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Fandom X-Men: Second Class OOC and Character Sheet Thread


Junior Member

There are two sides to every story, the story of an enduring humanity whom after many thousands of years have reached their evolutionary peak have weary and afraid of those who are different. In orbit of their little blue ball a group of astronauts seek the answers to what's next in the stars, whilst a vast majority on the ground reveal their fear for for their evolved cousins, the ever growing mutant populace. These fearful humans have elected for them a leader who gave them the idea of a promise land in which they need not to practise this fear.

On the other hand you have mutants rising in number every day without a leading voice and many arms of ideology, some just want to exist and be left to live their lives, yes, but there are those wish to seek retribution and those who seek to live in the same space, merely to co-exist. Who shall rise to the challenge and be a voice for their people? Be it a survivor of a long ago war that revealed the utter darkness of man who has waited and planned from the metallic shadows, saving what mutant grace he could from the unrepentance of man?

Or will it be the idealist, the man who believes in the good of both sides and wishes to prop up their equality. Both sides right in their own way, in the coming era fellow man and fellow mutant must draw their own lines in the sand and play their role, in this new Marvelous Era.

In the present year of 2025, President Elect Robert Kelly is giving a televised interview with the program The Right Way, a show anybody in the world can watch, and in a quick frame by frame moment revelation to the world, three individuals teleport in and grab the politician and then leave, unbeknownst to average viewer that they have supplanted the leader of the free world with one of their own. Though there is at least one man who knows the truth, a man with knowledge and access to his Xavier Protocols





BIOGRAPHY- It doesn’t have to be a book, just cover a year before the mutant abilities became a thing for your character, and then their current situation

APPEARANCE/FACECLAIM- I would prefer real folks and an image of them suited up

Bonus-Relationships- Fill this in as you go, unless you want to work with someone to have a pre-existing relationship, this isn’t just for romantic stuff, anything can be put here
Bonus-Extras= This is where you put whatever you like that i haven’t previously mentioned or thought of, go nuts or go minimalist, its up to you




NAME: Scott Jordan Summers


MUTANT ABILITY: Optical energy projection\Energy Absorption-Jordan’s body is constantly taking in various forms of energy passively (Solar, Gamma, Cosmic etc.) and can actively absorb energy attacks directed at him. This energy is converted by his bodies metabolism as fuel for his energy projection powers. An injury to his optic nerves during the development of his mutant abilities lead to his losing control of his powers. So they are effectively always on. Only specially made ruby quartz glasses or contacts can refract his own energy harmlessly back into his eyes.

BIOGRAPHY- When scott was twelve his family had gone on a trip to southern china via a small chartered plane. A plane that had the misfortune of getting caught in freak storm and getting struck by lightning. Scott and his brother were forced to bail using the only parachutes. A stray wind carried his brother away while he hit the ground hard. When he awoke death exploded from his eyes. He would have been killed by the local government if the chaste hadn’t found him first. They took him in and spent years teaching him control over his powers while tempering his will. He grew into a controlled but cold young man. Eventually he was sent back to America for reasons he couldn’t fully understand. While his home was now in with the Chaste the elders said his future lied there. He easily snuck on an ocean liner headed to New York City. But once he arrived he was at a loss at what to do. He was legally dead and didn’t know anyone. But an encounter with a wheelchair bound older man lead to him joining a certain school.

Bonus-Relationships- Spending five year sequestered in a secret order of merciless enforcers of justice has left him pretty stunned socially. But he does have people he cares for.

Stick-His primary sensei taught him to rely on his other senses because his eyes could be so dangerous. Tough as nails but ultimately loving.

Xavier-Scott has an undying loyalty to Xavier for taking him in when he was alone in a strange land with an unclear mission. The more lax nature of the his school is a welcome break from training.

Bonus-Extras- Speaks Mandarin,Cantonese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic.

Trained Guerilla war tactics, Jeet Kun Do, Wing Chun, Judo, Ninjutsu, Street Brawling, Knife fighting, stealth

Favorite Food-Pork Dumplings

Favorite Drink-Oolong Tea
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NAME: Anna Marie (surname unknown)
  • Rogue's flagship ability allows her to temporarily absorb people's powers, life force, and memories via bare-skin contact such as grasping or kissing.
  • She has permanently absorbed the memories and powers of Carol Danvers, a.k.a. Ms. Marvel. She can fly and possesses the strength to topple Sentinels with a punch.
Anna Marie was raised in Mississippi. Her mother dabbled in Native American Mysticism and one day vanished without a trace, leaving her in the care of her strict Aunt Carrie. She was a rebellious girl, and growing tensions between the two resulted in her running away from home at a young age.

