X-Men <The Newbies>

Hey, I hope it isn't too late!

Name: Incognito

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Impatient, quickly angered. Deeply frustrated in himself and takes it out on others. When calm, deeply philosophical and really just wants to help people. Really deep inside is a goofy and funny guy.

History: Incognito was a mutant with a healing factor before, but that effect is nulled out now. He was also captured by Weapon X but they experimented with his bloodstream instead, trying to see if they can null the healing factor. They inserted a substance called Dolerium, which upon contact triggers the highest pain reaction that living thing can have. This constant pain (a literal burning feeling in your veins) would drive anyone else crazy, but people with the healing factor can resist against it, but cannot heal from big injuries like punctures of vital organs and such.

Little did they know, Incognito had a second mutation; the ability to control Dolerium. It worked a lot like Magneto's power, except only for Dolerium. He can move this Dolerium however which way he wants, painful as it is.

He doesn't remember much before Weapon X except for the haunting image of a woman jumping off a birdge named Laura.

Abilities: Dolerium control, Dolerium bloodstream, extremely minor healing factor.



This is the closest image I could find of him, except he's wearing this mask, because his face is dismangled...


And if he's in a good mood or doesn't need to be stealthy, he wears the hat too.

Theme Songs: Bullet and a Target by Citizen Cope

Other: Yyyeeahhh his face is burned and dismangled, so he doesn't like anyone seeing it.

Is he too Gary Stu?

Edit: I missed it the first time through, but I love unicorns.
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Name: Aria Faden

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Loyal, Intelligent, Practical, Untrusting, Witty.

History: Aria’s parents were both killed when she was 16, by her own hand. It’s an incident she rarely speaks of. She’s lived on her own since then, supporting herself by getting a minimum wage job and finishing high school. After graduating, she travelled around for a few years, unsure of her next move, meeting all sorts of people, making plenty of friends, and maybe a few enemies. Aria soon grew weary of merely wandering about, living off of others generosity and the occasional odd job. She remembered hearing of Professor X, and his mansion that housed mutants, and decided to give it a shot.

Abilities: Aria can control water in its liquid and frozen forms, but ice is her preferred form of the element to manipulate. She also has limited healing abilities.

Theme Songs: Staying Up, The Neighbourhood; Paradise, Coldplay; You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid, The Offspring; and I Don’t Care, Apocalyptica.



Just so you know, I'm extremely(as in I literally just joined today) new to RP Nation, but not new to roleplaying. I'll catch onto everything pretty quick, but if anyone notices me doing something wrong on here, feel free to tell me. Open to criticism and tips. ^.^ Thanks!
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Oh yeah, what Frost said. I got here like last week, so I'm still learning, so just tell me if I accidentally invoked a taboo or something.
Name: Rini Johnson

Age: 17


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality:Rini is calm and mysterious.Most of the time people can not tell if she mad,sad,or even there.Rini does not like for people to mess with her brother or her friends.Rini tends to be a bit snarky and sarcastic.She is very brave,but this tends to be reckless at moments.Rini's charm runs high because of her mysteriousness and her angelic beauty,which leads her to be flirty at times.


Abilities: Card Manipulation - Rini can manipulate cards just as Gambit can,but it seems like telekinesis.The cards she holds are create by her will,allowing her to create shields,projectiles,and much more with them.So far Rini has been able to summon things out of the cards for attacks,or even turn them into bombs like Gambit.

Magic - Rini excels in magic.She usually uses her Cards as a medium for her magic.She does have a spellbook she inherited from her grandfather,but the book is enchanted and only allows the owner to read it,even then certain spells will not be revealed until the owner is ready.

Psychic Shield - Rini can erect a psychic shield around herself and Rylon.The shield is complete defense any and all psychic attacks.The shield can be projected around a bigger group,but it takes a lot of concentration.Rini's shield is always on,but she she has to project it around her brother.


Theme Songs: (Optional)

Other:Rini has a familiar that she keeps out.

Name: Rylon Johnson

Age: 17


Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Personality:Rylon is almost the exact opposite of his sister.He always has a smile on his face,because he chooses to see the bright side of things.He is very protective of his sister,and won't allow anyone to hurt her,or any guy to flirt with her without his approval

