X-Men <The Newbies>

I'm giving Lawson another power...he seems a little normal. I won't do anything too big though....and he won't know about it.

Neon- I love your character. xD
You gotta wait until you're accepted by TechnoDragon who hasn't been on the comm at all really.. Hmm..
Why isn't the owner of this RP answering? I'm really eager to join in, but without being accepted how am I supposed to?
[QUOTE="Lori Williams]Why isn't the owner of this RP answering? I'm really eager to join in, but without being accepted how am I supposed to?

We might be better off joining the RP now ourselves.

Name: Melody

Age Appearance: 24

Actual Age: 263

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Undisclosed

Personality: Calm and calculating. She values life above all. She has been alive for a long, long time, and as such has seen the peak of human life and death. Death is not a beautiful thing. Even though she needs life essence to survive, it is not required that she drain another’s to survive. As such she has strong loyalties and is rather cold when making friends. Ever trying to seduce others for a taste of their power.


- Vampirism

- Enhanced Condition

- Power Absorption

History: Will RP this. Some of its in the persona.

Theme Songs:

Other: I <3 Scotland's National Animal.
Name: Riyoshi Nihoma

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: He is the basic ‘hero’ of sorts. Doing good when needed, and catching the bad guys when needed. He is a by his book type of guy. If he feels that it is acceptable, then he will go ahead with the plan.

History: TBA

Abilities: (Up to Three.)

Enhanced Condition

(The power to remain in the peak physical and/or mental condition of user's species with little or no maintaining.)

Advanced Level Regenration

(Minor to major wounds heal instantaneously, to the point of as though they never happened.

Lost limbs and internal organs may be completely regenerated.

Damaged nerves and (to a certain extent) brain cells can recover.

Cellular division would be halted, eternal youth.

Critically and fatally damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scars.)

Plant Manipulation

(Users can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, even moss and (for practical reasons) fungus, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. The user can cause plants grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure, and revive withered or dead plants.)


Theme Songs: (Optional)

Other: I love unicorns
I sent TechnoDragon a message, hopefully I'll get a reply soon. If I do I'll let you all know, or maybe they'll be on later. Who knows?
I think that someone needs to take leadership and at least accept some of the character sheets so they can jump into the rp and not feel left out. S of story wise, i'm with Kaine, I too wonder whom has ran story so far.
Anyways, I got a reply. Techno has basically just lost interest in the comm, and said I'm free to continue it I guess.
Check over some sheets and approve at will. You know the rules just do what you think is best. Worse case when he gets back we edit sheets if not to his liking 
OK so heres how i look at it. We can either start a new signup and you guys post the same or new sheets. OR we can continue with the current route. Maybe open a discussion for plot and get everyone involved? But you guys need to make a decision soon or everyones going to lose interest and it'll die.
Alright, first off, @NeonNocturnal @Lori Williams @Kaine and, @backlash your characters seem good to me, so, accepted. I doubt Techno is coming back since Techno completely lost interest in the roleplay, but who knows? It could happen.. I figure we can stick with how it's currently going for now, but if most of you want to start over, I guess we'll do that. Oh, and I may decide to also play an X-Men character. I'm not sure yet. It seems we need one.
I think the story is good so far. Does not seem that it has advanced to far to where we cant keep up. So i think it would be good to say that we just stick with what you got. I will post later since my nephew is going to get on here now xD
Sounds good to me, backlash and i will probably just jump in you guys rock! 
Also. If other seem lost and dont know what to do, backlash and myself are pretty knowledgable with xmen powers, characters and the sort. We'd be willing to use the "main" characters to help others post. It's up to you guys though. Don't want to overstep the boundaries since it is your RP.
If you guys want to, or the need to play actual X-Men characters arises, I think that'd be fine.. I probably might play Psylocke a bit later on. Maybe.
i only said that because a few characters seem to be in the mansion twiddling their thumbs. not sure if they wanted someone to play one of the trainers or what.

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