Anna Marie later met a boy named Cody Robbins. They flirted and he decided to kiss her, but her powers activated and left him comatose. Mystique and Destiny adopted her and took advantage of her bitterness and fear, turning her into an angry and misguided criminal who used her "curse" to render Carol Danvers nigh braindead.

Rogue, as Mystique called her, realized she was out of control and her mental health was swiftly declining. The memories and voices of her victims invaded her thoughts, making her life a nightmare. She fled to New York, seeking the help of Charles Xavier to silence the voices in her head and master her powers. Aiming to do good now, she agreed to join his new X-Men team.

  • Mystique - Rogue's "foster mother", Raven Darkhölme, used her for nefarious purposes at a time when she was emotionally vulnerable. Rogue despises Mystique for her treachery.
  • Destiny - Similarly, Rogue shows great disdain for Mystique's partner, Irene Adler.
  • Wolverine - The gruff Logan is Rogue's martial arts instructor. They don't quite understand each other yet, having only known each other for a short time. Still, she has a sneaking suspicion he's a good guy beneath that rough exterior.
  • Rogue is fluent in English and French, common for people who grew up in the Mississippi Bayou.
  • She wears gloves and very modest clothing to avoid skin contact. Even with Xavier's help, she has not found a way to "shut off" her absorption powers.
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Both characters are accepted, though i have a slight issue with the use of Ms Marvel, as long as she's barely started her career then i don't see a problem
She can be as far along in her career as you like. All that matters in the context of this bio is that:
A) Rogue took her down at Mystique's behest, and
B) Rogue has a personal investment in thwarting any plot involving Mystique.
will probably do Logan's character sheet this saturday xD week's quite busy
Alright finished up Northstar's character sheet. Let me know if anything needs changing. Also quick question: are we allowed more than one character, and if so can we be bad guys (I'm thinking Brotherhood of Mutants)?

  • K5TjNOP.png

Jean-Paul Beaubier​


  • Jean-Paul can move and fly at a superhuman speed, almost so fast that he can’t be seen. His body has been formed to survive these incredible speeds so he also has superhuman endurance, stamina, and reflexes. His equilibrium is also a lot more developed so that he can maintain control of himself when moving at such fast speeds.
  • A secondary mutation that Jean-Paul is currently unaware of is that if he holds hands with his sister Jeanne-Marie, they can emit a massive blast of light that can blind people and even burn through certain materials.

Born alongside his twin sister Jeanne-Marie, the two siblings would only be toddlers when their parents died in a tragic car crash. With no other living family, the Beaubier twins would be put into foster care. In a major screw up by the child services, the siblings would be separated, sent to the opposite corners of Quebec. This isolation would cause Jean-Paul to withdraw, that was until he was finally adopted.

Moving back to his hometown of Montreal, Jean-Paul would have a good life, though he would always wonder what happened to his sister. Once in school Jean-Paul would prove to be very athletic, participating in track and field. However he would find his calling in skiing. He would naturally excel at it, soon becoming one of the best skiers in Canada, seemingly destined to participate in the Olympics.

However Jean-Paul would then discover that he was a Mutant when he accidentally flew up the mountain he was skiing on. Knowing that Mutants were looked down upon, Jean-Paul decided to ignore this side of himself, much like how he ignored his sexuality. Jean-Paul would go about life as usual, eventually joining the Canadian Olympic team. However this high would be tempered with the loss of his adoptive parents who died from COVID-19.

Wishing to honor their memory, Jean-Paul would participate in the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, winning a gold medal. In an interview after this win, Jean-Paul would publicly come out as gay. While this drew ire from some, it also led to a lot of support. But what wouldn’t be so divisive was Jean-Paul being outed as a Mutant.