History:Rylon and Rini are twins born into a rich family.Their mother was a business owner and secret mutant,and their father was part of a secret organization of mutant hunters.He had no clue his children and wife were mutants,he did know that magic was real.In his mind magic was natural and mutants were abominations,so he trained his daughter in the art of magic.One day during school Rylon's arm began to glow and a huge white light erupted from his body.The light was like a beacon,and it knocked everybody out except Rini.After the light vanished,there stood Rylon with wings and angelic arm.In shock Rylon and Rini fled the scene.When they got home their mother was staring at them with understanding eyes,but without a word to say.She hugged them both knowing they were under a lot of stress,"It's time I told you both the truth..."Their mother said as she sat them down around the coffee table.She explained to them that they were of angelic,mutant, and homo magi descent,which mean they were descendants of angels,mutants,and magic wielders.Their angelic side comes from their father's side and so did the magic,but the mutant abilities came from her.While listening to his mother Rylon began to hear the hearts beats of his twin and mother accompanied by the sound of wheals coming up to the house,"Dad is here..."Rylon explained to his family,while they looked at him confusion,which changed to a smile..Their mother told them to hide and don't tell him about this just yet...OK?"They nodded as they slipped out of the house to go into to town.Rini was a master at playing cards,so they went to play poker.Rini won many times,which pissed off one of the other players,"UGH!I DON'T GIVE A F*** IF YOU ARE A KID,NO ONE IS BETTER AT POKER THAN ME!!"The older man screamed as he flipped the table,revealing a gun.He fired a couple of shots at Rini,which was blocked by Rylon's wings.This triggered his white lightning to come and knock out al of the security camera,and most of the people.As Rylon tried to pull his sister out they were seperated,leaving her alone.In all of the chaos of the people trying to get out,the thug who had shot at her before appeared.Rini's eyes narrowed as kicked the gun out of his hands,which lead to a physical altercation.They struggled for a while,but soon the she gained the upper hand by using the cards to make him slip and coverage.He finally got to his gun once more,and fired a round at her,which was blocked by the cards floating around her,knowing this was probably her mutant ability coming to light,she rushed in with a card between her fingers in each hand,"Your poker face is terrible!"Rini screamed as she rushed passed him,leaving his gun in small pieces and his clothes.

A few months had passed after this incident,and it turns out the man was part of the mutant hunting organization,which has now put a bounty on their heads.Their grandfather had moved in and took over Rini's magic training,but as the summer went their grandfather began to act strange and told their mother to take them away.Rylon and Rini's mother agreed not knowing why,but knew that it must be something dangerous.Ever since then they have been at the Xavier Institute,but before they left Rini inherited their grandfather's spellbook and Rylon got their grandmother's holy earring that holds holy water.They get word that their mother and grandfather are dead,the only thing that was found next to their bodies was a note that said 'I am coming for you both,you mutant freaks!' leaving Rylon and Rini in fear that they might have to fight their father.

Abilities: Sound Manipulation - Rylon has complete control over sound,of course that does not mean he is a master.So far he is able to teleport,fly,close off sound,block sound,use sound for construction,lie detection by heartbeat,and healing.Rylon can not be manipulated through sound or music,but he can reverse the affect back on the creator.

Angelic Physiology - Rylon is of angel descent.Currently is only able to transform his arm,and summon his wings.Rylon is also able to use light manipulation and white lightning manipulation with complete control.The white lighting can purify anything just like holy water or holy light would.It's effects are stronger on unholy beings.


Theme Songs: (Optional)

Other:Rylon loves Unicorn,because he believes they poop skittles and pee kool-aid
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Name: Cara Harper

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: She is usually very upbeat, brash and doesn't care much about her everyday appearance. This, unfortunately for her, doesn't translate to social skills. She is very bashful around people she doesn't know well, especially around the opposite sex (having never had a boyfriend). This all changes whenever she's cosplaying, as she takes up the personality of whoever she's imitating.

History: Cara had a pretty average childhood. Most of her free time growing up was spent playing video games or watching her three brothers play gridiron. She only had a small closeknit group of friends at school and guys paid her little to no attention. She didn't mind that much- guys who thought swearing four times in one sentence made you cool wasn't her type. Besides she was too busy learning how to code and creating new cosplay costumes for herself. When she was 17, her mutant powers manifested. When she discovered she could control the Ezio figure that suddenly appeared while playing her ancient copy of Assassin's Creed II, her reaction was along the lines of OMGDISIZSOFLUFFINGAWESOME! She was less excited to discover he was non solid. Still, her new found illusion powers kept her on a high until someone found out and the antimutant naysayers came. When she would usually be going to university, she is instead attending a school for mutants.

Abilities: Illusions- she is able to generate nonsolid 3D images. It looks more realistic and detailed if it's an object she is familiar with. How long she can generate them depends on the size and distance away from her.

Appearance: Cara is shorter than average height. She has shoulder length hair, which is usually tied up in a pony tail. Her wardrobe mainly comprised of jeans, sneakers and loose fitting graphic t-shirts. She is Caucasian and has hazel eyes. Her lifestyle has lead to her being slightly overweight and unfit.

