was about to offer a hand when someone else bet him to it.

“Sorry for the abrupt introduction, but we’re all in an odd situation, kind of figure the best introduction is a quick one,” the man who had introduced himself as Tobias said.

"No problem. I'm Victor Trueman and this is Travis," Victor said, pointing to himself and Travis in turn. Curious, he added, "What do you mean, you're a forced scholar?"
((It's Ok. What's not Ok is saying 'Travis helped the girl up, smacked her around. The girl tried to hit him, but he dodged. The girl then walked away.' You know?))

Travis breathed into his mask, his breathe hitting him back. He then was pushed, and heard a *thump.* He turned around, and felt the someone on the ground. "Oh, sorry. My bad..." He said, knowing it wasn't really his fault. His gray eyes that say nothing, didn't look at the person on the ground, but stared at the emptiness in front of him. "Hello everyone." He said, realizing more and more people had come to greet each other. "I'm Travis, like Victor said..." His voice trailed off. He looked down sort of, "Are you Ok?" He asked the person who bumped into him.
Lilly didn't take notice of the guys staring at her,but she did noticed how big the mansion was.Looking up at the five other floors,it compelled her to explore.The young mutant weaved her way through the crowd of somewhat experienced and the non-experienced,but a girl falling made her twist instantly.

Lilly rushed over to her out of concern,"Are you alright?"She asked kneeling down next to the girl.
Travis heard a female's voice. "I think she might be Okay." He said, not looking at her because of his issue. He cracked his neck, and went to move his mask off his face, but was quickly reminded to keep it on because if he didn't, he would go out of control and eat everything. He licked his sharp teeth, and it looked like he bit his tongue. "Ow." He said, drawing blood. He coughed awkwardly.
Vale walked in head held high, the cherry red hair of her head bounced in ringlets on her back and her two suitcases full of stuff rolling behind her. One suitcase was full of weapons, and the other was full of clothes. Her gun was strapped to her thigh, as always it was visible to any who heppened to glance in her direction. The all black holster was a stark contrast to her tan thighs that were neatly framed in her baby blue jean shorts. Black combat boots and a tied up plaid shirt completed her outfit. As she walked in the door she saw that the lobby was full. Crap I can't believe I'm freaking late.. on the first day of all days. A loud thud sounded off to her left she pulled her gun out of the holster finger poised on the trigger ready to fire. When she finally processed that she was no intimidate danger so she put it away, but the nervous tick stayed her right pointer finger ticked againt the plam of her hand. She stuffed that hand in her pocket, and walked to the group in which the girl had fallen.

"Hey are you ok?" Vale asked concern weighing heavy in her voice. Being like a mother to her younger siblings made always want to rush to a person's aid.
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Skyler, after seeing that the girl was alright, went back to ponder. Who was the hooded man? Why did he send me here? Am I supposed to be a mutant? He was reminded of the incident three years ago, where he destroyed his middle school and spent a year in juvenile detention. He recalled that he thought about something, and it came true, but he couldn't remember exactly what.

It was lunchtime, and Skyler decided to buy lunch, being his Friday tradition. The greasy foods, although it tasted bad, were rewarding to him for a long week of homework and pressure. Normally he would order a hamburger with fries, but to his dismay, the fries were replaced with a notice that said, "We are working to make our school lunches healthy. Fries are no longer purchasable from school lunches."

He couldn't take no more fries as an answer. So, just as any other Friday, he asked the cafeteria lady, "Could I get a hamburger with fries?"

"Well, technically we're not supposed to offer fries, but I have hamburger meals just in case," was the reply. "But I'll have to charge you extra."

It was only a matter of seconds after Skyler received his lunch when he heard a familiar voice behind him, "Yo, Sky!"


The ringleader of the school bullies. How he hated him. Last time they met Skyler tried to report Butch for giving him a black eye, but the principal said, "I'm busy. If this happens again let me know."

"Where'd you get those fries?" Butch called out. Here we go. He's going to steal my lunch again, Skyler thought. And so he did. Butch walked away with Skyler's lunch leaving behind another black eye.

At this point, Skyler was fed up with Butch's evildoings. Losing his well-beloved lunch was the last straw for him. His mind raced with a thousand ways for revenge, but a rather strange one came to his mind. Deep in his heart, he wanted to grow taller than Butch's 5'9" frame, much taller, so HE'd be the one stealing lunch from BUTCH.

Skyler froze. The world suddenly looked different around him, somewhat... smaller. He thought more about growing taller than Butch, and then the world grew smaller again. It's working! I'm gonna be huge, he thought. As his stature increased so did the number of eyeballs and pointed fingers, from students and staff. Skyler walked up to Butch, who now didn't come up to his waist and seemed to grow smaller still, and grinned. Butch stared at Skyler in horror.

The weak cafeteria ceiling couldn't contain Skyler's expanding body, and his head broke through the roof of the school. A security guard yelled, "Freeze!" with a taser in his hands. Skyler looked at the guard, and lost all thought of growing taller. He shrunk back to normal size in seconds flat. "I don't know how you did it, but no one's going to like it," the guard told him, pinning his arms behind his back.

Back in the Institute, Skyler was still thinking about what led him to being sent to juvy, then the words came to him. He grew huge. He started recalling all the details, making his body inch upward.


Skyler froze, awakening back to reality. After he was normally sized, he saw the hooded man standing next to an older man with deep wrinkles. The face of the man, so powerful yet so demanding, made the kids showing off their powers seem like they are conducting a felony. The hooded man spoke. "This is the Headmaster. He'd like to have a word with you."

*Don't you hate it when they say, "To be continued"?*
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Jack he saw someone fall down. He smirked at that. "pfft..." he says to himself. He walks closer to the group so he can be more visible
((Just as a warning, I'm going to San Fran tomorrow for a little day trip, and then going to work afterwards, so I might not be on at all tomorrow, and if I am itll probably only be for one or two posts. Ill be back Sunday for sure, though, so ill just post in a way that will let people approach if they feel like it but can be ignored if you want :) ))

Kaldern walked through the building without noise, bare feet silent on the carpeted floors. He had hardly any belongings and so had been provided clothes that werent quite the right size, his pant legs touching the floor and the jacket he wore too big, with sleeves too long. He looked like a child, wearing their parents clothes, and he didnt much care if people thought that. He didnt much care if they thought anything, only cared that there were too many of them and too loud. Careful to touch only when necessary, he made his way quietly through the boisterous crowds and towards the floor with his new bedroom on it, intent on hiding away until the commotion died down.

Ash had only a couple of bags with him, as he hadnt seen the need to bring unnecessary baggage on the trip to the Institute. He looked around at all the people as he walked, smiling a little to himself at their interactions with each other, both those just talking and those trying to show off. It was nice, having so many faces around, even if maybe only half of them were friendly. Still, Ash planned to get his things settled in a room, then see how many he could talk to before the day was through. He was an inherently social being, and it seemed a worthwhile effort now that he was going to live here.
((LoL sure. It'll be an awesome combat... I guess. Haha, but yeah you may do that if you want.))

Travis walked away from the girls who were fussing over another girl. He shrugged it off, and walked away. He felt with his hands a bit, and didn't slip. He felt every thread on the couch, each thread intertwining with the next. He sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair. He hadn't always been blind, so he knew pretty much what he looked like. Travis knew his hair was a dirty blonde. His hair long and always in his eyes. Travis wore dark blue jeans that sagged a bit, and a gray hoodie with nothing underneath. He threw the hoodie over his face, and kept his white mask on.

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