Apparently someone had footage of him flying and had uploaded it to the Internet. In only a few short days Jean-Paul would have his gold medal taken away and find himself banned from the sport. Falling into a depression, Jean-Paul would retire from the public eye. However, he would get a new purpose when he was contacted by Charles Xavier, offering him a place among the X-Men.​

Landon Liboiron​

  • Jeanne-Marie Beaubier: Jean-Paul’s twin sister, they haven’t seen each other since they were small children. Jean-Paul currently has no clue where she is currently and if she’s doing alright. Another thing Jean-Paul doesn’t know is that his sister is also a Mutant, one with very similar powers to that of her brother. I plan to make Jean-Paul’s search for her a core part of his character.

Jean-Paul is a publicly known figure, having been an Olympic gold medalist, came out as gay on live television, and was canceled for being a Mutant. As such he might stick out among the X-Men when on a mission.​
Northstar has been accepted :) i'll be putting up Charles' sheet after i get home from work today, also yes you may play multiple characters, right now i only had about 4 of their members in mind for the plot: Magneto, Azazel, Mystique, and Destiny, maybe Blob, but im on the fence about him at the moment
NAME: Charles Xavier

MUTANT NAME: Professor X


Telepathy- Charles Xavier is an Alpha level mutant in possession of the current most powerful mind on the planet, able to project his thoughts into the minds of others and read theirs up to 250 Miles away in any direction. With the use of Cerebro (A device built in tandem between himself and Magneto) he detect the thoughts of anybody on the planet.
Telepathic Illusions- Charles can make those affected by his telepathy be tricked via sensory illusions that they believe to be 100% real.
Telepathic Cloaking- Xavier can mask his presence, and even those around him to become undetected by individuals he doesn't want to be seen by.
Mind Link- Professor X can link his mind with several other individuals, creating an uninterrupted line of communication.
Mental Overload- Charles can download vast amounts of information into a person's mind, to the point of rendering them catatonic
Mind Control- With the ease of entering someone's mind, Charles can effortlessly exert control, the more minds he controls the more effort it takes
Memory Manipulation- Charles can easily wipe the mind of another, and with effort, a group of people
Psionic Blasts- Chuck can use his vast mental powers to send out a wave of energy that causes his targets great mental and physical pain, though this takes great amount of effort
Mental Transference- If his body is rendered unusable and his mental faculties are still functional, Charles can transfer his mind and powers into another individual
Telepathic Learning- Charles can impart skills and information to individuals via telepathy, such as other languages or specific facts and skills
Omnilingual- in Telepathic communication, any thoughts that are of another language are heard as english and he can send out thoughts in the other mind's native language
Telekinesis- This is Charles weakest ability, only being able to move heavy objects a couple feet with great effort, or light objects that weigh 10 or so pounds half a football field away

BIOGRAPHY- Charles was born in 1960 to a very affluent family in New York, this way of life gave him ample amounts of travel time and study in the most prestigious schools. By the Age of 5, his father divorced his mother due to her cheating and married a woman who had a son herself, Cain Marko who would later be ome the mutant criminal Juggernaut. By the age of 15 his mutant powers manifested and it was soon after that he met the young Raven Darkholm, later to be named Mystique, and by the age of 18 they joined the military and entered the Iran-Iraq war in the 80s when they came into contact with other mutants being led by Erik Magnus Lenshurr, or Magneto as he called himself. Drawn to each other's ideas of mutant-human relations, Charles dropped out of the military and the three of them formed The Brotherhood, a secret group of mutants who aimed to reach out to other mutants and strike back at their human oppressors. It wasn't until the 2000's that Charles saw the error of his ways and tried to go his separate way from Erik, only for Magneto to use a piece of metal to sever his spinal cord and turn him into a paraplegic, fortunately he found a mutant nurse- Amelia Vought and a research analyst who sympathized with mutants, Cecilia Reyes who helped nurse him back to health. The three of them returned to his family home and there Charles vowed to build a better world for his mutant brothers and sisters while stopping Magneto in the process. In 2020 Charles was approached by Shield who helped turn his home into a veritable fortress and mutant safe haven, since they had no idea of the wild power scaling the mutant race was capable of and didn't want children to start World War 3. Last year in 2023, Charles was approached by Erik once more, who apologized to his old friend before telling him that things would change with the world come a year or two from now. So Charles went into overdrive in his mutant student recruitment with Amelia and Cecilia and gathered a group of young men and women he thought could handle the tasks he had once vowed into existence.