Other: I luv unicorns.
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Hmm.. I have a question.. For the whole layout of the mansion, what are you basing it off of, movies, comics..? Would I be wrong in assuming the mansion is somewhat like this?
Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, agility, durability, senses, and dexterity.......would this calculate out to more then 1, or would that end up being 1 since it is a heightened body?
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Im was only asking a question, would you classify all of those individually or would you classify that as 1 skill for my powers?
Right now, it's pretty much just Aria(Frost_) and Lawson(undercovernoob) exploring the subbasement. I think everyone has met each other in the kitchen, except for my character, Cara. I've only met Incognito(Wondertainment). I'm waiting for his response. Zyvia(KrisiStar) and one of DanteStigma's characters are outside. His other character is singing on the roof.
Hello! I hope I'm okay to join this RP! I'm a massive fan of X-men and love the role-plays.

Name: Dylan Hansson (Static)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Personality: Dylan can be a bit hesitant at first with communicating with others, but once he has time to get to know them (or after a few drinks) he can become a very lively member of the group. He is very protective of those close to them and is a great guy to confide in, he is a great point of advice. He has a huge personal obligation to protect the females around him and can be a bit difficult with males, this isn't to say he would never get on with males, but he generally finds them more difficult to get on with.

History: Dylan was brought up in Uppsala, a City in Sweden. As a result he speaks fluent Swedish as well as English. His family was pretty well off, with both parents being designers for various retail stores across different countries. Both his parents were closeted Mutants, having full control over their abilities, but they never spoke about them. A private investigation was uncovered by the family regarding their abilities thanks to Mrs Hansson's ability to read thoughts. It turned out that the neighbours were part of the investigation. The family quickly moved to New York where Dylan finished High School. After graduating High School Dylan came out as gay, with his parents being fully accepting. He, however, did not fully accept the idea and spent the next year struggling with his identity through constantly partying, this lead to his powers overcharging, causing a freak accident in a nightclub. The accident wasn't traced back to him, but caused some major fatalities, which he couldn't shake off. His parents sought out ways in which he could develop himself and move on positively with his life. They came to the conclusion that their hiding of their mutant powers was partially to blame, that they always had something which made Dylan feel like he always had something be ashamed of. They thought it was best to send him to Xaviers Institute, where he could meet new people like himself and he could use his powers for good.


Teleportation (The spaces of travel leave a moderate static crackle sound, an obstacle in situations when this needs to be discrete.)

Static Charge (Can statically charge items, making them untouchable to others and fully functional)

Static Fire (Can fire flares of static electricity from his hands in battle and in order to use Static Charge on objects a few steps away)



He wears plain jeans with large chunky high-tops. He also wears a plain green-t-shirt with a loose black hoodie on top.

Other: Dylan is a huge film buff, particularly with Superhero and Sci-Fi.

I love unicorns.
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Name: Avalie Johnston

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Avalie is calm and organized. She's shy, but that doesn't mean that you want to get on her bad side. The only reason why Avalie is that calm and shy is because she wants to hide the real demon inside of her.

History: Avalie was born in a rich family and grew up as a spoiled child, but was kicked out of her family when one day she kissed a boy and left him in a coma for 3 months. It was a scary experience, and running away seemed like the only choice at the time. She went to a nearby town and stayed in a friend's house while she had time to sort things out. Avalie's parents tried to bring her back home, but they didn't succeed. Avalie had already found 15 different places to run away to easily without being caught. One day she met a boy that seemed to understand what she felt. Different. They continued their lives together like brother and sister, as a family. His name was Gabriel Bellefleur and he had run away as well. They grew as one and stood up for each other everyday of their lives. She tried her best to not touch anyone with her bare skin so that no one would get hurt. Avalie had killed people because of this power, no this curse, and she hated herself for it. Now she just wants to find people who understand, just like Gabriel.

Abilities: Power to suck strength and power out of human or mutant temporarily with just a touch of her bare skin against their bodies, power to heal, and power to create shields around herself.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0f9d2a4_vj2.jpg.72404a01b66b89c2d354db2f0ed23580.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0f9d2a4_vj2.jpg.72404a01b66b89c2d354db2f0ed23580.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Gabriel Bellefleur

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: Gabriel is very laid back and playful. He loves playing pranks on people and joking around, but is occasionally serious. As Avalie's best friend he is overly protective of her.

History: Gabriel was born in France, but when he was 6 his parents brought him to the U.S.A and he grew up there learning how to speak fluent English. He was a good student and had big dreams, but they were crushed when he found out that he wasn't just an average guy. He was a elemental controller. Although he isn't as strong in air, he controls all four elements, but not perfectly. His parents kicked him out and that was when he met Avalie. They did all their adventures together and grew as a family. All Gabriel wants is someone to share his abilities with. Someone who will accept him as him.

Abilities: Elemental Control~Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0f93426_ja1.png.911fb3858300c3d3121fdb7f577942ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0f93426_ja1.png.911fb3858300c3d3121fdb7f577942ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Theme Songs: N/A

I love unicorns~



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