Cain Marko/Juggernaut- Charles half brother, the two barely acknowledge one another
Raven Darkholm/Mystique- His oldest friend, he has promised her that he would not interfer with her mentality, even though he knows she is a very dangerous person
Erik Magnus Lenshurr/Magneto- Despite their falling out, Charles greatly admires and respects Magneto's views on mutants, but not at the cost of human lives
Azazel- Despite being in the Brotherhood together, the two hardly interacted and Charles viewed him more as a lackey and chauffer with his teleportation power
Destiny- Charles never outright trusted her in the Brotherhood, and never made the promise to her to not interfer with her mind like he did Mystique, but now he knows of a great many threats that will soon come to pass
Amelia Vought- Charles trusts Amelia with his life as she helped him emotionally and mentally through the hardest time in his life
Cecilia Reyes- Charles and her treat one another like colleagues, and are totally cool with one another
Dr Kavita Rao- Dr. Kavita Rao was one of Charles' private school teachers abroad, and he used his powers to attain all of her knowledge on genetics, all while emotionally getting close to her, there was a brief time after his paralysis that he returned to her and they had a thing, but she knew that he had entered her mind without his permission and cut ties with him


1) Magneto's helmet is made of Vibranium, which absorbs all energy signatures, including telepathic signals
2) Charles cannot read minds of those in possession of Adamantium armor, as it functions similarly to Vibranium
3) If Charles were assaulted when using Cerebro, he is completely defenseless both mentally and physically

NAME: Robert Louis Drake

  • Cold Projection - Bobby's signature suite of powers lets him generate extreme cold, allowing him to rapidly freeze objects and create icy constructs, such as slides, projectiles, and more by condensing and freezing water vapor. He can also encase himself in a frozen shell that protects him and conceals his face.
  • Organic Ice Form [LOCKED] - Bobby will later undergo a secondary mutation in which his entire body turns to living ice. In this form, he can sculpt his body and resist blows that would kill a flesh-and-blood person.
Bobby Drake grew up in Floral Park, Long Island, New York. His powers manifested when he moved to defend his girlfriend from a local bully and partially encased him in ice. He was arrested "for his protection" after an angry mob threatened to harm him. Charles Xavier intervened and convinced Bobby's parents to let him learn at Xavier's Institute.

As his tutelage started, Bobby found himself with two insecurities—his inexperience with his powers and young age relative to other students, and his sexuality. Though he has the potential to be an Omega-level mutant, he has resolved to not compromise his approachability, to be a great and honest friend instead of the strongest of the pack. In addition to all this, hle is also studying to become a Certified Public Accountant.

  • Scott Jordan Summers - Scott was the first X-Man, Bobby the second. Bobby, being an insightful, honest, and sociable guy, has taken it upon himself to acclimate Scott to a wide variety of social situations now that he's back in society. He also greatly admires Scott for many reasons.

  • At this point, he has only dated women; he is still "in the closet" and hardly thinks about it.
  • He does not know the limits of his power. It will take a telepath to probe his mind and help him learn said limits.
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Time to work on some relationships.
  • lillymity lillymity How do you feel about Rogue having received some martial arts training from Logan just prior to the start of the RP? I have the idea that they haven't quite warmed up to one another yet.
  • EbonChevalier EbonChevalier In the old canon, Scott was the first X-Man and Bobby the second. Shall we keep that dynamic of him admiring Scott in addition to being his friend?
  • Lost Martian Lost Martian I can see Bobby idolizing Northstar, for both his pro skiing career and his boldness in coming out on global television. Bobby would be delighted to see him among the team.
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Time to work on some relationships.
  • lillymity lillymity How do you feel about Rogue having received some martial arts training from Logan just prior to the start of the RP? I have the idea that they haven't quite warmed up to one another yet.
  • EbonChevalier EbonChevalier In the old canon, Scott was the first X-Man and Bobby the second. Shall we keep that dynamic of him admiring Scott in addition to being his friend?
  • Lost Martian Lost Martian I can see Bobby idolizing Northstar, for both his pro skiing career and his boldness in coming out on global television. Bobby would be delighted to see him among the team.

we could definitly do that :] I will also try to do my character sheet today, if I can
James 'Logan' Howlett

Mutant name

Mutant Ability
Regenerative Healing Factor:
- Logan's primary mutant power is his accelerated healing ability, which allows him to recover from virtually any injury at an extraordinary rate. This includes healing from gunshots, stab wounds, broken bones, and severe burns within minutes or even seconds, depending on the severity. His healing factor also grants him immunity to most poisons, toxins, and diseases, and greatly reduces the effects of fatigue and aging, giving him an extended lifespan.

Enhanced Senses:
- Logan possesses superhumanly acute senses, including sight, smell, and hearing. He can see at much greater distances than a normal human. His sense of smell is allowing him to track individuals by scent alone, even across great distances. His hearing is also heightened, enabling him to detect sounds that are beyond the range of normal human hearing.

Superhuman Abilities:
- Strength: Greater than normal human strength, allowing him to lift heavy objects and overpower opponents.
Stamina: Enhanced endurance, enabling him to perform intense physical activities for extended periods without fatigue.
Agility and Reflexes: Superior agility and reflexes, allowing for quick, precise movements and reactions.

Retractable Claws:
- Logan has three retractable claws made of bone within each forearm. These claws, which are normally housed beneath his skin and extend through the knuckles when needed, are razor-sharp and capable of cutting through most materials. Due to the Weapon X Program, these claws were coated with adamantium, making them virtually indestructible and capable of slicing through metal and other tough substances.


Logan, born as James Howlett in the late 19th century in Alberta, Canada, grew up in a wealthy but troubled household. His parents, John and Elizabeth Howlett, were part of a privileged upper class. James was a sickly child, frequently bedridden.
His quiet and protected life was shattered one night when Thomas Logan, the groundskeeper who had been having an affair with Elizabeth Howlett, attacked the Howlett family. In a violent confrontation, Thomas killed John Howlett in front of young James. This traumatic event triggered James’s mutant powers: bone claws erupted from his hands, and, in a blind fury, he used them to kill Thomas Logan.
This violent awakening of his powers revealed a dark truth — Thomas Logan was actually James's biological father. Overwhelmed by grief and fear, James fled his home, his claws and healing factor now fully activated. Disoriented and traumatized, he wandered the wilderness, beginning a long journey away from his origins.
In the early 20th century, Logan found purpose in warfare, enlisting as a soldier in various conflicts, including World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. His unbreakable spirit, exceptional combat skills, and healing ability made him a formidable soldier. He served in elite units, often performing dangerous missions behind enemy lines.
After years of conflict, Logan was targeted by the Weapon X Program, a covert government project that sought to turn him into the ultimate weapon. Logan was captured and subjected to brutal experiments where adamantium was forcibly grafted onto his skeleton. The procedure was excruciating and nearly drove him mad, but his healing factor kept him alive.
The Weapon X Program wiped his memories and manipulated his mind, using him as an assassin and a tool for their covert operations. Logan was transformed into a living weapon, stripped of his humanity, and forced to kill against his will. He eventually broke free from Weapon X’s control, but the trauma left him with fragmented memories, haunted by visions of his past that he could not piece together.
Freed from Weapon X but plagued by his damaged psyche, Logan spent the following years as a drifter and mercenary. He traveled across North America, Japan, and Southeast Asia, working as a fighter, bodyguard, and sometimes as a reluctant hero. Logan’s experiences in Japan introduced him to the samurai code, which he attempted to adopt as a way to bring some discipline and purpose to his chaotic life.
Despite his efforts to find peace, Logan’s violent nature and haunted past often put him at odds with those around him. He struggled with his animalistic urges, the loss of his memories, and the deep-seated anger that simmered within him. Yet, he continued to seek a place where he belonged, even as he battled his inner demons.
Logan's life changed when he was discovered by Charles Xavier, the leader of the X-Men. Xavier, recognizing Logan's potential and the pain he carried, offered him a place among the X-Men





Sensory Overload: One of Wolverine's weaknesses is the fact that his heightened senses could be taken advantage of.
Drowning: being kept underwater can kill him, with the healing factor only prolonging the agony
Muramasa Blade: the efficiency of his mutant healing factor is decreased dramatically if he sustains injury from the Muramasa Blade
Sorry it took so long, the IC post has been made

since it's looking like Logan and potentially Storm are the oldest ones on the team not counting Xavier, how would you guys feel about them being team leaders?

Jean Grey

  • Name:
    Jean Grey

    Mutant Name:
    Marvel Girl

    Face Claim:
    Katherine McNamara

    Mutant Ability:
    Projects shields of psychokinetic energy that block physical attacks.
    Formulates psychokinetic blasts that harm targets mentally and physically.


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